[oolite] branch master updated (5421385 -> a02ef4e)
Nicolas Boulenguez
nicolas.boulenguez at free.fr
Mon Aug 31 02:01:13 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
nicobou-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository oolite.
from 5421385 rules: correct usage of dpkg-buildflags.mk
new b57c4e8 Handle split of images and sounds out of upstream main tarball.
new 57a7cd8 Remove embedded minizip.
new 8aa61b1 Merge branch 'upstream'
new d79d066 * Depend on libminizip, but not directly on zlib1g-dev. * Standards-Version: 3.9.6 (no changes). * debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users. * Install all Resources directory into oolite-data binary package. * Fix symlink path for Resources/Binary. * debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users.
new eacac4d * Provide a writable XDG_CONFIG_HOME to libreoffice when converting .odt to PDF, lowering the severity of #730893.
new 73ce7ba Imported Upstream version 1.82
new f08e00f Merge tag 'upstream/1.82'
new 1d3ebad Update to 1.82: changelog, copyright, patches. Document: README.source, TODO.
new eca0bea * allow -Werror=format-security, default with gcc-5. Closes: #778039.
new a56800e * Pass build flags to GNUstep on command line instead of ignored environment. * Use temporary loffice HOME for .doc, not only .odt.
new a02ef4e Add TODO items.
The 11 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
DebugOXP/Debug.oxp/Scripts/oolite-debug-console.js | 6 +-
DebugOXP/Debug.oxp/manifest.plist | 11 +
DebugOXP/Debug.oxp/requires.plist | 2 +-
Doc/ExternalLibrariesSourceCodeChanges.txt | 36 +-
Doc/OoliteRS.odt | Bin 4925701 -> 4949673 bytes
Doc/OoliteReadMe.odt | Bin 114675 -> 111204 bytes
Doc/Version-bump.txt | 4 +-
Doc/contributors.txt | 2 +
Doxyfile | 2303 +
GNUmakefile | 15 +-
README.txt | 3 +-
Resources/AIs/oolite-assassinAI.js | 4 +
Resources/AIs/oolite-bountyHunterAI.js | 4 +
Resources/AIs/oolite-bountyHunterLeaderAI.js | 4 +
Resources/AIs/oolite-nullAI.js | 1 +
Resources/AIs/oolite-traderAI.js | 16 +
Resources/Config/commodities.plist | 74 -
Resources/Config/customsounds.plist | 1 +
Resources/Config/descriptions.plist | 338 +-
Resources/Config/equipment.plist | 115 +-
Resources/Config/explosions.plist | 117 +
Resources/Config/global-settings.plist | 28 +
Resources/Config/gpu-settings.plist | 2 -
Resources/Config/gui-settings.plist | 263 +
Resources/Config/hud-small.plist | 5 +-
Resources/Config/hud.plist | 11 +-
Resources/Config/illegal_goods.plist | 5 -
Resources/Config/keyconfig.plist | 17 +
Resources/Config/logcontrol.plist | 6 +-
Resources/Config/missiontext.plist | 7 +-
Resources/Config/oolite-font.plist | 6 +
Resources/Config/planetinfo.plist | 80090 ++++++++++++++++++-
Resources/Config/role-categories.plist | 56 +-
Resources/Config/shipdata.plist | 265 +-
Resources/Config/shiplibrary.plist | 14 +
Resources/Config/speech_pronunciation_guide.plist | 6 +-
Resources/Config/trade-goods.plist | 317 +
Resources/Config/verifyOXP.plist | 69 +-
Resources/Config/whitelist.plist | 8 +-
Resources/Config/world-scripts.plist | 2 +
Resources/InfoPlist.strings | Bin 636 -> 630 bytes
Resources/Scenarios/oolite-standard.oolite-save | 4 +-
Resources/Scenarios/oolite-strict.oolite-save | 2 +-
Resources/Scenarios/oolite-tutorial.oolite-save | 19 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-conditions.js | 32 +-
...-equipment.js => oolite-constrictor-library.js} | 30 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-constrictor.js | 3 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-contracts-cargo.js | 29 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-contracts-parcels.js | 5 +
Resources/Scripts/oolite-contracts-passengers.js | 5 +
Resources/Scripts/oolite-equipment-control.js | 230 +
