[gemrb] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0'

Beren Minor berenm-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Aug 16 19:13:38 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

berenm-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gemrb.

commit 405a3621bfc5dc2ada367f3db6b6e36e3c40434c
Merge: 682010d f2dfd93
Author: Beren Minor <beren.minor+git at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 16 20:47:30 2013 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0'
    Upstream version 0.8.0

 .gitattributes                                     |    5 +
 .gitignore                                         |    9 +
 .mailmap                                           |    5 +
 AUTHORS                                            |    1 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  173 +-
 HACKING                                            |   16 +
 INSTALL                                            |   10 +-
 NEWS                                               |  103 +
 README                                             |   17 +-
 TODO                                               |   30 +-
 admin/announcement.template                        |   13 +-
 admin/enable-ie-git-diff                           |   16 +
 admin/extend2da.py                                 |  117 +
 admin/gource-generator                             |   16 +
 admin/restart_news.sh                              |    2 -
 android/FREETYPEBUILD_Android.mk                   |   40 +
 android/GEMRB_Android.mk                           |  253 +
 android/GEMRB_Application.mk                       |    5 +
 android/GemRB.java                                 |  132 +
 android/OGG_Android.mk                             |   11 +
 android/OPENAL_Android.mk                          |    9 +
 android/PNG_Android.mk                             |    9 +
 android/README                                     |  101 +
 android/RECURSE_Android.mk                         |    1 +
 android/TODO                                       |    6 +
 android/VORBIS_Android.mk                          |    9 +
 android/packaged.GemRB.cfg                         |  324 +
 android/prep_env.sh                                |  200 +
 apple/AppleLogger.h                                |   40 +
 apple/AppleLogger.mm                               |   75 +
 apple/CocoaWrapper/ios/CocoaMain.m                 |   50 +
 apple/CocoaWrapper/ios/GEM_AppDelegate.h           |   43 +
 apple/CocoaWrapper/ios/GEM_AppDelegate.mm          |  154 +
 apple/CocoaWrapper/ios/GEM_ConfController.h        |   78 +
 apple/CocoaWrapper/ios/GEM_ConfController.m        |  583 ++
 apple/CocoaWrapper/ios/GEM_SDL_Keyboard.m          |  202 +
 .../ios/nibs/GEM_ConfController-ipad.xib           |  455 ++
 .../ios/nibs/GEM_ConfController-iphone.xib         |  415 ++
 apple/CocoaWrapper/mac/CocoaWrapper.mm             |  219 +
 apple/CocoaWrapper/mac/nibs/GemRB.xib              | 2650 +++++++
 apple/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings              |  Bin 0 -> 258 bytes
 apple/GemRB.xcodeproj/.dat08e7.87f                 | 7366 +++++++++++++++++++
 apple/GemRB.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj              | 7510 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata   |    7 +
 apple/README                                       |   35 +
 apple/config.h                                     |   42 +
 apple/defaults.plist                               |   22 +
 apple/ios/GemRB.cfg.newinstall                     |  101 +
 apple/ios/Info.plist                               |   64 +
 apple/ios/README                                   |   20 +
 apple/ios/iTunesMetadata.plist.in                  |   86 +
 apple/osx/Info.plist                               |   35 +
 apple/osx/README                                   |   17 +
 artwork/gemrb-logo-36px.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 1043 bytes
 artwork/gemrb-logo-48px.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 1325 bytes
 artwork/gemrb-logo-72px.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 2110 bytes
 artwork/gemrb-logo-glow-36px.png                   |  Bin 0 -> 1919 bytes
 artwork/gemrb-logo-glow-48px.png                   |  Bin 0 -> 2880 bytes
 artwork/gemrb-logo-glow-72px.png                   |  Bin 0 -> 4042 bytes
 artwork/gemrb-logo-glow.png                        |  Bin 0 -> 12437 bytes
 artwork/gemrb.icns                                 |  Bin 0 -> 56828 bytes
 artwork/logo-rb_only-light_glow.svg                |  117 +
 artwork/shirts/README                              |    6 +
 artwork/shirts/detailed-back.svg                   |  107 +
 artwork/shirts/detailed-front.svg                  |  584 ++
 artwork/shirts/minimal-back.pdf                    |  Bin 0 -> 5683 bytes
 artwork/shirts/minimal-back.svg                    |   74 +
 artwork/shirts/minimal-front.pdf                   |  Bin 0 -> 3939 bytes
 artwork/shirts/minimal-front.svg                   |   62 +
 artwork/shirts/source-detailed-back.svg            |  124 +
 artwork/shirts/source-detailed-front.svg           |  159 +
 autogen.sh                                         |    2 +-
 cmake/cmake_config.h.in                            |   15 +
 .../cmake_uninstall.cmake.in                       |    0
 cmake/modules/FindICONV.cmake                      |  102 +
 cmake/modules/FindLIBVLC.cmake                     |   78 +
 cmake_config.h.in                                  |   16 -
 configure.in                                       |   14 +-
 contrib/manhole.py                                 |   33 +
 demo/TODO                                          |   23 +
 demo/chitin.key                                    |  Bin 0 -> 25 bytes
 demo/data/AR0100.WED                               |  Bin 0 -> 5608 bytes
 demo/data/AR0100HT.BMP                             |  Bin 0 -> 5110 bytes
 demo/data/AR0100LM.BMP                             |  Bin 0 -> 10678 bytes
 demo/data/AR0100SR.BMP                             |  Bin 0 -> 5110 bytes
 demo/data/AR0100TMP.BMP                            |  Bin 0 -> 10678 bytes
 demo/data/DejaVuSans.ttf                           |  Bin 0 -> 720012 bytes
 demo/data/Eadui.ttf                                |  Bin 0 -> 172460 bytes
 demo/data/README                                   |   14 +
 demo/data/ZHMW1A1.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 61836 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A2.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 62823 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A3.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 63794 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A4.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 63467 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A5.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 60578 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A6.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 62541 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A7.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 59156 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1A8.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 66865 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1CA.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 49908 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1DE.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 77131 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1GH.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 14919 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1GU.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 108646 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1SC.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 16741 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1SD.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 66424 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1SL.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 76832 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1SP.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 117948 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1TW.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 10903 bytes
