[game-data-packager] 14/21: Remove shell-script code for Quake, use Python/YAML

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Wed Jan 21 11:52:01 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

smcv pushed a commit to branch master
in repository game-data-packager.

commit a27bca5799ca47064beb95345a0ae5aafc425836
Author: Simon McVittie <smcv at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 21 10:39:39 2015 +0000

    Remove shell-script code for Quake, use Python/YAML
 Makefile                                           |  28 --
 data/quake-common.control.in                       |  10 -
 .../copyright.in => data/quake.copyright.in        |   0
 quake.mk                                           |  90 ----
 supported/quake                                    | 491 +--------------------
 5 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 618 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f6ff0f8..b2ec389 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -26,20 +26,6 @@ default: $(DIRS)
 		o=out/$${x#data/}; \
 		convert $$x $${o%.xpm}.png || exit $$?; \
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake" VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake-registered \
-		FOLDER=id1
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake music" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-music FOLDER=id1
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake shareware" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-shareware FOLDER=id1
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake mission pack 1: Scourge of Armagon" \
-		VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake-armagon FOLDER=hipnotic
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake MP1 music" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-armagon-music FOLDER=hipnotic
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake mission pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity" \
-		VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake-dissolution FOLDER=rogue
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake MP2 music" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-dissolution-music FOLDER=rogue
 	make -f quake2.mk VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake2-demo-data
 	make -f quake2.mk VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake2-full-data
 	make -f quake2.mk VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake2-music
@@ -65,20 +51,6 @@ clean:
 	rm -f ./out/*.png
 	rm -f ./out/*.yaml
 	rm -rf lib/game_data_packager/__pycache__
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake" VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake-registered \
-		FOLDER=id1 clean
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake music" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-music FOLDER=id1 clean
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake shareware" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-shareware FOLDER=id1 clean
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake mission pack 1: Scourge of Armagon" \
-		VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake-armagon FOLDER=hipnotic clean
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake MP1 music" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-armagon-music FOLDER=hipnotic clean
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake mission pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity" \
-		VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake-dissolution FOLDER=rogue clean
-	make -f quake.mk LONG="Quake MP2 music" VERSION=$(VERSION) \
-		PACKAGE=quake-dissolution-music FOLDER=rogue clean
 	make -f quake2.mk VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake2-demo-data clean
 	make -f quake2.mk VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake2-full-data clean
 	make -f quake2.mk VERSION=$(VERSION) PACKAGE=quake2-music clean
diff --git a/data/quake-common.control.in b/data/quake-common.control.in
index c74f3ce..6774e1f 100644
--- a/data/quake-common.control.in
+++ b/data/quake-common.control.in
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-Package: PACKAGE
-Provides: quake-data
-Version: VERSION
-Section: non-free/games
-Priority: optional
-Architecture: all
-Multi-Arch: foreign
-Recommends: quake | quake-server
