[openjk] 02/19: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20160320+dfsg1'
Simon McVittie
smcv at debian.org
Sun Mar 20 21:48:43 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
smcv pushed a commit to branch master
in repository openjk.
commit 80ea19de1c68c26c642bdbe255feabc189192da4
Merge: 06a6845 ff44ccc
Author: Simon McVittie <smcv at debian.org>
Date: Sun Mar 20 12:15:48 2016 +0000
Merge tag 'upstream/0_20160320+dfsg1'
Upstream version 0~20160320+dfsg1
.travis.yml | 5 +-
CHANGELOG.md | 224 +++
CHANGELOG.txt | 145 --
CMakeLists.txt | 130 +-
CMakeModules/FindJPEG.cmake | 72 -
CMakeModules/FindPNG.cmake | 91 -
README.md | 28 +
appveyor.yml | 72 +
code/CMakeLists.txt | 106 +-
code/Ragl/graph_region.h | 12 +-
code/Ragl/graph_triangulate.h | 66 +-
code/Ragl/graph_vs.h | 78 +-
code/Ragl/kdtree_vs.h | 28 +-
code/Ragl/ragl_common.h | 2 +-
code/Ratl/array_vs.h | 2 +-
code/Ratl/bits_vs.h | 14 +-
code/Ratl/grid_vs.h | 24 +-
code/Ratl/handle_pool_vs.h | 14 +-
code/Ratl/hash_pool_vs.h | 12 +-
code/Ratl/heap_vs.h | 8 +-
code/Ratl/list_vs.h | 22 +-
code/Ratl/map_vs.h | 2 +-
code/Ratl/pool_vs.h | 26 +-
code/Ratl/queue_vs.h | 10 +-
code/Ratl/ratl_common.h | 64 +-
code/Ratl/scheduler_vs.h | 4 +-
code/Ratl/stack_vs.h | 10 +-
code/Ratl/string_vs.h | 14 +-
code/Ratl/vector_vs.h | 28 +-
code/Ravl/CBounds.cpp | 2 +-
code/Ravl/CBounds.h | 4 +-
code/Ravl/CMatrix.h | 2 +-
code/Ravl/CVec.cpp | 108 +-
code/Ravl/CVec.h | 90 +-
code/Rufl/hfile.cpp | 18 +-
code/Rufl/hstring.cpp | 12 +-
code/Rufl/hstring.h | 4 +-
code/cgame/FX_Blaster.cpp | 2 +-
code/cgame/FX_Concussion.cpp | 10 +-
code/cgame/FX_DEMP2.cpp | 4 +-
code/cgame/FX_Disruptor.cpp | 22 +-
code/cgame/FX_NoghriShot.cpp | 2 +-
code/cgame/FX_TuskenShot.cpp | 2 +-
code/cgame/FxPrimitives.cpp | 7 +-
code/cgame/FxPrimitives.h | 26 +-
code/cgame/FxScheduler.cpp | 306 ++--
code/cgame/FxScheduler.h | 170 +-
code/cgame/FxSystem.cpp | 28 +-
code/cgame/FxSystem.h | 10 +-
code/cgame/FxTemplate.cpp | 1355 +++++---------
code/cgame/FxUtil.cpp | 86 +-
code/cgame/FxUtil.h | 62 +-
code/cgame/animtable.h | 294 ++--
code/cgame/cg_camera.cpp | 58 +-
code/cgame/cg_camera.h | 8 +-
code/cgame/cg_consolecmds.cpp | 8 +-
code/cgame/cg_credits.cpp | 32 +-
code/cgame/cg_draw.cpp | 434 ++---
code/cgame/cg_drawtools.cpp | 22 +-
code/cgame/cg_effects.cpp | 66 +-
code/cgame/cg_ents.cpp | 238 +--
code/cgame/cg_event.cpp | 9 -
code/cgame/cg_info.cpp | 114 +-
code/cgame/cg_local.h | 72 +-
code/cgame/cg_localents.cpp | 40 +-
code/cgame/cg_main.cpp | 6 +-
code/cgame/cg_players.cpp | 23 +-
code/cgame/cg_playerstate.cpp | 18 +-
code/cgame/cg_predict.cpp | 58 +-
code/cgame/cg_public.h | 4 +-
code/cgame/cg_scoreboard.cpp | 64 +-
code/cgame/cg_servercmds.cpp | 8 +-
code/cgame/cg_snapshot.cpp | 12 +-
code/cgame/cg_syscalls.cpp | 26 +-
code/cgame/cg_text.cpp | 94 +-
code/cgame/cg_view.cpp | 2 +-
code/cgame/cg_weapons.cpp | 278 +--
