[minetest-mod-mesecons] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2016.05.15'

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Thu Jun 2 13:35:51 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jpuydt-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository minetest-mod-mesecons.

commit 7dd51eadb37d95b5eaa4156af027aee62bc19080
Merge: 790f2e2 0574af4
Author: Julien Puydt <julien.puydt at laposte.net>
Date:   Thu Jun 2 15:18:12 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2016.05.15'
    Upstream version 2016.05.15

 README.md                                          |   4 +-
 documentation.json                                 |  62 ++
 mesecons/VERSION                                   |   1 -
 mesecons/actionqueue.lua                           | 101 +++
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 mesecons/doc/mesecon/recipe.png                    | Bin 0 -> 3932 bytes
 mesecons/init.lua                                  | 124 ++-
 mesecons/internal.lua                              | 720 +++++++++--------
 mesecons/legacy.lua                                |  30 +
 mesecons/oldwires.lua                              |   2 +-
 mesecons/presets.lua                               |  20 +-
 mesecons/services.lua                              | 112 ++-
 mesecons/settings.lua                              |  24 +-
 .../textures/mesecons_wire_inv.png                 | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_wire_off.png                 | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_wire_on.png                  | Bin
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 mesecons_blinkyplant/doc/blinkyplant/recipe.png    | Bin 0 -> 2922 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_blinky_plant_on.png             | Bin
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 .../textures/jeija_wall_button_on.png              | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_wall_button_sides.png           | Bin
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 .../textures/jeija_close_window.png                | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_commandblock_off.png            | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_commandblock_on.png             | Bin
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 mesecons_detector/doc/objectdetector/recipe.png    | Bin 0 -> 9813 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_node_detector_on.png            | Bin 0 -> 727 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_object_detector_off.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_object_detector_on.png          | Bin
 .../depends.txt                                    |   0
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 mesecons_extrawires/corner.lua                     |   8 +-
 mesecons_extrawires/crossover.lua                  |   8 +-
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 mesecons_extrawires/doc/tjunction/recipe.png       | Bin 0 -> 3946 bytes
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 mesecons_extrawires/doc/vertical/recipe.png        | Bin 0 -> 3059 bytes
 mesecons_extrawires/mesewire.lua                   |  25 +-
 mesecons_extrawires/tjunction.lua                  |  12 +-
 mesecons_extrawires/vertical.lua                   | 230 +++---
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 mesecons_gates/doc/and/recipe.png                  | Bin 0 -> 2732 bytes
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 mesecons_gates/doc/diode/preview.png               | Bin 0 -> 72562 bytes
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 mesecons_gates/doc/xor/preview.png                 | Bin 0 -> 70940 bytes
 mesecons_gates/doc/xor/recipe.png                  | Bin 0 -> 2659 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_gate_and.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_gate_diode.png                  | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_gate_nand.png                   | Bin
 mesecons_gates/textures/jeija_gate_nor.png         | Bin 0 -> 251 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_gate_not.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_gate_off.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_gate_on.png                     | Bin
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 .../textures/jeija_gate_xor.png                    | Bin
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 .../textures/jeija_hydro_turbine_inv.png           | Bin 0 -> 4884 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_hydro_turbine_sides_off.png     | Bin 0 -> 782 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_hydro_turbine_sides_on.png      | Bin 0 -> 758 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_hydro_turbine_top_bottom.png    | Bin 0 -> 564 bytes
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 .../jeija_hydro_turbine_turbine_top_bottom.png     | Bin 0 -> 496 bytes
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 mesecons_insulated/doc/insulated/preview.png       | Bin 0 -> 44352 bytes
 mesecons_insulated/doc/insulated/recipe.png        | Bin 0 -> 4679 bytes
 mesecons_insulated/init.lua                        |   8 +-
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_crossing_tb_01.png        | Bin
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_crossing_tb_10.png        | Bin
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_crossing_tb_off.png       | Bin
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_crossing_tb_on.png        | Bin
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_curved_tb_off.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_curved_tb_on.png | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_ends_01x.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_ends_01z.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_ends_10x.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_ends_10z.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_ends_off.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_ends_on.png      | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_sides_off.png    | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_insulated_wire_sides_on.png     | Bin
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_tjunction_tb_off.png      | Bin
 .../jeija_insulated_wire_tjunction_tb_on.png       | Bin
 mesecons_lamp/doc/lamp/description.html            |   1 +
 mesecons_lamp/doc/lamp/preview.png                 | Bin 0 -> 34959 bytes
