[Pkg-ganeti-devel] [ganeti] 01/165: Prepare master for the 2.15 development cycle

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 11 13:53:07 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apoikos pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ganeti.

commit 4c1128a75dbb20667722b94d2e987e021da6c04a
Author: Klaus Aehlig <aehlig at google.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 19 13:51:06 2015 +0100

    Prepare master for the 2.15 development cycle
    Bump current version to 2.15 and remove downgrade code
    from cfgupgrade.
    Signed-off-by: Klaus Aehlig <aehlig at google.com>
    Reviewed-by: Petr Pudlak <pudlak at google.com>
 Makefile.am                        |   1 +
 cabal/ganeti.template.cabal        |   2 +-
 configure.ac                       |   2 +-
 lib/tools/cfgupgrade.py            |  79 +----
 test/data/cluster_config_2.14.json | 652 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/py/cfgupgrade_unittest.py     |   7 +-
 6 files changed, 666 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 31681da..d0f8bdb 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1742,6 +1742,7 @@ TEST_FILES = \
 	test/data/cluster_config_2.11.json \
 	test/data/cluster_config_2.12.json \
 	test/data/cluster_config_2.13.json \
+	test/data/cluster_config_2.14.json \
 	test/data/instance-minor-pairing.txt \
 	test/data/instance-disks.txt \
 	test/data/ip-addr-show-dummy0.txt \
diff --git a/cabal/ganeti.template.cabal b/cabal/ganeti.template.cabal
index b16de96..9067b51 100644
--- a/cabal/ganeti.template.cabal
+++ b/cabal/ganeti.template.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name:                ganeti
-version:             2.14
+version:             2.15
 homepage:            http://www.ganeti.org
 license:             BSD2
 license-file:        COPYING
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 8e7f3aa..4b07b32 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Configure script for Ganeti
 m4_define([gnt_version_major], [2])
-m4_define([gnt_version_minor], [14])
+m4_define([gnt_version_minor], [15])
 m4_define([gnt_version_revision], [0])
 m4_define([gnt_version_suffix], [~alpha1])
diff --git a/lib/tools/cfgupgrade.py b/lib/tools/cfgupgrade.py
index 0a9d40a..4e8b11b 100644
--- a/lib/tools/cfgupgrade.py
+++ b/lib/tools/cfgupgrade.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Google Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Google Inc.
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ from ganeti.utils import version
 #: Target major version we will upgrade to
 #: Target minor version we will upgrade to
 #: Target major version for downgrade
 #: Target minor version for downgrade
 # map of legacy device types
 # (mapping differing old LD_* constants to new DT_* constants)
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ class CfgUpgrade(object):
       self._Downgrade(config_major, config_minor, config_version,
-    # Upgrade from 2.{0..13} to 2.14
-    elif config_major == 2 and config_minor in range(0, 14):
+    # Upgrade from 2.{0..14} to 2.15
+    elif config_major == 2 and config_minor in range(0, 15):
       if config_revision != 0:
         logging.warning("Config revision is %s, not 0", config_revision)
       if not self.UpgradeAll():
@@ -682,77 +682,10 @@ class CfgUpgrade(object):
   # DOWNGRADE ------------------------------------------------------------
-  def _RecursiveRemoveNodes(self, disk):
-    if "nodes" in disk:
-      del disk["nodes"]
-    for disk in disk.get("children", []):
-      self._RecursiveRemoveNodes(disk)
-  @OrFail("Downgrading disk nodes")
-  def DowngradeDiskNodes(self):
-    if "disks" not in self.config_data:
-      raise Error("Can't find the 'disks' dictionary in the configuration.")
-    for disk in self.config_data["disks"].itervalues():
-      self._RecursiveRemoveNodes(disk)
-  @OrFail("Removing forthcoming instances")
-  def DowngradeForthcomingInstances(self):
-    if "instances" not in self.config_data:
-      raise Error("Can't find the 'instances' dictionary in the configuration.")
-    instances = self.config_data["instances"]
-    uuids = instances.keys()
-    for uuid in uuids:
-      if instances[uuid].get("forthcoming"):
-        del instances[uuid]
-  @OrFail("Removing forthcoming disks")
-  def DowngradeForthcomingDisks(self):
-    if "instances" not in self.config_data:
-      raise Error("Can't find the 'instances' dictionary in the configuration.")
