[planetblupi] branch debian/master updated (0a38b1c -> 48aa2bb)

Didier Raboud odyx at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 2 08:38:40 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

odyx pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository planetblupi.

      from  0a38b1c   planetblupi 1.12.0-16-g222113a-1 Debian release
      adds  21bd7d3   Use ogg music files instead of midi
      adds  c4ab50f   Add link on libvorbis
      adds  9efce31   Add licenses of new lib (especially for ogg playing)
      adds  5c92d14   Add missing lib in the main LICENSE file
       new  a058da1   Move the function to test if a file exists in misc
       new  d2bfd12   Restore midi playback support and add --restore-midi cli argument
       new  67ea4d0   Look music for user dir, fallback to the game dir
       new  648233b   Add more info about music possibilities in the user README
       new  54d7eec   Add a way to change the driver used by the accelerated renderer
       new  6237cfd   Add the restoremidi option with the config.json file
       new  14836df   Remove stupid code
       new  3f505a0   Update the USER readme
       new  c6fbe15   Fix Windows user files location
       new  da3d683   Add a global settings entry for switching between ogg and midi music
       new  352fab5   Bump patch version
       new  a2904a9   Use the new main setup screen image
       new  bbe262c   Fix cdrom position in setup screen
       new  2ac9f73   Exit immediatly on error with the cli parser
       new  f97d1c3   Check that the zoom (-z) is in the range
       new  1db67ed   Save the window zoom and fullscreen settings in the user preferences
       new  d27aaf4   Cosmetic: remove stupid comment
       new  dc8f631   Cosmetic: rename windowScale to zoom
       new  82cbcc3   Change and add missing fr translations
       new  9543ebb   Add support for all drivers (renderers)
       new  13a7e27   Update README-user.md
       new  f76c9af   Merge tag 'upstream/1.12.1-22-g13a7e27' into debian/master
       new  84010fa   Convert the .mid's to .ogg's using timidity and timgm6mb-soundfont
       new  3740327   Split data package in -music-mid and -music-ogg alternatives
       new  1b114f1   planetblupi 1.12.1-22-g13a7e27-1 Debian release
       new  39fdadb   Add missing Replaces/Breaks in the two new packages
       new  7e69b93   Bump S-V to 4.1.3 without changes needed
       new  631f13f   Pipe timidity to sox for encoding to ogg
       new  48aa2bb   planetblupi 1.12.1-22-g13a7e27-2 Debian release

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CMakeLists.txt                        |   5 +-
 LICENSE                               |   3 +
 LICENSE.all                           | 239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 README-user.md                        |  44 ++++++-
 debian/changelog                      |  18 +++
 debian/control                        |  42 +++++-
 debian/planetblupi-common.install     |   5 +-
 debian/planetblupi-music-midi.install |   1 +
 debian/planetblupi-music-ogg.install  |   1 +
 debian/rules                          |  15 +++
 resources/image/setup00.png           | Bin 217338 -> 209119 bytes
 resources/music/music000.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 12724663 bytes
 resources/music/music001.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 12472314 bytes
 resources/music/music002.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 12009171 bytes
 resources/music/music003.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 9254922 bytes
 resources/music/music004.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 4854247 bytes
 resources/music/music005.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 4710862 bytes
 resources/music/music006.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 4602855 bytes
 resources/music/music007.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 4800059 bytes
 resources/music/music008.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 4853980 bytes
 resources/music/music009.ogg          | Bin 0 -> 4509020 bytes
 resources/po/de.po                    |  29 ++++-
 resources/po/en_US.po                 |  25 +++-
 resources/po/fr.po                    |  32 ++++-
 resources/po/it.po                    |  29 ++++-
 resources/po/pl.po                    |  31 ++++-
 resources/po/planetblupi.pot          |  25 +++-
 src/blupi.cxx                         |  89 +++++++++----
 src/blupi.h                           |  14 ++
 src/event.cxx                         | 145 ++++++++++++++-------
 src/event.h                           |   7 +-
 src/menu.cxx                          |   4 +-
 src/misc.cxx                          |  30 +++++
 src/misc.h                            |   5 +
 src/movie.cxx                         |  16 ---
 src/sound.cxx                         |   9 +-
 36 files changed, 739 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/planetblupi-music-midi.install
 create mode 100644 debian/planetblupi-music-ogg.install
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music000.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music001.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music002.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music003.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music004.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music005.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music006.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music007.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music008.ogg
 create mode 100644 resources/music/music009.ogg

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/planetblupi.git

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