[allegro5] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/5.2.0'

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 21 16:41:13 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository allegro5.

commit a3fbf6433d0c5a0b35677cab0e6a5b3a3b8bcf7f
Merge: ed6fd78 57c495a
Author: Tobias Hansen <thansen at localhost.localdomain>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 16:13:04 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/5.2.0'
    Upstream version 5.2.0

 CHANGES-5.1.txt                                    |  2109 +++
 CHANGES-5.2.txt                                    |   113 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   426 +-
 CONTRIBUTORS.txt                                   |    51 +-
 LICENSE.txt                                        |    35 +-
 README.txt                                         |    55 +-
 README_android.txt                                 |   287 +
 README_iphone.txt                                  |   109 +-
 README_macosx.txt                                  |    26 +
 README_pkgconfig.txt                               |    11 +-
 README_raspberrypi.txt                             |    36 +
 README_releasing.txt                               |    69 +
 README_windows.txt                                 |    35 +
 addons/CMakeLists.txt                              |    24 +-
 addons/acodec/CMakeLists.txt                       |    68 +-
 addons/acodec/acodec.c                             |     4 +
 addons/acodec/acodec.h                             |    11 +
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_acodec_cfg.h.cmake   |     1 +
 addons/acodec/flac.c                               |     4 +-
 addons/acodec/helper.c                             |    18 +
 addons/acodec/helper.h                             |     1 +
 addons/acodec/modaudio.c                           |    29 +-
 addons/acodec/ogg.c                                |    10 +-
 addons/acodec/voc.c                                |   360 +
 addons/acodec/wav.c                                |    22 +-
 addons/audio/CMakeLists.txt                        |    52 +-
 addons/audio/allegro5/allegro_audio.h              |    47 +-
 addons/audio/allegro5/internal/aintern_audio.h     |    64 +-
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_audio_cfg.h.cmake    |     1 +
 addons/audio/alsa.c                                |   163 +-
 addons/audio/aqueue.m                              |   290 +-
 addons/audio/audio.c                               |    97 +-
 addons/audio/dsound.cpp                            |   277 +-
 addons/audio/kcm_dtor.c                            |     5 +-
 addons/audio/kcm_instance.c                        |    13 +-
 addons/audio/kcm_mixer.c                           |    87 +-
 addons/audio/kcm_sample.c                          |    58 +-
 addons/audio/kcm_stream.c                          |   209 +-
 addons/audio/kcm_voice.c                           |    24 +-
 addons/audio/openal.c                              |     5 +-
 addons/audio/opensl.c                              |   714 +
 addons/audio/oss.c                                 |    62 +-
 addons/audio/pulseaudio.c                          |   127 +-
 addons/audio/recorder.c                            |   166 +
 addons/audio/sdl_audio.c                           |   142 +
 addons/color/CMakeLists.txt                        |     8 +-
 addons/color/allegro5/allegro_color.h              |     2 +-
 addons/color/color.c                               |    38 +-
 addons/font/CMakeLists.txt                         |     8 +-
 addons/font/allegro5/allegro_font.h                |    46 +-
 addons/font/font.c                                 |    81 +-
 addons/font/fontbmp.c                              |    32 +-
 addons/font/text.c                                 |   335 +
 addons/image/CMakeLists.txt                        |    23 +-
 addons/image/allegro5/internal/aintern_image.h     |    44 +-
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_image_cfg.h.cmake    |     1 +
 addons/image/android.c                             |    15 +
 addons/image/bmp.c                                 |  1269 +-
 addons/image/dds.c                                 |   196 +
 addons/image/gdiplus.cpp                           |    65 +-
 addons/image/identify.c                            |    26 +
 addons/image/iio.c                                 |    38 +-
 addons/image/iphone.m                              |    18 +-
 addons/image/jpg.c                                 |    24 +-
 addons/image/macosx.m                              |    27 +-
 addons/image/pcx.c                                 |    59 +-
 addons/image/png.c                                 |    59 +-
 addons/image/tga.c                                 |    33 +-
 addons/main/CMakeLists.txt                         |    16 +-
 addons/memfile/CMakeLists.txt                      |     8 +-
 addons/memfile/memfile.c                           |    14 +-
 addons/native_dialog/CMakeLists.txt                |    39 +-
 .../native_dialog/allegro5/allegro_native_dialog.h |    72 +-
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_native_dialog.h      |    68 +
 addons/native_dialog/dialog.c                      |    10 +-
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_dialog.c                  |     4 +-
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_dialog.h                  |    24 +
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_filesel.c                 |   125 +-
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_menu.c                    |   446 +
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_msgbox.c                  |     1 +
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_textlog.c                 |     1 +
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_thread.c                  |    64 +
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_xgtk.c                    |   447 +
 addons/native_dialog/gtk_xgtk.h                    |    16 +
 addons/native_dialog/iphone_dialog.m               |    75 +-
 addons/native_dialog/menu.c                        |   877 ++
 addons/native_dialog/osx_dialog.m                  |   782 +-
 addons/native_dialog/textlog.c                     |     8 +-
 addons/native_dialog/win_dialog.c                  |   261 +-
 addons/physfs/CMakeLists.txt                       |    10 +-
 addons/physfs/a5_physfs.c                          |    49 +-
 addons/physfs/a5_physfs_dir.c                      |   110 +-
 addons/physfs/allegro_physfs_intern.h              |     2 +-
 addons/primitives/CMakeLists.txt                   |    19 +-
 addons/primitives/allegro5/allegro_primitives.h    |   101 +-
 addons/primitives/allegro5/internal/aintern_prim.h |    68 +-
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_prim_directx.h       |    29 +-
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_prim_opengl.h        |    16 +-
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_prim_soft.h          |     8 +
 addons/primitives/directx_shaders.c                |   700 -
 addons/primitives/directx_shaders.cpp              |   191 +
 addons/primitives/high_primitives.c                |    23 +-