Resources/Scripts/oolite-locale-functions.js | 12 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-nova-mission.js | 15 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-populator.js | 92 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-priorityai.js | 304 +-
Resources/Scripts/oolite-registership.js | 3 +
Resources/Scripts/oolite-ship-library.js | 76 +
Resources/Scripts/oolite-tutorial.js | 5 +-
Resources/Shaders/oolite-default-planet.fragment | 17 +-
Resources/Shaders/oolite-default-planet.vertex | 26 +-
Resources/Shaders/oolite-dust.vertex | 4 +-
Resources/Shaders/oolite-standard-vertex.vertex | 9 +-
.../Shaders/oolite-tangent-space-vertex.vertex | 11 +-
Schemata/shipdataEntrySchema.plist | 23 +-
config.make | 1 +
debian/README | 111 +
debian/README.source | 41 +-
debian/changelog | 13 +-
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/copyright | 32 +-
debian/oolite-data.install | 14 +-
debian/oolite-doc.TODO | 8 +
debian/patches/debian_version_of_libmozjs.diff | 51 +-
debian/patches/generate_planet_data.diff | 24 +-
debian/patches/secure-format-log-string.diff | 1329 +
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/rules | 22 +-
deps/URLs/libpng.url | 1 +
deps/URLs/sparkle.url | 1 +
src/Cocoa/Info-Oolite.plist | 2 +-
src/Cocoa/MyOpenGLView.h | 46 +-
src/Cocoa/MyOpenGLView.m | 47 +-
src/Cocoa/OOFullScreenWindow.h | 4 +-
src/Cocoa/oolite-targets.xcconfig | 2 +-
src/Cocoa/oolite-version.xcconfig | 2 +-
src/Cocoa/oolite-warnings.xcconfig | 11 +-
src/Core/CollisionRegion.m | 145 +-
.../{OOCrosshairs.h => Debug/OODebugStandards.h} | 31 +-
src/Core/Debug/OODebugStandards.m | 129 +
src/Core/Entities/DockEntity.m | 176 +-
src/Core/Entities/DustEntity.m | 162 +-
src/Core/Entities/Entity.h | 4 +
src/Core/Entities/Entity.m | 17 +
src/Core/Entities/OOExhaustPlumeEntity.h | 4 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOExhaustPlumeEntity.m | 97 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOExplosionCloudEntity.h | 11 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOExplosionCloudEntity.m | 270 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOLaserShotEntity.m | 17 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOLightParticleEntity.m | 27 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOParticleSystem.m | 23 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOPlanetEntity.h | 6 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOPlanetEntity.m | 136 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOSunEntity.h | 2 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOSunEntity.m | 87 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOVisualEffectEntity.m | 16 +-
src/Core/Entities/OOWaypointEntity.h | 2 +
src/Core/Entities/OOWaypointEntity.m | 40 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlanetEntity.m | 10 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntity.h | 185 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntity.m | 3174 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityContracts.h | 5 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityContracts.m | 576 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityControls.m | 1031 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityLegacyScriptEngine.h | 1 +
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityLegacyScriptEngine.m | 162 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityLoadSave.m | 99 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityScriptMethods.h | 3 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityScriptMethods.m | 83 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntitySound.m | 3 +-
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityStickMapper.m | 45 +
src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntityStickProfile.m | 2 +-
src/Core/Entities/ProxyPlayerEntity.m | 2 +-
src/Core/Entities/ShipEntity.h | 115 +-
src/Core/Entities/ShipEntity.m | 1918 +-
src/Core/Entities/ShipEntityAI.m | 46 +-
