[Pkg-ganeti-devel] [ganeti] branch experimental-2.16 created (now 40c8630)

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 9 13:28:12 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apoikos pushed a change to branch experimental-2.16
in repository ganeti.

        at  40c8630   Release 2.16.0~rc1+1gitc815ca60c-1

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  aa2de94   Prepare master branch for new devel cycle
       new  49391c6   Add a mobility predicate on disk templates
       new  0b0e26e   GlobalN1: use diskTemplateMovable
       new  48d90e7   Port all checks for AddInstance
       new  e1aa772   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  58c0c20   Move allocation data structure to a separate module
       new  f7021a9   Make extractNl also fix indices
       new  a1b685f   Add a type for a collection of allocation solutions
       new  2f4e1a7   Add a predicate for global N+1 redundancy of allocations
       new  240d9b6   Make capacity an algorithmic option
       new  02132b4   Make tryAlloc honor global N+1 redundancy
       new  86fd776   Make hail support --no-capacity-checks
       new  0167bd6   Add a test for global N+1 redundancy in allocation
       new  86d6ce2   Document --no-capacity-checks in the hail man page
       new  608e90e   Port Add/Attach InstanceDisk to WConfd
       new  e2f2b3e   Add exuberant-ctags to schroot's install packages
       new  aef04a8   shared storage N+1 design: necessary changes to hail
       new  d241692   Acknowledge lack of support for many node bash completion
       new  dd3f4f2   Add a command-line option to specify restricted allocation
       new  3d19ac0   Add algorithmic option for restricted allocation
       new  178bf91   Make allocation honor allocation restrictions
       new  fd190c8   Support node restrictions in allocation requests
       new  157991a   Support --restrict-allocation-to in hail
       new  ffbad97   Document --restrict-allocation-to in hail's man page
       new  38bc524   Add a test for restricted allocation
       new  2259e9b   Pass node white list to hail
       new  09872d3   Move htools tag constants to a separate module
       new  4b4c4fa   Export exTagsPrefix to Ganeti.Constants
       new  3b7c4c4   Add a utility function for extracting exclusion tags
       new  03fd361   Add a new CV error code for tag violation
       new  1400522   Add a cluster verify error for exclusion tags
       new  6ce3bfc   Also check exclusion tags in cluster verify
       new  127af34   List jobs remaining on user cancel interrupt
       new  721991e   List already submitted jobs on user cancel interrupt
       new  d62e12f   shared storage N+1 design: for hspace simply iterate
       new  b110fcb   Consider N+1 redundancy for non-DRB iterated allocation
       new  53c888f   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  b60b6ab   Remove dead code
       new  fc14cf9   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  7387da2   Remove dead code
       new  7d59710   Remove unused instance variable last_serial from job queue
       new  a6ce151   Remove unused masterd classes
       new  fc019f6   Extend config mod function to allow returning vals
       new  adccea8   Port AllocatePort to wconfd config mod functions
       new  e5003ca   Use AllocatePort RPC in python codebase
       new  6d82f4f   Add a mock AllocatePort for python tests
       new  f953808   Add more details in assertion text
       new  959de9a   Remove dead code
       new  0b609d3   Partly revert the last "Remove dead code"
       new  ed90c67   Do not readd nodes to the context
       new  bd9b9c1   Remove mock for removed methods
       new  9322efb   htools: if ignoring soft errors also ignore on secondary
       new  81a3f39   Add an example for oversubscribed failover
       new  380d1a9   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  d47b7aa   Add Disk instance definitions
       new  3698dd7   Add wconfd RPCs to replace Update
       new  67c1b0c   Remove Update's ConfigSync lock
       new  c8e94c9   Handle node addition and removal directly
       new  d85caa4   Remove context from logical units
       new  1409d21   Remove unused instance variable context of the processor
       new  8c74992   Process the job directly from within the main thread
       new  3d3a7a9   Remove worker pool from the job queue
       new  f8f2190   Remove unused GetLockInfo from dependency manager
       new  268b347   Remove locking from jqueue
       new  53581a0   Remove unused _primary_jid and _queue_size
