[SCM] Simple and fast multimedia library for C++ branch, debian/gcc-4.7, updated. debian/1.6+dfsg1-2.1-6-g8c7204c

Dmitrijs Ledkovs xnox at debian.org
Sun May 27 19:34:10 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian/gcc-4.7 branch:
commit 8c7204c9eb7aae0340b104bfd4cb3dd11eae7106
Merge: e4ffc74a5ba8d7dd8a46271054c746ff12a6037e afb79c7df2b6b731ba41a3b270aba8c29590f36e
Author: Dmitrijs Ledkovs <xnox at debian.org>
Date:   Sun May 27 18:18:38 2012 +0100

    Merge commit 'refs/top-bases/debian/gcc-4.7' into debian/gcc-4.7

Simple and fast multimedia library for C++

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