[SCM] Packaging for Allegro 5 annotated tag, debian/2%5.0.7-2, created. debian/2%5.0.7-2

Tobias Hansen tobias.han at gmx.de
Tue Sep 25 01:37:59 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/2%5.0.7-2 has been created
        at  093d2c07321807564c4853531816c6cb241ba2b3 (tag)
   tagging  1f8b4cdb171ed7d6103f8f68575481720e1b6940 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/5.0.7
 tagged by  Tobias Hansen
        on  Tue Sep 25 03:41:19 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 2:5.0.7-2

Andreas Rönnquist (3):
      Fix extended-description-is-probably-too-short
      Fix binary-control-field-duplicates-source field "section"
      Add build-depends on indent

Tobias Hansen (81):
      Imported Debian patch 5.0.6-1
      Delete unneeded files generated by dh_make.
      Set unapply-patches option.
      Set distribution to UNRELEASED.
      Uncomment Vcs-* fields in debian/control.
      Add misc depends and move documentation to doc package.
      Start with debian/copyright.
      Rename packages according to library sonames.
      Create watch file.
      Install upstream changelog properly and delete dh_make boilerplates.
      Correct Vcs-* fields in debian/control.
      Patch test suite to work without a display, enable tests.
      Add documentation to doc package and disable building of examples and demos for now.
      Override lintian tag manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry, because the short desciptions can't be moved in all 747 manpages easily.
      Add bstrlib license to debian/copyright.
      Fix some problems with the manpages.
      Add more paragraphs to debian/copyright.
      Make dev packages depend on dev packages of other libraries.
      Add examples to doc package.
      Rename documentation package to allegro5-doc.
      Games Team as Maintainer, Andreas and me uploaders.
      Append alleg5 to manpage filenames and fix whatis entries of manpages.
      Build examples to test that they build successfully.
      Remove the last unneeded files from debian/.
      Add debian/symbols.
      Split symbols file into a separate file for each library package.
      Add epoch to version.
      Compile examples in different directory.
      Add a script to build example programs.
      Correct liballegro-dialog5.0.symbols.
      liballegro5.0-dev provides and conflicts with liballegro5-dev.
      liballegro5.0-dev recommends the other dev packages, fixed description of allegro5-doc (no demo game source code included).
      Fix some spelling errors in the documentation.
      Create lintian-overrides for the remaining manpage related warnings.
      Remove pre-depends from dev packages.
      liballegro5.0-dev doesn't provide liballegro-dev, add README.Debian with advice to use virtual packages for Build-Depends.
      Set distribution to unstable.
      Rename dev packages from liballegro*5.0-dev to liballegro*5-dev, delete README.Debian which asked to use virtual dev packages.
      Install example configuration file.
      Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.7'
      Update changelog.
      Refresh patches (they were partly applied upstream).
      The no-display parameter name of test has changed.
      Update symbols file.
      debian/rules: use dh --builddirectory=build --parallel, use dh_auto_configure and remove dh_installchangelogs parameter -k.
      Set -Wl,--as-needed LDFLAGS.
      Add lintian overrides for false positive hardening-no-fortify-functions.
      Install alplatf.h to multiarch location.
      Use multiarch include directory to pkg-config cflags.
      debian/copyright: bstrlib is dual-licensed.
      debian/rules: prepare line for deleting docs/man and docs/html.
      Add patch to circumvent failing test in i386 chroot and add link to other patch.
      Add license information for docs/src/autosuggest.js to debian/copyright.
      Use DejaVuSans.ttf from ttf-dejavu-core package.
      Let CMake generate some auto-generated files.
      Allow specifying directory parameters for gl_mkalias.sh
      Allow specifying directory parameters for make_converters.py.
      Make allegro target depend on src/scanline_drawers.c in cmake.
      Create that one file in source dir.
      Rename src/scanline_drawers.c to src/scanline_drawers.h
      Generate aintern_convert.h in source dir.
      Generate *alias.h in source dir.
      Require directx_shaders.c only on Windows.
      CMakeLists: File generating commands are only for Unix.
      Fix make_converters.py for use without arguments.
      Add header to require-directx_shaders.c-only-on-windows.patch
      Generate files only if they don't exist.
      Use file generating commands without modifications.
      Name full output paths for custom cmake commands.
      Rename scanline_drawers to *.inc and remove patches modifying file generation scripts.
      Adjust let-cmake-generate-files.patch for renamed scanline_drawers.inc
      Align patches with upstream.
      debian/rules: Use regenerate.sh and delete shipped html and man files.
      Remove demo and haiku data in debian/rules, don't install gp2xwiz, haiku and iphone examples.
      compile_examples.sh: Check for directory first.
      Prepare changelog for upload.
      Prepare changelog for release.
      lowercase the first words of short descriptions in debian/control
      Install examples more elegantly, include examples/data in alure5-doc again and add comments to debian/rules.
      Update changelog.
      Delete examples from install directory, not from their original location.


Packaging for Allegro 5

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