[oolite] 04/11: * Depend on libminizip, but not directly on zlib1g-dev. * Standards-Version: 3.9.6 (no changes). * debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users. * Install all Resources directory into oolite-data binary package. * Fix symlink path for Resources/Binary. * debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users.
Nicolas Boulenguez
nicolas.boulenguez at free.fr
Mon Aug 31 02:01:14 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
nicobou-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository oolite.
commit d79d066923da665d20aab88e9a250b2b17e8ff5a
Author: Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas.boulenguez at free.fr>
Date: Sun Oct 12 02:39:45 2014 +0200
* Depend on libminizip, but not directly on zlib1g-dev.
* Standards-Version: 3.9.6 (no changes).
* debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users.
* Install all Resources directory into oolite-data binary package.
* Fix symlink path for Resources/Binary.
* debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users.
debian/README | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/changelog | 2 +
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/oolite-data.install | 14 +---
debian/patches/debian_version_of_libmozjs.diff | 19 ++++-
debian/rules | 10 +--
6 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/README b/debian/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c71d3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Here are some selected parts of the online documentation, that in my
+opinion deserve to be delivered with the executable.
+Keyboard shortcut F12 toggles full screen/windowed mode.
+Full screen or windowed mode as well as full screen mode resolutions may be
+selected in "Game Options..." from the main game menu (F2 key). The settings
+you select will be saved to your user defaults.
+Some older (much older) OpenGL cards can't cope with Oolite in higher
+resolutions and graphics rendering modes. This may result in textures not
+properly rendered, text rendered as blocks, visual artifacts to be displayed
+or low perfomance and frame rate. You may try various settings in the
+"Game Options..." menu, to check if any of these issues are addressed.
+Folders that get created during execution
+Note: Please note that the folders described in this paragraph are not
+removed when you uninstall Oolite. They are considered as user folders
+(e.g. AddOns, screenshots, savegames with player's in-game status, game
+settings, etc.) since they contain files generated with the Commander's own
+pain and blood. You will have to manually remove them, if you believe that
+you do not need them and that you will not need them even if you reinstall
+Oolite in the future.
+When you run Oolite for the first time a ~/GNUstep/ (~ stands for your home
+folder path) folder will be created into your home folder. The GNUstep
+backend needs this.
+If you decide to use the "Manage Expansion Packs" functionality the
+~/GNUstep/Library/ApplicationSupport/Oolite/ManagedAddOns/ folder will be
+created to store the AddOns that you install from within the game itself.
+This is the only folder (from the folders described in this section) that
+the uninstaller will remove in case it finds it empty.
+A ~/.Oolite/Logs/ folder is created to store the application Logs folder.
+When Oolite is installed as a system-wide application, the .Oolite folder
+may also be used to store OXPs visible only by the specific user
+(~/.Oolite/AddOns.); see the "Adding AddOns" section below for more details.
+A ~/.Oolite/.oolite-run file is also created at first run and its existence
+supresses the display of this README.
+A ~/oolite-saves/ folder is created when you save your game status as a
+Finally a ~/oolite-saves/snapshots/ folder is created when you grab an
+in-game screenshot (* key) for the first time.
+Saved games
+Saved games are all saved in ~/oolite-saves/ in your home folder. You can
+copy all the existing .oolite-save files (for example, from a Macintosh)
+into this folder, and they will appear in the 'Load Commander' menu screen
+in the game.
+However, if you decide to install add-ons, make sure that if you buy an
+add-on ship you don't remove it, because your save game will stop working
+if the ship it's based-on doesn't exist!
+Adding AddOns
+There are over 500 game add ons available - missions, ships etc.
+To find out what is currently available, we recommend you start by looking
+at the OXP section of the Oolite wiki: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/OXP
+To install an OXP, just copy the .oxp folder into the Oolite "AddOns" folder.
+Next time you run Oolite, the OXP will be loaded.
+If Oolite is installed system-wide then you have the following options:
+A. OXPs visible by all users:
+ Copy the .oxp folder in the <Oolite installation folder>/AddOns/
+B. OXPs visible only to a user:
+ Copy the .oxp folder in the ~/.Oolite/AddOns/
+Options A and B can be combined. Oolite will look for add-ons in both
+If Oolite is installed in your home-folder you may either copy the .oxp folder
+into ~/GNUstep/Oolite/AddOns/ or into ~/.Oolite/AddOns/ . In this case putting
+some add-ons in one folder and some add-ons in another does not have any
+obvious use.
+It is suggested that you keep your OXPs in one AddOns folder.
+Caution: if you save a game after buying a ship that was in an OXP, then if you
+subsequently remove the OXP, that commander file will be rendered useless!
+Upgrading an existing installation
+Oolite 1.80 should install straightforwardly and be compatible with almost all the OXPs you already have. However, there are a few things you should be aware of when you upgrade:
+ The default key configuration has changed - a few new keys have been added, and "dump cargo" has been changed from "d" to "shift-D" to reduce accidental jettisoning. If you have a custom keyconfig.plist you will need to add the new key settings to it. Check the new keyboard control summary from the start screen to see your current settings.
+ Other new keys: ';' and ':' control the new HUD multi-function displays in the tutorial or with appropriate expansions installed, and '?' on the long range chart now highlights systems by economy, government or tech level if you have an Advanced Navigation Array fitted.
+ Your Commander name and your save game name are no longer required to be the same - you can set your Commander name in the F4 interfaces screen, then call your save games whatever you like. No more "Hello, Commander Jameson37-backup-2" messages from NPCs.
