[megaglest-data] 41/64: updated to include changes for new upcoming upstream release

Markus Koschany apo-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jan 31 20:48:40 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository megaglest-data.

commit 14523d423d3d392f8eb3a4ccc129ec20d91304a4
Author: Mark Vejvoda <mark_vejvoda at hotmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 31 05:54:17 2012 +0000

    updated to include changes for new upcoming upstream release
 debian/changelog |   6 ++
 debian/control   |   2 +-
 debian/copyright | 249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 3 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 835b062..a84137f 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+megaglest-data (3.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+ -- Mark Vejvoda <mark_vejvoda at hotmail.com>  Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:30:18 +0800
 megaglest-data ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   [ Eddy Petrișor ]
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index a6523a3..a34d3a4 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Uploaders:
  Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <rainct at ubuntu.com>,
  Mark Vejvoda <mark_vejvoda at hotmail.com>
 Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), rdfind, symlinks
-Standards-Version: 3.9.2
+Standards-Version: 3.9.3
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/megaglest-data/
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/megaglest-data/?op=log
 Homepage: http://megaglest.org/
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 5ea634f..808c4c4 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -12,78 +12,77 @@ Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2011 Vincent Cheng <Vincentc1208 at gmail.com>
 License: GPL-2+
-This package was debianized by Giuseppe Borzi <gborzi at ieee.org>
-and Mark Vejvoda <mark_vejvoda at hotmail.com>
-on Wed, 25 May 2011 Wed, 25 May 2011 23:31:21 -0700.
-It was downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/megaglest
-# Megaglest Data          #
-Copyright 2001-2011 (c) The Glest Team (<http://glest.org>)
-Partial Copyright 2010-2011 (c) The MegaGlest Team (<http://megaglest.org>)
-The MegaGlest team has made minor modifications to the original data.
-Copyright 2001-2011 (c) The Glest Team (<http://glest.org>)
-Partial Copyright 2010-2011 (c) The MegaGlest Team (<http://megaglest.org>)
-The MegaGlest team has made minor modifications to the original data.
-Copyright 2007-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke and Philipp Tscharntke
-Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
-This faction uses some models contained in Glest as created by the Glest Team.
-Copyright 2008-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke, Raphael Schröder and Philipp
-Tscharntke (<http://www.titusgames.de>)
-Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
-Raphael Schröder is AKA weedkiller.
-This faction uses some models contained in Glest as created by the Glest Team.
-Copyright 2010-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke (<http://www.titusgames.de>)
-Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
-Copyright 2010-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke and Philipp Tscharntke
-Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
-This faction uses some models contained in Glest as created by the Glest Team.
-Copyright 2010-2011 (c) Jacob Vejvoda (<http://www.soft-haus.com/jacob/blog>)
-Jacob Vejvoda is AKA ElimNator.
-The Romans faction uses music tracks from Mattias Westlund's album
-"Chronicles III" - http://mattiaswestlund.jamendo.net/
-Tileset Jungle:     by Titus Tscharntke(titi) & Philipp Tscharntke
-Tileset Evergreen:  by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Autumn:     by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Desert2:    by Idanwin and Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Winter:     by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Hell:       by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Mediterran: by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Scurbland:  by MadElf (improved a bit by titi)
-Tileset Spring:     by Philipp Tscharntke
-Tileset Meadow:     by Trappin ( with water from madelf )
-Tileset Fernland:   by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-Tileset Pine Peat:  by Trappin modified by Titus Tscharntke(titi). Uses some ground textures from Rhyzom and some models from wciow.
-Tileset Karningul:  by Trappin( with help from Omega) based on original imladris tileset by GameBoy
+ This package was debianized by Giuseppe Borzi <gborzi at ieee.org>
+ and Mark Vejvoda <mark_vejvoda at hotmail.com>
+ on Wed, 25 May 2011 Wed, 25 May 2011 23:31:21 -0700.
+ .
+ It was downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/megaglest
+ .
+ ###########################
+ # Megaglest Data          #
+ ###########################
+ .
+ Factions:
+ =========
+ .
+ Magic:
+ Copyright 2001-2011 (c) The Glest Team (<http://glest.org>)
+ Partial Copyright 2010-2011 (c) The MegaGlest Team (<http://megaglest.org>)
+ The MegaGlest team has made minor modifications to the original data.
+ .
+ Tech:
+ Copyright 2001-2011 (c) The Glest Team (<http://glest.org>)
+ Partial Copyright 2010-2011 (c) The MegaGlest Team (<http://megaglest.org>)
+ The MegaGlest team has made minor modifications to the original data.
+ .
+ Indians:
+ Copyright 2007-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke and Philipp Tscharntke
+ (<http://www.titusgames.de>)
+ Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
+ This faction uses some models contained in Glest as created by the Glest Team.
+ .
+ Norsemen:
+ Copyright 2008-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke, Raphael Schröder and Philipp
+ Tscharntke (<http://www.titusgames.de>)
+ Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
+ Raphael Schröder is AKA weedkiller.
+ This faction uses some models contained in Glest as created by the Glest Team.
+ .
+ Egyptians:
+ Copyright 2010-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke (<http://www.titusgames.de>)
+ Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
+ .
+ Persians:
+ Copyright 2010-2011 (c) Titus Tscharntke and Philipp Tscharntke
+ (<http://www.titusgames.de>)
+ Titus Tscharntke is AKA titi.
+ This faction uses some models contained in Glest as created by the Glest Team.
+ .
+ Romans:
+ Copyright 2010-2011 (c) Jacob Vejvoda (<http://www.soft-haus.com/jacob/blog>)
+ Jacob Vejvoda is AKA ElimNator.
+ The Romans faction uses music tracks from Mattias Westlund's album
+ "Chronicles III" - http://mattiaswestlund.jamendo.net/
+ .
+ Tilesets:
+ =========
+ Tileset Jungle:     by Titus Tscharntke(titi) & Philipp Tscharntke