 demo/data/ZHMW1WK.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 43455 bytes
 demo/data/ar0100.are                               |  Bin 0 -> 388 bytes
 demo/data/ar0100.mos                               |  Bin 0 -> 2305824 bytes
 demo/data/ar0100.tis                               |  Bin 0 -> 2304024 bytes
 demo/data/avatars.2da                              |    8 +
 demo/data/carot.bam                                |  Bin 0 -> 1111 bytes
 demo/data/chrmodst.2da                             |    4 +
 demo/data/cursors.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 6654 bytes
 demo/data/defsound.2da                             |    4 +
 demo/data/dexmod.2da                               |    4 +
 demo/data/fist.itm                                 |  Bin 0 -> 170 bytes
 demo/data/fogowar.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 306 bytes
 demo/data/fonts.2da                                |   10 +
 {gemrb/override/bg1 => demo/data}/gametime.2da     |    0
 demo/data/gem-demo.gam                             |  Bin 0 -> 2580 bytes
 demo/data/gemrb.ini                                |  126 +
 demo/data/guiw.chu                                 |  Bin 0 -> 150 bytes
 demo/data/hpconbon.2da                             |    4 +
 demo/data/intmod.2da                               |    4 +
 {gemrb/override/bg2 => demo/data}/itemtype.2da     |    0
 demo/data/lorebon.2da                              |    4 +
 demo/data/mapicon0.bam                             |  Bin 0 -> 1401 bytes
 demo/data/mastarea.2da                             |    4 +
 demo/data/numtest.bam                              |  Bin 0 -> 978 bytes
 demo/data/palette.png                              |  Bin 0 -> 267 bytes
 demo/data/protagon.cre                             |  Bin 0 -> 1076 bytes
 demo/data/purple.mos                               |  Bin 0 -> 957 bytes
 demo/data/script.2da                               |    4 +
 demo/data/scrlbar1.bam                             |  Bin 0 -> 2878 bytes
 demo/data/slottype.2da                             |    5 +
 demo/data/source/ar0100.bmp                        |  Bin 0 -> 5529654 bytes
 demo/data/source/carot.bmp                         |  Bin 0 -> 1130 bytes
 demo/data/source/glove-pointy.png                  |  Bin 0 -> 8096 bytes
 demo/data/source/purple.bmp                        |  Bin 0 -> 161078 bytes
 demo/data/source/scroll0.bmp                       |  Bin 0 -> 1478 bytes
 demo/data/source/scroll1.bmp                       |  Bin 0 -> 1478 bytes
 demo/data/source/scroll2.bmp                       |  Bin 0 -> 1478 bytes
 demo/data/source/scroll3.bmp                       |  Bin 0 -> 1478 bytes
 demo/data/source/scroll4.bmp                       |  Bin 0 -> 1478 bytes
 demo/data/source/scroll5.bmp                       |  Bin 0 -> 1478 bytes
 {gemrb/override/bg1 => demo/data}/start.2da        |    0
 demo/data/startare.2da                             |    6 +
 demo/data/startpos.2da                             |    5 +
 demo/data/strmod.2da                               |    4 +
 demo/data/strmodex.2da                             |    4 +
 demo/data/toolscrl.bam                             |  Bin 0 -> 305 bytes
 demo/data/worldmap.wmp                             |  Bin 0 -> 440 bytes
 demo/dialog.tlk                                    |  Bin 0 -> 19 bytes
 demo/gem-demo.ini                                  |    4 +
 gemrb.6.in                                         |  357 +-
 gemrb/CMakeLists.txt                               |   86 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/Actor.py                          |   25 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/BGCommon.py                       |    7 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/CMakeLists.txt                    |   11 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/CommonTables.py                   |   12 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/CommonWindow.py                   |   22 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/DualClass.py                      |   39 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIClasses.py                     |   13 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUICommon.py                      |  543 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUICommonWindows.py               | 1818 +++++
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIDefines.py                     |   47 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUILOAD.py                        |  207 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIOPT.py                         |  709 ++
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIOPTControls.py                 |  145 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIPR.py                          |  375 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIREC.py                         | 1056 +++
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIRECCommon.py                   |  632 ++
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUISAVE.py                        |  327 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUISTORE.py                       |  280 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIWORLD.py                       |  341 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/InventoryCommon.py                |  133 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/LUCommon.py                       |  295 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/LUProfsSelection.py               |   56 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/LUSkillsSelection.py              |   31 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/LUSpellSelection.py               |  177 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/LevelUp.py                        |   57 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/Portrait.py                       |   98 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/Spellbook.py                      |  527 ++
 gemrb/GUIScripts/TextScreen.py                     |  148 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/CMakeLists.txt                |    3 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/CharGenGui.py                 |   65 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG10.py                    |   18 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG15.py                    |    4 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG2.py                     |   24 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG22.py                    |   27 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG3.py                     |   15 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG4.py                     |    7 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG7.py                     |   11 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICommonWindows.py           |  866 ---