+ The graphics detail settings have changed a little. If you have a dedicated graphics card - or even a reasonably modern built-in one - then your computer can probably handle the new "Extra Detail" graphics setting with no problems, but Oolite won't enable this for you.
+ If you use a joystick or other controller, the configuration for deadzones and axis response has been significantly upgraded, and you should be able to get much better results. You can update your configuration through Game Options as usual.
+ You can now bind any primable equipment you like to the 'tab' and '0' keys through an interface on the F4 screen. The equipment previously on those keys has been converted to primable equipment.
+ If you were using Strict Mode before, this now only disables expansion packs, and does not make any other game play changes.
+Expansion pack compatibility
+ If you have expansion packs in the OXP format already installed, you will need to uninstall them yourself when you install the corresponding OXZ format releases. Oolite cannot automatically determine which OXP folders might correspond to OXZ releases as the OXP format does not contain appropriate metadata. The OXP versions will not show up as already installed in the expansion pack manager, and will potentially cause conflicts if you don't remove them first.
+ While we have tried to keep old ship and shipset OXPs working as much as possible with all the changes made to ship AIs, if you have installed a replacement shipset OXP (i.e. an OXP which replaces the look of the default Oolite ships including the Cobra on the start screen) then you should install the Shipset Compatibility OXZ from the 'Miscellaneous' section of the expansion pack manager. This is only necessary temporarily until the OXP authors release an updated version of the shipset.
+ Most alternative HUD OXPs have not yet been updated to use the new features available in Oolite 1.80. They will still work, but other OXPs - and the new tutorial - may require the new HUD features for proper running. You may find it better to temporarily remove your HUD OXP until an updated version is available, or use one of the other updated HUDs already available in the expansion pack manager.
+ Older versions of the Energy Bomb OXP are not compatible with Oolite 1.80. If you installed this OXP before November 2013, you will need to upgrade to keep this weapon working. The version available in the expansion pack manager works, of course.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index a4e019b..fd585a3 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ oolite (1.80b-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* watch: upstream migrated to github.
* Repackage with Files-Excluded instead of cleaner script and git branch.
* Reactivate libespeak support, see #591717.
+ * Standards-Version: 3.9.6 (no changes).
+ * debian/README: web page snippets that may be useful for users.
-- Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas at debian.org> Thu, 29 May 2014 10:30:54 +0200
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 046ef57..24073db 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ Source: oolite
Section: games
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas at debian.org>
-Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Build-Depends: dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1), debhelper (>= 9),
libsdl1.2-dev, libopenal-dev, libvorbis-dev, libespeak-dev,
- zlib-dev, libminizip-dev,
+ libminizip-dev,
libnspr4-dev, libmozjs185-dev,
libpng-dev, mesa-common-dev, gobjc,
diff --git a/debian/oolite-data.install b/debian/oolite-data.install
index 466ceb2..a5f5c53 100644
--- a/debian/oolite-data.install
+++ b/debian/oolite-data.install
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
-oolite.app/Resources/AIs usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Config usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Images usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/InfoPlist.strings usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Models usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/oolite-document.icns usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/oolite-expansion-document.icns usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/oolite-icon.icns usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Schemata usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Scripts usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Shaders usr/share/oolite
-oolite.app/Resources/Textures usr/share/oolite
+oolite.app/Resources usr/share/oolite
diff --git a/debian/patches/debian_version_of_libmozjs.diff b/debian/patches/debian_version_of_libmozjs.diff
index 3cc3181..92c82e7 100644
--- a/debian/patches/debian_version_of_libmozjs.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/debian_version_of_libmozjs.diff
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Description: use Debian/unstable version of libmozjs
+Description: use Debian/unstable version of libmozjs and libminizip
Upstream downloads libmozjs v4 from a private URL at build time.
We adapt the source to the packaged libmozjs185-dev.
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ Description: use Debian/unstable version of libmozjs
as it drops C/ObjectiveC support in favor of pure C++ constructs.
Anyway, pkg-config simplifies a bit the dependencies.
+ .
+ The minizip part has not been forwarded.
Author: Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas at debian.org>
Forwarded: Michael Werle <micha at michaelwerle.com>
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ Forwarded: Michael Werle <micha at michaelwerle.com>
-+ PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES += glu gl x11 sdl mozjs185 nspr openal zlib vorbisfile minizip
++ PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES += glu gl x11 sdl mozjs185 nspr openal vorbisfile minizip
+ PKG_CONFIG_CFLAGS := `pkg-config --cflags $(PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES)`
+ PKG_CONFIG_LDLIBS := `pkg-config --libs $(PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES)`
@@ -226,3 +227,15 @@ Forwarded: Michael Werle <micha at michaelwerle.com>
ifeq ($(profile),yes)
+@@ -147,10 +143,7 @@
+ legacy_random.c \
+ strlcpy.c \
+ OOTCPStreamDecoder.c \
+- OOPlanetData.c \
+- ioapi.c \
+- unzip.c
++ OOPlanetData.c
+ OODebugMonitor.m \
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 89a98de..c78eae1 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -86,15 +86,13 @@ override_dh_auto_clean::
rm -rf $(OOLITE_APP)
-IMAGES_SOUNDS_GIT := Resources/Binary
-IMAGES_SOUNDS_DPKG := binary-resources
# See README.source.
- ln -s $< $@
+$(OOLITE_APP): Resources/Binary
+Resources/Binary: binary-resources
+ ln -s ../binary-resources Resources/Binary
+ rm -fr Resources/Binary
PLANET_DATA := src/Core/OOPlanetData
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/oolite.git
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