[freeciv] 02/06: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.5.10'

Markus Koschany apo at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 22 14:26:21 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository freeciv.

commit 38298b5dfdd4182203279e7ad8880eefa42831c7
Merge: a1d74e0 8e16dc1
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 22 15:10:18 2018 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.5.10'
    Update to upstream version '2.5.10'
    with Debian dir 13c0865579819ee0087af54b85801efe2d9ffbe4

 ChangeLog                                |   459 +
 NEWS-2.5                                 |    89 +-
 ai/default/aiferry.c                     |     5 +-
 bootstrap/freeciv-gtk2.desktop.in        |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv-mp-gtk2.desktop.in     |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv-mp-gtk3.desktop.in     |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv-mp-qt.desktop.in       |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv-qt.desktop.in          |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv-sdl.desktop.in         |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv-server.desktop.in      |     2 +
 bootstrap/freeciv.desktop.in             |     2 +
 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c             |     3 +-
 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c            |    11 +-
 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapctrl.c             |     1 +
 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapview.c             |    16 +-
 client/gui-xaw/Freeciv.h                 |     2 +-
 client/luascript/tolua_client_gen.h      |     2 +-
 client/mapctrl_common.c                  |     7 +
 client/options.c                         |     2 +-
 common/city.c                            |     4 +-
 common/improvement.c                     |     2 +-
 common/scriptcore/tolua_common_a_gen.h   |     2 +-
 common/scriptcore/tolua_common_z_gen.h   |     2 +-
 common/scriptcore/tolua_game_gen.c       |    16 +-
 common/scriptcore/tolua_game_gen.h       |     2 +-
 common/scriptcore/tolua_signal_gen.h     |     2 +-
 common/tile.c                            |     3 +
 configure                                |    22 +-
 data/Freeciv                             |     2 +-
 data/nation/pirate.ruleset               |     1 +
 data/nation/polynesian.ruleset           |     2 +-
 data/scenarios/tutorial.sav              |     2 +-
 doc/FAQ                                  |    20 +-
 doc/README.effects                       |     4 +-
 doc/README.nations                       |     6 +-
 doc/TODO                                 |     3 +-
 doc/man/freeciv-server.6.in              |    23 +-
 fc_version                               |     2 +-
 server/advisors/autosettlers.c           |   157 +-
 server/maphand.c                         |    21 +-
 server/ruleset.c                         |     4 +-
 server/savegame2.c                       |     4 +-
 server/scripting/tolua_fcdb_gen.h        |     2 +-
 server/scripting/tolua_server_gen.c      |     6 +-
 server/scripting/tolua_server_gen.h      |     2 +-
 server/srv_log.c                         |    10 +-
 server/stdinhand.c                       |     8 +
 server/unithand.c                        |     3 +
 translations/freeciv/ar.gmo              |   Bin 189776 -> 189776 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ar.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/bg.gmo              |   Bin 119283 -> 119153 bytes
 translations/freeciv/bg.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/ca.gmo              |   Bin 1024908 -> 1025190 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ca.po               |   391 +-
 translations/freeciv/cs.gmo              |   Bin 214424 -> 214369 bytes
 translations/freeciv/cs.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/da.gmo              |   Bin 564213 -> 564158 bytes
 translations/freeciv/da.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/de.gmo              |   Bin 1039438 -> 1039392 bytes
 translations/freeciv/de.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/el.gmo              |   Bin 245435 -> 245435 bytes
 translations/freeciv/el.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/en_GB.gmo           |   Bin 963187 -> 963421 bytes
 translations/freeciv/en_GB.po            |   380 +-
 translations/freeciv/eo.gmo              |   Bin 176326 -> 181680 bytes
 translations/freeciv/eo.po               |   652 +-
 translations/freeciv/es.gmo              |   Bin 1039931 -> 1040861 bytes
 translations/freeciv/es.po               |   396 +-
 translations/freeciv/et.gmo              |   Bin 227404 -> 227346 bytes
 translations/freeciv/et.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/fa.gmo              |   Bin 96047 -> 96047 bytes
 translations/freeciv/fa.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/fi.gmo              |   Bin 1017009 -> 1017274 bytes
 translations/freeciv/fi.po               |   390 +-
 translations/freeciv/fr.gmo              |   Bin 1053243 -> 1053503 bytes
 translations/freeciv/fr.po               |   378 +-
 translations/freeciv/freeciv.pot         |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/ga.gmo              |   Bin 210632 -> 210575 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ga.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/gd.gmo              |   Bin 795231 -> 795164 bytes
 translations/freeciv/gd.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/he.gmo              |   Bin 97381 -> 97381 bytes
 translations/freeciv/he.po               |   375 +-
 translations/freeciv/hu.gmo              |   Bin 140436 -> 140436 bytes
 translations/freeciv/hu.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/id.gmo              |   Bin 215702 -> 215657 bytes
 translations/freeciv/id.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/it.gmo              |   Bin 473783 -> 473736 bytes
 translations/freeciv/it.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/ja.gmo              |   Bin 1061577 -> 1061523 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ja.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/ko.gmo              |   Bin 423510 -> 423510 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ko.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/lt.gmo              |   Bin 176692 -> 176634 bytes
 translations/freeciv/lt.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/nb.gmo              |   Bin 194184 -> 194184 bytes