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIINV.py                     |  101 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUILOAD.py                    |  176 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIMA.py                      |   24 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIMG.py                      |   29 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIOPT.py                     |  733 --
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIPR.py                      |  359 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIREC.py                     | 1449 ----
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUISAVE.py                    |  279 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUIWORLD.py                   |  336 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/MessageWindow.py              |   13 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/Start.py                      |    4 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/CMakeLists.txt                |    3 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/CharGen6.py                   |   19 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/CharGenCommon.py              |   13 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/CharGenEnd.py                 |   34 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/DemoEnd.py                    |   61 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG10.py                    |   82 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG15.py                    |    5 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG2.py                     |   28 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG22.py                    |   27 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG3.py                     |   20 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG4.py                     |    7 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG7.py                     |    8 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG9.py                     |    2 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICommonWindows.py           |  903 ---
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIINV.py                     |   23 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUILOAD.py                    |  173 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIMA.py                      |   16 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIMG.py                      |   59 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT.py                     |  737 --
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT10.py                   |  188 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT12.py                   |  127 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT6.py                    |  149 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT7.py                    |  125 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT8.py                    |  176 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIOPT9.py                    |  176 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIPR.py                      |  356 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIREC.py                     | 1567 ----
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUISAVE.py                    |  281 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUIWORLD.py                   |  335 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/ImportFile.py                 |    2 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/LUHLASelection.py             |   11 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/MessageWindow.py              |   77 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/QuitGame.py                   |    7 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/Start.py                      |   21 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/Start2.py                     |    2 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/StartOpt.py                   |   25 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/demo/GUIOPT.py                    |    5 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/demo/LoadScreen.py                |    5 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/demo/MessageWindow.py             |   96 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/demo/README                       |    5 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/demo/SetupGame.py                 |    7 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/demo/Start.py                     |    9 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/ie_feats.py                       |   96 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/ie_sounds.py                      |   22 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/ie_spells.py                      |    5 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/ie_stats.py                       |    7 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/include.py                        |   23 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/CMakeLists.txt                |    3 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/CharGen.py                    |  208 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUICommonWindows.py           |  843 ---
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIINV.py                     |   17 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUILOAD.py                    |  177 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIMA.py                      |    9 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIMG.py                      |   33 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIOPT.py                     |  724 --
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIPR.py                      |  349 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIREC.py                     | 1468 ----
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUISAVE.py                    |  279 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/GUIWORLD.py                   |  312 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/Portrait.py                   |   95 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd/Start.py                      |    1 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Alignment.py                 |    9 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/AutoPause.py                 |  206 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CGPortrait.py                |  230 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CMakeLists.txt               |    3 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CharGen4.py                  |    2 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CharGen6.py                  |   12 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CharGen9.py                  |  104 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CharOverview.py              |   20 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/CharSound.py                 |  139 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Class.py                     |   16 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Enemy.py                     |    6 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Feats.py                     |   23 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Feedback.py                  |  184 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUICommonWindows.py          |  769 --