 mesecons_lamp/doc/lamp/recipe.png                  | Bin 0 -> 4478 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_meselamp.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_meselamp_off.png                | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_meselamp_on.png                 | Bin
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 .../doc/lightstone_darkgrey/recipe.png             | Bin 0 -> 4575 bytes
 .../doc/lightstone_green/description.html          |   1 +
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 .../doc/lightstone_lightgrey/recipe.png            | Bin 0 -> 4682 bytes
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 mesecons_lightstone/doc/lightstone_red/recipe.png  | Bin 0 -> 4009 bytes
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 .../doc/lightstone_yellow/preview.png              | Bin 0 -> 28281 bytes
 .../doc/lightstone_yellow/recipe.png               | Bin 0 -> 4550 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_blue_off.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_blue_on.png          | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_darkgray_off.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_darkgray_on.png      | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_gray_off.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_gray_on.png          | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_green_off.png        | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_green_on.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_red_off.png          | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_red_on.png           | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_yellow_off.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_lightstone_yellow_on.png        | Bin
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 .../doc/luacontroller/recipe.png                   | Bin 0 -> 5560 bytes
 mesecons_luacontroller/init.lua                    | 870 ++++++++++++---------
 .../textures/jeija_luac_background.png             | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luac_runbutton.png              | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luacontroller_LED_A.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luacontroller_LED_B.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luacontroller_LED_C.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luacontroller_LED_D.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luacontroller_burnt_top.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_luacontroller_top.png           | Bin
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 mesecons_materials/doc/fiber/recipe.png            | Bin 0 -> 4684 bytes
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 mesecons_materials/doc/glue/recipe.png             | Bin 0 -> 4273 bytes
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 mesecons_materials/doc/silicon/preview.png         | Bin 0 -> 52441 bytes
 mesecons_materials/doc/silicon/recipe.png          | Bin 0 -> 11579 bytes
 mesecons_materials/init.lua                        |  14 +-
 .../textures/mesecons_fiber.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_glue.png                     | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_silicon.png                  | Bin
 mesecons_microcontroller/MeseconMicro.odt          | Bin 825486 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_microcontroller/MeseconMicro.pdf          | Bin 433175 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_microcontroller/init.lua                  | 208 +++--
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_LED_A.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_LED_B.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_LED_C.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_LED_D.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_bottom.png      | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_sides.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_microcontroller_top.png         | Bin
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 .../doc/movestone_sticky/recipe.png                | Bin 0 -> 10190 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_movestone_arrows.png            | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_movestone_side.png              | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_sticky_movestone.png            | Bin
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 mesecons_noteblock/doc/noteblock/recipe.png        | Bin 0 -> 18182 bytes
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 .../sounds/mesecons_noteblock_fsharp2.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 14139 bytes
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 mesecons_pistons/doc/piston_sticky/recipe.png      | Bin 0 -> 14704 bytes
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 .../textures/mesecons_piston_back.png              | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_bottom.png            | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_left.png              | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_on_front.png          | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_pusher_back.png       | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_pusher_bottom.png     | Bin
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 .../textures/mesecons_piston_pusher_left.png       | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_pusher_right.png      | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_pusher_top.png        | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_right.png             | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_piston_top.png               | Bin
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 mesecons_powerplant/doc/powerplant/recipe.png      | Bin 0 -> 2823 bytes
 mesecons_powerplant/init.lua                       |   4 +-
 .../textures/jeija_power_plant.png                 | Bin
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 .../doc/pressureplate_stone/recipe.png             | Bin 0 -> 8056 bytes
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 .../doc/pressureplate_wood/preview.png             | Bin 0 -> 63535 bytes
 .../doc/pressureplate_wood/recipe.png              | Bin 0 -> 7717 bytes
 mesecons_pressureplates/init.lua                   |  95 +--
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_stone_inv.png    | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_stone_off.png    | Bin
 .../jeija_pressure_plate_stone_off_edges.png       | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_stone_on.png     | Bin
 .../jeija_pressure_plate_stone_on_edges.png        | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_stone_wield.png  | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_wood_inv.png     | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_wood_off.png     | Bin
