[minetest-v04x] 01/04: Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports

Markus Koschany apo at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 11 22:42:14 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo pushed a commit to branch jessie-backports
in repository minetest-v04x.

commit f556879f458b2f56bd4b1de5fcdccb7dc1d73f54
Merge: b07a227 fe0dbb0
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 11 22:54:02 2017 +0100

    Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports

 .travis.yml                                        |   36 +-
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |    6 +-
 README.txt                                         |  102 +-
 build/android/Makefile                             |   30 +-
 build/android/build.gradle                         |    2 +-
 build/android/jni/Android.mk                       |   13 +-
 build/android/patches/sqlite3-readonly-fix.patch   |   17 +
 .../net.minetest.minetest/MtNativeActivity.java    |    5 -
 builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua                    |    1 -
 builtin/common/strict.lua                          |    3 +
 builtin/common/vector.lua                          |    9 +-
 builtin/game/auth.lua                              |   16 +
 builtin/game/chatcommands.lua                      |  124 +-
 builtin/game/constants.lua                         |   10 +
 builtin/game/detached_inventory.lua                |    4 +-
 builtin/game/falling.lua                           |  110 +-
 builtin/game/forceloading.lua                      |   41 +-
 builtin/game/init.lua                              |   14 +-
 builtin/game/item.lua                              |   11 +-
 builtin/game/item_entity.lua                       |    4 -
 builtin/game/misc.lua                              |   64 +-
 builtin/game/mod_profiling.lua                     |  356 ---
 builtin/game/privileges.lua                        |   64 +-
 builtin/game/register.lua                          |   43 +
 builtin/game/voxelarea.lua                         |   49 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/common.lua                        |   10 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua              |   48 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua         |  108 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/generate_from_settingtypes.lua    |   99 +
 builtin/mainmenu/modmgr.lua                        |   18 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/tab_credits.lua                   |   17 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/tab_mods.lua                      |   24 +-
 builtin/mainmenu/tab_texturepacks.lua              |    6 +-
 builtin/profiler/init.lua                          |   72 +
 builtin/profiler/instrumentation.lua               |  232 ++
 builtin/profiler/reporter.lua                      |  277 ++
 builtin/profiler/sampling.lua                      |  206 ++
 builtin/settingtypes.txt                           |  197 +-
 client/shaders/minimap_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl   |    2 -
 client/shaders/nodes_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl   |   33 +-
 client/shaders/nodes_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl     |    2 -
 .../water_surface_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl      |   33 +-
 .../water_surface_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl        |    2 -
 client/shaders/wielded_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl |   16 +-
 client/shaders/wielded_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl   |    2 -
 cmake/Modules/FindJson.cmake                       |    4 +-
 cmake/Modules/FindNcursesw.cmake                   |    2 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |   45 +-
 debian/compat                                      |    2 +-
 debian/control                                     |   23 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   44 +-
 debian/minetest-data.links                         |    3 +
 debian/minetest-data.manpages                      |    1 +
 debian/minetest-mapper.6                           |   30 +
 debian/minetest-server.service                     |    1 +
 debian/minetest-server at .service                    |    1 +
 debian/rules                                       |   16 +-
 doc/lua_api.txt                                    |  510 +++-
 doc/menu_lua_api.txt                               |    6 +-
 doc/old/ancient_main_comment.txt                   |  345 ---
 doc/old/changelog.txt                              |  147 --
 doc/texture_overrides.txt                          |   35 -
 doc/texture_packs.txt                              |  158 ++
 games/minetest_game/.gitignore                     |   27 +-
 games/minetest_game/.luacheckrc                    |   17 +
 games/minetest_game/.travis.yml                    |   12 +
 games/minetest_game/game_api.txt                   |  257 +-
 games/minetest_game/minetest.conf.example          |   15 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/beds/README.txt           |   44 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/beds/api.lua              |   17 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/beds/beds.lua             |   16 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/beds/functions.lua        |   37 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/beds/license.txt          |   60 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/beds/spawns.lua           |    4 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/boats/README.txt          |   23 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/boats/init.lua            |   43 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/boats/license.txt         |   63 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/bones/README.txt          |   21 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/bones/init.lua            |  148 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/bones/license.txt         |   58 +