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUIINV.py                    |   34 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUIMA.py                     |   12 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUIOPT.py                    |  778 --
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUIREC.py                    | 1318 ++--
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUISAVE.py                   |  279 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUISPL.py                    |  358 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GUIWORLD.py                  |    4 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/GamePlay.py                  |  189 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Gender.py                    |    2 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Graphics.py                  |  184 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/MessageWindow.py             |    1 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Movies.py                    |   79 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Options.py                   |   39 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Portrait.py                  |  225 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Skills.py                    |    6 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/iwd2/Sound.py                     |  132 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/CMakeLists.txt                |    3 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/FloatMenuWindow.py            |  195 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUICommonWindows.py           |  653 --
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIINV.py                     |   47 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIJRNL.py                    |    8 +
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIMA.py                      |    3 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIMG.py                      |   10 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIOPT.py                     |  551 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIPR.py                      |   11 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIREC.py                     |  146 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUISAVE.py                    |   11 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/GUIWORLD.py                   |    1 -
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/MessageWindow.py              |    7 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/NewLife.py                    |    6 +-
 gemrb/GUIScripts/pst/QuitGame.py                   |    2 +-
 gemrb/GemRB.cfg.noinstall.sample                   |   66 +-
 gemrb/GemRB.cfg.sample.in                          |   79 +-
 gemrb/GemRB.cpp                                    |   63 +-
 gemrb/Makefile.am                                  |    2 +-
 gemrb/core/ActorMgr.cpp                            |    4 +
 gemrb/core/ActorMgr.h                              |   12 +-
 gemrb/core/Ambient.cpp                             |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Ambient.h                               |    4 +
 gemrb/core/AmbientMgr.cpp                          |    4 +
 gemrb/core/AmbientMgr.h                            |    4 +
 gemrb/core/AnimStructures.h                        |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Animation.cpp                           |   32 +-
 gemrb/core/Animation.h                             |    7 +-
 gemrb/core/AnimationFactory.cpp                    |    7 +-
 gemrb/core/AnimationFactory.h                      |    5 +
 gemrb/core/AnimationMgr.cpp                        |    4 +
 gemrb/core/AnimationMgr.h                          |   11 +-
 gemrb/core/ArchiveImporter.cpp                     |    4 +
 gemrb/core/ArchiveImporter.h                       |    6 +-
 gemrb/core/Audio.cpp                               |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Audio.h                                 |    7 +-
 gemrb/core/Bitmap.cpp                              |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Bitmap.h                                |    4 +
 gemrb/core/CMakeLists.txt                          |  116 +-
 gemrb/core/Cache.cpp                               |    5 +
 gemrb/core/Cache.h                                 |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Calendar.cpp                            |    3 +
 gemrb/core/Calendar.h                              |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Callback.cpp                            |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Callback.h                              |    4 +
 gemrb/core/CharAnimations.cpp                      |  354 +-
 gemrb/core/CharAnimations.h                        |   24 +-
 gemrb/core/Compressor.cpp                          |    6 +-
 gemrb/core/Compressor.h                            |    8 +-
 gemrb/core/ControlAnimation.cpp                    |   30 +-
 gemrb/core/ControlAnimation.h                      |   16 +-
 gemrb/core/Core.cpp                                |  112 +-
 gemrb/core/DataFileMgr.cpp                         |    4 +
 gemrb/core/DataFileMgr.h                           |    6 +-
 gemrb/core/Dialog.cpp                              |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Dialog.h                                |    4 +
 gemrb/core/DialogHandler.cpp                       |  128 +-
 gemrb/core/DialogHandler.h                         |    6 +-
 gemrb/core/DialogMgr.cpp                           |    4 +
 gemrb/core/DialogMgr.h                             |    6 +-
 gemrb/core/DisplayMessage.cpp                      |   76 +-
 gemrb/core/DisplayMessage.h                        |   21 +-
 gemrb/core/Effect.h                                |   15 +-
 gemrb/core/EffectMgr.cpp                           |    4 +
 gemrb/core/EffectMgr.h                             |    4 +
 gemrb/core/EffectQueue.cpp                         |  715 +-
 gemrb/core/EffectQueue.h                           |   25 +-
 gemrb/core/Factory.cpp                             |    4 +
 gemrb/core/Factory.h                               |    4 +
 gemrb/core/FactoryObject.cpp                       |    4 +
 gemrb/core/FactoryObject.h                         |    4 +
 gemrb/core/FileCache.cpp                           |   57 +
 gemrb/core/FileCache.h                             |   30 +
 gemrb/core/Font.cpp                                |  482 +-
 gemrb/core/Font.h                                  |   88 +-
 gemrb/core/FontManager.cpp                         |   37 +
 gemrb/core/FontManager.h                           |   58 +
 gemrb/core/GUI/Button.cpp                          |  180 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Button.h                            |   38 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Console.cpp                         |   27 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Console.h                           |   11 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Control.cpp                         |  128 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Control.h                           |   45 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/EventMgr.cpp                        |  113 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/EventMgr.h                          |   38 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/GameControl.cpp                     | 1114 +--