 addons/primitives/line_soft.c                      |     5 +-
 addons/primitives/nshader.cpp                      |    36 +-
 addons/primitives/nshader.fx                       |    21 +-
 addons/primitives/polygon.c                        |    84 +
 addons/primitives/polyline.c                       |   545 +
 addons/primitives/precompiled_shaders.inc          |   618 +
 addons/primitives/prim_directx.c                   |   651 -
 addons/primitives/prim_directx.cpp                 |  1190 ++
 addons/primitives/prim_opengl.c                    |   744 +-
 addons/primitives/prim_soft.c                      |     4 -
 addons/primitives/prim_util.c                      |   251 +
 addons/primitives/primitives.c                     |   385 +-
 addons/primitives/triangulator.c                   |   870 ++
 addons/ttf/CMakeLists.txt                          |    15 +-
 addons/ttf/ttf.c                                   |   478 +-
 addons/video/CMakeLists.txt                        |    60 +
 addons/video/allegro5/allegro_video.h              |    77 +
 addons/video/allegro5/internal/aintern_video.h     |    40 +
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_video_cfg.h.cmake    |     1 +
 addons/video/ogv.c                                 |  1364 ++
 addons/video/video.c                               |   312 +
 allegro.mft                                        |   726 +-
 allegro5.cfg                                       |    49 +-
 android/Activity.cmake                             |    47 +
 android/CMakeLists.txt                             |    20 +
 android/Example.cmake                              |    74 +
 android/allegro_activity/AndroidManifest.xml       |     8 +
 android/allegro_activity/build.xml                 |    17 +
 android/allegro_activity/localgen.properties.in    |     1 +
 android/allegro_activity/proguard.cfg              |    40 +
 android/allegro_activity/project.properties.in     |    15 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/AllegroAPKList.java   |    49 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/AllegroAPKStream.java |   159 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/AllegroActivity.java  |   550 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/AllegroEGL.java       |   313 +
 .../allegro_activity/src/AllegroInputStream.java   |    77 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/AllegroSurface.java   |   225 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/Clipboard.java        |    88 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/Const.java            |   100 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/ImageLoader.java      |   103 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/Key.java              |   436 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/KeyListener.java      |   177 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/Path.java             |    29 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/Reflect.java          |    92 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/ScreenLock.java       |    53 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/Sensors.java          |    57 +
 android/allegro_activity/src/TouchListener.java    |   115 +
 android/android1.bat                               |     1 +
 android/example/AndroidManifest.xml                |    20 +
 android/example/ant.properties                     |    17 +
 android/example/assets/alexlogo.png                |   Bin 0 -> 6959 bytes
 android/example/build.xml                          |    95 +
 android/example/csrc/main.c                        |   233 +
 android/example/custom_rules.xml                   |    19 +
 android/example/jni/Android.mk                     |    40 +
 android/example/jni/Application.mk                 |     3 +
 android/example/jni/localgen.mk.in                 |    12 +
 android/example/localgen.properties.in             |     1 +
 android/example/project.properties.in              |    11 +
 android/example/res/layout/main.xml                |    13 +
 android/example/res/values/strings.xml             |     4 +
 android/example/run.sh                             |     9 +
 .../src/org/liballeg/example/ExampleActivity.java  |    29 +
 appveyor.yml                                       |    16 +
 cmake/AllegroFindFFMPEG.cmake                      |    13 +
 cmake/AllegroFindOSS.cmake                         |     2 +-
 cmake/AndroidApp.cmake                             |   120 +
 cmake/Common.cmake                                 |   318 +-
 cmake/FileList.cmake                               |   116 +-
 cmake/FindCg.cmake                                 |   144 +
 cmake/FindD3D9.cmake                               |    34 -
 cmake/FindD3DX9.cmake                              |    28 -
 cmake/FindDInput.cmake                             |    34 -
 cmake/FindDSound.cmake                             |    34 -
 cmake/FindDUMB.cmake                               |     5 +-
 cmake/FindDirectX.cmake                            |   100 +
 cmake/FindGDIPLUS.cmake                            |     7 +-
 cmake/FindOpenGLES.cmake                           |    26 +
 cmake/FindOpenGLES2.cmake                          |    28 +
 cmake/FindOpenSL.cmake                             |    29 +
 cmake/FindTheora.cmake                             |    39 +
 cmake/FindVorbis.cmake                             |    21 +-
 cmake/Toolchain-android.cmake                      |   159 +
 cmake/Toolchain-iphone.cmake                       |    10 +-
 cmake/Toolchain-mingw.cmake                        |     1 +
 cmake/Toolchain-raspberrypi.cmake                  |    50 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/CMakeLists.txt              |    72 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/background.jpg     |   Bin 0 -> 123615 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/background.tga     |   Bin 202675 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/icon48.png         |   Bin 0 -> 2978 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/large_asteroid.png |   Bin 0 -> 10944 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/large_asteroid.tga |   Bin 6539 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/large_bullet.png   |   Bin 0 -> 1387 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/large_bullet.tga   |   Bin 304 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_0.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 3066 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_0.tga                 |   Bin 1967 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_1.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 4024 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_1.tga                 |   Bin 3231 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_2.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 3888 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_2.tga                 |   Bin 6237 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_3.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 3616 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_3.tga                 |   Bin 4993 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_4.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 2223 bytes