 .../jeija_pressure_plate_wood_off_edges.png        | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_wood_on.png      | Bin
 .../jeija_pressure_plate_wood_on_edges.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_pressure_plate_wood_wield.png   | Bin
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 mesecons_random/doc/ghoststone/preview.png         | Bin 0 -> 37157 bytes
 mesecons_random/doc/ghoststone/recipe.png          | Bin 0 -> 23947 bytes
 mesecons_random/doc/removestone/description.html   |   1 +
 mesecons_random/doc/removestone/preview.png        | Bin 0 -> 90400 bytes
 mesecons_random/doc/removestone/recipe.png         | Bin 0 -> 23165 bytes
 mesecons_random/init.lua                           |  12 +-
 .../textures/jeija_ghoststone.png                  | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_ghoststone_inv.png              | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_removestone.png                 | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_removestone_inv.png             | Bin
 mesecons_receiver/init.lua                         |  93 +--
 .../textures/receiver_bottom_off.png               | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_bottom_on.png                | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_fb_off.png                   | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_fb_on.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_lr_off.png                   | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_lr_on.png                    | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_top_off.png                  | Bin
 .../textures/receiver_top_on.png                   | Bin
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 mesecons_solarpanel/doc/solarpanel/recipe.png      | Bin 0 -> 3721 bytes
 mesecons_solarpanel/init.lua                       |  12 +-
 .../textures/jeija_solar_panel.png                 | Bin
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 mesecons_switch/doc/switch/recipe.png              | Bin 0 -> 12015 bytes
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 .../textures/mesecons_switch_off.png               | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_switch_on.png                | Bin
 .../textures/mesecons_switch_side.png              | Bin
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 .../textures/jeija_battery_discharging.png         | Bin 418 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_hydro_turbine_off.png           | Bin 835 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_hydro_turbine_on.png            | Bin 817 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_crossing_off.png        | Bin 341 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_crossing_on.png         | Bin 340 -> 0 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_curved_on.png           | Bin 307 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_inverter_off.png        | Bin 743 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_inverter_on.png         | Bin 725 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/jeija_mesecon_on.png    | Bin 196 -> 0 bytes
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 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_socket_off.png          | Bin 751 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_socket_on.png           | Bin 737 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_t_junction_off.png      | Bin 330 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_mesecon_t_junction_on.png       | Bin 319 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_back.png             | Bin 614 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_bottom.png           | Bin 582 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/jeija_wall_lever_on.png | Bin 517 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_sides.png            | Bin 612 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/jeija_wall_lever_tb.png | Bin 575 -> 0 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_top.png              | Bin 587 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_bump_off.png      | Bin 347 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_bump_on.png       | Bin 386 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_inv.png           | Bin 167 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_off.png           | Bin 454 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_on.png            | Bin 492 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_vertical_off.png  | Bin 373 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_textures/textures/wires_vertical_on.png   | Bin 396 -> 0 bytes
 mesecons_torch/doc/torch/description.html          |   1 +
 mesecons_torch/doc/torch/preview.png               | Bin 0 -> 10142 bytes
 mesecons_torch/doc/torch/recipe.png                | Bin 0 -> 2345 bytes
 mesecons_torch/init.lua                            |  24 +-
 .../textures/jeija_torches_off.png                 | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_torches_off_ceiling.png         | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_torches_off_side.png            | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_torches_on.png                  | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_torches_on_ceiling.png          | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_torches_on_side.png             | Bin
 mesecons_walllever/doc/walllever/description.html  |   1 +
 mesecons_walllever/doc/walllever/preview.png       | Bin 0 -> 79390 bytes
 mesecons_walllever/doc/walllever/recipe.png        | Bin 0 -> 7268 bytes
 mesecons_walllever/init.lua                        |  96 +--
 mesecons_walllever/models/jeija_wall_lever_off.obj | 216 +++++
 mesecons_walllever/models/jeija_wall_lever_on.obj  | 216 +++++
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_back_edges.png       | Bin 0 -> 457 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_front.png            | Bin 0 -> 360 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_front_bump.png       | Bin 0 -> 252 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_inv.png              | Bin
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_lever_light_off.png  | Bin 0 -> 347 bytes
 .../textures/jeija_wall_lever_lever_light_on.png   | Bin 0 -> 308 bytes
 387 files changed, 4109 insertions(+), 2836 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-mod-mesecons.git

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