 gemrb/core/GUI/GameControl.h                       |   48 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Label.cpp                           |   15 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Label.h                             |    8 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/MapControl.cpp                      |   76 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/MapControl.h                        |   18 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Progressbar.cpp                     |   15 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/Progressbar.h                       |   10 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/ScrollBar.cpp                       |  274 +-
 gemrb/core/GUI/ScrollBar.h                         |   25 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/AREImporter/AREImporter.h            |   10 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/BIKPlayer/GetBitContext.h            |    8 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/BMPImporter/BMPImporter.h            |    7 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/CHUImporter/CHUImporter.h            |    8 +-
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 .../plugins/DirectoryImporter/DirectoryImporter.h  |   29 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/GAMImporter/GAMImporter.h            |    7 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/IDSImporter/IDSImporter.h            |   11 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/INIImporter/INIImporter.h            |    9 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/ITMImporter/ITMImporter.h            |    7 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/MUSImporter/MUSImporter.h            |    4 +
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 gemrb/plugins/MVEPlayer/mve_player.h               |    8 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/OpenALAudio/AmbientMgrAL.h           |    4 +
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 gemrb/plugins/OpenALAudio/OpenALAudio.h            |   14 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/OpenALAudio/StackLock.h              |    4 +
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 gemrb/plugins/PLTImporter/PLTImporter.h            |    4 +
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 gemrb/plugins/PNGImporter/PNGImporter.h            |    4 +
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 gemrb/plugins/STOImporter/STOImporter.h            |   23 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/TISImporter/TISImporter.h            |    7 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/TLKImporter/TLKImporter.h            |    8 +-
 gemrb/plugins/TLKImporter/TlkOverride.cpp          |   13 +-
 gemrb/plugins/TLKImporter/TlkOverride.h            |    4 +
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 gemrb/plugins/TTFImporter/TTFFontManager.h         |   62 +
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 gemrb/plugins/WMPImporter/WMPImporter.h            |    7 +-
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 gemrb/plugins/ZLibManager/ZLibManager.h            |    6 +-
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd/msumm1x.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd/msumm3h.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd/msumm5h.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd/msumm6h.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/cmwounh.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/conjut.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/cry200.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/cry250.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/cwelemh.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/cwelemx.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/ddeath2.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/disinth.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/divint.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/dspellh.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/spklargr.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/spklarma.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/spklaror.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/spklarre.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/spklarst.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/unhardcoded/iwd2/splprot.2da                 |  105 +
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/spscoric.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/suffoch.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/swaveh.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/trapglyp.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/trapskul.pro  |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/uhold.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/uward.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/uwardh.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/vspherh.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/wdeath2.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/womoonx.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/wvhith.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/iwd2/zlaura.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/abcomm.2da     |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/acidblmu.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/acidblob.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/acidbloc.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/amiss2.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/anims.2da      |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/areapro.2da    |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/arrowex.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/arrowflg.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/arrowfli.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/arrowflm.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/arrowhvy.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/astorm.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/astorm.spl     |  Bin 298 -> 298 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/avprefix.2da   |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/avslots.2da    |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/axeex.pro      |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bbridge.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bbridge.spl    |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bios.2da       |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bluetint.spl   |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/boltex.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bstorm.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bstorm.spl     |  Bin 1066 -> 1066 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bstorm2.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bstorm2.spl    |  Bin 586 -> 586 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/bulletex.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/chost.spl      |  Bin 298 -> 298 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/classes.2da    |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/clssplab.2da   |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/colrspry.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/conflag.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/conflag.spl    |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