 .../data/gfx/large_explosion_4.tga                 |   Bin 2189 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/large_font.png     |   Bin 0 -> 10265 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/large_font.tga     |   Bin 61835 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/life_powerup.png   |   Bin 0 -> 401 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/life_powerup.tga   |   Bin 794 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/logo.png           |   Bin 0 -> 20132 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/logo.tga           |   Bin 66162 -> 0 bytes
 .../cosmic_protector/data/gfx/medium_asteroid.png  |   Bin 0 -> 4966 bytes
 .../cosmic_protector/data/gfx/medium_asteroid.tga  |   Bin 3644 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ship.png           |   Bin 0 -> 6835 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ship.tga           |   Bin 7963 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ship_icon.tga      |   Bin 789 -> 1068 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ship_trans.png     |   Bin 0 -> 546 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ship_trans.tga     |   Bin 2406 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/small_asteroid.png |   Bin 0 -> 1560 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/small_asteroid.tga |   Bin 1282 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/small_bullet.png   |   Bin 0 -> 241 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/small_bullet.tga   |   Bin 148 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_0.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 1204 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_0.tga                 |   Bin 574 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_1.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 1574 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_1.tga                 |   Bin 1212 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_2.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 1480 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_2.tga                 |   Bin 1959 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_3.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 1325 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_3.tga                 |   Bin 1398 -> 0 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_4.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 1072 bytes
 .../data/gfx/small_explosion_4.tga                 |   Bin 620 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/small_font.png     |   Bin 0 -> 1988 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/small_font.tga     |   Bin 30326 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/trail.png          |   Bin 0 -> 285 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/trail.tga          |   Bin 574 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ufo0.png           |   Bin 0 -> 4308 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ufo0.tga           |   Bin 4045 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ufo1.png           |   Bin 0 -> 4395 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ufo1.tga           |   Bin 4034 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ufo2.png           |   Bin 0 -> 4330 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/ufo2.tga           |   Bin 4045 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/weapon_powerup.png |   Bin 0 -> 401 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/data/gfx/weapon_powerup.tga |   Bin 794 -> 0 bytes
 demos/cosmic_protector/include/Input.hpp           |    21 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/include/Player.hpp          |     3 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/include/Wave.hpp            |     1 -
 .../cosmic_protector/include/cosmic_protector.hpp  |    12 +-
 .../include/cosmic_protector_objc.h                |    10 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/include/gui.hpp             |     1 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/include/joypad_c.h          |    13 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/include/joypad_handler.h    |    22 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/Asteroid.cpp            |     1 -
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/ButtonWidget.cpp        |     2 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/DisplayResource.cpp     |    36 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/GUI.cpp                 |   314 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/Game.cpp                |    77 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/Input.cpp               |   240 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/Player.cpp              |    45 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/Resource.cpp            |    44 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/cosmic_protector.cpp    |    60 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/cosmic_protector_objc.m |    22 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/joypad_dummy.cpp        |    34 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/joypad_handler.m        |   214 +
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/logic.cpp               |    14 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/render.cpp              |    29 +-
 demos/cosmic_protector/src/wave.cpp                |     2 +-
 demos/skater/CMakeLists.txt                        |   149 +
 demos/skater/blender/ademo_export.py               |   445 +
 demos/skater/blender/level.blend.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 133590 bytes
 demos/skater/blender/readme.txt                    |    28 +
 demos/skater/data/audio/ding.ogg                   |   Bin 0 -> 6299 bytes
 demos/skater/data/audio/dooropen.ogg               |   Bin 0 -> 7976 bytes
 demos/skater/data/audio/pop.ogg                    |   Bin 0 -> 4730 bytes
 demos/skater/data/audio/skating.ogg                |   Bin 0 -> 7022 bytes
 demos/skater/data/audio/wave.ogg                   |   Bin 0 -> 15730 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/bananas.png             |   Bin 0 -> 483 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/cherries.png            |   Bin 0 -> 557 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/cloud.png               |   Bin 0 -> 6957 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/dooropen.png            |   Bin 0 -> 1248 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/doorshut.png            |   Bin 0 -> 2991 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/exitsign.png            |   Bin 0 -> 589 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/grass.png               |   Bin 0 -> 498 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/ice.png                 |   Bin 0 -> 11719 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/icecream.png            |   Bin 0 -> 601 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/icetip.png              |   Bin 0 -> 431 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/orange.png              |   Bin 0 -> 550 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skatefast.png           |   Bin 0 -> 747 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skatemed.png            |   Bin 0 -> 749 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skater1.png             |   Bin 0 -> 731 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skater2.png             |   Bin 0 -> 714 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skater3.png             |   Bin 0 -> 725 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skater4.png             |   Bin 0 -> 739 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/skateslow.png           |   Bin 0 -> 745 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/soil.png                |   Bin 0 -> 32288 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/sweet.png               |   Bin 0 -> 471 bytes
