[game-data-packager] 02/08: add two missing files

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Mon Dec 29 10:47:50 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

smcv pushed a commit to branch master
in repository game-data-packager.

commit 0e9a58b739c5b0e687d635486bd93e3af45c9036
Author: Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 19 17:47:06 2014 +0200

    add two missing files
 lib/tyrian-mirrors |   2 +
 supported/tyrian   | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 129 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/tyrian-mirrors b/lib/tyrian-mirrors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97067af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tyrian-mirrors
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/supported/tyrian b/supported/tyrian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f45ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supported/tyrian
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+tyrian_usage() {
+	echo "game-data-packager ${SHORTNAME} arguments:"
+	printf "\tgame-data-packager ${SHORTNAME} [ -f path ] | [ -w ]
+\t\t-f path\t\tpath to your existing copy of tyrian21.zip\n\
+\t\t-w\t\tfetch tyrian21.zip from the World Wide Web\n"
+verify_args() {
+    case $# in
+        0)
+            tyrian_usage
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+        1)
+            if [ "$1" != "-w" ]; then
+                    usage >&2
+                    tyrian_usage >&2
+                    exit 1
+            fi
+            downloadzip
+            ;;
+        2)
+            if [ "$1" != "-f" ]; then
+                usage >&2
+                tyrian_usage >&2
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            downloaded=false
+            tyrianzip="$2"
+            ;;
+        *)
+            usage >&2
+            tyrian_usage >&2
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+    esac
+downloadzip() {
+    dest="$WORKDIR/tyrian21.zip"
+    mirror=$(grep -v ^# "$tyrianmirrors" | sort -R | head -n1)
+    for try in $mirror; do
+        if wget --progress=dot --directory-prefix "$WORKDIR" -c "$try"
+        then
+            tyrianzip="$dest"
+            downloaded=true
+            return
+        fi
+    done
+    die "error: could not find tyrian21.zip at our chosen mirror"
+checksum() {
+	CHECKSUM=`md5sum "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1`
+	debug "checksum = $CHECKSUM"
+go() {
+	verify_args "$@"
+	ZIPFILE=`unravel "$tyrianzip"`
+    [ -e "$ZIPFILE" ] || die "ERROR: '$ZIPFILE' does not exist."
+    [ -f "$ZIPFILE" ] || die "ERROR: '$ZIPFILE' is not a file."
+    [ -r "$ZIPFILE" ] || die "ERROR: '$ZIPFILE' cannot be read."
+	checksum "$ZIPFILE"
+	if [ "$CHECKSUM" != "$ZIPSUM" ]; then
+		echo "warning: checksum is not what we expected" >&2
+	fi
+    OUTFILE=`unravel "$OUTDIR"`"/$DEBBASE"
+	cp -p "$DEB" "$OUTFILE"
+	oldpwd=`pwd`
+	cd "$WORKDIR"
+files='cubetxt1.dat cubetxt2.dat cubetxt3.dat cubetxt4.dat
+demo.1 demo.2 demo.3 demo.4 demo.5 
+estsc.shp exitmsg.bin file_id.diz helpme.doc
+levels1.dat levels2.dat levels3.dat levels4.dat
+license.doc loudness.awe
+manual.doc modems.txt music.mus
+netarena.pcx netfont1.pcx netfont2.pcx netmega.pcx netset.pcx netterm.int
+newsh0.shp newsh1.shp newsh2.shp newsh3.shp newsh4.shp newsh5.shp 
+newsh6.shp newsh7.shp newsh8.shp newsh9.shp newsha.shp newshb.shp newshc.shp
+newshd.shp newshe.shp newshf.shp newshg.shp newshh.shp newshi.shp newshj.shp 
+newshk.shp newshl.shp newshm.shp newshn.shp newsho.shp newshp.shp newshr.shp
+newsh^.shp newsh~.shp newsh#.shp newshs.shp newsht.shp newshu.shp newshv.shp
+order.doc order.tfp palette.dat
+setup.box setup.ini setup.int
+shapes).dat shapesw.dat shapesx.dat shapesy.dat shapesz.dat 
+shipedit.doc shipedit.pcx
+tshp2.pcx tyrend.anm tyrian1.lvl tyrian2.lvl tyrian3.lvl tyrian4.lvl 
+tyrian.cdt tyrianc.shp tyrian.hdt tyrian.ico tyrian.pic tyrian.shp tyrian.snd tyrset.pcx
+user1.shp user2.shp voicesc.snd voices.snd'
+    gdp_unzip_paths "$ZIPFILE" .
+    cd tyrian21
+    rm *.exe
+    rm *.ovl
+    slipstream_permcheck "$OUTFILE"
+    slipstream_unpack "$OUTFILE"
+    for file in $files; do
+        slipstream_file "$file" "usr/share/games/tyrian/$file"
+    done
+    slipstream_instsize
+    slipstream_repack "$OUTFILE"
+    slipstream_cleanup
+    rm $files
+    cd ..
+    rmdir tyrian21
+    if [ "$downloaded" = "true" ]; then
+        rm "$ZIPFILE"
+    fi
+	cd "$oldpwd"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/game-data-packager.git

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