 .../mods/bones/textures/bones_bottom.png           |  Bin 181 -> 740 bytes
 .../mods/bones/textures/bones_front.png            |  Bin 183 -> 656 bytes
 .../mods/bones/textures/bones_rear.png             |  Bin 187 -> 637 bytes
 .../mods/bones/textures/bones_side.png             |  Bin 188 -> 700 bytes
 .../mods/bones/textures/bones_top.png              |  Bin 182 -> 662 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/bucket/README.txt         |   31 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/bucket/init.lua           |   83 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/bucket/license.txt        |   51 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/carts/README.txt          |   22 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/carts/cart_entity.lua     |  392 +++
 .../mods/{creative => carts}/depends.txt           |    0
 games/minetest_game/mods/carts/functions.lua       |  221 ++
 games/minetest_game/mods/carts/init.lua            |   20 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/carts/license.txt         |   54 +
 .../minetest_game/mods/carts/models/carts_cart.b3d |  Bin 0 -> 3008 bytes
 .../mods/carts/models/carts_cart.blend             |  Bin 0 -> 544408 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/carts/rails.lua           |   59 +
 .../mods/carts/sounds/carts_cart_moving.1.ogg      |  Bin 0 -> 14761 bytes
 .../mods/carts/sounds/carts_cart_moving.2.ogg      |  Bin 0 -> 14749 bytes
 .../mods/carts/sounds/carts_cart_moving.3.ogg      |  Bin 0 -> 14989 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_cart.png             |  Bin 0 -> 1103 bytes
 .../textures/carts_cart_front.png}                 |  Bin 3046 -> 3108 bytes
 .../textures/carts_cart_side.png}                  |  Bin 3046 -> 3135 bytes
 .../textures/carts_cart_top.png}                   |  Bin 3046 -> 3171 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_rail_crossing.png    |  Bin 0 -> 612 bytes
 .../carts/textures/carts_rail_crossing_brk.png     |  Bin 0 -> 684 bytes
 .../carts/textures/carts_rail_crossing_pwr.png     |  Bin 0 -> 676 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_rail_curved.png      |  Bin 0 -> 580 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_rail_curved_brk.png  |  Bin 0 -> 618 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_rail_curved_pwr.png  |  Bin 0 -> 614 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_rail_straight.png    |  Bin 0 -> 602 bytes
 .../carts/textures/carts_rail_straight_brk.png     |  Bin 0 -> 660 bytes
 .../carts/textures/carts_rail_straight_pwr.png     |  Bin 0 -> 661 bytes
 .../mods/carts/textures/carts_rail_t_junction.png  |  Bin 0 -> 707 bytes
 .../carts/textures/carts_rail_t_junction_brk.png   |  Bin 0 -> 698 bytes
 .../carts/textures/carts_rail_t_junction_pwr.png   |  Bin 0 -> 697 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/creative/README.txt       |   27 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/creative/depends.txt      |    1 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/creative/init.lua         |  233 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/creative/inventory.lua    |  180 ++
 games/minetest_game/mods/creative/license.txt      |   60 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/README.txt        |  120 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/aliases.lua       |    5 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/crafting.lua      |  308 ++-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/craftitems.lua    |   17 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/functions.lua     |  257 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/furnace.lua       |  140 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/init.lua          |   26 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/item_entity.lua   |   74 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/legacy.lua        |    2 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/license.txt       |  174 ++
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/mapgen.lua        |  648 +++--
 .../mods/default/models/character.b3d              |  Bin 86830 -> 84526 bytes
 .../mods/default/models/character.blend            |  Bin 697616 -> 634876 bytes
 .../mods/default/models/torch_ceiling.obj          |   58 +
 .../mods/default/models/torch_floor.obj            |   50 +
 .../mods/default/models/torch_wall.obj             |   64 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/nodes.lua         |  566 ++--
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/player.lua        |    3 +-
 .../mods/default/schematics/acacia_bush.mts        |  Bin 0 -> 113 bytes
 .../mods/default/schematics/aspen_tree.mts         |  Bin 179 -> 176 bytes
 .../default/schematics/aspen_tree_from_sapling.mts |  Bin 171 -> 175 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/default/schematics/bush.mts |  Bin 0 -> 99 bytes
 .../mods/default/schematics/corals.mts             |  Bin 0 -> 171 bytes