 demos/skater/data/graphics/water.png               |   Bin 0 -> 56107 bytes
 demos/skater/data/level.txt                        | 15379 +++++++++++++++++++
 demos/skater/data/menu/back.png                    |   Bin 0 -> 13380 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/button.ogg                  |   Bin 0 -> 3780 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/cancunsmall.png             |   Bin 0 -> 3684 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/endoflevel.ogg              |   Bin 0 -> 97244 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/intro_music.ogg             |   Bin 0 -> 118278 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/logofont.png                |   Bin 0 -> 12990 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/menu_music.ogg              |   Bin 0 -> 2012373 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/skate2.ogg                  |   Bin 0 -> 906287 bytes
 demos/skater/data/menu/welcome.ogg                 |   Bin 0 -> 9835 bytes
 demos/skater/data/readme.txt                       |    21 +
 demos/skater/data/thanks.txt                       |  1150 ++
 demos/skater/src/anim.c                            |   132 +
 demos/skater/src/anim.h                            |    20 +
 demos/skater/src/background_scroller.c             |    60 +
 demos/skater/src/background_scroller.h             |    10 +
 demos/skater/src/credits.c                         |   531 +
 demos/skater/src/credits.h                         |    10 +
 demos/skater/src/defines.h                         |    63 +
 demos/skater/src/demodata.h                        |    45 +
 demos/skater/src/fps.c                             |    66 +
 demos/skater/src/fps.h                             |   120 +
 demos/skater/src/framework.c                       |   498 +
 demos/skater/src/framework.h                       |    55 +
 demos/skater/src/game.c                            |   488 +
 demos/skater/src/game.h                            |    24 +
 demos/skater/src/gamepad.c                         |   174 +
 demos/skater/src/gamepad.h                         |    11 +
 demos/skater/src/gamestate.h                       |    40 +
 demos/skater/src/global.c                          |   451 +
 demos/skater/src/global.h                          |   210 +
 demos/skater/src/intro.c                           |   105 +
 demos/skater/src/keyboard.c                        |   180 +
 demos/skater/src/keyboard.h                        |    15 +
 demos/skater/src/level.c                           |   534 +
 demos/skater/src/level.h                           |    32 +
 demos/skater/src/level_alloc.c                     |    99 +
 demos/skater/src/level_alloc.h                     |    14 +
 demos/skater/src/level_file.c                      |   508 +
 demos/skater/src/level_file.h                      |    15 +
 demos/skater/src/level_state.c                     |    73 +
 demos/skater/src/menu.c                            |   652 +
 demos/skater/src/menu.h                            |    62 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_about.c                      |    75 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_controls.c                   |    76 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_graphics.c                   |   167 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_main.c                       |    87 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_misc.c                       |    86 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_options.c                    |    61 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_sound.c                      |    84 +
 demos/skater/src/menu_success.c                    |    67 +
 demos/skater/src/menus.h                           |    19 +
 demos/skater/src/mouse.c                           |    61 +
 demos/skater/src/mouse.h                           |     9 +
 demos/skater/src/music.c                           |    68 +
 demos/skater/src/music.h                           |    13 +
 demos/skater/src/physics.c                         |   547 +
 demos/skater/src/physics.h                         |    11 +
 demos/skater/src/quadtree.c                        |   764 +
 demos/skater/src/quadtree.h                        |   148 +
 demos/skater/src/screenshot.c                      |    66 +
 demos/skater/src/screenshot.h                      |    81 +
 demos/skater/src/skater.c                          |    37 +
 demos/skater/src/token.c                           |   250 +
 demos/skater/src/token.h                           |    87 +
 demos/skater/src/transition.c                      |    74 +
 demos/skater/src/transition.h                      |    24 +
 demos/skater/src/vcontroller.c                     |    26 +
 demos/skater/src/vcontroller.h                     |    65 +
 demos/speed/CMakeLists.txt                         |    32 +-
 demos/speed/makefile                               |   105 -
 docs/CMakeLists.txt                                |    22 +-
 docs/Refman.cmake                                  |    18 +-
 docs/html/refman/acodec.html                       |    15 +-
 docs/html/refman/audio.html                        |   421 +-
 docs/html/refman/autosuggest.js                    |   144 +-
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 docs/man/al_stop_timer.3                           |     2 +-
 docs/man/al_store_state.3                          |     4 +-
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 docs/man/al_toggle_menu_item_flags.3               |    33 +
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 docs/man/al_upload_and_play_haptic_effect.3        |    39 +
 docs/man/al_upload_haptic_effect.3                 |    37 +
 docs/man/al_use_projection_transform.3             |    61 +
 docs/man/al_use_shader.3                           |    30 +
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 docs/man/al_ustr_set_chr.3                         |    14 +-
 docs/man/al_ustr_truncate.3                        |     2 +-
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 docs/src/refman/config.txt                         |    27 +-
