[Pkg-ganeti-devel] How to create a windows vm with ganeti2.

BRULÉ Yann Yann.BRULE at supinfo.com
Sat Aug 29 12:58:17 UTC 2009

Hi !

I'm tryng to install a windows instance to a ganeti cluster.

For the moment, i have configured ganeti2, i have created a debian instance with debootstrap OS, i have created a windows instance with xen commands, with a HVM processor.

I have already initialize too my cluster with HVM and PVM option.

However, i can't create a windows vm with ganeti2.

my command is: gnt-instance add -t drbd--disk=0:size=5g -B memory=256 -H xen-hvm:cdrom_image_path=/home/Windows_Server_2003.iso -n node1:node2 inst1

It ask me to specifie an os but i only have the debootstrap script.
I see in another posts that they use the os windows. Could you tell me where I can have this os script?

I have too a mistake that i haven't the good kernel /usr/lib/xen-unstable/boot/hvmloader but i can't modify the kernel with xen-hvm.

Someone tell me to create a symlink for the /usr/lib/xen directory pointing to your xen directory. But I don't know how to do that?

Thank you for answer !

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