 .../mods/default/schematics/papyrus.mts            |  Bin 99 -> 73 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_dig_metal.ogg      |  Bin 0 -> 5245 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_dig_snappy.ogg     |  Bin 0 -> 7258 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_dug_metal.1.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 7076 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_dug_metal.2.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 7260 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_item_smoke.ogg     |  Bin 0 -> 6651 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_metal_footstep.1.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 6847 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_metal_footstep.2.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 6926 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_metal_footstep.3.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 6970 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_place_node_metal.1.ogg  |  Bin 0 -> 7518 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_place_node_metal.2.ogg  |  Bin 0 -> 7854 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_tool_breaks.1.ogg  |  Bin 0 -> 6019 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_tool_breaks.2.ogg  |  Bin 0 -> 8440 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/default_tool_breaks.3.ogg  |  Bin 0 -> 6875 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_water_footstep.1.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 31719 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_water_footstep.2.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 29335 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_water_footstep.3.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 32107 bytes
 .../default/sounds/default_water_footstep.4.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 3974 bytes
 .../mods/default/sounds/player_damage.ogg          |  Bin 0 -> 6176 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_acacia_bush_stem.png  |  Bin 0 -> 476 bytes
 .../textures/default_acacia_leaves_simple.png      |  Bin 0 -> 688 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_acacia_tree.png  |  Bin 682 -> 579 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_acacia_tree_top.png   |  Bin 731 -> 5010 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_aspen_tree.png   |  Bin 695 -> 4429 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_aspen_wood.png   |  Bin 373 -> 4023 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_bookshelf_slot.png    |  Bin 0 -> 216 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_bush_stem.png    |  Bin 0 -> 428 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_coral_brown.png  |  Bin 0 -> 401 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_coral_orange.png |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_coral_skeleton.png    |  Bin 0 -> 256 bytes
 .../textures/default_desert_stone_block.png        |  Bin 0 -> 4368 bytes
 .../textures/default_desert_stone_brick.png        |  Bin 611 -> 4420 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_fence_aspen_wood.png  |  Bin 450 -> 4170 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_gravel.png       |  Bin 3570 -> 4715 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_ice.png          |  Bin 3046 -> 4114 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_item_smoke.png   |  Bin 0 -> 307 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_jungleleaves.png |  Bin 184 -> 425 bytes
 .../textures/default_jungleleaves_simple.png       |  Bin 430 -> 417 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_jungletree.png   |  Bin 736 -> 5592 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_jungletree_top.png    |  Bin 823 -> 5175 bytes
 .../{default_meselamp.png => default_key.png}      |  Bin 3399 -> 3037 bytes
 ...fault_meselamp.png => default_key_skeleton.png} |  Bin 3399 -> 3043 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_lava.png         |  Bin 685 -> 5706 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_leaves.png       |  Bin 304 -> 773 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_leaves_simple.png     |  Bin 817 -> 838 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_mese_block.png   |  Bin 224 -> 188 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_meselamp.png     |  Bin 3399 -> 5103 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_obsidian_block.png    |  Bin 0 -> 3913 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_pine_needles.png |  Bin 203 -> 391 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_rail.png         |  Bin 242 -> 0 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_rail_crossing.png     |  Bin 262 -> 0 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_rail_curved.png  |  Bin 241 -> 0 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_rail_t_junction.png   |  Bin 247 -> 0 bytes
 .../default/textures/default_sandstone_block.png   |  Bin 0 -> 4548 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_silver_sand.png  |  Bin 0 -> 4069 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_snow.png         |  Bin 164 -> 4577 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_snow_side.png    |  Bin 376 -> 3445 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_snowball.png     |  Bin 183 -> 3102 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_stone_block.png  |  Bin 0 -> 498 bytes
 .../mods/default/textures/default_stone_brick.png  |  Bin 583 -> 4196 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/tools.lua         |  132 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/torch.lua         |  147 ++
