[Pkg-ganeti-devel] Bug#510965: Acknowledgement (ganeti: Ganeti does not work with python-twisted 8.1)

Daniel Schreiber schreiber at esda.com
Tue Jan 27 12:52:46 UTC 2009

Iustin Pop schrieb:
> Thanks. This is starting to look like a different problem.
> The errno 9 we had before, but it should be solved. The strace shows
> that the ganeti-noded is not actually listening, and the call_version
> talks to a different host - it completes a connect(), while the node
> daemon doesn't get any traffic.

For some reason the listening socket is not included in the select list. 
So it never accepts incoming connections.
See lines 5861, 5863, 5920 in the strace.

> I'll try to understand why you get the errno 9 error, but in the
> meantime also a "lsof -p $pid_of_node_daemon" and an strace of the node
> daemon startup would be helpful to understand in what state a node
> daemon is.

Twisted included a closed file descriptor in the select list.

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