+ Tileset Evergreen:  by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Autumn:     by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Desert2:    by Idanwin and Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Winter:     by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Hell:       by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Mediterran: by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Scurbland:  by MadElf (improved a bit by titi)
+ Tileset Spring:     by Philipp Tscharntke
+ Tileset Meadow:     by Trappin ( with water from madelf )
+ Tileset Fernland:   by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ Tileset Pine Peat:  by Trappin modified by Titus Tscharntke(titi). Uses some ground textures from Rhyzom and some models from wciow.
+ Tileset Karningul:  by Trappin( with help from Omega) based on original imladris tileset by GameBoy
+ .
+ Maps:
+ =====
  conflict          by ttsmj
  domination_isles  by mapmaker(from the glest forum)
  one_on_one        by original glest team ( but no longer in the game yet )
@@ -115,59 +114,59 @@ Maps:
  highlands         by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
  team_island       by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
  five_on_three     by Tiger
-m4_amazones          by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_amazones_light    by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_beehive_castle    by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_indian_attack     by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_kill_the_magic    by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_magic_can_do_it   by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_my_island         by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_norsemen_attack   by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_persian_conflict  by Philipp Tscharntke
-m4_waterworld_light  by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-m4_waterworld        by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
-basic_tutorial2      by Philipp Tscharntke
-Italian              by Marco "Pizza90" Gori
-Danish               by Frederick "Coldfusionstorm" Angelo
-French               by cygal and TrHiL-KiL based on the work of many others
-German               by Eduard Dopler (kontakt at eduard-dopler d0t de) based on the work of many others
-Ukrainian            by Dmitry Nikitin
-Spanish              by Miguel Verdú based on the work of many others
-Catalan              by Miguel Verdú
-Credits go to:
-Titus Tscharntke(titi) - Lead developer and creator of the new Mega-Glest project (http://www.titusgames.de)
-Mark Vejvoda(SoftCoder) - Developer of the new Mega-Glest project (http://www.soft-haus.com)
-The original glest team who made all this possible!!!
-Aminos for the indians and persian background music !!
-Margaras for the egypt background music!!
-manolo camp for the background music(norsemen)!!
-http://www.burningwell.org who have nice free (public domain) textures!
-Gameboy for the norsemen icons
-Weedkiller who created the spearman model of the indians, and the princess and swordman model of the persian faction
-My family, some friends and neighbors for the unit voices.
-ZaggyDad for some help with textures/models (norsemen) and for the persian elephant model.
-Baida for the axe_thrower model (norsemen)
-Elimnator (from http://www.soundbible.com) for the autumn day sound
-Elimnator (from http://www.soundbible.com) for the autumn night sound
-Elimnator (from http://www.soundbible.com) for the  desert day sound
-Cacatoes (from http://forum.freegamedev.net/) for a nice rock texture photo used in autumn tileset.
-dobroide (from http://forum.freegamedev.net/) for spring ambiente daytime background sounds
-All files are released under the Terms of the Creative Commons
-Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license which is included in this distribution in the following file:
+ .
+ Scenarios:
+ ==========
+ amazones          by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ amazones_light    by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ beehive_castle    by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ indian_attack     by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ kill_the_magic    by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ magic_can_do_it   by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ my_island         by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ norsemen_attack   by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ persian_conflict  by Philipp Tscharntke
+ waterworld_light  by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ waterworld        by Titus Tscharntke(titi)
+ .
+ Tutorials:
+ ==========
+ basic_tutorial2      by Philipp Tscharntke
+ .
+ Translations:
+ =============
+ Italian              by Marco "Pizza90" Gori
+ Danish               by Frederick "Coldfusionstorm" Angelo
+ French               by cygal and TrHiL-KiL based on the work of many others
+ German               by Eduard Dopler (kontakt at eduard-dopler d0t de) based on the work of many others
+ Ukrainian            by Dmitry Nikitin
+ Spanish              by Miguel Verdú based on the work of many others
+ Catalan              by Miguel Verdú
+ .
+ Credits go to:
+ ==============
+ Titus Tscharntke(titi) - Lead developer and creator of the new Mega-Glest project (http://www.titusgames.de)
+ Mark Vejvoda(SoftCoder) - Developer of the new Mega-Glest project (http://www.soft-haus.com)
+ .
+ The original glest team who made all this possible!!!
+ .
+ Aminos for the indians and persian background music !!
+ Margaras for the egypt background music!!
+ manolo camp for the background music(norsemen)!!
+ http://www.burningwell.org who have nice free (public domain) textures!
+ Gameboy for the norsemen icons
+ Weedkiller who created the spearman model of the indians, and the princess and swordman model of the persian faction
+ My family, some friends and neighbors for the unit voices.
+ ZaggyDad for some help with textures/models (norsemen) and for the persian elephant model.
+ Baida for the axe_thrower model (norsemen)
+ Elimnator (from http://www.soundbible.com) for the autumn day sound
+ Elimnator (from http://www.soundbible.com) for the autumn night sound
+ Elimnator (from http://www.soundbible.com) for the  desert day sound
+ Cacatoes (from http://forum.freegamedev.net/) for a nice rock texture photo used in autumn tileset.
+ dobroide (from http://forum.freegamedev.net/) for spring ambiente daytime background sounds
+ .
+ All files are released under the Terms of the Creative Commons
+ Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license which is included in this distribution in the following file:
 License: GPL-2+

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/megaglest-data.git

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