 games/minetest_game/mods/default/trees.lua         |  189 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/doors/README.txt          |   71 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/doors/init.lua            |  448 ++--
 games/minetest_game/mods/doors/license.txt         |  164 ++
 .../mods/doors/sounds/doors_glass_door_close.ogg   |  Bin 0 -> 7289 bytes
 .../mods/doors/sounds/doors_glass_door_open.ogg    |  Bin 0 -> 7288 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/dye/README.txt            |   18 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/dye/license.txt           |   60 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/farming/README.txt        |   35 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/farming/api.lua           |  217 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/farming/hoes.lua          |    3 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/farming/init.lua          |   35 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/farming/license.txt       |   61 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/farming/nodes.lua         |   14 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/fire/README.txt           |   49 +-
 .../mods/{creative => fire}/depends.txt            |    0
 games/minetest_game/mods/fire/init.lua             |  355 +--
 games/minetest_game/mods/fire/license.txt          |   84 +
 .../minetest_game/mods/fire/sounds/fire_fire.1.ogg |  Bin 0 -> 57957 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/fire/sounds/fire_fire.2.ogg |  Bin 0 -> 60497 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/fire/sounds/fire_fire.3.ogg |  Bin 0 -> 56781 bytes
 .../mods/fire/sounds/fire_flint_and_steel.ogg      |  Bin 0 -> 10443 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/flowers/README.txt        |   37 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/flowers/init.lua          |   81 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/flowers/license.txt       |   62 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/flowers/mapgen.lua        |   18 +-
 .../mods/flowers/schematics/waterlily.mts          |  Bin 92 -> 75 bytes
 .../flowers/textures/flowers_waterlily_bottom.png  |  Bin 0 -> 327 bytes
 .../mods/give_initial_stuff/README.txt             |    8 +
 .../mods/give_initial_stuff/license.txt            |   25 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/nyancat/README.txt        |   16 +
 .../mods/{creative => nyancat}/depends.txt         |    0
 games/minetest_game/mods/nyancat/init.lua          |   89 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/nyancat/license.txt       |   50 +
 .../textures/nyancat_back.png}                     |  Bin
 .../textures/nyancat_front.png}                    |  Bin
 .../textures/nyancat_rainbow.png}                  |  Bin
 .../textures/nyancat_side.png}                     |  Bin
 games/minetest_game/mods/screwdriver/README.txt    |   13 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/screwdriver/init.lua      |    1 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/screwdriver/license.txt   |   50 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/screwdriver/readme.txt    |   21 -
 games/minetest_game/mods/sethome/README.txt        |    7 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/sethome/init.lua          |  123 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/sethome/license.txt       |   24 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/sfinv/README.md           |   21 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/sfinv/api.lua             |  161 ++
 .../mods/{creative => sfinv}/depends.txt           |    0
 games/minetest_game/mods/sfinv/init.lua            |   22 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/stairs/README.txt         |   30 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/stairs/init.lua           |  610 +++--
 games/minetest_game/mods/stairs/license.txt        |   51 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/tnt/README.txt            |   56 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/tnt/init.lua              |  169 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/tnt/license.txt           |   65 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/vessels/README.txt        |   63 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/vessels/init.lua          |  106 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/vessels/license.txt       |   52 +
 .../vessels/textures/vessels_drinking_glass.png    |  Bin 188 -> 371 bytes
 .../textures/vessels_drinking_glass_inv.png        |  Bin 188 -> 313 bytes
 .../mods/vessels/textures/vessels_glass_bottle.png |  Bin 200 -> 229 bytes
 .../vessels/textures/vessels_glass_bottle_inv.png  |  Bin 200 -> 0 bytes
 .../mods/vessels/textures/vessels_shelf_slot.png   |  Bin 0 -> 201 bytes
 .../mods/vessels/textures/vessels_steel_bottle.png |  Bin 257 -> 348 bytes
 .../vessels/textures/vessels_steel_bottle_inv.png  |  Bin 257 -> 0 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/walls/README.txt          |    7 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/walls/init.lua            |   15 -
 games/minetest_game/mods/walls/license.txt         |   14 +
 games/minetest_game/mods/wool/README.txt           |   36 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/wool/init.lua             |   47 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/wool/license.txt          |   60 +
