[SCM] Debian packaging of wesnoth branch, devel, updated. debian/1.10.4-1-3-g0d46edd

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at debian.org
Mon Sep 10 15:10:27 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the devel branch:
commit 2fa2908a9ac95f232d3613cbca29c3fb34a4e224
Author: Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 20:56:08 2012 +0200

    Remove unversioned metapackages from control file

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index b04d39f..24f5ed5 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 wesnoth-1.11 (1:1.11.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream devel release.
+  * Remove unversioned metapackages from control file.
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index c1f9fa8..5fbdf59 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game (branch 1.11)
  of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
  from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
-Package: wesnoth-core
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, wesnoth-1.11-core (>= ${binary:Version}),
-  wesnoth-1.11-data (= ${source:Version})
-Suggests: wesnoth
-Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game (metapackage)
- This metapackage pulls in the core wesnoth package which allows you to play
- using the latest stable version.
- .
- Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages
- and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types
- of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
- from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
 Package: wesnoth-1.11-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: any
@@ -110,22 +96,6 @@ Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (branch 1.11)
  of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
  from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
-Package: wesnoth
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, wesnoth-1.11 (>= ${binary:Version}),
-  wesnoth-1.11-data (= ${source:Version})
-Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (metapackage)
- This metapackage pulls in the complete set of the latest stable version, most
- helpful if you always want to have all the official campaigns installed. If
- you only want to play over the network with other players or want to play only
- a few campaigns you just need to install the wesnoth-core package and the
- wanted campaign packages.
- .
- Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages
- and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types
- of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
- from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
 Package: wesnoth-1.11-music
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
@@ -138,19 +108,6 @@ Description: music files for Wesnoth (branch 1.11)
  of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
  from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
-Package: wesnoth-music
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, wesnoth-1.11-music (= ${source:Version}),
-  wesnoth-1.11-data (= ${source:Version})
-Description: music files for Wesnoth (metapackage)
- This metapackage pulls in the music package for use with the latest stable
- version of wesnoth.
- .
- Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages
- and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types
- of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
- from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
 Package: wesnoth-1.11-server
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, lsb-base
diff --git a/debian/control.in b/debian/control.in
index e9ae495..76f78ca 100644
--- a/debian/control.in
+++ b/debian/control.in
@@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game (branch BRANCH)
  of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
  from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
-Package: wesnoth-core
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, wesnoth-BRANCH-core (>= ${binary:Version}),
-  wesnoth-BRANCH-data (= ${source:Version})
-Suggests: wesnoth
-Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game (metapackage)
- This metapackage pulls in the core wesnoth package which allows you to play
- using the latest stable version.
- .
- Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages
- and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types
- of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
- from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
 Package: wesnoth-BRANCH-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: any
@@ -110,22 +96,6 @@ Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (branch BRANCH)
  of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
  from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
-Package: wesnoth
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, wesnoth-BRANCH (>= ${binary:Version}),
-  wesnoth-BRANCH-data (= ${source:Version})
-Description: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (metapackage)
- This metapackage pulls in the complete set of the latest stable version, most
- helpful if you always want to have all the official campaigns installed. If
- you only want to play over the network with other players or want to play only
- a few campaigns you just need to install the wesnoth-core package and the
- wanted campaign packages.
- .
- Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages
- and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types
- of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
- from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
 Package: wesnoth-BRANCH-music
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
@@ -138,19 +108,6 @@ Description: music files for Wesnoth (branch BRANCH)
  of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
  from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
-Package: wesnoth-music
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, wesnoth-BRANCH-music (= ${source:Version}),
-  wesnoth-BRANCH-data (= ${source:Version})
-Description: music files for Wesnoth (metapackage)
- This metapackage pulls in the music package for use with the latest stable
- version of wesnoth.
- .
- Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages
- and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types
- of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over
- from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
 Package: wesnoth-BRANCH-server
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, lsb-base

Debian packaging of wesnoth

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