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 docs/src/refman/display.txt                        |   311 +-
 docs/src/refman/events.txt                         |   286 +-
 docs/src/refman/file.txt                           |    40 +-
 docs/src/refman/fixed.txt                          |    25 +-
 docs/src/refman/font.txt                           |   384 +-
 docs/src/refman/fshook.txt                         |    60 +-
 docs/src/refman/fullscreen_mode.txt                |     2 +
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 docs/src/refman/images/LINE_JOIN.png               |   Bin 0 -> 15893 bytes
 docs/src/refman/images/LINE_JOIN.svg               |   183 +
 docs/src/refman/inc.a.txt                          |     4 +
 docs/src/refman/index.txt                          |     7 +-
 docs/src/refman/joystick.txt                       |    13 +-
 docs/src/refman/keyboard.txt                       |    27 +-
 docs/src/refman/latex.template                     |     7 +-
 docs/src/refman/memory.txt                         |     3 +-
 docs/src/refman/monitor.txt                        |    15 +-
 docs/src/refman/mouse.txt                          |    58 +-
 docs/src/refman/native_dialog.txt                  |   487 +-
 docs/src/refman/opengl.txt                         |    12 +-
 docs/src/refman/path.txt                           |     2 +-
 docs/src/refman/platform.txt                       |   133 +-
 docs/src/refman/primitives.txt                     |   590 +-
 docs/src/refman/shader.txt                         |   365 +
 docs/src/refman/state.txt                          |     7 +-
 docs/src/refman/system.txt                         |    96 +-
 docs/src/refman/threads.txt                        |     2 +-
 docs/src/refman/time.txt                           |    14 +-
 docs/src/refman/timer.txt                          |    22 +-
 docs/src/refman/touch.txt                          |   149 +
 docs/src/refman/transformations.txt                |   234 +-
 docs/src/refman/utf8.txt                           |    40 +-
 docs/src/refman/video.txt                          |   183 +
 examples/CMakeLists.txt                            |   252 +-
 examples/Helper.cmake                              |    93 +
 examples/common.c                                  |    21 +
 examples/data/alexlogo.bmp                         |   Bin 0 -> 11626 bytes
 examples/data/alexlogo.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 6959 bytes
 examples/data/blue_box.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 967 bytes
 examples/data/ex_prim_shader_pixel.glsl            |    48 +
 examples/data/ex_prim_shader_pixel.hlsl            |    27 +
 examples/data/ex_prim_shader_vertex.glsl           |    15 +
 examples/data/ex_prim_shader_vertex.hlsl           |    24 +
 examples/data/ex_shader_multitex_pixel.glsl        |    14 +
 examples/data/ex_shader_multitex_pixel.hlsl        |    14 +
 examples/data/ex_shader_pixel.glsl                 |    15 +
 examples/data/ex_shader_pixel.hlsl                 |    13 +
 examples/data/ex_shader_vertex.glsl                |    12 +
 examples/data/ex_shader_vertex.hlsl                |    23 +
 examples/data/mysha_dxt1.dds                       |   Bin 0 -> 32128 bytes
 examples/data/mysha_dxt3.dds                       |   Bin 0 -> 64128 bytes
 examples/data/mysha_dxt5.dds                       |   Bin 0 -> 64128 bytes
 examples/data/mysha_pal.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 18817 bytes
 examples/data/testing.ogg                          |   Bin 26734 -> 0 bytes
 examples/data/welcome.voc                          |   Bin 0 -> 24113 bytes
 examples/data/welcome.wav                          |   Bin 0 -> 24124 bytes
 examples/ex_acodec.c                               |     2 +-
 examples/ex_audio_chain.cpp                        |     1 +
 examples/ex_audio_props.cpp                        |    10 +-
 examples/ex_audio_timer.c                          |     5 +-
 examples/ex_bitmap.c                               |    69 +-
 examples/ex_bitmap_flip.c                          |     6 +-
 examples/ex_bitmap_target.c                        |   180 -
 examples/ex_blend.c                                |    13 +-
 examples/ex_blend2.cpp                             |    37 +-
 examples/ex_blend_bench.c                          |     3 +-
 examples/ex_blit.c                                 |     6 +-
 examples/ex_camera.c                               |   523 +
 examples/ex_clip.c                                 |    12 +-
 examples/ex_clipboard.c                            |   115 +
 examples/ex_color.cpp                              |    60 +-
 examples/ex_compressed.c                           |   194 +
 examples/ex_config.c                               |    18 +-
 examples/ex_convert.c                              |     5 +-
 examples/ex_cpu.c                                  |    92 +
 examples/ex_curl.c                                 |    14 +-
 examples/ex_depth_mask.c                           |   246 +
 examples/ex_dir.c                                  |    65 +-
 examples/ex_disable_screensaver.c                  |     8 +-
 examples/ex_display_events.c                       |    14 +-
 examples/ex_display_options.c                      |    11 +-
 examples/ex_draw.c                                 |     6 +-
 examples/ex_draw_bitmap.c                          |   169 +-
 examples/ex_drawpixels.c                           |     5 +-
 examples/ex_dualies.c                              |     5 +-
 examples/ex_expose.c                               |     6 +-
 examples/ex_file.c                                 |   154 +
 examples/ex_filter.c                               |     9 +-
 examples/ex_font.c                                 |    42 +-
 examples/ex_font_justify.cpp                       |     1 +
 examples/ex_font_multiline.cpp                     |   275 +
 examples/ex_fs_resize.c                            |     1 +
 examples/ex_fs_window.c                            |     6 +-
 examples/ex_get_path.c                             |     5 +-
 examples/ex_gp2xwiz.c                              |    68 -
 examples/ex_haiku.c                                |    40 +-
 examples/ex_haptic.c                               |   138 +
 examples/ex_haptic2.cpp                            |   901 ++
 examples/ex_icon.c                                 |     6 +-
 examples/ex_icon2.c                                |     6 +-
 examples/ex_inject_events.c                        |    74 +
 examples/ex_iphone.c                               |   108 -
 examples/ex_joystick_events.c                      |    64 +-
 examples/ex_joystick_hotplugging.c                 |    26 +-
 examples/ex_keyboard_events.c                      |     5 +-
 examples/ex_keyboard_focus.c                       |     5 +-
 examples/ex_lines.c                                |     2 +-
 examples/ex_loading_thread.c                       |   235 +
 examples/ex_lockbitmap.c                           |   214 +-
 examples/ex_logo.c                                 |    32 +-
 examples/ex_membmp.c                               |     6 +-
 examples/ex_menu.c                                 |   305 +
 examples/ex_mixer_pp.c                             |     7 +-