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_black.png              |  Bin 213 -> 209 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/wool/textures/wool_blue.png |  Bin 269 -> 264 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/wool/textures/wool_cyan.png |  Bin 305 -> 302 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_dark_green.png         |  Bin 259 -> 254 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_dark_grey.png          |  Bin 265 -> 260 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_green.png              |  Bin 308 -> 304 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/wool/textures/wool_grey.png |  Bin 315 -> 248 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_magenta.png            |  Bin 301 -> 296 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_orange.png             |  Bin 288 -> 284 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/wool/textures/wool_pink.png |  Bin 221 -> 218 bytes
 .../minetest_game/mods/wool/textures/wool_red.png  |  Bin 292 -> 288 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_violet.png             |  Bin 251 -> 244 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_white.png              |  Bin 306 -> 243 bytes
 .../mods/wool/textures/wool_yellow.png             |  Bin 263 -> 255 bytes
 games/minetest_game/mods/xpanes/README.txt         |   27 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/xpanes/init.lua           |  269 +-
 games/minetest_game/mods/xpanes/license.txt        |   64 +
 .../mods/xpanes/textures/xpanes_bar.png            |  Bin 180 -> 155 bytes
 .../mods/xpanes/textures/xpanes_bar_top.png        |  Bin 0 -> 3516 bytes
 .../mods/xpanes/textures/xpanes_grey.png           |  Bin 82 -> 0 bytes
 .../mods/xpanes/textures/xpanes_white.png          |  Bin 148 -> 3496 bytes
 games/minetest_game/settingtypes.txt               |   45 +
 minetest.conf.example                              |  241 +-
 misc/minetest-xorg-icon-128.png                    |  Bin 0 -> 11241 bytes
 misc/minetest.appdata.xml                          |    9 +
 misc/minetest.desktop                              |    2 +-
 misc/minetest.exe.manifest                         |   15 +
 po/be/minetest.po                                  |  256 +-
 po/ca/minetest.po                                  |  371 ++-
 po/cs/minetest.po                                  |  578 +++--
 po/da/minetest.po                                  | 1491 +++++++----
 po/de/minetest.po                                  | 1092 ++++----
 po/eo/minetest.po                                  |  382 ++-
 po/es/minetest.po                                  |  455 +++-
 po/et/minetest.po                                  |  426 ++-
 po/fr/minetest.po                                  | 1429 ++++++-----
 po/he/minetest.po                                  |  315 ++-
 po/hu/minetest.po                                  |  615 +++--
 po/id/minetest.po                                  |  792 +++---
 po/it/minetest.po                                  |  553 ++--
 po/ja/minetest.po                                  |  551 ++--
 po/jbo/minetest.po                                 |  280 +-
 po/ko/minetest.po                                  | 1465 +++++++----
 po/ky/minetest.po                                  |  377 ++-
 po/lt/minetest.po                                  |  355 ++-
 po/minetest.pot                                    |  248 +-
 po/nb/minetest.po                                  |  348 ++-
 po/nl/minetest.po                                  | 1552 ++++++-----
 po/pl/minetest.po                                  | 1577 ++++++++----
 po/pt/minetest.po                                  |  772 +++---
 po/pt_BR/minetest.po                               | 1520 ++++++-----
 po/ro/minetest.po                                  |  376 ++-
 po/ru/minetest.po                                  |  844 ++++--
 po/{ky => sr_Cyrl}/minetest.po                     | 1209 +++++----
 po/{ru => sw}/minetest.po                          | 2699 ++++++++++----------
 po/tr/minetest.po                                  |  336 ++-
 po/uk/minetest.po                                  |  433 ++--
 po/zh_CN/minetest.po                               |  576 +++--
 po/zh_TW/minetest.po                               |  529 ++--
 src/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   96 +-
 src/camera.cpp                                     |   19 +-
 src/camera.h                                       |    1 +
 src/cavegen.cpp                                    |  835 +++---
 src/cavegen.h                                      |  187 +-
 src/cguittfont/CGUITTFont.cpp                      |   30 +-
 src/cguittfont/CGUITTFont.h                        |    7 +
 src/chat.cpp                                       |   40 +-
 src/chat.h                                         |   19 +-
 src/client.cpp                                     |  140 +-
 src/client.h                                       |   24 +-
 src/client/CMakeLists.txt                          |    1 +
 src/client/clientlauncher.cpp                      |   27 +-
 src/client/inputhandler.h                          |   50 +-
 src/client/joystick_controller.cpp                 |  179 ++
 src/client/joystick_controller.h                   |  163 ++
 src/client/keys.h                                  |   86 +
 src/client/tile.cpp                                |  134 +-
 src/clientiface.cpp                                |  122 +-
 src/clientiface.h                                  |    9 +-
 src/clientmap.cpp                                  |   24 +-
 src/clientmap.h                                    |    7 +-
 src/clientobject.cpp                               |   10 +-
 src/clientobject.h                                 |    4 +-
 src/cmake_config.h.in                              |    2 +