-Installed-Size: 500000
-Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Description: Quake commercial data files
  Quake requires an engine and game data to play. This package contains
  the commercial data from id Software's game "LONG",
diff --git a/quake-common/copyright.in b/data/quake.copyright.in
similarity index 100%
rename from quake-common/copyright.in
rename to data/quake.copyright.in
diff --git a/quake.mk b/quake.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c09ddb..0000000
--- a/quake.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# FOLDER, VERSION, PACKAGE and LONG must be supplied by caller
-srcdir = $(CURDIR)
-builddir = $(CURDIR)/build
-outdir = $(CURDIR)/out
-all: do-$(PACKAGE)
-QUAKEDEB = $(outdir)/$(PACKAGE)_$(VERSION)_all.deb
-ifeq ($(filter-out quake-music quake-%-music,$(PACKAGE)),)
-do-${PACKAGE}: do-common
-	install -m644 data/quake-music.copyright ${outdir}/${PACKAGE}.copyright
-	( \
-		md5sum ${outdir}/changelog.gz | \
-			sed 's# .*#  usr/share/doc/${PACKAGE}/changelog.gz#'; \
-		md5sum ${outdir}/${PACKAGE}.copyright | \
-			sed 's# .*#  usr/share/doc/${PACKAGE}/copyright#'; \
-	) > ${outdir}/quake/${PACKAGE}.md5sums
-	chmod 0644 ${outdir}/quake/${PACKAGE}.md5sums
-	install -d ${outdir}/quake
-	m4 -DVERSION=${VERSION} < data/${PACKAGE}.control.in > ${outdir}/quake/${PACKAGE}.control
-	chmod 0644 ${outdir}/quake/${PACKAGE}.control
-	rm -rf $(outdir)/quake/
-do-${PACKAGE}: ${outdir}/${PACKAGE}.copyright $(QUAKEDEB)
-	$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/DEBIAN/md5sums \
-	$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/DEBIAN/control \
-	fixperms
-	install -d $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/games/quake/$(FOLDER)
-	if [ "$(FOLDER)" = hipnotic ] || [ "$(FOLDER)" = rogue ]; then \
-		printf '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0\n' > $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/games/quake/$(FOLDER)-tryexec.sh; \
-		chmod 0755 $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/games/quake/$(FOLDER)-tryexec.sh; \
-	fi
-	cd $(builddir) && \
-	if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then \
-		dpkg-deb -b $(PACKAGE) $@ ; \
-	else \
-		fakeroot dpkg-deb -b $(PACKAGE) $@ ; \
-	fi
-$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/DEBIAN/md5sums: \
-	$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)/changelog.gz \
-	$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)/copyright
-	install -d `dirname $@`
-	cd $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE) && find usr/ -type f  -print0 |\
-		xargs -0 md5sum >DEBIAN/md5sums
-$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)/changelog.gz: debian/changelog
-	install -d `dirname $@`
-	gzip -c9 debian/changelog > $@
-	m4 -DPACKAGE=$(PACKAGE) quake-common/copyright.in > $@
-$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/usr/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)/copyright: quake-common/copyright.in
-	install -d `dirname $@`
-	m4 -DPACKAGE=$(PACKAGE) quake-common/copyright.in > $@
-$(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)/DEBIAN/control: data/quake-common.control.in
-	install -d `dirname $@`
-	     < $< > $@
-	if [ "$(PACKAGE)" = "quake-registered" ]; then \
-	  echo Conflicts: quake-shareware >> $@; \
-	  echo Replaces: quake-shareware >> $@; \
-	elif [ "$(PACKAGE)" != "quake-shareware" ]; then \
-	  echo Depends: quake-registered >> $@; \
-	else \
-	  echo Conflicts: quake-registered >> $@; \
-	fi
-	find $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
-	find $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE) -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
-	rm -rf $(QUAKEDEB) $(builddir)/$(PACKAGE)
diff --git a/supported/quake b/supported/quake
index 5f8ce35..4ec2037 100644
--- a/supported/quake
+++ b/supported/quake
@@ -3,493 +3,4 @@
 LONGNAME="Quake (including mission packs)"
-if [ "$0" = "./game-data-packager" ]; then
-    IDMIRRORFILE="./etc/idstuff-mirrors"
-quake_usage() {
-        printf "game-data-packager ${SHORTNAME} [-m|-d|-mp1|-mp2] <path>\n\
-game-data-packager ${SHORTNAME} -s [<path>]\n\
-game-data-packager ${SHORTNAME} -c [<device>]\n\
--m <path>\tpath to a mounted Quake CD-ROM\n\
--d <path>\tpath to an unpacked Quake directory\n\
--s\t\tdownload Quake shareware, version 1.06\n\