code/cgame/common_headers.h | 2 +-
code/client/cl_cgame.cpp | 60 +-
code/client/cl_cin.cpp | 266 +--
code/client/cl_console.cpp | 44 +-
code/client/cl_input.cpp | 22 +-
code/client/cl_input_hotswap.cpp | 246 ---
code/client/cl_input_hotswap.h | 64 -
code/client/cl_keys.cpp | 329 ++--
code/client/cl_main.cpp | 49 +-
code/client/cl_mp3.cpp | 52 +-
code/client/cl_parse.cpp | 14 +-
code/client/cl_scrn.cpp | 34 +-
code/client/cl_ui.cpp | 22 +-
code/client/client.h | 13 +-
code/client/keycodes.h | 2 +-
code/client/snd_ambient.cpp | 48 +-
code/client/snd_ambient.h | 6 +-
code/client/snd_dma.cpp | 374 ++--
code/client/snd_local.h | 4 +-
code/client/snd_mem.cpp | 86 +-
code/client/snd_mix.cpp | 28 +-
code/client/snd_music.cpp | 675 +++----
code/client/snd_music.h | 4 +-
code/client/vmachine.cpp | 8 +-
code/game/AI_Animal.cpp | 14 +-
code/game/AI_AssassinDroid.cpp | 16 +-
code/game/AI_Atst.cpp | 14 +-
code/game/AI_BobaFett.cpp | 78 +-
code/game/AI_Civilian.cpp | 8 +-
code/game/AI_Default.cpp | 77 +-
code/game/AI_Droid.cpp | 30 +-
code/game/AI_GalakMech.cpp | 68 +-
code/game/AI_Grenadier.cpp | 30 +-
code/game/AI_HazardTrooper.cpp | 164 +-
code/game/AI_Howler.cpp | 34 +-
code/game/AI_ImperialProbe.cpp | 26 +-
code/game/AI_Interrogator.cpp | 6 +-
code/game/AI_Mark1.cpp | 40 +-
code/game/AI_Mark2.cpp | 14 +-
code/game/AI_MineMonster.cpp | 8 +-
code/game/AI_Rancor.cpp | 94 +-
code/game/AI_Remote.cpp | 12 +-
code/game/AI_RocketTrooper.cpp | 42 +-
code/game/AI_SaberDroid.cpp | 22 +-
code/game/AI_SandCreature.cpp | 50 +-
code/game/AI_Seeker.cpp | 16 +-
code/game/AI_Sentry.cpp | 22 +-
code/game/AI_Sniper.cpp | 34 +-
code/game/AI_Stormtrooper.cpp | 128 +-
code/game/AI_Tusken.cpp | 34 +-
code/game/AI_Utils.cpp | 24 +-
code/game/AI_Wampa.cpp | 40 +-
code/game/CMakeLists.txt | 28 +-
code/game/G_Timer.cpp | 14 +-
code/game/NPC.cpp | 172 +-
code/game/NPC_combat.cpp | 23 +-
code/game/NPC_goal.cpp | 34 +-
code/game/NPC_misc.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/NPC_move.cpp | 38 +-
code/game/NPC_reactions.cpp | 84 +-
code/game/NPC_senses.cpp | 92 +-
code/game/NPC_sounds.cpp | 10 +-
code/game/NPC_spawn.cpp | 192 +-
code/game/NPC_utils.cpp | 10 -
code/game/Q3_Interface.cpp | 19 +-
code/game/Q3_Interface.h | 28 +-
code/game/anims.h | 336 ++--
code/game/b_local.h | 19 +-
code/game/b_public.h | 10 +-
code/game/bg_pmove.cpp | 107 +-
code/game/bg_public.h | 30 +-
code/game/bg_vehicleLoad.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/channels.h | 4 +-
code/game/characters.h | 52 -
code/game/events.h | 2 +-
code/game/fields.h | 8 +-
code/game/g_active.cpp | 385 ++--
code/game/g_breakable.cpp | 78 +-
code/game/g_camera.cpp | 6 +-
code/game/g_client.cpp | 228 +--
code/game/g_cmds.cpp | 62 +-
code/game/g_combat.cpp | 504 +++---
code/game/g_emplaced.cpp | 34 +-
code/game/g_functions.cpp | 82 +-
code/game/g_functions.h | 32 +-