 src/collision.cpp                                  |  124 +-
 src/constants.h                                    |    2 +-
 src/content_cao.cpp                                |  190 +-
 src/content_cao.h                                  |   11 +-
 src/content_mapblock.cpp                           |  203 +-
 src/content_nodemeta.cpp                           |    2 +-
 src/content_sao.cpp                                |  404 +--
 src/content_sao.h                                  |  104 +-
 src/convert_json.h                                 |    2 +-
 src/craftdef.cpp                                   |   90 +
 src/craftdef.h                                     |    4 +
 src/database-dummy.cpp                             |   11 +-
 src/database-dummy.h                               |    8 +-
 src/database-leveldb.cpp                           |    9 +-
 src/database-leveldb.h                             |    8 +-
 src/database-postgresql.cpp                        |  286 +++
 src/database-postgresql.h                          |   95 +
 src/database-redis.cpp                             |   31 +-
 src/database-redis.h                               |   12 +-
 src/database-sqlite3.cpp                           |   25 +-
 src/database-sqlite3.h                             |   16 +-
 src/database.h                                     |    2 +-
 src/defaultsettings.cpp                            |   22 +-
 src/dungeongen.cpp                                 |  150 +-
 src/dungeongen.h                                   |   36 +-
 src/emerge.cpp                                     |  114 +-
 src/emerge.h                                       |   20 +-
 src/environment.cpp                                |  457 ++--
 src/environment.h                                  |   57 +-
 src/exceptions.h                                   |    5 +
 src/filesys.cpp                                    |   35 +-
 src/game.cpp                                       |  883 ++++---
 src/game.h                                         |    7 +
 src/genericobject.cpp                              |   12 +
 src/genericobject.h                                |    5 +-
 src/gettext.h                                      |   10 +
 src/guiChatConsole.cpp                             |   33 +-
 src/guiEngine.cpp                                  |   41 +-
 src/guiEngine.h                                    |   10 +-
 src/guiFormSpecMenu.cpp                            |  317 ++-
 src/guiFormSpecMenu.h                              |   98 +-
 src/guiKeyChangeMenu.cpp                           |    4 +-
 src/guiTable.cpp                                   |    4 +-
 src/guiVolumeChange.cpp                            |   82 +-
 src/guiVolumeChange.h                              |    3 +-
 src/hud.cpp                                        |    6 +
 src/hud.h                                          |    9 +-
 src/intlGUIEditBox.cpp                             |    2 +-
 src/inventory.h                                    |    5 +-
 src/irrlicht_changes/CMakeLists.txt                |    7 +
 src/irrlicht_changes/static_text.cpp               |  679 +++++
 src/irrlicht_changes/static_text.h                 |  268 ++
 src/itemdef.cpp                                    |   14 +-
 src/itemdef.h                                      |    3 +-
 src/itemgroup.h                                    |    6 +-
 src/keycode.cpp                                    |  560 ++--
 src/keycode.h                                      |    2 -
 src/light.h                                        |    6 +-
 src/localplayer.cpp                                |   50 +-
 src/localplayer.h                                  |   75 +-
 src/main.cpp                                       |   14 +-
 src/map.cpp                                        |  615 +----
 src/map.h                                          |   29 +-
 src/map_settings_manager.cpp                       |  194 ++
 src/map_settings_manager.h                         |   79 +
 src/mapblock.h                                     |    4 +-
 src/mapblock_mesh.cpp                              |   55 +-
 src/mapblock_mesh.h                                |   15 +-
 src/mapgen.cpp                                     |  646 ++++-
 src/mapgen.h                                       |  158 +-
 src/mapgen_flat.cpp                                |  409 +--
 src/mapgen_flat.h                                  |   65 +-
 src/mapgen_fractal.cpp                             |  407 +--
 src/mapgen_fractal.h                               |   70 +-
 src/mapgen_singlenode.h                            |   19 +-
 src/mapgen_v5.cpp                                  |  390 +--
 src/mapgen_v5.h                                    |   66 +-
 src/mapgen_v6.cpp                                  |   82 +-
 src/mapgen_v6.h                                    |   20 +-
 src/mapgen_v7.cpp                                  |  688 ++---
 src/mapgen_v7.h                                    |  103 +-
 src/mapgen_valleys.cpp                             |  390 +--
 src/mapgen_valleys.h                               |   65 +-
 src/mapnode.cpp                                    |   16 +-
 src/mapnode.h                                      |    9 +
 src/mapsector.cpp                                  |   28 +-
 src/mapsector.h                                    |    4 +-
 src/mesh.cpp                                       |   20 +
 src/mesh.h                                         |    4 +
 src/mg_biome.cpp                                   |  172 +-
 src/mg_biome.h                                     |  172 +-