-    instances = self.config_data["instances"]
-    if "disks" not in self.config_data:
-      raise Error("Can't find the 'disks' dictionary in the configuration.")
-    disks = self.config_data["disks"]
-    uuids = disks.keys()
-    for uuid in uuids:
-      if disks[uuid].get("forthcoming"):
-        del disks[uuid]
-        for inst in instances:
-          if "disk" in inst and uuid in inst["disks"]:
-            inst["disks"].remove(uuid)
-  @OrFail("Re-adding disk template")
-  def DowngradeDiskTemplate(self):
-    if "instances" not in self.config_data:
-      raise Error("Can't find the 'instances' dictionary in the configuration.")
-    instances = self.config_data["instances"]
-    if "disks" not in self.config_data:
-      raise Error("Can't find the 'disks' dictionary in the configuration.")
-    disks = self.config_data["disks"]
-    for inst in instances.values():
-      instance_disks = [disks.get(uuid) for uuid in inst["disks"]]
-      if any(d is None for d in instance_disks):
-        raise Error("Can't find all disks of instance %s in the configuration."
-                    % inst.name)
-      dev_types = set(d["dev_type"] for d in instance_disks)
-      if len(dev_types) > 1:
-        raise Error("Instance %s has mixed disk types: %s" %
-                    (inst.name, ', '.join(dev_types)))
-      elif len(dev_types) < 1:
-        inst["disk_template"] = constants.DT_DISKLESS
-      else:
-        inst["disk_template"] = dev_types.pop()
   def DowngradeAll(self):
     self.config_data["version"] = version.BuildVersion(DOWNGRADE_MAJOR,
                                                        DOWNGRADE_MINOR, 0)
-    steps = [self.DowngradeForthcomingInstances,
-             self.DowngradeForthcomingDisks,
-             self.DowngradeDiskNodes,
-             self.DowngradeDiskTemplate]
-    for s in steps:
-      s()
-    return not self.errors
+    return True
   def _ComposePaths(self):
     # We need to keep filenames locally because they might be renamed between
diff --git a/test/data/cluster_config_2.14.json b/test/data/cluster_config_2.14.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4193379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/cluster_config_2.14.json
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+  "cluster": {
+    "beparams": {
+      "default": {
+        "always_failover": false,
+        "auto_balance": true,
+        "maxmem": 128,
+        "minmem": 128,
+        "spindle_use": 1,
+        "vcpus": 1
+      }
+    },
+    "blacklisted_os": [],
+    "candidate_certs": {},
+    "candidate_pool_size": 10,
+    "cluster_name": "cluster.name.example.com",
+    "compression_tools": [
+      "gzip",
+      "gzip-fast",
+      "gzip-slow"
+    ],
+    "ctime": 1343869045.6048839,
+    "data_collectors": {
+      "cpu-avg-load": {
+        "active": true,
+        "interval": 5000000.0
+      },
+      "diskstats": {
+        "active": true,
+        "interval": 5000000.0
+      },
+      "drbd": {
+        "active": true,
+        "interval": 5000000.0
+      },
+      "inst-status-xen": {
+        "active": true,
+        "interval": 5000000.0
+      },
+      "lv": {
+        "active": true,
+        "interval": 5000000.0
+      }
+    },
+    "default_iallocator": "hail",
+    "default_iallocator_params": {},
+    "disk_state_static": {},
+    "diskparams": {
+      "blockdev": {},
+      "diskless": {},
+      "drbd": {
+        "c-delay-target": 1,
+        "c-fill-target": 200,
+        "c-max-rate": 2048,
+        "c-min-rate": 1024,
+        "c-plan-ahead": 1,
+        "data-stripes": 2,
+        "disk-barriers": "bf",
+        "disk-custom": "",
+        "dynamic-resync": false,
+        "meta-barriers": true,
+        "meta-stripes": 2,
+        "metavg": "xenvg",
+        "net-custom": "",
+        "protocol": "C",
+        "resync-rate": 1024
+      },
+      "ext": {
+        "access": "kernelspace"
+      },
+      "file": {},
+      "gluster": {
+        "access": "kernelspace",
+        "host": "",
+        "port": 24007,
+        "volume": "gv0"
+      },
+      "plain": {
+        "stripes": 2
+      },
+      "rbd": {
+        "access": "kernelspace",
