[renpy] 05/11: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/6.99.14+dfsg'
Markus Koschany
apo at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 24 22:46:13 UTC 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
apo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository renpy.
commit 90759f2a45e6bc6111ac803f15e8fd94a1904a4a
Merge: bd446a1 4aaba7a
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date: Wed Jan 24 23:20:22 2018 +0100
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/6.99.14+dfsg'
Update to upstream version '6.99.14+dfsg'
with Debian dir d8b5d896c347a875cbb800dccfa72fdf1d81b6cc
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renpy/pyanalysis.py | 2 +-
renpy/pydict.pyx | 180 +
renpy/python.py | 138 +-
renpy/savelocation.py | 2 +-
renpy/screenlang.py | 2 +-
renpy/script.py | 14 +-
renpy/scriptedit.py | 47 +-
renpy/sl2/slast.py | 44 +-
renpy/sl2/sldisplayables.py | 14 +-
renpy/sl2/slparser.py | 4 +-
renpy/sl2/slproperties.py | 3 +-
renpy/statements.py | 12 +-
renpy/style.pyx | 10 +-
renpy/styledata/__init__.py | 2 +-
renpy/styledata/styleclass.pyx | 2 +-
renpy/styledata/stylesets.pyx | 2 +-
renpy/styledata/styleutil.py | 2 +-
renpy/substitutions.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/__init__.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/testast.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/testexecution.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/testfocus.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/testkey.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/testmouse.py | 2 +-
renpy/test/testparser.py | 2 +-
renpy/text/extras.py | 7 +-
renpy/text/font.py | 2 +-
renpy/text/ftfont.pyx | 114 +-
renpy/text/text.py | 57 +-
renpy/text/textsupport.pyx | 13 +-
renpy/text/texwrap.pyx | 2 +-
renpy/translation/__init__.py | 15 +-
renpy/translation/dialogue.py | 2 +-
renpy/translation/extract.py | 2 +-
renpy/translation/generation.py | 2 +-
renpy/translation/merge.py | 6 +-
renpy/translation/scanstrings.py | 2 +-
renpy/ui.py | 16 +-
renpy/vc_version.py | 2 +-
renpy/warp.py | 2 +-
sphinx/.gitignore | 1 -
sphinx/Makefile | 155 -
sphinx/build.sh | 12 +
sphinx/devbuild.sh | 9 -
sphinx/developer/building.rst | 8 -
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sphinx/developer/windows.rst | 56 -
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sphinx/source/gui_advanced.rst | 105 +
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sphinx/source/inc/build | 76 -
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sphinx/source/inc/color | 179 -
sphinx/source/inc/const | 35 -
sphinx/source/inc/const_vars | 5 -
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sphinx/source/inc/debug | 22 -
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sphinx/source/inc/disp_effects | 13 -
sphinx/source/inc/disp_grid | 9 -
sphinx/source/inc/disp_imagelike | 158 -
sphinx/source/inc/drag_drop | 149 -
sphinx/source/inc/easings | 30 -
sphinx/source/inc/file | 27 -
sphinx/source/inc/file_action | 124 -
sphinx/source/inc/file_action_function | 104 -
sphinx/source/inc/file_rare | 27 -
sphinx/source/inc/font_group | 24 -
sphinx/source/inc/gallery | 171 -
sphinx/source/inc/gamepad | 14 -
sphinx/source/inc/gesture | 7 -
sphinx/source/inc/gui | 136 -
sphinx/source/inc/iap | 73 -
sphinx/source/inc/iap_actions | 16 -
sphinx/source/inc/im_im | 102 -
sphinx/source/inc/im_image | 10 -
sphinx/source/inc/im_matrixcolor | 125 -
sphinx/source/inc/image_fonts | 123 -
sphinx/source/inc/image_func | 150 -
