[renpy] 138/146: Merge tag 'upstream/6.99.8'

Markus Koschany apo-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 12 19:40:51 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo-guest pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository renpy.

commit b56f769611dd13c6aeae9b7e0f6126d5e39134db
Merge: ae74e3d f0a6764
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Jan 12 17:00:50 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/6.99.8'
    Upstream version 6.99.8
    # gpg: Signature made Tue 12 Jan 2016 16:57:18 CET using RSA key ID 513B51E4
    # gpg: Good signature from "Markus Koschany <apo at gambaru.de>" [ultimate]
    # gpg:                 aka "Markus Koschany <markus at koschany.net>" [ultimate]
    # gpg:                 aka "Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>" [ultimate]

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 launcher/game/tl/{french => italian}/add_file.rpy  |     13 +-
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 .../game/tl/{german => italian}/choose_theme.rpy   |     78 +-
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 .../game/tl/{spanish => italian}/distribute.rpy    |     20 +-
 .../tl/{spanish => italian}/distribute_gui.rpy     |     24 +-
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 .../game/tl/{spanish => italian}/preferences.rpy   |     30 +-
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 .../game/tl/{german => italian}/translations.rpy   |     66 +-
 launcher/game/tl/{french => italian}/updater.rpy   |     52 +-
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 launcher/game/tl/korean/android.rpy                |    329 +-
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 launcher/game/tl/russian/distribute_gui.rpy        |      3 +-
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 .../tl/simplified_chinese/DroidSansFallback.ttf    |    Bin 0 -> 3727996 bytes
 .../tl/simplified_chinese/DroidSansFallback.txt    |     13 +
 launcher/game/tl/simplified_chinese/about.rpy      |     11 +
 launcher/game/tl/simplified_chinese/add_file.rpy   |     23 +
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 .../tl/simplified_chinese/choose_directory.rpy     |      7 +
 .../game/tl/simplified_chinese/choose_theme.rpy    |     43 +
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 .../game/tl/simplified_chinese/distribute_gui.rpy  |     63 +
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 .../{korean => simplified_chinese}/interface.rpy   |    159 +-
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 .../{korean => simplified_chinese}/navigation.rpy  |    135 +-
 .../game/tl/simplified_chinese/new_project.rpy     |     35 +
 .../game/tl/simplified_chinese/preferences.rpy     |     79 +
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 .../game/tl/simplified_chinese/translations.rpy    |     35 +
 .../tl/{korean => simplified_chinese}/updater.rpy  |    191 +-
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 launcher/game/tl/spanish/common.rpy                |     60 +-
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 launcher/game/tl/spanish/distribute_gui.rpy        |     17 +
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 launcher/game/tl/spanish/preferences.rpy           |     21 +
 launcher/game/tl/spanish/project.rpy               |      6 +-
 .../traditional_chinese/DroidSansFallback-LICENSE  |     20 +
 .../tl/traditional_chinese/DroidSansFallback.ttf   |    Bin 0 -> 3939852 bytes
 .../tl/{korean => traditional_chinese}/about.rpy   |     31 +-
 launcher/game/tl/traditional_chinese/add_file.rpy  |     23 +
 launcher/game/tl/traditional_chinese/android.rpy   |    155 +
 .../tl/traditional_chinese/choose_directory.rpy    |      7 +
 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/choose_theme.rpy   |     43 +
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 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/distribute.rpy     |     39 +
 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/distribute_gui.rpy |     63 +
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 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/front_page.rpy     |    115 +
 .../{korean => traditional_chinese}/interface.rpy  |    163 +-
 launcher/game/tl/traditional_chinese/ios.rpy       |     99 +
 .../{korean => traditional_chinese}/navigation.rpy |    135 +-
 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/new_project.rpy    |     35 +
 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/preferences.rpy    |     83 +
 launcher/game/tl/traditional_chinese/project.rpy   |     51 +
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 .../game/tl/traditional_chinese/translations.rpy   |     35 +
 .../tl/{korean => traditional_chinese}/updater.rpy |    191 +-
 launcher/game/translations.rpy                     |     94 +-
 launcher/game/updater.rpy                          |      5 +-
 launcher/game/util.rpy                             |      2 +-
 module/IMG_savepng.c                               |    218 +-
 module/_renpy.pyx                                  |     16 +-
 module/_renpybidi.pyx                              |      2 +-
 module/_renpysteam.pyx                             |    535 +
 module/core.c                                      |    344 +-
 module/egl_angle.c                                 |     28 +-
 module/egl_x11.c                                   |      4 +-
 module/ffdecode.c                                  |    156 +-
 module/gen/_renpy.c                                |   6131 +-
 module/gen/_renpybidi.c                            |   1552 +-
 module/gen/pysdlsound.sound.c                      |   4079 +-