+        "pool": "rbd"
+      },
+      "sharedfile": {}
+    },
+    "drbd_usermode_helper": "/bin/true",
+    "enabled_disk_templates": [
+      "drbd",
+      "plain",
+      "file",
+      "sharedfile"
+    ],
+    "enabled_hypervisors": [
+      "xen-pvm"
+    ],
+    "enabled_user_shutdown": false,
+    "file_storage_dir": "",
+    "gluster_storage_dir": "",
+    "hidden_os": [],
+    "highest_used_port": 32105,
+    "hv_state_static": {
+      "xen-pvm": {
+        "cpu_node": 1,
+        "cpu_total": 1,
+        "mem_hv": 0,
+        "mem_node": 0,
+        "mem_total": 0
+      }
+    },
+    "hvparams": {
+      "chroot": {
+        "init_script": "/ganeti-chroot"
+      },
+      "fake": {
+        "migration_mode": "live"
+      },
+      "kvm": {
+        "acpi": true,
+        "boot_order": "disk",
+        "cdrom2_image_path": "",
+        "cdrom_disk_type": "",
+        "cdrom_image_path": "",
+        "cpu_cores": 0,
+        "cpu_mask": "all",
+        "cpu_sockets": 0,
+        "cpu_threads": 0,
+        "cpu_type": "",
+        "disk_aio": "threads",
+        "disk_cache": "default",
+        "disk_type": "paravirtual",
+        "floppy_image_path": "",
+        "initrd_path": "",
+        "kernel_args": "ro",
+        "kernel_path": "/boot/vmlinuz-kvmU",
+        "keymap": "",
+        "kvm_extra": "",
+        "kvm_flag": "",
+        "kvm_path": "/usr/bin/kvm",
+        "machine_version": "",
+        "mem_path": "",
+        "migration_bandwidth": 4,
+        "migration_caps": "",
+        "migration_downtime": 30,
+        "migration_mode": "live",
+        "migration_port": 4041,
+        "nic_type": "paravirtual",
+        "reboot_behavior": "reboot",
+        "root_path": "/dev/vda1",
+        "security_domain": "",
+        "security_model": "none",
+        "serial_console": true,
+        "serial_speed": 38400,
+        "soundhw": "",
+        "spice_bind": "",
+        "spice_image_compression": "",
+        "spice_ip_version": 0,
+        "spice_jpeg_wan_compression": "",
+        "spice_password_file": "",
+        "spice_playback_compression": true,
+        "spice_streaming_video": "",
+        "spice_tls_ciphers": "HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-ADH",
+        "spice_use_tls": false,
+        "spice_use_vdagent": true,
+        "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression": "",
+        "usb_devices": "",
+        "usb_mouse": "",
+        "use_chroot": false,
+        "use_localtime": false,
+        "user_shutdown": false,
+        "vga": "",
+        "vhost_net": false,
+        "virtio_net_queues": 1,
+        "vnc_bind_address": "",
+        "vnc_password_file": "",
+        "vnc_tls": false,
+        "vnc_x509_path": "",
+        "vnc_x509_verify": false,
+        "vnet_hdr": true
+      },
+      "lxc": {
+        "cpu_mask": "",
+        "devices": "c 1:3 rw,c 1:5 rw,c 1:7 rw,c 1:8 rw,c 1:9 rw,c 1:10 rw,c 5:0 rw,c 5:1 rw,c 5:2 rw,c 136:* rw",
+        "drop_capabilities": "mac_override,sys_boot,sys_module,sys_time,sys_admin",
+        "extra_cgroups": "",
+        "extra_config": "",
+        "lxc_cgroup_use": "",
+        "lxc_devices": "c 1:3 rw,c 1:5 rw,c 1:7 rw,c 1:8 rw,c 1:9 rw,c 1:10 rw,c 5:0 rw,c 5:1 rw,c 5:2 rw,c 136:* rw",
+        "lxc_drop_capabilities": "mac_override,sys_boot,sys_module,sys_time",
+        "lxc_extra_config": "",
+        "lxc_startup_wait": 30,
+        "lxc_tty": 6,
+        "num_ttys": 6,
+        "startup_timeout": 30
+      },
+      "xen-hvm": {
+        "acpi": true,
+        "blockdev_prefix": "hd",
+        "boot_order": "cd",
+        "cdrom_image_path": "",
+        "cpu_cap": 0,
+        "cpu_mask": "all",
+        "cpu_weight": 256,
+        "cpuid": "",
+        "device_model": "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm",
+        "disk_type": "paravirtual",
+        "kernel_path": "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader",
+        "migration_mode": "non-live",
+        "migration_port": 8082,
+        "nic_type": "rtl8139",
+        "pae": true,
+        "pci_pass": "",
+        "reboot_behavior": "reboot",
+        "soundhw": "",
+        "use_localtime": false,