--s <path>\tpath to a Quake shareware ZIP\n\
--mp1 <path>\tpath to an unpacked Scourge of Armagon directory\n\
-\t\tor a mounted Scourge of Armagon CD\n\
--mp2 <path>\tpath to an unpacked Dissolution of Eternity directory\n\
-\t\tor a mounted Dissolution of Eternity CD\n\
-<path>\t\tpath to any of the above (game-data-packager will guess)\n\
---music [<cd>]\trip CD audio from block device <cd>, default /dev/cdrom\n\
---music <path>\tcopy pre-ripped 02*.ogg, ..., 11*.ogg from <path>\n\
---mp1-music [<cd>|<path>] same as --music but for Scourge of Armagon\n\
---mp2-music [<cd>|<path>] same as --music but for Dissolution of Eternity\n\
-get_mirror () {
-    (
-        grep -v '^#' "${IDMIRRORFILE}" | sed 's#$#/quake#'
-    ) | sort -R | head -n1
-copyin () {
-    install -d `dirname "$2"`
-    install -m644 "$1" "$2"
-verify_args() {
-    case $# in
-        0)
-            quake_usage
-            exit 0
-            ;;
-        1)
-            case "$1" in
-                (-s|--shareware)
-                    mountpoint=""
-                    method="swzip"
-                    ;;
-                (--music|--mp1-music|--mp2-music)
-                    mountpoint="/dev/cdrom"
-                    method="$1"
-                    method="${method#--}"
-                    ;;
-                (-*)
-                    usage >&2
-                    quake_usage >&2
-                    exit 1
-                    ;;
-                (*)
-                    mountpoint="$1"
-                    ;;
-            esac
-            ;;
-        2)
-            mountpoint="$2"
-            if [ "$1" = "-m" ]; then
-                method="cdrom"
-            elif [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
-                method="dir"
-            elif [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then
-                method="swzip"
-            elif [ "$1" = "-mp1" ]; then
-                method="mp1"
-            elif [ "$1" = "-mp2" ]; then
-                method="mp2"
-            elif [ "$1" = "--music" ] || [ "$1" = "--mp1-music" ] || \
-                [ "$1" = "--mp2-music" ]; then
-                method="$1"
-                method="${method#--}"
-            else
-                usage >&2
-                quake_usage >&2
-                exit 1
-            fi
-            ;;
-        *)
-            usage >&2
-            quake_usage >&2
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-    esac
-go() {
-    verify_args "$@"
-    case "$method" in
-        "guess")
-            guess_method
-            ;;
-        "cdrom")
-            cdrom_method
-            ;;
-        "dir")
-            dir_method
-            ;;
-        "swzip")
-            swzip_method
-            ;;
-        "mp1")
-            mp1_method
-            ;;
-        "mp2")
-            mp2_method
-            ;;
-        "music"|"mp1-music"|"mp2-music")
-            music_method "$method" "$mountpoint"
-            ;;
-        *)
-            die "internal error"
-            ;;
-     esac
-guess_method() {
-    if [ -f "$mountpoint" ]; then
-        debug "treating $mountpoint like a shareware ZIP"
-        method="swzip"
-        swzip_method
-    elif [ -f "$(ifind "$mountpoint" "id1/pak0.pak")" ]; then
-        debug "treating $mountpoint like an installed directory"
-        method="dir"
-        dir_method
-    elif [ -f "$mountpoint/q101_int.1" ] || [ -f "$mountpoint/resource.1" ]; then
-        debug "treating $mountpoint like a CD-ROM"
-        method="cdrom"
-        cdrom_method
-   elif [ -f "$mountpoint/hipnotic/pak0.pak" ]; then
-        debug "treating $mountpoint like a Scourge of Armagon directory or CD"
-        method="mp1"
-        mp1_method
-    elif [ -f "$mountpoint/rogue/pak0.pak" ]; then
-        debug "treating $mountpoint like a Dissolution of Eternity directory or CD"
-        method="mp2"
-        mp2_method
-    elif [ -b "$mountpoint" ]; then
-        printf "Unable to determine which CD-ROM is at $mountpoint.\n\
-For Quake 1 please use:\n\
-\t$0 $SHORTNAME --music $mountpoint\n\
-For Mission Pack 1, Scourge of Armagon please use:\n\
-\t$0 $SHORTNAME --mp1-music $mountpoint\n\
-For Mission Pack 2, Dissolution of Eternity please use:\n\
-\t$0 $SHORTNAME --mp2-music $mountpoint\n\
-" >&2
-        die "Please specify --music, --mp1-music or --mp2-music."