code/game/g_itemLoad.cpp | 2 -
code/game/g_items.cpp | 168 +-
code/game/g_items.h | 6 +-
code/game/g_local.h | 9 +-
code/game/g_main.cpp | 4 +
code/game/g_mem.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/g_misc.cpp | 226 +--
code/game/g_misc_model.cpp | 38 +-
code/game/g_missile.cpp | 208 +--
code/game/g_mover.cpp | 178 +-
code/game/g_nav.cpp | 16 +-
code/game/g_navigator.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/g_navigator.h | 4 +-
code/game/g_navnew.cpp | 8 +-
code/game/g_object.cpp | 20 +-
code/game/g_objectives.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/g_public.h | 14 +-
code/game/g_rail.cpp | 20 +-
code/game/g_ref.cpp | 4 +-
code/game/g_roff.cpp | 6 +-
code/game/g_roff.h | 4 +-
code/game/g_savegame.cpp | 1 +
code/game/g_session.cpp | 10 +-
code/game/g_shared.h | 47 +-
code/game/g_spawn.cpp | 52 +-
code/game/g_svcmds.cpp | 110 +-
code/game/g_target.cpp | 68 +-
code/game/g_trigger.cpp | 126 +-
code/game/g_turret.cpp | 124 +-
code/game/g_usable.cpp | 8 +-
code/game/g_utils.cpp | 132 +-
code/game/g_vehicleLoad.cpp | 26 +-
code/game/g_vehicles.h | 28 +-
code/game/g_weapon.cpp | 102 +-
code/game/g_weaponLoad.cpp | 154 +-
code/game/genericparser2.cpp | 1133 ++----------
code/game/genericparser2.h | 293 ++--
code/game/ghoul2_shared.h | 24 +-
code/game/objectives.h | 2 +-
code/game/statindex.h | 4 +-
code/game/teams.h | 18 +-
code/game/w_local.h | 2 +-
code/game/weapons.h | 10 +-
code/game/wp_blaster_rifle.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/wp_bowcaster.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/wp_concussion.cpp | 18 +-
code/game/wp_demp2.cpp | 22 +-
code/game/wp_det_pack.cpp | 6 +-
code/game/wp_disruptor.cpp | 30 +-
code/game/wp_emplaced_gun.cpp | 4 +-
code/game/wp_flechette.cpp | 10 +-
code/game/wp_noghri_stick.cpp | 2 +-
code/game/wp_rocket_launcher.cpp | 20 +-
code/game/wp_saber.cpp | 6 +-
code/game/wp_saber.h | 2 +-
code/game/wp_saberLoad.cpp | 40 +-
code/game/wp_trip_mine.cpp | 4 +-
code/ghoul2/ghoul2_gore.h | 22 +-
code/icarus/BlockStream.cpp | 22 +-
code/icarus/IcarusImplementation.cpp | 32 +-
code/icarus/IcarusImplementation.h | 10 +-
code/icarus/IcarusInterface.h | 2 +-
code/icarus/Sequence.cpp | 44 +-
code/icarus/Sequencer.cpp | 226 +--
code/icarus/TaskManager.cpp | 124 +-
code/icarus/blockstream.h | 10 +-
code/icarus/sequence.h | 4 +-
code/icarus/sequencer.h | 2 +-
code/icarus/taskmanager.h | 8 +-
code/mp3code/cdct.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/config.h | 6 +-
code/mp3code/csbt.c | 6 +-
code/mp3code/csbtb.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/csbtl3.c | 30 +-
code/mp3code/cup.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/cupini.c | 8 +-
code/mp3code/cupl1.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/cupl3.c | 26 +-