 examples/ex_monitorinfo.c                          |     5 +-
 examples/ex_mouse.c                                |     6 +-
 examples/ex_mouse_cursor.c                         |     6 +-
 examples/ex_mouse_events.c                         |    21 +-
 examples/ex_mouse_focus.c                          |     5 +-
 examples/ex_mouse_warp.c                           |   120 +
 examples/ex_multisample.c                          |     5 +-
 examples/ex_multiwin.c                             |     5 +-
 examples/ex_native_filechooser.c                   |    24 +-
 examples/ex_nodisplay.c                            |     7 +-
 examples/ex_noframe.c                              |     6 +-
 examples/ex_opengl.c                               |     5 +-
 examples/ex_opengl_pixel_shader.c                  |     5 +-
 examples/ex_palette.c                              |   287 +
 examples/ex_path_test.c                            |     2 +-
 examples/ex_physfs.c                               |    40 +-
 examples/ex_pixelformat.cpp                        |    51 +-
 examples/ex_polygon.c                              |   496 +
 examples/ex_premulalpha.c                          |     9 +-
 examples/ex_prim.c                                 |   191 +-
 examples/ex_prim_shader.c                          |   202 +
 examples/ex_projection.c                           |   276 +
 examples/ex_projection2.c                          |   191 +
 examples/ex_record.c                               |   324 +
 examples/ex_record_name.c                          |   257 +
 examples/ex_reparent.c                             |   172 +
 examples/ex_resample_test.c                        |     5 +-
 examples/ex_resize.c                               |     5 +-
 examples/ex_resize2.c                              |    29 +-
 examples/ex_rotate.c                               |     6 +-
 examples/ex_saw.c                                  |     5 +-
 examples/ex_scale.c                                |     6 +-
 examples/ex_shader.cpp                             |   157 +
 examples/ex_shader_multitex.c                      |   141 +
 examples/ex_shader_target.c                        |   153 +
 examples/ex_stream_file.c                          |    17 +-
 examples/ex_stream_seek.c                          |    13 +-
 examples/ex_subbitmap.c                            |     3 +-
 examples/ex_synth.cpp                              |     7 +-
 examples/ex_threads.c                              |     2 +-
 examples/ex_threads2.c                             |     5 +-
 examples/ex_timedwait.c                            |     5 +-
 examples/ex_timer.c                                |    11 +-
 examples/ex_timer_pause.c                          |    73 +
 examples/ex_touch_input.c                          |   123 +
 examples/ex_transform.c                            |     3 +-
 examples/ex_ttf.c                                  |   156 +-
 examples/ex_user_events.c                          |     5 +-
 examples/ex_utf8.c                                 |     2 +-
 examples/ex_vertex_buffer.c                        |   218 +
 examples/ex_video.c                                |   259 +
 examples/ex_vsync.c                                |    68 +-
 examples/ex_warp_mouse.c                           |   119 -
 examples/ex_window_constraints.c                   |   151 +
 examples/ex_window_title.c                         |   112 +
 examples/ex_windows.c                              |     5 +-
 examples/ex_winfull.c                              |     5 +-
 examples/nihgui.cpp                                |   128 +-
 examples/nihgui.hpp                                |     6 +
 include/allegro5/alcompat.h                        |     2 +
 include/allegro5/alinline.h                        |    32 -
 include/allegro5/allegro.h                         |     6 +
 include/allegro5/allegro_android.h                 |    35 +
 include/allegro5/allegro_direct3d.h                |    15 +-
 include/allegro5/allegro_iphone.h                  |    12 +-
 include/allegro5/allegro_iphone_objc.h             |    32 +
 include/allegro5/allegro_opengl.h                  |    50 +-
 include/allegro5/allegro_windows.h                 |     8 +-
 include/allegro5/allegro_x.h                       |    38 +
 include/allegro5/base.h                            |    21 +-
 include/allegro5/bitmap.h                          |    17 +-
 include/allegro5/bitmap_io.h                       |    20 +-
 include/allegro5/bitmap_lock.h                     |     3 +
 include/allegro5/blender.h                         |    20 +-
 include/allegro5/clipboard.h                       |    42 +
 include/allegro5/color.h                           |    66 +-
 include/allegro5/config.h                          |     4 +
 include/allegro5/cpu.h                             |    39 +
 include/allegro5/debug.h                           |     4 +-
 include/allegro5/display.h                         |   111 +-
 include/allegro5/drawing.h                         |     1 +
 include/allegro5/events.h                          |    34 +-
 include/allegro5/file.h                            |    12 +-
 include/allegro5/fshook.h                          |    17 +
 include/allegro5/haptic.h                          |   247 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern.h                |     1 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_android.h        |   225 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_bitmap.h         |    96 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_blend.h          |    35 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_config.h         |     4 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_convert.h        |    91 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_debug.h          |     1 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_direct3d.h       |   100 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_display.h        |    71 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_dtor.h           |     4 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_events.h         |    24 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_haptic.h         |    99 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_iphone.h         |    47 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_joystick.h       |     5 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_keyboard.h       |     4 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_ljoynu.h         |    70 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_mouse.h          |     2 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_opengl.h         |   114 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_osxclipboard.h   |    21 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_pixels.h         |    54 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_raspberrypi.h    |    52 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_shader.h         |    71 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_system.h         |    20 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_thread.h         |    28 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_timer.h          |     1 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_touch_input.h    |    37 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_wclipboard.h     |    21 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_wjoyall.h        |    18 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_wjoydxnu.h       |    89 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_wjoyxi.h         |    49 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xclipboard.h     |    13 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xdisplay.h       |    42 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xembed.h         |    33 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xevents.h        |     2 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xkeyboard.h      |     2 -
