[Pkg-ganeti-devel] Bug#510965: Acknowledgement (ganeti: Ganeti does not work with python-twisted 8.1)

Daniel Schreiber schreiber at esda.com
Wed Jan 7 09:57:19 UTC 2009

It is the same stacktrace that is mentioned in 

The node daemons had been restarted after the upgrade. Ganeti was 
installed from backports.org before.

~# find /usr/ -name ganeti
~# find /var/ -name ganeti

The /var/lib/python-support/*/ganeti directories have the same python 
code as /usr/share/python-support/ganeti, except for the pyc files which 
are only present in /var/lib/python-support.

Is there anything else I can do to help debugging this issue?


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