[renpy] branch experimental created (now ffc18f7)

Markus Koschany apo-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 12 19:39:59 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo-guest pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository renpy.

        at  ffc18f7   Switch to SDL2.

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  31f1e79   [svn-inject] Installing original source of renpy
       new  f655c71   [svn-inject] Forking renpy source to Trunk
       new  771551c   Load newtrunk into packages/renpy/trunk.
       new  f682b5d   [svn-inject] Setting properties of renpy/debian/
       new  02092a1   move trunk of renpy where it belongs
       new  cd0ba74   Adjust permissions from debian/rules
       new  146815f   Renamed binary package renpy-module to python-rempy. Upgraded compat to 5.
       new  c8944bd   Added man page
       new  e34bcb0   Solved problem with installation of man page
       new  4046cdb   Modified changelog to correct typo and add reference to man page
       new  a4f49a5   Minor changes.
       new  a9a4ebb   Corrected rules for dh_pythonsupport compatibility
       new  8a91688   remove the 'Application' categorie from desktop files since it's not an official Freedesktop categorie.
       new  0b7f52e   Where is the manpage? :) I comment its install command to avoid FTBFS
       new  8897f7b   New upstream version
       new  2ff6e2b   Minor change in changelog
       new  92ecfe0   add some missing dh_desktop dh_desktop exec update-desktop-database to refresh user menu after a .desktop install
       new  1b39eb1   Updates to version 6.2.0
       new  6ef0bb6   Added man pages Set up renpy-demo as a different program
       new  4eb9174   Changes in uploaders and copyright
       new  9247a50   Changed URL
       new  3b2f982   Changed URL
       new  c7636f3   Changed URLs Added +x permission to demo script
       new  c3e3531   New Upstream Release
       new  316ff02   New upstream release
       new  9d127ef   Added some XS- tags to debian/control in many packages
       new  7af9735   Removed all "XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" tags
       new  8221807   Add Watch file Add comments in debian/rules for dynamic generation of RENPY_VERSION
       new  11a2b45   add Homepage: control field to source stanza
       new  09c6fb0   Updated watch file to match new upstream location. No changelog entry as the latest changelog has "Added watch file".
       new  45ceaf1   New Upstream Version
       new  654c5e5   Added DM-Upload-Allowed label to debian/control
       new  baa87fc   Updated copyright years
       new  9cb8bb3   Added rule to download documentation
       new  7231792   * Remove deprecated Encoding key from .desktop files
       new  41cecaa   debian/control: Change XS-Vcs-* to Vcs-*
       new  0154f23   New Upstream Release Added doc package Fixed minor things
       new  14e09b4   Fixed minor problem in patch
       new  83c7e03   Added new package for the game included in renpy: the question
       new  32fd742   Added menu, icon and desktop file for the game The Question
       new  a0afc6f   Added man page for The Question game
       new  9904612   New release in Debian.
       new  42fdac7   New changelog entry
       new  13626b5   Fixed copyright issues
       new  b390264   Fixed copyright issues in the module
       new  3c5f206   Removed old FSF address
       new  6a0b929   New Upstream Release Compile the module for all python versions Upgraded Standards-Version to 3.8.0
       new  c79785e   Prepare for upload
       new  90a4e4a   FIxed doc-base section field
       new  70239f7   New changelog entry
       new  892b2dd   New Release Fixed patches
       new  9909414   Upstream tarball is shipped clean now. Removed unneccesary stuff.
       new  cd41918   Fixed installation stuff
       new  5fedd67   Ren'Py 6.8.0 requires pygame 1.8.1 to run
       new  4b929ef   Added entry to changelog
       new  11e4b41   Fixed changelog
       new  dd4b19b   New Upstream Release
       new  17551dc   Drop use of dh_desktop since it no longer does anything and desktop-file-utils 0.15-2 has a trigger (see #525133)
       new  50a7029   Prepare release
       new  d65f6ea   New Upstream Release
       new  e6131a8   Fixed dependencies
       new  a52fa88   Remove repeated ttf fonts
       new  18a235c   Prepare release
       new  77cfda0   Fix Build-Depends
       new  7c29cd6   Replace TTF fonts with links in the proper place