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xsystem.h        |     6 +-
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xtouch.h         |     8 +
 include/allegro5/internal/aintern_xwindow.h        |     2 +
 include/allegro5/internal/alconfig.h               |    11 +-
 include/allegro5/joystick.h                        |     2 +-
 include/allegro5/keycodes.h                        |    27 +-
 include/allegro5/mouse.h                           |     2 +
 include/allegro5/opengl/GLext/gl_ext_list.h        |     1 +
 include/allegro5/opengl/GLext/glx_ext_alias.h      |     4 +
 include/allegro5/opengl/GLext/glx_ext_api.h        |     4 +
 include/allegro5/opengl/GLext/glx_ext_defs.h       |     8 +
 include/allegro5/opengl/GLext/glx_ext_list.h       |     1 +
 include/allegro5/opengl/gl_ext.h                   |     2 +-
 include/allegro5/platform/aintandroid.h            |    35 +
 include/allegro5/platform/aintlnx.h                |     3 +
 include/allegro5/platform/aintosx.h                |    10 +-
 include/allegro5/platform/aintraspberrypi.h        |    36 +
 include/allegro5/platform/aintunix.h               |    11 +-
 include/allegro5/platform/aintwin.h                |    97 +-
 include/allegro5/platform/alandroid.h              |    29 +
 include/allegro5/platform/alandroidcfg.h           |    25 +
 include/allegro5/platform/allegro_internal_sdl.h   |    45 +
 include/allegro5/platform/allegro_sdl_config.h     |     8 +
 include/allegro5/platform/allegro_sdl_thread.h     |   101 +
 include/allegro5/platform/alosx.h                  |     3 +
 include/allegro5/platform/alplatf.h.cmake          |    34 +-
 include/allegro5/platform/alraspberrypi.h          |    25 +
 include/allegro5/platform/alraspberrypicfg.h       |    29 +
 include/allegro5/platform/alwin.h                  |    98 +-
 include/allegro5/render_state.h                    |    53 +
 include/allegro5/shader.h                          |    78 +
 include/allegro5/timer.h                           |     1 +
 include/allegro5/tls.h                             |     3 +-
 include/allegro5/touch_input.h                     |    98 +
 include/allegro5/transformations.h                 |    16 +
 .../Allegro5_iOS.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj         |   704 +
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_image_cfg.h          |    12 +
 .../allegro5/internal/aintern_ttf_cfg.h            |     1 +
 misc/Allegro5_iOS/allegro5/platform/alplatf.h      |   109 +
 misc/allegro_monolith.pc.in                        |    14 +
 misc/allegro_video.pc.in                           |    15 +
 misc/create_release_archives.sh                    |    50 +
 misc/gl_mkalias.sh                                 |     2 +-
 misc/make_android_project.py                       |   254 +
 misc/make_converters.py                            |    63 +-
 misc/make_scanline_drawers.py                      |    16 +-
 misc/zipup.sh                                      |     2 +
 python/CMakeLists.txt                              |    13 +-
 python/checkdocs.py                                |    18 +-
 python/generate_python_ctypes.py                   |    86 +-
 python/pong.py                                     |   299 +
 src/allegro.c                                      |    15 +-
 src/android/android_apk_file.c                     |   312 +
 src/android/android_apk_fs.c                       |   309 +
 src/android/android_clipboard.c                    |    70 +
 src/android/android_display.c                      |   938 ++
 src/android/android_image.c                        |   312 +
 src/android/android_input_stream.c                 |    67 +
 src/android/android_joystick.c                     |   330 +
 src/android/android_keyboard.c                     |   173 +
 src/android/android_mouse.c                        |   129 +
 src/android/android_sensors.c                      |    31 +
 src/android/android_system.c                       |   650 +
 src/android/android_touch.c                        |   401 +
 src/android/jni_helpers.c                          |   133 +
 src/bitmap.c                                       |   498 +-
 src/bitmap_draw.c                                  |     8 +-
 src/bitmap_io.c                                    |   246 +-
 src/bitmap_lock.c                                  |   153 +-
 src/bitmap_pixel.c                                 |    33 +-
 src/bitmap_type.c                                  |   310 +
 src/blenders.c                                     |     4 +-
 src/clipboard.c                                    |    79 +
 src/config.c                                       |   133 +-
 src/convert.c                                      |  2119 ++-
 src/cpu.c                                          |   112 +
 src/debug.c                                        |    96 +-
 src/display.c                                      |   255 +-
 src/display_settings.c                             |    39 +-
 src/drawing.c                                      |    29 +-
 src/dtor.c                                         |    18 +-
 src/events.c                                       |    84 +-
 src/evtsrc.c                                       |     6 +-
 src/file.c                                         |   109 +-
 src/file_slice.c                                   |    30 +-
 src/file_stdio.c                                   |   212 +-
 src/fshook.c                                       |    40 +
 src/fshook_stdio.c                                 |     4 +-
 src/fshook_win.inc                                 |     4 +-
 src/gp2xwiz/wiz_display_fb.c                       |     3 +-
 src/gp2xwiz/wiz_display_opengl.c                   |     5 +-
 src/gp2xwiz/wiz_system.c                           |     1 -
 src/haptic.c                                       |   394 +
 src/iphone/EAGLView.h                              |     4 +
 src/iphone/EAGLView.m                              |   202 +-
 src/iphone/ViewController.h                        |    14 +
 src/iphone/ViewController.m                        |   125 +
 src/iphone/allegroAppDelegate.h                    |    23 +-
 src/iphone/allegroAppDelegate.m                    |   679 +-
 src/iphone/iphone.h                                |     6 +
 src/iphone/iphone_clipboard.m                      |    86 +