sphinx/source/inc/input | 29 -
sphinx/source/inc/input_value | 76 -
sphinx/source/inc/label | 75 -
sphinx/source/inc/language_action | 10 -
sphinx/source/inc/lint | 7 -
sphinx/source/inc/loadsave | 89 -
sphinx/source/inc/memory | 45 -
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sphinx/source/inc/modes | 11 -
sphinx/source/inc/movie | 48 -
sphinx/source/inc/movie_cutscene | 23 -
sphinx/source/inc/music_room | 123 -
sphinx/source/inc/norollback | 8 -
sphinx/source/inc/other | 512 -
sphinx/source/inc/other_action | 166 -
sphinx/source/inc/persistent | 32 -
sphinx/source/inc/placeholder | 42 -
sphinx/source/inc/preference_action | 127 -
sphinx/source/inc/profile_screen | 54 -
sphinx/source/inc/pure_vars | 268 -
sphinx/source/inc/renpy_version | 10 -
sphinx/source/inc/replay | 34 -
sphinx/source/inc/reserved_builtins | 134 -
sphinx/source/inc/reserved_renpy | 310 -
sphinx/source/inc/retain_after_load | 7 -
sphinx/source/inc/rollback | 70 -
sphinx/source/inc/run | 26 -
sphinx/source/inc/screens | 138 -
sphinx/source/inc/se_call | 18 -
sphinx/source/inc/se_images | 96 -
sphinx/source/inc/se_jump | 7 -
sphinx/source/inc/se_menu | 34 -
sphinx/source/inc/se_say | 27 -
sphinx/source/inc/se_with | 17 -
sphinx/source/inc/side_image_function | 7 -
sphinx/source/inc/sprites | 92 -
sphinx/source/inc/sprites_extra | 37 -
sphinx/source/inc/statement_register | 58 -
sphinx/source/inc/style_preferences | 48 -
sphinx/source/inc/text | 61 -
sphinx/source/inc/text_utility | 13 -
sphinx/source/inc/tooltips | 19 -
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sphinx/source/inc/transition_family | 44 -
sphinx/source/inc/translation_functions | 12 -
sphinx/source/inc/udd_utility | 66 -
sphinx/source/inc/ui | 111 -
sphinx/source/inc/underscore_p | 31 -
sphinx/source/inc/updater | 80 -
sphinx/source/inc/value | 160 -
sphinx/source/inc/voice | 61 -
sphinx/source/inc/voice_action | 40 -
sphinx/source/inc/window | 20 -
sphinx/source/index.rst | 2 +
sphinx/source/keywords.py | 2 +-
sphinx/source/multiple.rst | 87 +
sphinx/source/oshs/game/cache/bytecode.rpyb | Bin 0 -> 158476 bytes
sphinx/source/oshs/game/cache/pyanalysis.rpyb | Bin 0 -> 808879 bytes
sphinx/source/oshs/game/cache/screens.rpyb | Bin 0 -> 55275 bytes
sphinx/source/oshs/game/gui.rpyc | Bin 0 -> 20640 bytes
sphinx/source/oshs/game/options.rpyc | Bin 0 -> 12386 bytes
sphinx/source/oshs/game/screens.rpyc | Bin 0 -> 71800 bytes
sphinx/source/oshs/game/script.rpyc | Bin 0 -> 4460 bytes
sphinx/source/screen_actions.rst | 38 +
sphinx/source/screen_special.rst | 7 +
sphinx/source/screens.rst | 22 +-
sphinx/source/sponsors.html | 188 +-
sphinx/source/style.rst | 6 +
sphinx/source/style_properties.rst | 7 +
sphinx/source/thequestion.rst | 4 +-
sphinx/upload.sh | 3 -
sphinx/upload_dev.sh | 3 -
the_question/game/screens.rpy | 40 +-
the_question/game/script.rpy | 4 +-
.../game/tl/russian/common.rpy | 416 +-
the_question/game/tl/russian/options.rpy | 14 +
the_question/game/tl/russian/screens.rpy | 399 +
the_question/game/tl/russian/script.rpy | 450 +
tutorial/game/01example.rpy | 3 +-
tutorial/game/keywords.py | 2 +-
tutorial/game/tl/piglatin/01example.rpy | 4 +-
tutorial/game/tl/piglatin/common.rpy | 230 +-
tutorial/game/tl/piglatin/screens.rpy | 130 +-
tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_screens.rpy | 2 +-
tutorial/game/tl/russian/tutorial_video.rpy | 2 +-
tutorial/recrop.py | 138 -
641 files changed, 258440 insertions(+), 80954 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/renpy.git
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