       new  7c77ce6   After modifying a job, also reset the process
       new  f8e65cb   Fix a serial num bug in Update
       new  187e01e   Add lenses for simple fields
       new  0d84351   Add wconfd RPC markInstanceDisksActive
       new  2d3f0cc   Remove MarkInstanceDisksActive's config lock
       new  9109475   Log considered nodes in allocator run
       new  8616c21   Fix allocator call with empty whitelist
       new  e18a6a7   In opportunistic locking, update NODE_RES locks after nodes
       new  34244e0   Fix groups.in to actually contain groups
       new  46f6fb3   Introduce separate user for metad with port capabilites
       new  fb3a165   Add wconfd RPC setInstancePrimaryNode
       new  ae52a3a   Switch to wconfd RPC in SetInstancePrimaryNode
       new  dba9f78   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  ad36503   Remove processor_lock
       new  779de50   Remove unused method JobQueue.AddNode
       new  09ed193   Do not export jqForkLock from JQScheduler
       new  7684a50   During start, only update job file locally
       new  ac07bc8   Ignore "Use ||"
       new  12e73e2   Change of run queue length is also a reason to reschedule
       new  7690f12   Export updateStatusAndScheduleSomeJobs
       new  d444f1a   On scheduler changes, re-evaluate job status
       new  e98b955   Update NEWS file with setcap dependency
       new  5a36e85   Add check for setcap existence
       new  7a17db3   Add wconfd RPC detachInstanceDisk
       new  0b43587   Switch to using wconfd RPC in detachInstanceDisk
       new  91c38c3   Add Wconfd RPC removeInstanceDisk
       new  71b93a3   Switch to using wconfd RPC in RemoveInstanceDisk
       new  2fc15de   Add wconfd RPC removeInstance
       new  16da546   Switch to using wconfd RPC in RemoveInstance
       new  440fcfe   Add a repair daemon design
       new  74c46dd   Use QueuedJob instead of JobId in Exec.forkJobProcess
       new  5428811   Transmit secret parameters separately
       new  4aee175   New type Secret to wrap secret parameters
       new  42d4edb   Test arbitrary JSON objects with secret parameters
       new  0c2f58b   Declare new IAllocator mode allocate-secondary
       new  aa7ca65   Add a function to find a suitable secondary
       new  72d09f7   Make hail aware of secondary allocation requests
       new  e82df53   Add a test for allocate-secondary requests
       new  c6d4f71   Extend python IAllocator interface by allocate-secondary
       new  ad50f53   Extend OpInstanceSetParams by IAllocator option
       new  e1dd0ef   Support iallocator in LUInstanceSetParams
       new  e7c5d75   Support -I option in gnt-instance modify
       new  3793e9d   Mention IAllocator protocol extension in NEWS
       new  136c929   Port AddTcpUdpPort
       new  60af76e   Port SetInstanceStatus
       new  80dc18f   Fix encoding for setInstanceStatus
       new  47c322a   Extend OpClusterVerifyDisks by a group option
       new  6bcbf3a   Make LUClusterVerifyDisks honor group_name
       new  be42412   Add a node-group option to gnt-cluster verify-disks
       new  29db783   Document --node-group option of verify-disks in man page
       new  5fb2f35   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  d6a53cd   Add a predicate for global N+1 redundancy
       new  ee4d0f6   Improve the speed of iterateAlloc
       new  a441ce5   Improve iterateAlloc by better guessing the step size
       new  a2d1a50   build_chroot: Pin the version of unittest2 in squeeze
       new  7bf97bf   build_chroot: Move the definitions of GHC/cabal versions
       new  a7d77c0   build_chroot: Pin the Cabal library version
       new  8a8ad4b   build_chroot: Add GHC7.8 to the script
       new  e06adde   build_chroot: Allow variants of releases
       new  aa80d1d   build_chroot: Name the target properly 'jessie'
       new  55f2627   build_chroot: Add a jessie chroot with GHC 7.8
       new  ba83c4a   Extend location-awareness design by instance pinning
       new  83d661c   Escape special characters in doc strings
       new  f8bb748   Remove @ConfigSync for ReleaseDRBDMinors
       new  d52a92c   Merge _UnlockedReleaseDRBDMinors into ReleaseDRBDMinors
       new  62ba2be   Update copyright time range
       new  1e89d8e   Add a design for redundancy with plain instances
       new  fbcbb65   Make old hail tests use --no-capacity-checks
       new  0b436d8   Add option --no-capacity-checks to hspace
       new  b8bcb85   Describe --no-capacity-checks in hspace's man page
       new  4c3079e   Make old hspace tests use --no-capacity-checks
       new  b3d7099   Move allocation primitives to a separate module