 module/gen/renpy.angle.gl.c                        |  14035 +
 module/gen/renpy.angle.gldraw.c                    |  32895 ++-
 module/gen/renpy.angle.glenviron_shader.c          |   4774 +-
 module/gen/renpy.angle.glrtt_copy.c                |   3184 +-
 module/gen/renpy.angle.glrtt_fbo.c                 |   3333 +-
 module/gen/renpy.angle.gltexture.c                 |  14929 +-
 module/gen/renpy.display.accelerator.c             |   5772 +-
 module/gen/renpy.display.render.c                  |  33692 ++-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.gl.c                           |  14035 +
 module/gen/renpy.gl.gl1.c                          |   6490 +
 module/gen/renpy.gl.gldraw.c                       |  23425 +-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.glenviron_fixed.c              |   4572 +-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.glenviron_limited.c            |   3728 +-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.glenviron_shader.c             |   4788 +-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.glrtt_copy.c                   |   3174 +-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.glrtt_fbo.c                    |   3353 +-
 module/gen/renpy.gl.gltexture.c                    |  15035 +-
 module/gen/renpy.style.c                           |  16982 +-
 module/gen/renpy.styleaccel.c                      |   8774 -
 module/gen/renpy.styleclass.c                      | 258766 ------------------
 .../gen/renpy.styledata.style_activate_functions.c |  11142 +
 module/gen/renpy.styledata.style_functions.c       |  19077 ++
 module/gen/renpy.styledata.style_hover_functions.c |  13788 +
 module/gen/renpy.styledata.style_idle_functions.c  |  13788 +
 .../renpy.styledata.style_insensitive_functions.c  |  13788 +
 ...y.styledata.style_selected_activate_functions.c |  11142 +
 .../gen/renpy.styledata.style_selected_functions.c |  15111 +
 ...enpy.styledata.style_selected_hover_functions.c |  12465 +
 ...renpy.styledata.style_selected_idle_functions.c |  12465 +
 ...tyledata.style_selected_insensitive_functions.c |  12465 +
 module/gen/renpy.styledata.styleclass.c            |  21958 ++
 module/gen/renpy.styledata.stylesets.c             |   1590 +
 module/gen/renpy.text.ftfont.c                     |   5875 +-
 module/gen/renpy.text.textsupport.c                |   9059 +-
 module/gen/renpy.text.texwrap.c                    |   2118 +-
 module/generate_styles.py                          |     49 +-
 module/generate_styles.pyo                         |    Bin 0 -> 13624 bytes
 module/glcompat.h                                  |     27 +-
 module/include/freetype.pxd                        |      1 +
 module/include/pygame_sdl2.pxd                     |      8 +
 module/include/sdl2.pxd                            |   2678 +
 .../minigame.py => module/include/style_common.pxi |     18 +-
 module/maketegl.py                                 |    200 +-
 module/pss.c                                       |    226 +-
 module/pss.h                                       |      2 +-
 module/pysdlsound/sound.pyx                        |     29 +-
 module/renpy.h                                     |      7 +-
 module/renpybidicore.c                             |     11 +-
 module/setup.py                                    |    125 +-
 module/setuplib.py                                 |     54 +-
 module/setuplib.pyo                                |    Bin 0 -> 7604 bytes
 module/steamcallbacks.h                            |     35 +
 module/subpixel.c                                  |     76 +-
 renpy.py                                           |     60 +-
 renpy/__init__.py                                  |    341 +-
 renpy/add_from.py                                  |    117 +
 renpy/angle/gl.pxd                                 |   1184 +-
 renpy/angle/gl.pyx                                 |    711 +
 renpy/angle/glblacklist.py                         |      2 +-
 renpy/angle/gldraw.pxd                             |     18 +-
 renpy/angle/gldraw.pyx                             |    429 +-
 renpy/angle/glenviron_shader.pyx                   |      2 +-
 renpy/angle/glrtt_copy.pyx                         |      2 +-
 renpy/angle/glrtt_fbo.pyx                          |     12 +-
 renpy/angle/gltexture.pxd                          |      6 +-
 renpy/angle/gltexture.pyx                          |     49 +-
 renpy/arguments.py                                 |     76 +-
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 renpy/atl.py                                       |    306 +-
 renpy/audio/__init__.py                            |      2 +-
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 renpy/audio/audio.py                               |    259 +-
 renpy/audio/ioshw.py                               |    175 +
 renpy/audio/music.py                               |     34 +-
 renpy/audio/sound.py                               |      2 +-
 renpy/bootstrap.py                                 |     39 +-
 renpy/character.py                                 |     27 +-
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 renpy/common/00build.rpy                           |     23 +-
 renpy/common/00compat.rpy                          |     26 +-
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 renpy/common/00defaults.rpy                        |     24 +-
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 renpy/common/DejaVuSans.ttf                        |    Bin 622280 -> 756072 bytes
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 renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym                   |     95 +-