 translations/freeciv/nb.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/nl.gmo              |   Bin 403468 -> 403468 bytes
 translations/freeciv/nl.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/pl.gmo              |   Bin 899271 -> 1011305 bytes
 translations/freeciv/pl.po               | 14421 ++++-------------------------
 translations/freeciv/pt.gmo              |   Bin 130372 -> 130372 bytes
 translations/freeciv/pt.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/pt_BR.gmo           |   Bin 430420 -> 430373 bytes
 translations/freeciv/pt_BR.po            |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/ro.gmo              |   Bin 198183 -> 198183 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ro.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/ru.gmo              |   Bin 1402050 -> 1402983 bytes
 translations/freeciv/ru.po               |  3384 +++----
 translations/freeciv/sr.gmo              |   Bin 144669 -> 144669 bytes
 translations/freeciv/sr.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/sv.gmo              |   Bin 295308 -> 295260 bytes
 translations/freeciv/sv.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/tr.gmo              |   Bin 226460 -> 226460 bytes
 translations/freeciv/tr.po               |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/uk.gmo              |   Bin 1273375 -> 1273317 bytes
 translations/freeciv/uk.po               |   373 +-
 translations/freeciv/zh_CN.gmo           |   Bin 164542 -> 164542 bytes
 translations/freeciv/zh_CN.po            |   372 +-
 translations/freeciv/zh_TW.gmo           |   Bin 98755 -> 98755 bytes
 translations/freeciv/zh_TW.po            |   375 +-
 translations/nations/ar.gmo              |   Bin 8073 -> 8073 bytes
 translations/nations/ar.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/bg.gmo              |   Bin 25894 -> 25894 bytes
 translations/nations/bg.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/ca.gmo              |   Bin 439414 -> 439414 bytes
 translations/nations/ca.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/cs.gmo              |   Bin 14197 -> 14197 bytes
 translations/nations/cs.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/da.gmo              |   Bin 136486 -> 136486 bytes
 translations/nations/da.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/de.gmo              |   Bin 236240 -> 236240 bytes
 translations/nations/de.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/el.gmo              |   Bin 16074 -> 16074 bytes
 translations/nations/el.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/en_GB.gmo           |   Bin 430077 -> 430077 bytes
 translations/nations/en_GB.po            |     2 +-
 translations/nations/eo.gmo              |   Bin 15121 -> 15121 bytes
 translations/nations/eo.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/es.gmo              |   Bin 442471 -> 442471 bytes
 translations/nations/es.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/et.gmo              |   Bin 22050 -> 22050 bytes
 translations/nations/et.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/fa.gmo              |   Bin 9699 -> 9699 bytes
 translations/nations/fa.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/fi.gmo              |   Bin 305593 -> 305593 bytes
 translations/nations/fi.po               |    14 +-
 translations/nations/fr.gmo              |   Bin 449451 -> 449451 bytes
 translations/nations/fr.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/freeciv-nations.pot |     2 +-
 translations/nations/ga.gmo              |   Bin 56909 -> 56909 bytes
 translations/nations/ga.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/gd.gmo              |   Bin 332014 -> 332014 bytes
 translations/nations/gd.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/he.gmo              |   Bin 8157 -> 8157 bytes
 translations/nations/he.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/hu.gmo              |   Bin 5123 -> 5123 bytes
 translations/nations/hu.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/id.gmo              |   Bin 93554 -> 93554 bytes
 translations/nations/id.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/it.gmo              |   Bin 53432 -> 53432 bytes
 translations/nations/it.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/ja.gmo              |   Bin 418701 -> 418701 bytes
 translations/nations/ja.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/ko.gmo              |   Bin 24959 -> 24959 bytes
 translations/nations/ko.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/lt.gmo              |   Bin 24700 -> 24700 bytes
 translations/nations/lt.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/nb.gmo              |   Bin 6925 -> 6925 bytes
 translations/nations/nb.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/nl.gmo              |   Bin 161899 -> 161899 bytes
 translations/nations/nl.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/pl.gmo              |   Bin 441056 -> 441209 bytes
 translations/nations/pl.po               |    34 +-
 translations/nations/pt.gmo              |   Bin 4689 -> 4689 bytes
 translations/nations/pt.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/pt_BR.gmo           |   Bin 51623 -> 51623 bytes
 translations/nations/pt_BR.po            |     2 +-
 translations/nations/ro.gmo              |   Bin 6126 -> 6126 bytes
 translations/nations/ro.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/ru.gmo              |   Bin 622694 -> 622952 bytes
 translations/nations/ru.po               |   153 +-
 translations/nations/sr.gmo              |   Bin 7910 -> 7910 bytes
 translations/nations/sr.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/sv.gmo              |   Bin 32739 -> 32739 bytes
 translations/nations/sv.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/tr.gmo              |   Bin 10641 -> 10641 bytes
 translations/nations/tr.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/uk.gmo              |   Bin 154729 -> 154729 bytes
 translations/nations/uk.po               |     2 +-
 translations/nations/zh_CN.gmo           |   Bin 12197 -> 12197 bytes
 translations/nations/zh_CN.po            |     2 +-
 translations/nations/zh_TW.gmo           |   Bin 33649 -> 33649 bytes
 translations/nations/zh_TW.po            |     2 +-
 utility/astring.c                        |     7 +-
 utility/netintf.h                        |     6 +-
 win32/installer/Makefile                 |     2 +-
 197 files changed, 11474 insertions(+), 20960 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/freeciv.git

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