-    else
-        die "couldn't figure out what method to use for mountpoint $mountpoint"
-    fi
-unpack_quake106_pak0 () {
-    require_program lha lhasa
-    mirror=
-    set +u
-    zipfile="$1"
-    set -u
-    if [ -n "$zipfile" ]; then
-        :
-    elif [ -f "$WORKDIR/quake106.zip" ]; then
-        zipfile="$WORKDIR/quake106.zip"
-    else
-        zipfile="$WORKDIR/quake106.zip"
-        echo "downloading quake106.zip..." >&2
-        mirror=`get_mirror`
-        wget -O "$zipfile" "$mirror/quake106.zip" >&2
-    fi
-    exp=$quake106_zip_sha256
-    real=`sha256sum -b "$zipfile" | cut -d ' ' -f1`
-    if [ "x$real" != "x$exp" ]; then
-        warn "$zipfile sha256sum does not match expected value"
-        [ -z "$mirror" ] || warn "downloaded: $mirror/quake106.zip"
-        warn "expected: $exp"
-        warn "     got: $real"
-        die "please obtain a correct copy of quake106.zip" 1
-    fi
-    (
-        cd "$WORKDIR"
-        gdp_unzip_paths "$zipfile" . resource.1
-        mv resource.1 resource.exe
-        lha xq resource.exe id1/pak0.pak
-        rm resource.exe
-    )
-    pak0="$WORKDIR/id1/pak0.pak"
-# check that the pak0/pak1 for original Quake are recognised.
-# detect older versions and automatically replace with 1.06
-verify_quake() {
-    pak1sum=d76b3e5678f0b64ac74ce5e340e6a685          # 1.06
-    pak1sum=$pak1sum,d76b3e5678f0b64ac74ce5e340e6a685 # 1.01
-    verify_file "$pak0"
-    [ "$pak1" = "" ] || verify_file "$pak1"
-    # pak0 for shareware or registered Quake 1.06 is identical, and the
-    # 1.01 to 1.06 patch only upgrades pak0 anyway, so if we find
-    # that we have a 1.01 pak0, we can quietly upgrade it to 1.06
-    # by downloading the shareware version.
-    sum=`md5sum "$pak0" | cut -d' ' -f1`
-    case "$sum" in
-        ($quake_pak0sum_106)
-            # OK
-            ;;
-        (*)
-            # Not 1.06. Upgrade it using the shareware version.
-            echo "Your copy of Quake is not 1.06. Upgrading it by" \
-                "downloading quake106.zip" >&2
-            require_program lha lhasa
-            unpack_quake106_pak0
-            ;;
-    esac
-    [ "$pak1" = "" ] || verify_md5sum_alternatives "$pak1" "$pak1sum"
-cdrom_method() {
-    if [ -f "$mountpoint/q101_int.1" ] ; then
-        # Quake 1.01 CD
-        bit1="$mountpoint/q101_int.1"
-        bit2="$mountpoint/q101_int.2"
-        bit1sum=752f49131bb3ba832346e873c1bcfdc6
-        bit2sum=9ed67b39020575771e29645d977c9216
-        require_program lha lhasa
-        verify_file "$bit1"
-        verify_file "$bit2"
-        verify_md5sum "$bit1" "$bit1sum"
-        verify_md5sum "$bit2" "$bit2sum"
-        cat "$bit1" "$bit2" > "$WORKDIR/unpackme.exe"
-        (
-          cd "$WORKDIR"
-          lha xq unpackme.exe
-          rm unpackme.exe
-        )
-    elif [ -f "$mountpoint/resource.1" ] ; then
-        # Quake 1.06 registered retail cdrom
-        resource1="$mountpoint/resource.1"
-        resource1sum=959e4bd69d817ee0cbea6ddbf4f3af37
-        require_program lha lhasa
-        verify_file "$resource1"
-        verify_md5sum "$resource1" "$resource1sum"
-        (
-          cd "$WORKDIR"