code/mp3code/cwin.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/cwinb.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/cwinm.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/htable.h | 4 +-
code/mp3code/hwin.c | 8 +-
code/mp3code/jdw.h | 4 +-
code/mp3code/l3.h | 4 +-
code/mp3code/l3dq.c | 6 +-
code/mp3code/l3init.c | 12 +-
code/mp3code/mdct.c | 6 +-
code/mp3code/mhead.c | 30 +-
code/mp3code/mhead.h | 4 +-
code/mp3code/mp3struct.h | 14 +-
code/mp3code/msis.c | 24 +-
code/mp3code/port.h | 6 +-
code/mp3code/tableawd.h | 4 +-
code/mp3code/towave.c | 68 +-
code/mp3code/uph.c | 4 +-
code/mp3code/upsf.c | 6 +-
code/mp3code/wavep.c | 4 +-
code/qcommon/cm_load.cpp | 93 +-
code/qcommon/cm_local.h | 8 +-
code/qcommon/cm_patch.cpp | 2 +-
code/qcommon/cm_polylib.cpp | 46 +-
code/qcommon/cm_test.cpp | 22 +-
code/qcommon/cm_trace.cpp | 74 +-
code/qcommon/cmd.cpp | 2 +-
code/qcommon/common.cpp | 175 +-
code/qcommon/cvar.cpp | 39 +-
code/qcommon/files.cpp | 93 +-
code/qcommon/fixedmap.h | 149 --
code/qcommon/hstring.cpp | 8 +-
code/qcommon/hstring.h | 36 +-
code/qcommon/msg.cpp | 70 +-
code/qcommon/q_math.cpp | 182 +-
code/qcommon/q_platform.h | 242 ---
code/qcommon/q_shared.cpp | 52 +-
code/qcommon/q_shared.h | 109 +-
code/qcommon/qcommon.h | 46 +-
code/qcommon/qfiles.h | 10 +-
code/qcommon/safe/memory.h | 99 ++
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code/qcommon/stringed_ingame.cpp | 66 +-
code/qcommon/stringed_ingame.h | 4 +-
code/qcommon/stringed_interface.cpp | 10 +-
code/qcommon/strip.cpp | 52 +-
code/qcommon/strippublic.h | 2 +-
code/qcommon/tags.h | 4 +-
code/qcommon/tri_coll_test.cpp | 28 +-
code/qcommon/z_memman_pc.cpp | 172 +-
code/rd-common/mdx_format.h | 44 +-
code/rd-common/tr_common.h | 5 +
code/rd-common/tr_font.h | 2 +-
code/rd-common/tr_image_jpg.cpp | 104 +-
code/rd-common/tr_image_png.cpp | 14 +-
code/rd-common/tr_image_tga.cpp | 44 +-
code/rd-common/tr_public.h | 28 +-
code/rd-common/tr_types.h | 2 +-
code/rd-vanilla/CMakeLists.txt | 121 +-
code/rd-vanilla/G2_API.cpp | 9 +-
code/rd-vanilla/G2_bones.cpp | 174 +-
code/rd-vanilla/G2_misc.cpp | 154 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_WorldEffects.cpp | 72 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_backend.cpp | 5 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_bsp.cpp | 73 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_curve.cpp | 9 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_draw.cpp | 115 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_ghoul2.cpp | 16 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_image.cpp | 148 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_init.cpp | 18 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_light.cpp | 24 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_local.h | 58 +-
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code/rd-vanilla/tr_mesh.cpp | 28 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_model.cpp | 115 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_quicksprite.cpp | 4 +-