 src/iphone/iphone_display.c                        |   435 -
 src/iphone/iphone_display.m                        |   451 +
 src/iphone/iphone_main.m                           |     2 -
 src/iphone/iphone_mouse.m                          |    27 +-
 src/iphone/iphone_path.m                           |    14 +-
 src/iphone/iphone_system.c                         |    16 +-
 src/iphone/iphone_touch_input.m                    |   326 +
 src/linux/lhaptic.c                                |   855 ++
 src/linux/ljoynu.c                                 |   568 +-
 src/linux/lkeybdnu.c                               |    31 +-
 src/linux/lmsedrv.c                                |     7 +-
 src/linux/lmseev.c                                 |   120 +-
 src/linux/lsystem.c                                |     1 -
 src/macosx/hidjoy.m                                |   245 +-
 src/macosx/osx_app_delegate.m                      |    14 +-
 src/macosx/osxclipboard.m                          |   146 +
 src/macosx/osxgl.h                                 |    20 +-
 src/macosx/osxgl.m                                 |   592 +-
 src/macosx/qzmouse.m                               |   457 +-
 src/macosx/system.m                                |    58 +-
 src/memblit.c                                      |    14 +-
 src/memdraw.c                                      |     4 +-
 src/misc/aatree.c                                  |     4 +
 src/mousenu.c                                      |    23 +
 src/opengl/extensions.c                            |   145 +-
 src/opengl/ogl_bitmap.c                            |  1328 +-
 src/opengl/ogl_display.c                           |   435 +-
 src/opengl/ogl_draw.c                              |   431 +-
 src/opengl/ogl_fbo.c                               |   387 +
 src/opengl/ogl_helpers.h                           |    74 +
 src/opengl/ogl_lock.c                              |   688 +
 src/opengl/ogl_lock_es.c                           |   678 +
 src/opengl/ogl_render_state.c                      |    48 +
 src/opengl/ogl_shader.c                            |   517 +
 src/optimized.c                                    |   381 -
 src/path.c                                         |     4 +-
 src/pixels.c                                       |   287 +-
 src/raspberrypi/picursor.h                         |    82 +
 src/raspberrypi/pidisplay.c                        |   695 +
 src/raspberrypi/pisystem.c                         |   202 +
 src/scanline_drawers.inc                           |  5482 ++++---
 src/sdl/sdl_display.c                              |   358 +
 src/sdl/sdl_event_hack.c                           |    57 +
 src/sdl/sdl_joystick.c                             |   194 +
 src/sdl/sdl_keyboard.c                             |   406 +
 src/sdl/sdl_mouse.c                                |   182 +
 src/sdl/sdl_system.c                               |   297 +
 src/sdl/sdl_thread.c                               |    89 +
 src/sdl/sdl_time.c                                 |    29 +
 src/shader.c                                       |   504 +
 src/shader_source.inc                              |   114 +
 src/system.c                                       |   118 +-
 src/threads.c                                      |     1 +
 src/timernu.c                                      |    75 +-
 src/tls.c                                          |   252 +-
 src/tls_dll.inc                                    |    19 +-
 src/touch_input.c                                  |   145 +
 src/transformations.c                              |   354 +-
 src/tri_soft.c                                     |     3 +-
 src/unix/udrvlist.c                                |    10 +-
 src/unix/uhapdrv.c                                 |    30 +
 src/unix/ujoydrv.c                                 |     5 +-
 src/unix/uxthread.c                                |    11 +
 src/win/d3d.h                                      |   122 +-
 src/win/d3d_bmp.cpp                                |   753 +-
 src/win/d3d_d3dx9.cpp                              |   126 +
 src/win/d3d_disp.cpp                               |   853 +-
 src/win/d3d_render_state.cpp                       |    46 +
 src/win/d3d_shader.cpp                             |   449 +
 src/win/wclipboard.c                               |   145 +
 src/win/wgl_disp.c                                 |   143 +-
 src/win/whapall.c                                  |   343 +
 src/win/whaptic.c                                  |    31 +
 src/win/whaptic.cpp                                |  1439 ++
 src/win/whapxi.c                                   |   839 +
 src/win/wjoyall.c                                  |   230 +
 src/win/wjoydrv.c                                  |     4 +
 src/win/wjoydxnu.c                                 |  1569 --
 src/win/wjoydxnu.cpp                               |  1648 ++
 src/win/wjoyxi.c                                   |   721 +
 src/win/wkeyboard.c                                |     2 +-
 src/win/wmcursor.c                                 |     6 +-
 src/win/wmouse.c                                   |    58 +-
 src/win/wsystem.c                                  |   252 +-
 src/win/wtime.c                                    |     1 +
 src/win/wtouch_input.c                             |   449 +
 src/win/wunicode.c                                 |     2 +
 src/win/wwindow.c                                  |   461 +-
 src/win/wxthread.c                                 |     4 +-
 src/x/xclipboard.c                                 |   235 +
 src/x/xcursor.c                                    |     6 +
 src/x/xdisplay.c                                   |  1268 +-
 src/x/xevents.c                                    |    65 +-
 src/x/xfullscreen.c                                |     5 +-
 src/x/xglx_config.c                                |    57 +-
 src/x/xkeyboard.c                                  |    67 +-
 src/x/xmousenu.c                                   |    66 +-
 src/x/xsystem.c                                    |    38 +-
 src/x/xtouch.c                                     |   485 +
 src/x/xwindow.c                                    |   317 +-
 tests/CMakeLists.txt                               |    54 +-
 tests/grab_bitmap_suites.sh                        |    17 +
 tests/manual_bmpsuite2.ini                         |     8 +-
 tests/manual_bmpsuite3.ini                         |     3 +-
 tests/manual_bmpsuite4.ini                         |   394 +
 tests/test_bitmaps2.ini                            |    30 +
 tests/test_blend.ini                               |   303 +-
 tests/test_compressed.ini                          |   159 +
 tests/test_convert.ini                             |    22 +
 tests/test_driver.c                                |   431 +-
 tests/test_fonts.ini                               |   123 +-
 tests/test_image.ini                               |    83 +-
 tests/test_prim2.ini                               |   219 +
 1329 files changed, 120308 insertions(+), 27922 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/allegro5.git

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