-          lha xq "$resource1" "ID1/PAK0.PAK" "ID1/PAK1.PAK"
-        )
-    else
-        die "BUG: cdrom_method called with missing archive"
-    fi
-    pak0="$WORKDIR/id1/pak0.pak"
-    if ! test -f "$pak0"; then
-        pak0="$WORKDIR/ID1/PAK0.PAK"
-    fi
-    pak1="$WORKDIR/id1/pak1.pak"
-    if ! test -f "$pak1"; then
-        pak1="$WORKDIR/ID1/PAK1.PAK"
-    fi
-    suffix=registered
-    folder=id1
-    verify_quake
-    common_method
-dir_method() {
-    pak0=$(ifind "$mountpoint" "id1/pak0.pak" | head -1)
-    pak1=$(ifind "$mountpoint" "id1/pak1.pak" | head -1)
-    suffix=registered
-    folder=id1
-    if [ -z "$pak0" ]; then
-        die "id1/pak0.pak not found in $mountpoint" 1
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$pak1" ]; then
-        die "id1/pak1.pak not found in $mountpoint" 1
-    fi
-    verify_quake
-    common_method
-swzip_method() {
-    if [ -n "$mountpoint" ]; then
-        zipfile=$(unravel "$mountpoint")
-    else
-        zipfile=""
-    fi
-    unpack_quake106_pak0 "$zipfile"
-    pak1=""
-    suffix=shareware
-    folder=id1
-    verify_file "$pak0"
-    verify_md5sum_alternatives "$pak0" "$quake_pak0sum_106"
-    common_method
-mp1_method() {
-    pak0="$mountpoint/hipnotic/pak0.pak"
-    # MD5 sum for original CD version
-    pak0sum=0ab83681aaf841c4320269e02941a14a
-    # MD5 sum for glQuake-compatible version (see
-    # http://speeddemosarchive.com/quake/qdq/movies/sds.html for more
-    # info)
-    pak0sum=$pak0sum,f05b7452ae725e060fb3d14f7731fb00
-    pak1=""
-    suffix=armagon
-    folder=hipnotic
-    verify_file "$pak0"
-    verify_md5sum_alternatives "$pak0" "$pak0sum"
-    common_method
-mp2_method() {
-    pak0="$mountpoint/rogue/pak0.pak"
-    # MP2 CD
-    pak0sum=f8898a483b131de21581656c94f3c1a4
-    # MD5 sum for Steam-supplied version
-    pak0sum=$pak0sum,f71428763229bdb373f00a547296efe3
-    # MP2 as supplied with MP1 on a single CD
-    pak0sum=$pak0sum,c38a4e04219c317cd1b02f386bdfe11f
-    pak1=""
-    suffix=dissolution
-    folder=rogue
-    verify_file "$pak0"
-    verify_md5sum_alternatives "$pak0" "$pak0sum"
-    common_method
-# Requires the following variables on entry:
-# pak0 - full path of the pak0.pak file to include
-# pak1 - full path of the pak1.pak file to include (optional)
-# suffix - package suffix to use
-# folder - base folder for the PAK files
-common_method() {
-    DEBBASE="quake-${suffix}_${GAME_PACKAGE_VERSION}_all.deb"
-    OUTFILE=`unravel "$OUTDIR"`"/$DEBBASE"
-    # force lower case for our copy of the files
-    ln -s `unravel "$pak0"` "$WORKDIR/pak0.pak"
-    [ "$pak1" = "" ] || ln -s `unravel "$pak1"` "$WORKDIR/pak1.pak"
-    if [ "$pak1" = "" ]; then
-        slipstream "$OUTFILE" "usr/share/games/quake/${folder}" \
-            "$WORKDIR/pak0.pak"
-    else
-        slipstream "$OUTFILE" "usr/share/games/quake/${folder}" \
-            "$WORKDIR/pak0.pak" "$WORKDIR/pak1.pak"
-    fi
-    # clean up
-    rm -rf "$WORKDIR/${folder}"
-    # Remove uppercase version of our directory
-    rm -rf "$WORKDIR/`echo "${folder}" | tr a-z A-Z`"
-    rm -f "$WORKDIR/pak0.pak"
-    rm -f "$WORKDIR/pak1.pak"
-    rm -f "$WORKDIR/quake106.zip"