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 renpy/common/_layout/classic_main_menu.rpym        |      2 +-
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 renpy/common/_layout/classic_preferences.rpym      |      2 +-
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 renpy/common/_layout/grouped_navigation.rpym       |      2 +-
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 renpy/common/_layout/imagemap_load_save.rpym       |      2 +-
 renpy/common/_layout/imagemap_main_menu.rpym       |      2 +-
 renpy/common/_layout/imagemap_navigation.rpym      |      2 +-
 renpy/common/_layout/imagemap_preferences.rpym     |      2 +-
 renpy/common/_layout/imagemap_yesno_prompt.rpym    |      2 +-
 renpy/common/_layout/one_column_preferences.rpym   |      2 +-
 .../_layout/screen_joystick_preferences.rpym       |      2 +-
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 renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym         |      2 +-
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 renpy/common/_placeholder/girl.png                 |    Bin 0 -> 91783 bytes
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 renpy/config.py                                    |    174 +-
 renpy/curry.py                                     |      2 +-
 renpy/defaultstore.py                              |     51 +-
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 renpy/display/accelerator.pyx                      |     52 +-
 renpy/display/anim.py                              |      5 +-
 renpy/display/behavior.py                          |    400 +-
 renpy/display/controller.py                        |    185 +
 renpy/display/core.py                              |    753 +-
 renpy/display/dragdrop.py                          |    146 +-
 renpy/display/emulator.py                          |     45 +-
 renpy/display/error.py                             |      4 +-
 renpy/display/focus.py                             |    262 +-
 renpy/display/gesture.py                           |    137 +
 renpy/display/im.py                                |    124 +-
 renpy/display/image.py                             |    247 +-
 renpy/display/imagelike.py                         |     55 +-
 renpy/display/imagemap.py                          |     42 +-
 renpy/display/joystick.py                          |    110 +-
 renpy/display/layout.py                            |    438 +-
 renpy/display/minigame.py                          |      2 +-
 renpy/display/module.py                            |      4 +-
 renpy/display/motion.py                            |    306 +-
 renpy/display/movetransition.py                    |      6 +-
 renpy/display/particle.py                          |     24 +-
 renpy/display/pgrender.py                          |     26 +-
 renpy/display/predict.py                           |     38 +-
 renpy/display/presplash.py                         |    130 +-
 renpy/display/render.pxd                           |      6 +
 renpy/display/render.pyx                           |    330 +-
 renpy/display/scale.py                             |      4 +-
 renpy/display/screen.py                            |    750 +-
 renpy/display/swdraw.py                            |     82 +-
 renpy/display/transition.py                        |    130 +-
 renpy/display/tts.py                               |    175 +
 renpy/display/video.py                             |      9 +-
 renpy/dump.py                                      |      4 +-
 renpy/easy.py                                      |    112 +-
 renpy/editor.py                                    |      6 +-
 renpy/error.py                                     |     37 +-
 renpy/execution.py                                 |    243 +-
 renpy/exports.py                                   |    811 +-
 renpy/game.py                                      |     44 +-
 renpy/gl/gl.pxd                                    |   1181 +-
 renpy/gl/gl.pyx                                    |    711 +
 renpy/gl/gl1.pxd                                   |   1543 +
 renpy/gl/gl1.pyx                                   |    276 +
 renpy/gl/glblacklist.py                            |      2 +-
 renpy/gl/gldraw.pxd                                |     18 +-
 renpy/gl/gldraw.pyx                                |    429 +-
 renpy/gl/glenviron_fixed.pyx                       |      4 +-
 renpy/gl/glenviron_limited.pyx                     |      4 +-
 renpy/gl/glenviron_shader.pyx                      |      2 +-
 renpy/gl/glrtt_copy.pyx                            |      2 +-
 renpy/gl/glrtt_fbo.pyx                             |     12 +-
 renpy/gl/gltexture.pxd                             |      6 +-
 renpy/gl/gltexture.pyx                             |     49 +-
 renpy/lint.py                                      |    139 +-
 renpy/loader.py                                    |    238 +-
 renpy/loadsave.py                                  |     45 +-
 renpy/log.py                                       |     35 +-
 renpy/main.py                                      |    193 +-
 renpy/memory.py                                    |    328 +-
 renpy/minstore.py                                  |      9 +-
 renpy/object.py                                    |      2 +-
 renpy/parser.py                                    |    228 +-
 renpy/persistent.py                                |     27 +-
 renpy/preferences.py                               |     92 +-
 renpy/pyanalysis.py                                |    728 +
 renpy/python.py                                    |    118 +-