       new  afb8014   In global N+1 redundancy, also consider plain instances
       new  4aba46e   Add a test for global N+1 redundancy with plain instances
       new  4f1baff   Describe extended N+1 redundancy for htools in NEWS
       new  945fdda   Set process id before secret parameter injection
       new  5b36e6e   Get rid of unnecessary check
       new  b45eaa0   Fail if secret parameters are missing
       new  9ee0e90   Test _CheckSecretParameters
       new  18bf316   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  b788c73   Implement instance pinning (desired locations)
       new  0888968   Develop instance pinning tests
       new  8a73064   Update design document and man pages
       new  de7e1a4   Distribute new test data files
       new  2e605c0   Make harep identify itself in the reason trail
       new  68fed3b   Create .ssh directory if it does not exist yet
       new  4a4e841   Add a Monoid instance for FrozenSet
       new  7f045b9   Add a constant listing all possible ssconf keys
       new  b3a4bb9   Use the constant with valid ssconf keys in lib/ssconf.py
       new  383e7ea   THH: Add a helper for computing ssconf constructor names
       new  cc9a05b   Generate the SSKey data type from the ssconf constants
       new  c3e6ced   Move `Arbitrary ConfigData` to the Objects test module
       new  d59b29f   Add a test that WConfd uses all ssconf keys
       new  62c9bf4   Add QA test to test redaction of secret parameters
       new  d9037eb   Add new command gnt-debug test-osparams
       new  8777501   Test arbitrary gnt-debug test-osparams commands
       new  77bd638   Exclude OpTestOsParams opcode from RAPI
       new  61dec05   Add OpTestOsParams to filterSecretParameters
       new  f63b109   Add QA test for secret parameter transmission
       new  607647b   Implement common-failure exclusion tags
       new  3daaae2   Add test for the common-failure exclusion tags
       new  d8e7d84   Update hbal man page
       new  9031805   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into master
       new  70efca1   Improve speed of iterateAlloc by a trying two step sizes
       new  67b4463   Use correct path for job file inspection
       new  b5b33f9   Add clarifications to repair design and support restarts
       new  12f7d6e   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  cdfabc7   Update documentation versions for 2.16 release
       new  f3164a4   Fix rst markup in design-2.16.rst
       new  1b08419   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  2a36cab   In multi-group allocation think about the whole cluster
       new  9f2cce0   Document changes in allocation strategy
       new  5a6da6d   Entered the date for 2.16 beta1 release in NEWS
       new  c7ab2e8   Change gnt version suffix from alpha1 to beta1
       new  3359324   testing: never generate instance without memory or CPU
       new  54d4c26   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  029bec0   Make accept-existing an algorithmic option
       new  23cd775   Make redundant and allocGlobalN1 honor AcceptExisting
       new  74c87a0   Add a test to accept existing offline violations
       new  fb23e79   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  a080f57   Add a parameter to ignore groups in capacity checks
       new  05e793c   Make global N+1 checks honor algCapacityIgnoreGroups
       new  95f04e060 Add a predicate whether a group is globally N+1 redundant
       new  53e6560   Make hspace correctly handle --independent-groups
       new  64d96c8   Add a test for group independence in capacity checks
       new  6181045   Accept BoringSSL as a known good ssl library
       new  e3140ac   Also accept just "BoringSSL"
       new  87ec22e   Make CommitTemporaryIPs call out to WConfD
       new  a4687d7   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  f3af646   Fix requested instance desired location tags in IAllocator
       new  fae7716   Add test for desired locations accounting in ialloc
       new  acd64cc   Add design doc for SCSI support in KVM
       new  2863911   kvm: Refactor device option handling
       new  4fd795b   monitor: Use hvinfo in QMP methods
       new  b96a201   kvm: Work around QEMU commit 48f364dd
       new  a1e04cf   kvm: Use the new interface during hotplug actions
       new  56eb706   kvm: Introduce scsi_controller_type hvparam
       new  16c38b8   kvm: Introduce kvm_pci_reservations hvparam
       new  4aef27f   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  acb218b   Use ssconf for SSH ports in NodeVerify