 src/mg_decoration.cpp                              |  131 +-
 src/mg_decoration.h                                |   14 +-
 src/mg_ore.cpp                                     |   10 +-
 src/mg_ore.h                                       |    3 +-
 src/mg_schematic.cpp                               |    4 +-
 src/mods.h                                         |    2 +-
 src/nameidmapping.cpp                              |    2 +-
 src/nameidmapping.h                                |   12 +-
 src/network/clientpackethandler.cpp                |   39 +-
 src/network/connection.cpp                         |   33 +-
 src/network/connection.h                           |   19 +-
 src/network/networkpacket.h                        |    1 +
 src/network/networkprotocol.h                      |    8 +-
 src/network/serverpackethandler.cpp                |  176 +-
 src/nodedef.cpp                                    |  595 +++--
 src/nodedef.h                                      |   33 +
 src/nodemetadata.cpp                               |   23 +-
 src/nodemetadata.h                                 |    3 +
 src/nodetimer.cpp                                  |   72 +-
 src/nodetimer.h                                    |   77 +-
 src/noise.cpp                                      |   57 +-
 src/noise.h                                        |   32 +-
 src/particles.cpp                                  |  133 +-
 src/particles.h                                    |    8 +-
 src/player.cpp                                     |  183 +-
 src/player.h                                       |  281 +-
 src/porting.cpp                                    |  129 +-
 src/porting.h                                      |   13 +-
 src/reflowscan.cpp                                 |  206 ++
 src/{database-leveldb.h => reflowscan.h}           |   45 +-
 src/remoteplayer.cpp                               |  232 ++
 src/remoteplayer.h                                 |  160 ++
 src/rollback.cpp                                   |   71 +-
 src/rollback.h                                     |    2 +-
 src/script/common/c_content.cpp                    |   44 +-
 src/script/common/c_content.h                      |    6 +-
 src/script/common/c_converter.cpp                  |   20 +-
 src/script/common/c_converter.h                    |    4 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_async.cpp                     |    3 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_async.h                       |    2 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_env.cpp                       |    4 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_node.cpp                      |    1 +
 src/script/cpp_api/s_player.cpp                    |    6 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_player.h                      |    2 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_security.cpp                  |  148 +-
 src/script/cpp_api/s_security.h                    |   21 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.cpp                 |    7 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_craft.cpp                     |   92 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_craft.h                       |    1 +
 src/script/lua_api/l_env.cpp                       |   10 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_inventory.cpp                 |    9 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_inventory.h                   |    9 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_item.cpp                      |   22 +
 src/script/lua_api/l_item.h                        |    1 +
 src/script/lua_api/l_mainmenu.cpp                  |   13 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_mainmenu.h                    |    2 -
 src/script/lua_api/l_mapgen.cpp                    |  218 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_mapgen.h                      |   12 +
 src/script/lua_api/l_nodetimer.cpp                 |    4 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_noise.cpp                     |    2 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_noise.h                       |    4 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_object.cpp                    |  175 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_object.h                      |   20 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_particles.cpp                 |   35 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_server.cpp                    |   31 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_server.h                      |    3 +
 src/script/lua_api/l_settings.cpp                  |   13 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_settings.h                    |    3 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_util.cpp                      |  109 +-
 src/script/lua_api/l_util.h                        |   12 +
 src/script/lua_api/l_vmanip.cpp                    |   10 +-
 src/serialization.cpp                              |    2 +-
 src/server.cpp                                     |  399 ++-
 src/server.h                                       |  106 +-
 src/serverlist.cpp                                 |    2 +-
 src/serverlist.h                                   |    2 +-
 src/serverobject.cpp                               |    1 -
 src/serverobject.h                                 |   41 +-
 src/settings.cpp                                   |   71 +-
 src/settings.h                                     |   39 +-
 src/settings_translation_file.cpp                  |   97 +-
