[Pkg-ganeti-devel] [ganeti] 01/03: Merge tag 'debian/2.9.2-1' into precise

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 22 10:23:12 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apoikos-guest pushed a commit to branch precise
in repository ganeti.

commit aa11045f3faa8375bb4fb05d41b5671bd3034eb0
Merge: 26d1700 db8c911
Author: Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 16 14:05:57 2013 +0200

    Merge tag 'debian/2.9.2-1' into precise
    Debian release 2.9.2-1
             - merge

 NEWS                                          | 61 +++++++++++++++++
 configure                                     | 24 +++----
 configure.ac                                  |  2 +-
 debian/changelog                              |  6 ++
 doc/html/_sources/news.txt                    | 61 +++++++++++++++++
 doc/html/admin.html                           | 10 +--
 doc/html/cluster-merge.html                   | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.0.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.1.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.2.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.3.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.4.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.5.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.6.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.7.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.8.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-2.9.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-autorepair.html               | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-bulk-create.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-chained-jobs.html             | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-cpu-pinning.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-daemons.html                  | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-device-uuid-name.html         | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-draft.html                    | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-glusterfs-ganeti-support.html | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-hroller.html                  | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-htools-2.3.html               | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-http-server.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-impexp2.html                  | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-internal-shutdown.html        | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-linuxha.html                  | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-lu-generated-jobs.html        | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-monitoring-agent.html         | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-multi-reloc.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-network.html                  | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-node-add.html                 | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-oob.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-openvswitch.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-opportunistic-locking.html    | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-ovf-support.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-partitioned.html              | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-query-splitting.html          | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-query2.html                   | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-reason-trail.html             | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-resource-model.html           | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-restricted-commands.html      | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-shared-storage.html           | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-storagetypes.html             | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-virtual-clusters.html         | 10 +--
 doc/html/design-x509-ca.html                  | 10 +--
 doc/html/devnotes.html                        | 10 +--
 doc/html/glossary.html                        | 10 +--
 doc/html/hooks.html                           | 10 +--
 doc/html/iallocator.html                      | 10 +--
 doc/html/index.html                           | 10 +--
 doc/html/install-quick.html                   | 10 +--
 doc/html/install.html                         | 10 +--
 doc/html/locking.html                         | 10 +--
 doc/html/manpages.html                        | 10 +--
 doc/html/monitoring-query-format.html         | 10 +--
 doc/html/move-instance.html                   | 10 +--
 doc/html/news.html                            | 71 ++++++++++++++++++--
 doc/html/ovfconverter.html                    | 10 +--
 doc/html/rapi.html                            | 10 +--
 doc/html/search.html                          | 10 +--
 doc/html/searchindex.js                       |  2 +-
 doc/html/security.html                        | 10 +--
 doc/html/upgrade.html                         | 10 +--
 doc/html/virtual-cluster.html                 | 10 +--
 doc/html/walkthrough.html                     | 10 +--
 doc/news.rst                                  | 61 +++++++++++++++++
 lib/cmdlib/instance.py                        | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/cmdlib/instance_migration.py              |  3 +
 lib/constants.py                              |  8 +++
 lib/hypervisor/hv_kvm.py                      | 20 +++---
 lib/hypervisor/hv_xen.py                      | 62 +++++++++++++++--
 lib/jqueue.py                                 |  3 +-
 lib/locking.py                                | 19 ++----
 lib/masterd/iallocator.py                     |  2 +-
 lib/network.py                                |  2 +-
 lib/objects.py                                |  7 +-
 src/Ganeti/HTools/Backend/IAlloc.hs           |  4 +-
 src/Ganeti/HTools/Backend/Luxi.hs             |  5 +-
 src/Ganeti/HTools/Backend/Rapi.hs             |  4 +-
 src/Ganeti/Luxi.hs                            |  6 +-
 src/Ganeti/Rpc.hs                             |  9 ++-
 test/py/ganeti.hypervisor.hv_xen_unittest.py  | 13 +++-
 tools/master-ip-setup                         | 12 +++-
 vcs-version                                   |  2 +-
 89 files changed, 794 insertions(+), 400 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index 6125def,f8a7b42..2174fcb
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,16 -1,9 +1,22 @@@
+ ganeti (2.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream bugfix release (see /usr/share/doc/ganeti/NEWS.gz)
+  -- Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at gmail.com>  Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:47:41 +0200
 +ganeti (2.9.1-1~precise+2) precise; urgency=low
 +  * Remove the 'su' directive from the logrotate snippet. It's not
 +    needed/supported by precice's logrotate version.
 + -- Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at gmail.com>  Mon, 02 Dec 2013 13:52:20 +0200
 +ganeti (2.9.1-1~precise+1) precise; urgency=low
 +  * Rebuild for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (precise).
 + -- Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at gmail.com>  Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:14:46 +0200
  ganeti (2.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
    * New upstream version

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ganeti/ganeti.git

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