src/Core/Entities/SkyEntity.m | 24 +-
src/Core/Entities/StationEntity.h | 22 +-
src/Core/Entities/StationEntity.m | 233 +-
src/Core/Entities/WormholeEntity.h | 10 +-
src/Core/Entities/WormholeEntity.m | 35 +-
src/Core/GameController.h | 1 +
src/Core/GameController.m | 18 +-
src/Core/GuiDisplayGen.h | 101 +-
src/Core/GuiDisplayGen.m | 1022 +-
src/Core/HeadUpDisplay.h | 30 +
src/Core/HeadUpDisplay.m | 716 +-
src/Core/Materials/OOPNGTextureLoader.m | 2 +-
src/Core/Materials/OOPlanetTextureGenerator.h | 1 +
src/Core/Materials/OOPlanetTextureGenerator.m | 14 +-
src/Core/Materials/OOShaderProgram.h | 1 +
src/Core/Materials/OOShaderProgram.m | 50 +-
src/Core/Materials/OOTextureLoader.m | 2 +
src/Core/MiniZip/MiniZip64_info.txt | 74 -
src/Core/MiniZip/ioapi.c | 242 -
src/Core/MiniZip/ioapi.h | 200 -
src/Core/MiniZip/unzip.c | 2137 -
src/Core/MiniZip/unzip.h | 437 -
src/Core/NSFileManagerOOExtensions.m | 6 +
src/Core/OOALBufferedSound.m | 1 +
src/Core/OOCacheManager.m | 2 +-
src/Core/OOCharacter.h | 10 +-
src/Core/OOCharacter.m | 85 +-
src/Core/OOCollectionExtractors.h | 2 +
src/Core/OOCollectionExtractors.m | 13 +
src/Core/OOCommodities.h | 107 +
src/Core/OOCommodities.m | 592 +
src/Core/OOCommodityMarket.h | 74 +
src/Core/OOCommodityMarket.m | 426 +
src/Core/OOConstToString.h | 6 +-
src/Core/OOConstToString.m | 180 +-
src/Core/OOCrosshairs.m | 6 +-
src/Core/OOEncodingConverter.m | 9 +-
src/Core/OOEnvironmentCubeMap.m | 48 +-
src/Core/OOEquipmentType.h | 23 +-
src/Core/OOEquipmentType.m | 122 +-
src/Core/OOFastArithmetic.h | 6 +
src/Core/OOHPVector.m | 4 +
src/Core/OOJoystickManager.h | 8 +
src/Core/OOJoystickManager.m | 3 +-
src/Core/OOLogHeader.m | 4 +
src/Core/OOManifestProperties.h | 10 +-
src/Core/OOMatrix.h | 43 +-
src/Core/OOMatrix.m | 264 +
src/Core/OOMesh.h | 10 +
src/Core/OOMesh.m | 66 +-
src/Core/OOOXZManager.h | 31 +-
src/Core/OOOXZManager.m | 1150 +-
src/Core/OOOpenGL.m | 2 -
src/Core/OOOpenGLExtensionManager.h | 1 +
src/Core/OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m | 2 +
src/Core/OOOpenGLMatrixManager.h | 129 +
src/Core/OOOpenGLMatrixManager.m | 610 +
src/Core/OOPlanetDrawable.h | 3 +
src/Core/OOPlanetDrawable.m | 63 +-
src/Core/OOQuaternion.h | 1 +
src/Core/OOQuaternion.m | 31 +
src/Core/OOShipLibraryDescriptions.h | 1 +
src/Core/OOShipLibraryDescriptions.m | 4 +-
src/Core/OOShipRegistry.m | 217 +-
src/Core/OOSoundSourcePool.m | 3 +-
src/Core/OOStringExpander.h | 280 +-
src/Core/OOStringExpander.m | 249 +-
src/Core/OOStringParsing.m | 22 +-
src/Core/OOSystemDescriptionManager.h | 108 +
src/Core/OOSystemDescriptionManager.m | 730 +
src/Core/OOTrumble.m | 19 +-
src/Core/OOTypes.h | 5 +-
...ifierStage.h => OOCheckJSSyntaxVerifierStage.h} | 6 +-
.../OXPVerifier/OOCheckJSSyntaxVerifierStage.m | 88 +
...erStage.h => OOCheckPListSyntaxVerifierStage.h} | 6 +-
.../OXPVerifier/OOCheckPListSyntaxVerifierStage.m | 104 +
.../OOCheckShipDataPListVerifierStage.h | 1 +
.../OOCheckShipDataPListVerifierStage.m | 10 +-
src/Core/OXPVerifier/OOOXPVerifier.m | 12 +-
src/Core/ResourceManager.h | 27 +-
src/Core/ResourceManager.m | 476 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOConstToJSString.m | 8 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSClock.m | 3 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSEntity.m | 16 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSEquipmentInfo.m | 13 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSGlobal.m | 8 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSManifest.m | 363 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSMission.m | 67 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSPlayer.m | 4 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSPlayerShip.m | 145 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSScript.h | 1 +