 src/shader.cpp                                     |  151 +-
 src/shader.h                                       |   63 +-
 src/sky.cpp                                        |  533 ++--
 src/sound_openal.cpp                               |   27 +-
 src/subgame.cpp                                    |    4 +-
 src/terminal_chat_console.cpp                      |   10 +-
 src/threading/event.cpp                            |   16 +-
 src/threading/event.h                              |   17 +-
 src/threading/mutex.cpp                            |   19 +-
 src/threading/mutex.h                              |   15 +-
 src/threading/mutex_auto_lock.h                    |    4 +-
 src/threading/thread.cpp                           |   28 +-
 src/threading/thread.h                             |   13 +-
 src/threads.h                                      |   18 +-
 src/tool.cpp                                       |   23 +-
 src/tool.h                                         |   15 +-
 src/touchscreengui.cpp                             |   20 +-
 src/touchscreengui.h                               |   12 +-
 src/treegen.cpp                                    |   14 +-
 src/treegen.h                                      |    8 +-
 src/unittest/CMakeLists.txt                        |    6 +
 src/unittest/test_filepath.cpp                     |    3 +
 src/unittest/test_keycode.cpp                      |  129 +
 src/unittest/test_map_settings_manager.cpp         |  261 ++
 src/unittest/test_player.cpp                       |   88 +
 src/unittest/test_settings.cpp                     |    7 +-
 src/unittest/test_threading.cpp                    |    3 +
 src/util/CMakeLists.txt                            |    1 +
 src/util/areastore.cpp                             |    1 +
 src/util/auth.h                                    |    2 +-
 src/{itemgroup.h => util/cpp11_container.h}        |   35 +-
 src/util/enriched_string.cpp                       |  166 ++
 src/util/enriched_string.h                         |   91 +
 src/util/numeric.cpp                               |   17 +-
 src/util/numeric.h                                 |   37 +-
 src/util/srp.cpp                                   |    2 +-
 src/util/string.cpp                                |   19 +-
 src/util/string.h                                  |   86 +-
 src/voxelalgorithms.cpp                            |  594 +++++
 src/voxelalgorithms.h                              |   21 +
 textures/base/pack/halo.png                        |  Bin 144 -> 144 bytes
 textures/base/pack/no_screenshot.png               |  Bin 140 -> 586 bytes
 textures/base/pack/smoke_puff.png                  |  Bin 1233 -> 202 bytes
 util/buildbot/buildwin32.sh                        |   75 +-
 util/buildbot/buildwin64.sh                        |   56 +-
 util/travis/before_install.sh                      |   18 +-
 util/travis/common.sh                              |    8 +
 util/travis/script.sh                              |    7 +
 581 files changed, 37461 insertions(+), 21374 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index f7a6554,b5dbdf0..460d268
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,8 -1,46 +1,47 @@@
- minetest (0.4.14+repack-3~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
+ minetest (0.4.15+repack-1) unstable; urgency=medium
-   * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
+   * New upstream version 0.4.15+repack.
+   * Use DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf instead of just DroidSansFallback.ttf.
+     (Closes: #849360)
+   * Delete all license.txt files before installing them into the Debian
+     packages. Debian has its own copyright file.
+   * Update debian/copyright for new release.
-  -- Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>  Fri, 27 May 2016 20:03:28 +0200
+  -- Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>  Wed, 28 Dec 2016 02:13:28 +0100
+ minetest (0.4.14+repack-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * d/rules: Create /usr/share/games/minetest to prevent a FTBFS.
+  -- Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>  Thu, 22 Dec 2016 00:37:37 +0100
+ minetest (0.4.14+repack-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Switch to compat level 10.
+   * minetest-server: Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6).
+   * minetest-data: Depend on fonts-droid-fallback.
+   * Replace DroidSansFallback.ttf with Debian's system font and use
+     minetest-data.links instead of debian/rules for this.
+   * Provide a manpage for minetest-mapper.
+  -- Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>  Wed, 21 Dec 2016 23:22:47 +0100
+ minetest (0.4.14+repack-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Set correct Breaks and Replaces relationship for minetest-data.
+     Thanks to Andreas Beckmann for the report. (Closes: #829150)
+  -- Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>  Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:15:58 +0200
+ minetest (0.4.14+repack-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Drop minetest-dbg because it was replaced by the automatic -dbgsym package.
+   * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
+   * service files: Change the KillSignal from SIGTERM to SIGINT.
+     Thanks to dr4ke for the report and patch. (Closes: #828018)
+  -- Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>  Sat, 25 Jun 2016 16:19:11 +0200
++>>>>>>> master
  minetest (0.4.14+repack-3) unstable; urgency=medium

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-v04x.git

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