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code/rd-vanilla/tr_shader.cpp | 155 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_shadows.cpp | 6 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_skin.cpp | 26 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_sky.cpp | 2 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_stl.h | 2 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_subs.cpp | 17 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_surfacesprites.cpp | 134 +-
code/rd-vanilla/tr_world.cpp | 46 +-
code/server/server.h | 8 +-
code/server/sv_ccmds.cpp | 20 +-
code/server/sv_client.cpp | 22 +-
code/server/sv_game.cpp | 30 +-
code/server/sv_init.cpp | 14 +-
code/server/sv_main.cpp | 10 +-
code/server/sv_savegame.cpp | 132 +-
code/server/sv_snapshot.cpp | 16 +-
code/server/sv_world.cpp | 46 +-
code/ui/menudef.h | 24 +-
code/ui/ui_atoms.cpp | 58 +-
code/ui/ui_connect.cpp | 6 +-
code/ui/ui_local.h | 6 +-
code/ui/ui_main.cpp | 14 +-
code/ui/ui_public.h | 4 +-
code/ui/ui_saber.cpp | 88 +-
code/ui/ui_shared.cpp | 8 +-
code/ui/ui_shared.h | 46 +-
code/ui/ui_syscalls.cpp | 34 +-
code/win32/resource.h | 2 +-
code/win32/win_gamma.cpp | 2 +-
code/win32/win_glimp.cpp | 106 +-
code/win32/win_input.cpp | 74 +-
code/win32/win_main.cpp | 1079 ------------
code/win32/win_qgl.cpp | 6 +-
code/win32/win_shared.cpp | 4 +-
code/win32/win_snd.cpp | 16 +-
code/win32/win_syscon.cpp | 24 +-
code/win32/win_wndproc.cpp | 284 +--
codeJK2/cgame/FxPrimitives.cpp | 7 +-
codeJK2/cgame/FxScheduler.cpp | 150 +-
codeJK2/cgame/FxScheduler.h | 148 +-
codeJK2/cgame/FxSystem.cpp | 14 +-
codeJK2/cgame/FxSystem.h | 8 +-
codeJK2/cgame/FxTemplate.cpp | 1332 +++++---------
codeJK2/cgame/cg_credits.cpp | 16 +-
codeJK2/cgame/cg_event.cpp | 9 -
codeJK2/cgame/cg_main.cpp | 5 +-
codeJK2/cgame/cg_players.cpp | 23 +-
codeJK2/game/AI_Default.cpp | 7 -
codeJK2/game/AI_Interrogator.cpp | 6 +-
codeJK2/game/AI_Jedi.cpp | 2 +-
codeJK2/game/CMakeLists.txt | 27 +-
codeJK2/game/NPC.cpp | 73 +-
codeJK2/game/NPC_combat.cpp | 23 +-
codeJK2/game/NPC_reactions.cpp | 13 +-
codeJK2/game/NPC_spawn.cpp | 17 -
codeJK2/game/NPC_stats.cpp | 25 -
codeJK2/game/NPC_utils.cpp | 10 -
codeJK2/game/Q3_Interface.cpp | 15 +-
codeJK2/game/Q3_Registers.h | 4 +-
codeJK2/game/b_local.h | 7 -
codeJK2/game/bg_pmove.cpp | 9 +-
codeJK2/game/characters.h | 74 -
codeJK2/game/g_ICARUS.cpp | 2 +-
codeJK2/game/g_active.cpp | 27 -
codeJK2/game/g_combat.cpp | 48 -
codeJK2/game/g_local.h | 4 +-
codeJK2/game/g_navigator.cpp | 16 +-
codeJK2/game/g_navigator.h | 14 +-
codeJK2/game/g_ref.cpp | 10 +-
codeJK2/game/g_savegame.cpp | 6 +-
codeJK2/game/g_shared.h | 26 +-
codeJK2/game/g_spawn.cpp | 2 +-
codeJK2/game/g_weapon.cpp | 4 -
codeJK2/game/genericparser2.cpp | 1141 ++----------
codeJK2/game/genericparser2.h | 296 ++--