+        "vif_script": "",
+        "vif_type": "ioemu",
+        "viridian": false,
+        "vnc_bind_address": "",
+        "vnc_password_file": "/your/vnc-cluster-password",
+        "xen_cmd": "xm"
+      },
+      "xen-pvm": {
+        "blockdev_prefix": "sd",
+        "bootloader_args": "",
+        "bootloader_path": "",
+        "cpu_cap": 0,
+        "cpu_mask": "all",
+        "cpu_weight": 256,
+        "cpuid": "",
+        "initrd_path": "",
+        "kernel_args": "ro",
+        "kernel_path": "/boot/vmlinuz-xenU",
+        "migration_mode": "live",
+        "migration_port": 8082,
+        "reboot_behavior": "reboot",
+        "root_path": "/dev/xvda1",
+        "soundhw": "",
+        "use_bootloader": false,
+        "vif_script": "",
+        "xen_cmd": "xm"
+      }
+    },
+    "install_image": "",
+    "instance_communication_network": "",
+    "ipolicy": {
+      "disk-templates": [
+        "drbd",
+        "plain",
+        "sharedfile",
+        "file"
+      ],
+      "minmax": [
+        {
+          "max": {
+            "cpu-count": 8,
+            "disk-count": 16,
+            "disk-size": 1048576,
+            "memory-size": 32768,
+            "nic-count": 8,
+            "spindle-use": 12
+          },
+          "min": {
+            "cpu-count": 1,
+            "disk-count": 1,
+            "disk-size": 1024,
+            "memory-size": 128,
+            "nic-count": 1,
+            "spindle-use": 1
+          }
+        }
+      ],
+      "spindle-ratio": 32.0,
+      "std": {
+        "cpu-count": 1,
+        "disk-count": 1,
+        "disk-size": 1024,
+        "memory-size": 128,
+        "nic-count": 1,
+        "spindle-use": 1
+      },
+      "vcpu-ratio": 1.0
+    },
+    "mac_prefix": "aa:bb:cc",
+    "maintain_node_health": false,
+    "master_ip": "",
+    "master_netdev": "eth0",
+    "master_netmask": 32,
+    "master_node": "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+    "max_running_jobs": 20,
+    "max_tracked_jobs": 25,
+    "modify_etc_hosts": true,
+    "modify_ssh_setup": true,
+    "mtime": 1361964122.7947099,
+    "ndparams": {
+      "cpu_speed": 1.0,
+      "exclusive_storage": false,
+      "oob_program": "",
+      "ovs": false,
+      "ovs_link": "",
+      "ovs_name": "switch1",
+      "spindle_count": 1,
+      "ssh_port": 22
+    },
+    "nicparams": {
+      "default": {
+        "link": "br974",
+        "mode": "bridged",
+        "vlan": ""
+      }
+    },
+    "os_hvp": {
+      "TEMP-Ganeti-QA-OS": {
+        "xen-hvm": {
+          "acpi": false,
+          "pae": true
+        },
+        "xen-pvm": {
+          "root_path": "/dev/sda5"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "osparams": {},
+    "osparams_private_cluster": {},
+    "prealloc_wipe_disks": false,
+    "primary_ip_family": 2,
+    "reserved_lvs": [],
+    "rsahostkeypub": "YOURKEY",
+    "serial_no": 3189,
+    "shared_file_storage_dir": "/srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage",
+    "tags": [
+      "mytag"
+    ],
+    "tcpudp_port_pool": [
+      32104,
+      32105,
+      32101,
+      32102,
+      32103
+    ],
+    "uid_pool": [],
+    "use_external_mip_script": false,
+    "uuid": "dddf8c12-f2d8-4718-a35b-7804daf12a3f",
+    "volume_group_name": "xenvg",
+    "zeroing_image": ""
+  },
+  "ctime": 1343869045.6055231,
+  "disks": {
+    "150bd154-8e23-44d1-b762-5065ae5a507b": {
+      "ctime": 1354038435.343601,
+      "dev_type": "plain",
+      "iv_name": "disk/0",
+      "logical_id": [
+        "xenvg",
+        "b27a576a-13f7-4f07-885c-63fcad4fdfcc.disk0"
+      ],
+      "mode": "rw",
+      "mtime": 1354038435.343601,
+      "nodes": [
+        "2ae3d962-2dad-44f2-bdb1-85f77107f907"
+      ],
+      "params": {},
+      "serial_no": 1,
+      "size": 1280,
+      "uuid": "150bd154-8e23-44d1-b762-5065ae5a507b"
+    },
+    "77ced3a5-6756-49ae-8d1f-274e27664c05": {
+      "children": [
+        {
+          "ctime": 1421677173.7280669,
+          "dev_type": "plain",
+          "logical_id": [
+            "xenvg",
+            "5c390722-6a7a-4bb4-9cef-98d896a8e6b1.disk0_data"
+          ],
+          "mtime": 1421677173.7280591,