       new  7873a10   Yet another font to remove
       new  a058352   Fix it properly this time
       new  44cd7ca   Re-added get-orig-source
       new  e82bff0   Ready to upload
       new  b8d1dc3   New Upstream Release
       new  86a1bf5   Fix watch file
       new  00d2560   Prepare release
       new  f3ac999   Fixed minor thingie
       new  3cca015   Added 04_editor.patch
       new  594b81b   New Upstream Release
       new  e28870e   Prepare package
       new  53d5170   Prepare package for experimental
       new  df43de2   New Upstream Release
       new  76f9746   Upgraded to DebSrc 3
       new  822db91   Fix minor stuff in debian/rules
       new  3c8a985   New Upstream Release
       new  1dda8a9   Upgrade Standards-Version
       new  f2b76ae   Make the package compile in sid
       new  d46aaa2   Fixed some stuff and added missing dependency
       new  6c1efef   Prepare release
       new  3f8d21b   It doesn't seem to be ready yet, there is a bug in the menus in the demo game
       new  620526e   Prepare release
       new  848ad7b   New Upstream Release
       new  f22d684   New Upstream Release
       new  dd3962b   Prepare release
       new  af0948e   Correct Vcs-* URLs to point to anonscm.debian.org
       new  be50f36   New Upstream Release
       new  62a3027   Fixed typo
       new  a9590cb   Improve package
       new  112b9b1   Fix Changelog
       new  4596f49   New upstream release
       new  910a7ae   Fix privacy issues in the documentation
       new  7675896   Updated changelog
       new  5b1398c   New upstream release
       new  6e84bd0   Refreshed patches
       new  a361aff   Revert changes and prepare for release
       new  9a64c7b   New upstream release
       new  90f9237   New upstream release
       new  fbe76c8   Fix package
       new  88f8d6d   Prepare package for upload
       new  e2aca55   Changeset for 6.17.6-1.1
       new  d073b47   origUrl property set for renpy_6.13.7
       new  2a07160   origUrl property set for renpy_6.17.6
       new  3dbfe17   Initial upstream branch.
       new  651c80c   Moved the package to Git
       new  3aadd79   Imported Upstream version 6.10.2.dfsg1
       new  55266ec   Imported Debian patch 6.10.2.dfsg1-1
       new  35f63d8   Imported Upstream version 6.13.12
       new  6edbcfc   Imported Debian patch 6.13.12-1
       new  32c509a   Imported Upstream version 6.17.6
       new  4e86d72   Imported Debian patch 6.17.6-1.1
       new  ba73c3a   wrap-and-sort -sa
       new  b6aaf4a   d/control: Remove quilt from Build-Depends.
       new  f04124d   d/control: Remove dpkg-dev from Build-Depends.
       new  37ca975   d/control: Use unversioned libglew-dev build-dependency.
       new  122bb3c   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
       new  f0114c0   Move the package to Git.
       new  e9f1f74   d/control: Remove versioned dependency on python-pygame.
       new  aaa8058   Remove README.source because source format 3.0 uses quilt by default.
       new  0156d5f   Really remove all versioned dependencies on python-pygame.
       new  3b1548c   Remove debian/pycompat because it is obsolete.
       new  85dd280   Simplify debian/rules by using dh sequencer.
       new  c50798a   Use dh_installdocs override for fixing the privacy issues.
       new  e49bcc2   Switch to fonts-dejavu-core.
       new  e23ad03   Install documentation with renpy-doc.install.
       new  e10881e   Ensure renpy can be built twice in a row.
       new  36fa58f   source/options: Do not use bzip compression and use xz instead
       new  b3946d8   renpy-doc: Depend on libjs-jquery and libjs-underscore
       new  88daac6   Move icons to icons subdirectory and man pages to man.
       new  7fba617   Move scripts to bin subdirectory
       new  ae74e3d   Update debian/watch and detect the latest releases.
       new  f0a6764   Imported Upstream version 6.99.8
       new  b56f769   Merge tag 'upstream/6.99.8'
       new  6b2ad33   Fix path to Roboto fonts.
       new  dc1004f   d/control: Replace fonts-roboto with fonts-roboto-hinted
       new  226db93   Update changelog
       new  bb3acc2   Rebase 01_abspaths.patch
       new  1548ae1   Refresh 03_checkdir.patch
       new  269828e   Add standard DEP-3 header
       new  1f1242a   Update changelog
       new  ffc18f7   Switch to SDL2.

The 146 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/renpy.git

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