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 gemrb/unhardcoded/pst/crits.2da                    |   13 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/cursed.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dagger.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/daggerex.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dart.pro       |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dartex.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dbolt.pro      |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dbolt.spl      |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dhell.pro      |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/dhell.spl      |  Bin 490 -> 490 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/easymaze.2da   |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/effects.ids    |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/elytear.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/embalm.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/estrike.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fbomb.pro      |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fbyello.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/ffire.pro      |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/firebolt.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/firebtbl.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fireice.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fireice.spl    |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/firestor.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fistweap.2da   |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fizzle.spl     |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/fmiss.pro      |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/formatio.2da   |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/gaze.pro       |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/pst/gemprjtl.ids                 |  292 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/pst/gemrb.ini                    |  126 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/genders.2da    |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/goinvul.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/goinvul.spl    |  Bin 346 -> 346 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/grease.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/guibtact.2da   |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/guiid.chu      |  Bin 92 -> 92 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/guils.chu      |  Bin 146 -> 146 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/guiw08.chu     |  Bin 5148 -> 5148 bytes
 .../{override/bg2 => unhardcoded/pst}/hlymite.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/hold.pro       |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/holdund.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/holdund.spl    |  Bin 818 -> 818 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/horror.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/ice.pro        |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/ice.spl        |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/icestorm.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/ifury.pro      |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/ifury.spl      |  Bin 994 -> 994 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/ignusorb.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/iknife.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/imiss.pro      |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/imiss2.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 .../{override/bg1 => unhardcoded/pst}/inareasm.pro |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/istorm.spl     |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/istr.pro       |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/iswarm.spl     |  Bin 466 -> 466 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/itemsnd.2da    |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lightb.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lightnin.spl   |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lightsto.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/litany.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/litany.spl     |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lmiss.pro      |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lstorm.2da     |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lstorm.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 .../pst/fizzle.spl => unhardcoded/pst/lstorm.spl}  |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lstorm2.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/lstorm2.spl    |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/mcannon.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/mcannon.spl    |  Bin 394 -> 394 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/mmiss2.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/mpal256.bmp    |  Bin 92214 -> 92214 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/mswarm.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/mswarm.spl     |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/music.2da      |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/orngtint.spl   |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pacify.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pacify.spl     |  Bin 298 -> 298 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pdolls.2da     |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pwb.spl        |  Bin 298 -> 298 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pwblind.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pwk.spl        |  Bin 298 -> 298 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/pwkill.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/races.2da      |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/randitem.2da   |    0
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/rdead.spl      |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/rune.2da       |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/rune.pro       |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/rune.spl       |  Bin 346 -> 346 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s025melt.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s046ist2.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s046istm.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s052cone.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s056itrl.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s064hglt.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s064lort.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s064uplt.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s075wdsh.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s914hgbl.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/s914rune.vvc   |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparmapa.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparornp.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparorpa.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparpunp.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparpupa.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparrenp.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparrepa.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparstnp.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/sparstpa.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
