No subject
Sun Jan 16 06:41:43 UTC 2011
Please accept my compliments to you. I know that this letter will definitel=
y come to you as a surprise, but please do accept it as a request from vict=
im of circumstance. I actually got your contact through the internet direct=
ory as I was searching for a reliable, trustworthy, and confidential indivi=
dual who can be of aid/assistance to me. I hope my medium I contacted you w=
ill not in any way contravene your ethics of better judgment.
Please permit me to introduce my humble self and identity, I am Mr. Ken Ell=
ison the only (Adopted) son of Late Chief Felix Ellison the former Chairman=
of Sierra Leone National Gold & Diamond Corporation. I must confess that m=
y agitation is real, and my word is my bond in this request. Since the deat=
h of my father, his immediate families, (my supposed Uncles) are trying to =
terminate my life because of their sheer wickedness and jealousy because my=
Late Father "WILLED" all his Wealth/Acquisitions to my favour as the only =
son but they are not happy about this because I am an (Adopted) Son.
Also, you will be required to provide them with a safe Offshore Account whe=
re the money will be lodged into, after I must claimed it from the Bank, th=
en=A0 we will make an arrangement on how I will come over to your country a=
nd invest the money where I believe that there is stability of government a=
nd economy. I will be compensating you for your trust and assistance with 3=
0% of the total sum, after which you will help me look out for a fruitful b=
usiness where we can invest this money and run as partners. I am presently =
interested in Hotel Business and Real Estate investments because it was wha=
t my late father planned to invest the money on after retirement before he =
died, so please, do advice me on this accordingly.
Once more, I beg you not to cheat or sit on this money once it has been tra=
nsferred to your account because it is my only hope and means of survival. =
Please, do contact me through my private mailbox for confidentiality and in=
troduce yourself properly to enable me furnish you with more details. Bear =
it in mind that I have all the documents that will enable the bank transfer=
the money to any given account that is been introduced by me. I sincerely =
wish that you will be my guardian henceforth, considering my age and presen=
t situation. Thanks and may the almighty God bless you.=20
I await your prompt response.=20
Kind regards,=20
Mr. Ken Ellison
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;">From Mr. Ken Ellison<BR>TEL: + 233-24649356<B=
R> <BR>Attention <BR> <BR>Please accept my compliments to you. I =
know that this letter will definitely come to you as a surprise, but please=
do accept it as a request from victim of circumstance. I actually got your=
contact through the internet directory as I was searching for a reliable, =
trustworthy, and confidential individual who can be of aid/assistance to me=
. I hope my medium I contacted you will not in any way contravene your ethi=
cs of better judgment.<BR> <BR>Please permit me to introduce my humble=
self and identity, I am Mr. Ken Ellison the only (Adopted) son of Late Chi=
ef Felix Ellison the former Chairman of Sierra Leone National Gold & Di=
amond Corporation. I must confess that my agitation is real, and my word is=
my bond in this request. Since the death of my father, his immediate
families, (my supposed Uncles) are trying to terminate my life because of =
their sheer wickedness and jealousy because my Late Father "WILLED" all his=
Wealth/Acquisitions to my favour as the only son but they are not happy ab=
out this because I am an (Adopted) Son.<BR> <BR>Also, you will be requ=
ired to provide them with a safe Offshore Account where the money will be l=
odged into, after I must claimed it from the Bank, then we will make =
an arrangement on how I will come over to your country and invest the money=
where I believe that there is stability of government and economy. I will =
be compensating you for your trust and assistance with 30% of the total sum=
, after which you will help me look out for a fruitful business where we ca=
n invest this money and run as partners. I am presently interested in Hotel=
Business and Real Estate investments because it was what my late father pl=
anned to invest the money on after retirement before he died, so
please, do advice me on this accordingly.<BR> <BR>Once more, I beg yo=
u not to cheat or sit on this money once it has been transferred to your ac=
count because it is my only hope and means of survival. Please, do contact =
me through my private mailbox for confidentiality and introduce yourself pr=
operly to enable me furnish you with more details. Bear it in mind that I h=
ave all the documents that will enable the bank transfer the money to any g=
iven account that is been introduced by me. I sincerely wish that you will =
be my guardian henceforth, considering my age and present situation. Thanks=
and may the almighty God bless you. <BR> <BR>I await your prompt resp=
onse. <BR> <BR>Kind regards, <BR>Mr. Ken Ellison<BR></td></tr></table>
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