+          "nodes": [
+            "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+            "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a"
+          ],
+          "params": {},
+          "serial_no": 1,
+          "size": 1024
+        },
+        {
+          "ctime": 1421677173.728096,
+          "dev_type": "plain",
+          "logical_id": [
+            "xenvg",
+            "5c390722-6a7a-4bb4-9cef-98d896a8e6b1.disk0_meta"
+          ],
+          "mtime": 1421677173.7280879,
+          "nodes": [
+            "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+            "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a"
+          ],
+          "params": {},
+          "serial_no": 1,
+          "size": 128
+        }
+      ],
+      "ctime": 1363620258.6089759,
+      "dev_type": "drbd",
+      "iv_name": "disk/0",
+      "logical_id": [
+        "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+        "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a",
+        32100,
+        0,
+        0,
+        "d3c3fd475fcbaf5fd177fb245ac43b71247ada38"
+      ],
+      "mode": "rw",
+      "mtime": 1363620258.6089759,
+      "nodes": [
+        "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+        "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a"
+      ],
+      "params": {},
+      "serial_no": 1,
+      "size": 1024,
+      "uuid": "77ced3a5-6756-49ae-8d1f-274e27664c05"
+    },
+    "79acf611-be58-4334-9fe4-4f2b73ae8abb": {
+      "ctime": 1355186880.4511809,
+      "dev_type": "plain",
+      "iv_name": "disk/0",
+      "logical_id": [
+        "xenvg",
+        "3e559cd7-1024-4294-a923-a9fd13182b2f.disk0"
+      ],
+      "mode": "rw",
+      "mtime": 1355186880.4511809,
+      "nodes": [
+        "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a"
+      ],
+      "params": {},
+      "serial_no": 1,
+      "size": 102400,
+      "uuid": "79acf611-be58-4334-9fe4-4f2b73ae8abb"
+    }
+  },
+  "filters": {},
+  "instances": {
+    "4e091bdc-e205-4ed7-8a47-0c9130a6619f": {
+      "admin_state": "up",
+      "admin_state_source": "admin",
+      "beparams": {},
+      "ctime": 1354038435.343601,
+      "disks": [
+        "150bd154-8e23-44d1-b762-5065ae5a507b"
+      ],
+      "disks_active": true,
+      "hvparams": {},
+      "hypervisor": "xen-pvm",
+      "mtime": 1354224585.700732,
+      "name": "instance3.example.com",
+      "nics": [
+        {
+          "mac": "aa:bb:cc:5e:5c:75",
+          "nicparams": {},
+          "uuid": "1ab090c1-e017-406c-afb4-fc285cb43e31"
+        }
+      ],
+      "os": "debian-image",
+      "osparams": {},
+      "osparams_private": {},
+      "primary_node": "2ae3d962-2dad-44f2-bdb1-85f77107f907",
+      "serial_no": 4,
+      "tags": [],
+      "uuid": "4e091bdc-e205-4ed7-8a47-0c9130a6619f"
+    },
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+      "ctime": 1363620258.6089759,
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+      ],
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+      "mtime": 1363620320.8749011,
+      "name": "instance1.example.com",
+      "nics": [
+        {
+          "mac": "aa:bb:cc:b2:6e:0b",
+          "nicparams": {},
+          "uuid": "2c953d72-fac4-4aa9-a225-4131bb271791"
+        }
+      ],
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+      "osparams": {},
+      "osparams_private": {},
+      "primary_node": "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+      "serial_no": 2,
+      "uuid": "6c078d22-3eb6-4780-857d-81772e09eef1"
+    },
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+      "admin_state_source": "admin",
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+      "disks": [
+        "79acf611-be58-4334-9fe4-4f2b73ae8abb"
+      ],
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+      "mtime": 1355186898.307642,
+      "name": "instance2.example.com",
+      "nics": [
+        {
+          "mac": "aa:bb:cc:56:83:fb",
+          "nicparams": {},
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+        }
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+    }
+  },
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+      "ipolicy": {},
