[Pkg-ganeti-devel] Bug#875435: ganeti: random freeze on some kvm guests in a jessie ganeti cluster

Thomas Pierson thomas at mezcalito.fr
Mon Sep 11 13:04:21 UTC 2017

Hi Apollon,

Le 11/09/2017 à 13:52, Apollon Oikonomopoulos a écrit :
> Try running your instances with disk_aio=native (gnt-cluster modify -H 
> kvm:disk_aio=native). This will require a hypervisor-level restart of 
> all instances (i.e. gnt-instance reboot <instance>).

Thank you for your answer. I will try this setup and I give you a
feedback in some days.

I also forgot to say I already set disk_cache to 'none' for all
instances. Is it the right option to use along with disk_aio 'native'?


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