[planetblupi] annotated tag debian/1.12.1-22-g13a7e27-1 created (now c4d5fa9)

Didier Raboud odyx at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 2 08:46:00 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

odyx pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.12.1-22-g13a7e27-1
in repository planetblupi.

        at  c4d5fa9   (tag)
   tagging  1b114f129094fc12d37852fbdead7fe91513a760 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.12.0-16-g222113a-1
 tagged by  Didier Raboud
        on  Sun Dec 31 14:41:26 2017 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
planetblupi 1.12.1-22-g13a7e27-1 Debian release


Didier Raboud (4):
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.12.1-22-g13a7e27' into debian/master
      Convert the .mid's to .ogg's using timidity and timgm6mb-soundfont
      Split data package in -music-mid and -music-ogg alternatives
      planetblupi 1.12.1-22-g13a7e27-1 Debian release

Mathieu Schroeter (25):
      Use ogg music files instead of midi
      Add link on libvorbis
      Add licenses of new lib (especially for ogg playing)
      Add missing lib in the main LICENSE file
      Move the function to test if a file exists in misc
      Restore midi playback support and add --restore-midi cli argument
      Look music for user dir, fallback to the game dir
      Add more info about music possibilities in the user README
      Add a way to change the driver used by the accelerated renderer
      Add the restoremidi option with the config.json file
      Remove stupid code
      Update the USER readme
      Fix Windows user files location
      Add a global settings entry for switching between ogg and midi music
      Bump patch version
      Use the new main setup screen image
      Fix cdrom position in setup screen
      Exit immediatly on error with the cli parser
      Check that the zoom (-z) is in the range
      Save the window zoom and fullscreen settings in the user preferences
      Cosmetic: remove stupid comment
      Cosmetic: rename windowScale to zoom
      Change and add missing fr translations
      Add support for all drivers (renderers)
      Update README-user.md


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/planetblupi.git

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