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSScript.m | 44 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSShip.m | 548 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSStation.m | 18 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSSystem.m | 49 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSSystemInfo.m | 221 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSWaypoint.m | 23 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJSWormhole.m | 4 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOJavaScriptEngine.m | 2 +-
src/Core/Scripting/OOScript.m | 26 +-
src/Core/Tables/OOGUIScreenID.tbl | 3 +-
src/Core/Tables/OOLegalStatusReason.tbl | 1 +
src/Core/Universe.h | 153 +-
src/Core/Universe.m | 2197 +-
src/SDL/MyOpenGLView.h | 49 +-
src/SDL/MyOpenGLView.m | 407 +-
tools/icosmesh/GNUmakefile | 5 +
tools/icosmesh/JAIcosMesh.h | 11 +-
tools/icosmesh/JAIcosMesh.m | 39 +-
tools/icosmesh/JAIcosTriangle.h | 14 +-
tools/icosmesh/JAIcosTriangle.m | 6 +-
tools/icosmesh/JAVertexSet.h | 3 +-
tools/icosmesh/JAVertexSet.m | 12 +-
tools/icosmesh/main.m | 73 +-
.../1.80-planetinfo-data-extract.log | 69866 ++++++++++++++++
tools/planetinfo-source/README.md | 17 +
tools/planetinfo-source/planetlog.pl | 117 +
tools/planetinfo-source/radii.txt | 2048 +
tools/planetinfo-source/seeds.txt | 2048 +
245 files changed, 176904 insertions(+), 9762 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 DebugOXP/Debug.oxp/manifest.plist
create mode 100644 Doxyfile
delete mode 100644 Resources/Config/commodities.plist
create mode 100644 Resources/Config/explosions.plist
create mode 100644 Resources/Config/global-settings.plist
create mode 100644 Resources/Config/gui-settings.plist
delete mode 100644 Resources/Config/illegal_goods.plist
create mode 100644 Resources/Config/trade-goods.plist
copy Resources/Scripts/{oolite-cloaking-device-equipment.js => oolite-constrictor-library.js} (61%)
create mode 100644 Resources/Scripts/oolite-equipment-control.js
create mode 100644 Resources/Scripts/oolite-ship-library.js
create mode 100644 debian/README
create mode 100644 debian/oolite-doc.TODO
create mode 100644 debian/patches/secure-format-log-string.diff
copy src/Core/{OOCrosshairs.h => Debug/OODebugStandards.h} (69%)
create mode 100644 src/Core/Debug/OODebugStandards.m
delete mode 100644 src/Core/MiniZip/MiniZip64_info.txt
delete mode 100644 src/Core/MiniZip/ioapi.c
delete mode 100644 src/Core/MiniZip/ioapi.h
delete mode 100644 src/Core/MiniZip/unzip.c
delete mode 100644 src/Core/MiniZip/unzip.h
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOCommodities.h
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOCommodities.m
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOCommodityMarket.h
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOCommodityMarket.m
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOOpenGLMatrixManager.h
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOOpenGLMatrixManager.m
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOSystemDescriptionManager.h
create mode 100644 src/Core/OOSystemDescriptionManager.m
copy src/Core/OXPVerifier/{OOCheckEquipmentPListVerifierStage.h => OOCheckJSSyntaxVerifierStage.h} (83%)
create mode 100644 src/Core/OXPVerifier/OOCheckJSSyntaxVerifierStage.m
copy src/Core/OXPVerifier/{OOCheckEquipmentPListVerifierStage.h => OOCheckPListSyntaxVerifierStage.h} (83%)
create mode 100644 src/Core/OXPVerifier/OOCheckPListSyntaxVerifierStage.m
create mode 100644 tools/icosmesh/GNUmakefile
create mode 100644 tools/planetinfo-source/1.80-planetinfo-data-extract.log
create mode 100644 tools/planetinfo-source/README.md
create mode 100755 tools/planetinfo-source/planetlog.pl
create mode 100644 tools/planetinfo-source/radii.txt
create mode 100644 tools/planetinfo-source/seeds.txt
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/oolite.git
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mailing list