+      "mtime": 1361963775.5750091,
+      "name": "default",
+      "ndparams": {},
+      "networks": {},
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+      "diskparams": {},
+      "ipolicy": {
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+          "plain"
+        ],
+        "minmax": [
+          {
+            "max": {
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+              "disk-size": 1048576,
+              "memory-size": 32768,
+              "nic-count": 18,
+              "spindle-use": 14
+            },
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+              "disk-count": 2,
+              "disk-size": 1024,
+              "memory-size": 128,
+              "nic-count": 1,
+              "spindle-use": 1
+            }
+          }
+        ],
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+        "vcpu-ratio": 3.1400000000000001
+      },
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+      },
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+      "uuid": "6c0a8916-b719-45ad-95dd-82192b1e473f"
+    }
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+      "master_capable": true,
+      "mtime": 1358348755.779906,
+      "name": "node2.example.com",
+      "ndparams": {},
+      "offline": false,
+      "powered": true,
+      "primary_ip": "",
+      "secondary_ip": "",
+      "serial_no": 6,
+      "tags": [],
+      "uuid": "2ae3d962-2dad-44f2-bdb1-85f77107f907",
+      "vm_capable": true
+    },
+    "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a": {
+      "ctime": 1343869205.9348071,
+      "drained": false,
+      "group": "5244a46d-7506-4e14-922d-02b58153dde1",
+      "master_candidate": true,
+      "master_capable": true,
+      "mtime": 1353019704.8853681,
+      "name": "node3.example.com",
+      "ndparams": {},
+      "offline": false,
+      "powered": true,
+      "primary_ip": "",
+      "secondary_ip": "",
+      "serial_no": 2,
+      "tags": [],
+      "uuid": "41f9c238-173c-4120-9e41-04ad379b647a",
+      "vm_capable": true
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+    "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0": {
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+      "drained": false,
+      "group": "5244a46d-7506-4e14-922d-02b58153dde1",
+      "master_candidate": true,
+      "master_capable": true,
+      "mtime": 1359986533.3533289,
+      "name": "node1.example.com",
+      "ndparams": {},
+      "offline": false,
+      "powered": true,
+      "primary_ip": "",
+      "secondary_ip": "",
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+      "tags": [],
+      "uuid": "9a12d554-75c0-4cb1-8064-103365145db0",
+      "vm_capable": true
+    }
+  },
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+  "version": 2140000
diff --git a/test/py/cfgupgrade_unittest.py b/test/py/cfgupgrade_unittest.py
index f629a65..d23667a 100755
--- a/test/py/cfgupgrade_unittest.py
+++ b/test/py/cfgupgrade_unittest.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2012, 2013 Google Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Google Inc.
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -422,6 +422,9 @@ class TestCfgupgrade(unittest.TestCase):
   def testUpgradeFullConfigFrom_2_13(self):
     self._TestUpgradeFromFile("cluster_config_2.13.json", False)
+  def testUpgradeFullConfigFrom_2_14(self):
+    self._TestUpgradeFromFile("cluster_config_2.14.json", False)
   def testUpgradeCurrent(self):
     self._TestSimpleUpgrade(constants.CONFIG_VERSION, False)
@@ -439,7 +442,7 @@ class TestCfgupgrade(unittest.TestCase):
   def testDowngradeFullConfig(self):
     """Test for upgrade + downgrade combination."""
     # This test can work only with the previous version of a configuration!
-    oldconfname = "cluster_config_2.13.json"
+    oldconfname = "cluster_config_2.14.json"
     self._TestUpgradeFromFile(oldconfname, False)
     _RunUpgrade(self.tmpdir, False, True, downgrade=True)
     oldconf = self._LoadTestDataConfig(oldconfname)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ganeti/ganeti.git

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