       new  ecd4340   Fix RPC signature of NodeVerify
       new  56eb7d7   Make 'modify ssh setup' queryable
       new  b617cb7   Disable --no-node-setup
       new  bbb08fc   Show 'modify ssh setup' in cluster info
       new  bd11efb   Mention disabling of '--no-node-setup' in NEWS file
       new  87416ca   Add the SSH key options
       new  0d75de7   Change SSH key types to a proper Haskell sum type
       new  ce90bd1   Add the SSH key type and length to the config, and set them
       new  f8dc2eb   Show info about new params in gnt-cluster info
       new  6b2e842   Add helper function for querying cluster properties
       new  e4bd432   Add modify_ssh_setup to queryable config params
       new  db6051b   Add querying of ssh-related config values
       new  b33ef42   Do not generate the ganeti_pub_keys file with --no-ssh-init
       new  33dea8c   Use the SSH key parameters when generating keys
       new  c64af82   Allow SSH key property changes
       new  e3a4894   Handle SSH key changes in upgrades and downgrades
       new  ff86953   Fail early for invalid key type and size combinations
       new  e047dee   Fix typo
       new  2917e5e   QA: Downgrade the cluster key type in 2.16
       new  4e9ad07   Remove default limit on diffs in cfgupgrade tests
       new  e90da97   QA: Extend AssertCommand to allow not forwarding the agent
       new  af0a89f   QA: Add ssh-key-type and -bits tests
       new  2ebf4e8   Add entries describing new gnt-cluster params to manpage
       new  2de4691   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  bcdd692   Use only string value in error message
       new  9511a3a   Improve tests for attaching disks
       new  e70886f   Allow disk attachment to diskless instances
       new  35f8034   Add more detach/attach sequence tests
       new  713f1cf   Fix lines with more than 80 characters
       new  cf3ac00   Add a --dry-run option to htools
       new  3934610   Support --dry-run in harep
       new  2c09dab   Document harep --dry-run in the man page
       new  ee7b0d6   Update documentation of harep
       new  ceb09b5   Fix error message in attachInstanceDiskChecks
       new  d262bf7   Don't deepcopy the config if the old value is not needed
       new  88610f8   Make mock SSH file manager deal with lists
       new  ee428a2   testutils: add keys to own 'authorized_keys' file
       new  125e790   Bulk-removal of SSH keys
       new  1699cf0   Bulk-remove SSH keys of potential master candidates
       new  9ad477c   Bulk-removal of SSH keys of normal nodes
       new  6fa7813   Bulk-removing SSH keys of diverse set of nodes
       new  de9087d   Use bulk-removal of SSH keys for single keys
       new  cf50a6a   renew-crypto: use bulk-removal of SSH keys
       new  625c8ea   Add more documentation to testutils_ssh.py
       new  0ea9dd0   Allow disk attachment with external storage
       new  46ddc97   Add detach/attach sequence test
       new  2451da1   Fix documentation for master-failover
       new  46257e5   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  23503ae   Fix typo 'option' instead of 'options'
       new  ff009c3   Pass arguments to correct daemons during master-failover
       new  38712d4   After TestNodeModify, fix the pool of master candidates
       new  61281f9   Increase timeout of RPC adding/removing keys
       new  203a97f   KVM: explicitly configure routed NICs late
       new  b267251   ssh_update: log data that is received
       new  2e9fdac   Fix renew-crypto on one-node-cluster
       new  bebac87   Catch IOError of SSH files when removing node
       new  5f6cd34   Fix outdated comment
       new  d2dc0cb   Add a predicate testing that a majority of nodes is healthy
       new  5115526   Check for healthy majority on master failover with voting
       new  bc06ac2   Document healthy-majority restriction on master-failover
       new  3e55d77   Check for same primary node before disk attachment
       new  216e20b   Test disk attachment with different primary nodes
       new  7e6b6b0   Merge branch 'stable-2.10' into stable-2.11
       new  b0a7e37   Send messages as Strings
       new  6ee7964   Unconditionally log upgrades at debug level
       new  9d99836   Run renew-crypto in upgrades in debug mode
       new  249abd0   Add function to provide logged user feedback
       new  eef3bf4   Also log the high-level upgrade steps
       new  c4164c6   Merge branch 'stable-2.11' into stable-2.12
       new  7b8b411   Increase minimal sizes of test online nodes
       new  0ed5960   Merge branch 'stable-2.12' into stable-2.13