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 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spear.pro      |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spearex.pro    |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spfirebl.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarbk.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarbl.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarch.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklargo.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklargr.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklaric.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarma.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklaror.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarpu.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarre.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spklarst.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/splspec.2da    |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spscorch.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/spscoric.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/pst/sshadow.pro                  |  Bin 0 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/pst/sshadow.spl                  |  Bin 0 -> 346 bytes
 gemrb/{override/bg1 => unhardcoded/pst}/start.2da  |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/states.2da     |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/stone.pro      |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/stories.pro    |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/stories.spl    |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/str.spl        |  Bin 250 -> 250 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/strength.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/pst/strings.2da                  |  187 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/tlaugh.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/trapglyp.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/trapskul.pro   |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/vtouch.pro     |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/weapprof.2da   |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/web.pro        |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/pst/wmmos2b.mos    |  Bin 36218 -> 36218 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/Makefile.am               |    3 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/avprefg.2da |    0
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/avprefix.2da  |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/axeflm.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/bardsong.spl              |  Bin 0 -> 346 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/chinese.ini               |    3 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/comment.2da               |    8 +
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/containr.2da  |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/cow.pro     |  Bin 768 -> 768 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/czech.ini                 |   39 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/default.ini               |   39 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/defaults.ini              |   61 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/demoend.chu               |  Bin 0 -> 88 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/detect.spl  |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/difflvls.2da              |    5 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/dmgtypes.2da              |   22 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/dummy.spl   |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/fatigue.2da               |    5 +
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/findtrap.spl  |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/flmstrk.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/gemact.ids                |   13 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/gemtrig.ids               |    2 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/invtrav.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/itemspec.2da  |    0
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/japanese.ini              |    2 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/keymap.2da                |   71 +
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/korean.ini                |    2 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/modal.2da   |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/panic.spl   |  Bin 346 -> 346 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/polystat.2da  |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/redholy.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sanctuc.vvc |  Bin 492 -> 492 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair.pro   |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair1.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair2.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair3.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair4.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair5.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair6.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shair7.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea1.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea2.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea3.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea4.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea5.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sharea6.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth1.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth2.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth3.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth4.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth5.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth6.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shearth7.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater1.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater2.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater3.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater4.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater5.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater6.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/shwater7.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/skybolt.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/sneak.spl   |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/souleatr.2da  |    0
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spboom1.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spboom2.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spboom3.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spdimdr.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/spldisp.2da               |   18 +
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spmagmis.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spsmkjet.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spsmold.pro |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 .../{override => unhardcoded}/shared/spsmpuff.pro  |  Bin 512 -> 512 bytes
 gemrb/unhardcoded/shared/storespl.2da              |   13 +
 gemrb/{override => unhardcoded}/shared/turn.spl    |  Bin 202 -> 202 bytes
 testing/python.supp                                |  106 +
 2811 files changed, 76447 insertions(+), 44634 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/gemrb.git

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