 renpy/savelocation.py                              |     29 +-
 renpy/screenlang.py                                |     24 +-
 renpy/script.py                                    |    596 +-
 renpy/scriptedit.py                                |    325 +
 renpy/sl2/pyutil.py                                |    164 -
 renpy/sl2/slast.py                                 |   1588 +-
 renpy/sl2/sldisplayables.py                        |    419 +-
 renpy/sl2/slparser.py                              |    405 +-
 renpy/sl2/slproperties.py                          |    183 +
 renpy/statements.py                                |      2 +-
 renpy/style.pxd                                    |      3 +
 renpy/style.pyx                                    |    147 +-
 renpy/{minstore.py => styledata/__init__.py}       |     46 +-
 .../__init__.py => styledata/styleclass.pyx}       |      6 +-
 .../{audio/__init__.py => styledata/stylesets.pyx} |      5 +-
 renpy/{styleclass.pyx => styledata/styleutil.py}   |     36 +-
 renpy/substitutions.py                             |     24 +-
 renpy/text/extras.py                               |     36 +-
 renpy/text/font.py                                 |     78 +-
 renpy/text/ftfont.pyx                              |     53 +-
 renpy/text/text.py                                 |    620 +-
 renpy/text/textsupport.pxd                         |      4 +
 renpy/text/textsupport.pyx                         |     66 +-
 renpy/text/texwrap.pyx                             |      2 +-
 renpy/translation.py                               |    179 +-
 renpy/ui.py                                        |    225 +-
 renpy/vc_version.py                                |      2 +-
 renpy/warp.py                                      |      2 +-
 templates/arabic/game/options.rpy                  |      2 +-
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 templates/arabic/game/script.rpy                   |      2 +-
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 templates/arabic/game/tl/None/screens.rpy          |      3 +-
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 templates/english/game/options.rpy                 |      2 +-
 templates/english/game/screens.rpy                 |     32 +-
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 templates/french/game/tl/None/screens.rpy          |      2 +-
 templates/german/README.html                       |    125 +
 templates/german/game/options.rpy                  |    287 +
 templates/{french => german}/game/screens.rpy      |    106 +-
 templates/german/game/script.rpy                   |     17 +
 .../{french => german}/game/tl/None/common.rpy     |    141 +-
 .../{spanish => german}/game/tl/None/screens.rpy   |     84 +-
 templates/german/project.json                      |      1 +
 templates/italian/README.html                      |    128 +
 templates/italian/game/options.rpy                 |    277 +
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 templates/italian/game/script.rpy                  |     18 +
 .../italian/game/tl/None}/common.rpy               |    329 +-
 .../{korean => italian}/game/tl/None/screens.rpy   |    329 +-
 templates/italian/project.json                     |      1 +
 templates/japanese/README.html                     |    221 +-
 templates/japanese/game/options.rpy                |     14 +-
 templates/japanese/game/screens.rpy                |    118 +-
 templates/japanese/game/script.rpy                 |      4 +-
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 templates/japanese/game/tl/None/screens.rpy        |      2 +-
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 templates/korean/game/screens.rpy                  |      6 +-
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 templates/korean/game/tl/None/screens.rpy          |    351 +-
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 templates/{spanish => portuguese}/game/screens.rpy |      2 +-
 templates/{spanish => portuguese}/game/script.rpy  |      4 +-
 .../game/tl/None/common.rpy                        |    190 +-
 .../game/tl/None/screens.rpy                       |     79 +-
 templates/portuguese/project.json                  |      1 +
 templates/russian/game/options.rpy                 |      4 +-
 templates/russian/game/script.rpy                  |      2 +-
 templates/simplified_chinese/README.html           |    126 +
 templates/simplified_chinese/game/options.rpy      |    490 +
 .../game/screens.rpy                               |     96 +-
 templates/simplified_chinese/game/script.rpy       |     37 +
 .../game/tl/None/DroidSansFallback-LICENSE         |     20 +
 .../game/tl/None/DroidSansFallback.ttf             |    Bin 0 -> 3939852 bytes
 .../simplified_chinese/game/tl/None}/common.rpy    |    930 +-
 .../game/tl/None/screens.rpy                       |     91 +-
 templates/simplified_chinese/project.json          |      1 +
 templates/spanish/game/options.rpy                 |    352 +-
 templates/spanish/game/screens.rpy                 |     50 +-
 templates/spanish/game/script.rpy                  |      4 +-
 templates/spanish/game/tl/None/common.rpy          |     87 +-
 templates/spanish/game/tl/None/screens.rpy         |      2 +-
 templates/traditional_chinese/README.html          |    124 +
 templates/traditional_chinese/game/options.rpy     |    490 +
 .../game/screens.rpy                               |     96 +-
 templates/traditional_chinese/game/script.rpy      |     17 +
 .../game/tl/None/DroidSansFallback-LICENSE         |     20 +
 .../game/tl/None/DroidSansFallback.ttf             |    Bin 0 -> 3939852 bytes