-music_method () {
-    case "$1" in
-        (mp1-music)
-            suffix="armagon-music"
-            folder="hipnotic"
-            # this is just for error messages, we will actually copy
-            # whatever we find
-            max=09
-            ;;
-        (mp2-music)
-            suffix="dissolution-music"
-            folder="rogue"
-            max=09
-            ;;
-        (*)
-            suffix="music"
-            folder="id1"
-            max=11
-            ;;
-    esac
-    audio="$2"
-    deb="quake-${suffix}"
-    DESTDIR="$WORKDIR/slipstream.unpacked"
-    if [ -z "$OUTDIR" ]; then
-        OUTFILE="$WORKDIR/out.deb"
-    else
-        OUTFILE=`unravel "$OUTDIR"`"/${deb}_${GAME_PACKAGE_VERSION}_all.deb"
-    fi
-    install -d "$DESTDIR/usr/share/games/quake/$folder"
-    # DarkPlaces wants one of
-    # {sound/cdtracks,music,music/cdtracks}/track{02,002}.ogg
-    # QuakeSpasm specifically wants music/track02.ogg
-    # => we use music/track02.ogg
-    if [ -d "$audio" ]; then
-        if ! ( [ -f "$audio"/02*.ogg ] || [ -f "$audio"/track02*.ogg ] ); then
-            die "expected a directory containing [track]02*.ogg, ..., [track]${max}*.ogg" 1
-        fi
-        t=02
-        while [ -f "$audio/$t"*.ogg ]; do
-            copyin "$audio/$t"*.ogg \
-                "$DESTDIR/usr/share/games/quake/${folder}/music/track${t}.ogg"
-            t=$(( ${t#0} + 1 ))
-            if [ $t -lt 10 ]; then
-                t=0$t
-            fi
-        done
-        t=02
-        while [ -f "$audio/track$t"*.ogg ]; do
-            copyin "$audio/track$t"*.ogg \
-                "$DESTDIR/usr/share/games/quake/${folder}/music/track${t}.ogg"
-            t=$(( ${t#0} + 1 ))
-            if [ $t -lt 10 ]; then
-                t=0$t
-            fi
-        done
-    else
-        packages="cdparanoia vorbis-tools"
-        require_program cdparanoia $packages
-        require_program oggenc $packages
-        t=02
-        while cdparanoia -d "$audio" $t "${WORKDIR}/tmp.wav"; do
-            oggenc -o "$DESTDIR/usr/share/games/quake/$folder/music/track${t}.ogg" "${WORKDIR}/tmp.wav"
-            rm -f "${WORKDIR}/tmp.wav"
-            t=$(( ${t#0} + 1 ))
-            if [ $t -lt 10 ]; then
-                t=0$t
-            fi
-        done
-    fi
-    copyin "$DATADIR/changelog.gz" \
-        "$DESTDIR/usr/share/doc/${deb}/changelog.gz"
-    copyin "$DATADIR/${deb}.copyright" \
-        "$DESTDIR/usr/share/doc/${deb}/copyright"
-    copyin "$DATADIR/quake/${deb}.control" \
-        "$DESTDIR/DEBIAN/control"
-    copyin "$DATADIR/quake/${deb}.md5sums" \
-        "$DESTDIR/DEBIAN/md5sums"
-    # we still need to md5sum the actual tracks - their contents
-    # depend on the user's copy of oggenc
-    ( cd "$DESTDIR" && md5sum usr/share/games/quake/*/music/*.ogg \
-            >> DEBIAN/md5sums )
-    debug "building .deb: $OUTFILE"
-    ( cd "$WORKDIR" && slipstream_instsize )
-    ( cd "$WORKDIR" && slipstream_repack "$OUTFILE" )
-    rm -fr "$DESTDIR"
+. $LIBDIR/via-python

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/game-data-packager.git

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