codeJK2/game/teams.h | 13 -
codeJK2/icarus/BlockStream.cpp | 2 +-
codeJK2/icarus/Interpreter.cpp | 2 +-
codeJK2/icarus/Sequence.cpp | 8 +-
codeJK2/icarus/Sequencer.cpp | 6 +-
codeJK2/icarus/TaskManager.cpp | 6 +-
codeJK2/icarus/Tokenizer.cpp | 2 +-
codeJK2/icarus/blockstream.h | 2 +-
codeJK2/icarus/instance.h | 6 +-
codeJK2/icarus/interpreter.h | 8 +-
codeJK2/icarus/sequence.h | 6 +-
codeJK2/icarus/sequencer.h | 8 +-
codeJK2/icarus/taskmanager.h | 12 +-
codeJK2/icarus/tokenizer.h | 4 +-
codeJK2/qcommon/safe/memory.h | 99 ++
codemp/CMakeLists.txt | 156 +-
codemp/botlib/aasfile.h | 4 +-
codemp/botlib/be_aas_cluster.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/cgame/CMakeLists.txt | 27 +-
codemp/cgame/cg_consolecmds.c | 7 +-
codemp/cgame/cg_main.c | 2 +
codemp/cgame/cg_public.h | 6 +-
codemp/cgame/cg_servercmds.c | 3 +-
codemp/cgame/cg_spawn.c | 4 +-
codemp/cgame/cg_syscalls.c | 12 +-
codemp/client/FxScheduler.h | 2 +-
codemp/client/cl_cgameapi.cpp | 69 +-
codemp/client/cl_keys.cpp | 7 +-
codemp/client/cl_main.cpp | 94 +-
codemp/client/cl_parse.cpp | 1 -
codemp/client/cl_uiapi.cpp | 2 +
codemp/client/client.h | 5 -
codemp/client/snd_dma.cpp | 8 +-
codemp/client/snd_mem.cpp | 4 +-
codemp/game/CMakeLists.txt | 27 +-
codemp/game/NPC.c | 75 +-
codemp/game/NPC_AI_Default.c | 7 -
codemp/game/NPC_AI_Interrogator.c | 4 +-
codemp/game/NPC_AI_Jedi.c | 2 +-
codemp/game/NPC_combat.c | 72 +-
codemp/game/NPC_reactions.c | 18 +-
codemp/game/NPC_spawn.c | 16 -
codemp/game/NPC_stats.c | 24 -
codemp/game/NPC_utils.c | 11 -
codemp/game/b_local.h | 7 -
codemp/game/bg_misc.c | 8 +-
codemp/game/bg_panimate.c | 2 +-
codemp/game/bg_pmove.c | 2 +-
codemp/game/bg_saberLoad.c | 8 +-
codemp/game/bg_saga.c | 6 +-
codemp/game/bg_slidemove.c | 2 +-
codemp/game/bg_vehicleLoad.c | 39 +-
codemp/game/g_active.c | 27 -
codemp/game/g_cmds.c | 3 +-
codemp/game/g_log.c | 59 +-
codemp/game/g_saga.c | 2 +-
codemp/game/g_spawn.c | 48 +-
codemp/game/g_svcmds.c | 8 +-
codemp/game/g_weapon.c | 2 +-
codemp/icarus/Interpreter.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/icarus/Tokenizer.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/null/null_glimp.cpp | 79 -
codemp/null/null_net.c | 43 -
codemp/qcommon/cm_load.cpp | 29 +-
codemp/qcommon/cm_local.h | 4 +-
codemp/qcommon/cm_trace.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/qcommon/common.cpp | 117 +-
codemp/qcommon/cvar.cpp | 7 +-
codemp/qcommon/files.cpp | 184 +-
codemp/qcommon/fixedmap.h | 143 --
codemp/qcommon/msg.cpp | 10 +-
codemp/qcommon/net_ip.cpp | 85 +-
codemp/qcommon/q_math.c | 2 +-
codemp/qcommon/q_shared.c | 12 +
codemp/qcommon/q_shared.h | 7 +-
codemp/qcommon/qcommon.h | 23 +-
codemp/qcommon/vm.cpp | 13 +-
codemp/qcommon/z_memman_pc.cpp | 16 +
codemp/rd-common/tr_font.cpp | 76 +-
codemp/rd-common/tr_font.h | 3 +-
codemp/rd-common/tr_image_jpg.cpp | 6 +-