 .../traditional_chinese/game/tl/None/common.rpy    |    555 +
 .../game/tl/None/screens.rpy                       |     89 +-
 templates/traditional_chinese/project.json         |      1 +
 the_question/README.html                           |    254 +-
 the_question/android-icon.png                      |    Bin 0 -> 24527 bytes
 the_question/project.json                          |      2 +-
 tutorial/README.html                               |    254 +-
 .../cache/im-97355fbfe11cfbf399bd634f191bba56.png  |    Bin 86545 -> 0 bytes
 tutorial/game/demo_imageops.rpy                    |      4 +-
 tutorial/game/demo_transitions.rpy                 |     32 +
 tutorial/game/demo_ui.rpy                          |     14 +-
 .../{washington.jpg => images/bg washington.jpg}   |    Bin
 .../{whitehouse.jpg => images/bg whitehouse.jpg}   |    Bin
 tutorial/game/{ => images}/concert1.jpg            |    Bin
 tutorial/game/{ => images}/concert2.jpg            |    Bin
 tutorial/game/{ => images}/concert3.jpg            |    Bin
 .../eileen concerned.png}                          |    Bin
 .../{eileen_happy.png => images/eileen happy.png}  |    Bin
 .../eileen vhappy.png}                             |    Bin
 tutorial/game/keywords.py                          |      2 +-
 tutorial/game/options.rpy                          |      2 +-
 tutorial/game/screens.rpy                          |     35 +-
 tutorial/game/script.rpy                           |     13 +-
 tutorial/game/tl/japanese/common.rpy               |    210 +-
 tutorial/game/tl/japanese/screens.rpy              |      2 +-
 tutorial/game/tl/japanese/style.rpy                |      2 +-
 tutorial/game/tl/japanese/tutorial_quickstart.rpy  |      4 +-
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/NanumGothic.ttf            |    Bin 0 -> 4343844 bytes
 .../game/tl/korean/Naver Nanum Font License.txt    |    102 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/common.rpy                 |    665 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_character.rpy         |    184 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_dynamic.rpy           |     24 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_imageops.rpy          |    240 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_layers.rpy            |     88 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_minigame.rpy          |    143 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_nvlmode.rpy           |    163 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_persistent.rpy        |     48 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_text.rpy              |    250 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_transform.rpy         |     80 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_transitions.txt.rpy   |    718 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/demo_ui.txt.rpy            |    318 +
 .../None => tutorial/game/tl/korean}/screens.rpy   |    399 +-
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/script.rpy                 |    182 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/style.rpy                  |      8 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/tutorial_atl.rpy           |    746 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/tutorial_playing.rpy       |    224 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/tutorial_quickstart.rpy    |    882 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/tutorial_sprite.rpy        |     64 +
 tutorial/game/tl/korean/tutorial_video.rpy         |     56 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/common.rpy                |    494 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_character.rpy        |    139 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_dynamic.rpy          |     19 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_imageops.rpy         |    181 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_layers.rpy           |     67 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_minigame.rpy         |    109 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_nvlmode.rpy          |    125 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_persistent.rpy       |     37 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_text.rpy             |    187 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_transform.rpy        |     61 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_transitions.rpy      |    542 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/demo_ui.rpy               |    245 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/screens.rpy               |    179 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/script.rpy                |    143 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_atl.rpy          |    561 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_playing.rpy      |    169 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_quickstart.rpy   |    664 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_sprite.rpy       |     49 +
 tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_video.rpy        |     43 +
 tutorial/game/tutorial_atl.rpy                     |     22 +-
 tutorial/game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy              |      2 +-
 tutorial/image_cache.txt                           |     39 +
 update/current.json                                |      2 +-
 709 files changed, 380480 insertions(+), 374329 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/renpy.git

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