codemp/rd-common/tr_public.h | 10 +-
codemp/rd-dedicated/G2_API.cpp | 6 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/CMakeLists.txt | 110 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/G2_API.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_WorldEffects.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_cmds.cpp | 13 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_ghoul2.cpp | 6 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_image.cpp | 2 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_init.cpp | 9 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_local.h | 2 +
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_model.cpp | 8 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_shader.cpp | 16 +-
codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_surfacesprites.cpp | 6 +-
codemp/server/server.h | 3 +-
codemp/server/sv_ccmds.cpp | 105 +-
codemp/server/sv_client.cpp | 6 +-
codemp/server/sv_gameapi.cpp | 10 +-
codemp/server/sv_init.cpp | 3 +-
codemp/server/sv_main.cpp | 34 +-
codemp/ui/CMakeLists.txt | 29 +-
codemp/ui/ui_atoms.c | 3 +-
codemp/ui/ui_main.c | 13 +-
codemp/ui/ui_public.h | 6 +-
codemp/ui/ui_shared.c | 24 +-
codemp/ui/ui_shared.h | 4 +
codemp/ui/ui_syscalls.c | 14 +-
codemp/win32/win_input.cpp | 4 +-
codemp/win32/win_main.cpp | 271 ---
codemp/win32/win_main_ded.cpp | 24 -
documentation/developer/language strings.md | 35 +
documentation/developer/libraries.md | 33 +
documentation/developer/save games.md | 41 +
documentation/developer/sound-code-declutter.md | 764 ++++++++
lib/gsl-lite/LICENSE | 23 +
lib/gsl-lite/include/gsl/gsl-lite.h | 881 ++++++++++
lib/gsl-lite/readme.txt | 3 +
lib/minizip/CMakeLists.txt | 41 +
lib/minizip/include/minizip/ioapi.h | 213 +++
lib/minizip/{ => include/minizip}/unzip.h | 208 ++-
lib/minizip/ioapi.c | 237 ++-
lib/minizip/ioapi.h | 75 -
lib/minizip/unzip.c | 2132 +++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/minizip/unzip.cpp | 1487 ----------------
shared/openjk.natvis | 42 +
{codemp => shared}/qcommon/q_platform.h | 13 +
shared/qcommon/safe/files.cpp | 117 ++
shared/qcommon/safe/files.h | 109 ++
shared/qcommon/safe/gsl.h | 25 +
shared/qcommon/safe/limited_vector.h | 207 +++
shared/qcommon/safe/sscanf.h | 203 +++
shared/qcommon/safe/string.cpp | 55 +
shared/qcommon/safe/string.h | 50 +
shared/sdl/sdl_icon.h | 2 +-
shared/sdl/sdl_input.cpp | 15 +-
shared/sdl/sdl_window.cpp | 73 +-
shared/sys/con_win32.cpp | 18 +-
shared/sys/sys_event.cpp | 42 +-
shared/sys/sys_local.h | 9 +-
shared/sys/sys_main.cpp | 194 ++-
shared/sys/sys_public.h | 10 +-
shared/sys/sys_unix.cpp | 15 +-
shared/sys/sys_win32.cpp | 63 +-
tests/CMakeLists.txt | 66 +
tests/main.cpp | 7 +
tests/safe/limited_vector.cpp | 146 ++
tests/safe/string.cpp | 67 +
539 files changed, 17344 insertions(+), 18927 deletions(-)
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