       new  2cd22ad   Run ssh-key renewal in debug mode during upgrade
       new  731de59   Merge branch 'stable-2.13' into stable-2.14
       new  56ffa79   Merge branch 'stable-2.14' into stable-2.15
       new  b622c49   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  58ed509   Do not repeat constants in comments
       new  d6b0841   Increase timeouts for luxi by a factor of 3
       new  fcac567   Document the increased timeout as an incompatible change
       new  115325f   Fix failover in case the source node is offline
       new  dd6f11c   Set block buffering for UDSServer
       new  4b7cd46   Merge branch 'stable-2.14' into stable-2.15
       new  c1d93fe   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  12dbc22   Bump version suffix to 2.16.0 beta2
       new  05807f9   Update NEWS file for 2.16.0 beta2
       new  cda51aa   Optimise codegen for Python OpCode classes
       new  a909662   Mock InitDrbdHelper's output in unittests
       new  8e4b725   Do not add a new Inotify watchers on timer
       new  784549e   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  837960e   Update NEWS file for 2.16.0 beta2
       new  cb654c0   Make config distribution parametric in target group
       new  1582c75   Support flushing to a single group
       new  39564fc   On group verify, only flush to group nodes
       new  6ac477a   Update NEWS file for 2.16.0 rc1 release
       new  f83b565   Bump version suffix to 2.16.0 rc1
       new  925b00a   Supersede work done in experimental
       new  bbaa7d8   d/watch: search for 2.16 stable releases
       new  5245317   d/control.in: add missing B-D on libghc-old-time-dev
       new  c59e9de   d/rules: override clean to generate the control files
       new  fa06875   Remove and ignore d/control and versioned package maintscripts
       new  e13e7d2   Merge tag 'v2.16.0rc1' into experimental
       new  3fdccd6   d/gbp.conf: set upstream-branch to stable-2.16
       new  b89eb6b   ganeti-VER: depend on libcap2-bin
       new  d0460de   Release 2.16.0~rc1-1
       new  1b887eb   d/gbp.conf: do not use export-dir
       new  f3630d8   Refresh ghc-7.10-compatibility.patch
       new  cc9016f   iallocator: only adjust memory usage for up instances
       new  712ea2f   Support userspace disk URIs for OS import/export scripts
       new  d92b2d2   Merge branch 'stable-2.14' into stable-2.15
       new  1025002   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  cf077d3   Prevent InstanceShutdown from waiting on success
       new  3857c32   d/rules: simplify file generation
       new  e9221df   Merge branch 'master' into experimental
       new  2ca2851   control.in: sync with d/control
       new  ca2ae2c   Really release 2.16.0~rc1-1
       new  edfefe7   Get onInotify and onPollTimer to print filepath
       new  0a89b1d   Bracket client LockConfig calls with debug logging
       new  f46485a   Bracket ConfigWriter writeConfigAndUnlock with debug logging
       new  0eaa01f   Add debug logging to profile python CallRPCMethod
       new  16e95c9   Add debug logging for time to sendMsg in Haskell servers
       new  ed1bb06   Optimize LXC hypervisor GetAllInstancesInfo
       new  f1574de   Improve luxid QueryInstances performance for large clusters
       new  6ea36d2   Fix memory/perf bug in gnt-cluster verify
       new  2b51613   Update install-quick DRBD requirements to include DRBD 8.4
       new  0774e17   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  f890553   Hide TH "Loading package" messages when compiling GHC <7.10
       new  e447b8b   Update Hlint rules
       new  fab322a   Fix pylint errors
       new  01e4f28   Fix hlint errors
       new  9d9ccdd   Extract networks filed in Luxi and Rapi backend
       new  2a2cd75   Give JQueue test dirs unique prefixes so they can't conflict
       new  46e6629   Use threaded runtime when linking Haskell unit tests
       new  a6f0831   Revert "Extract networks filed in Luxi/Rapi"
       new  d929e5b   Fix ClusterVerifyConfig() causing high mem usage
       new  b07bfc3   Remove redundant verify version in cluster upgrade
       new  7bba516   Join symlink commands during cluster upgrade
       new  0a41418   Do symlinks & ensure-dirs together in cluster upgrade
       new  d80f02c   Remove extremely frequent debug logging message
       new  6b6bea0   Fix ganeti-rapi/noded exit-under-load bug
       new  3b0794a   Update misleading comment in noded RPC code
       new  c3c8355   Add source addr to HTTP request complete logging
       new  750467a   Fix typo/thinko in previous patch
       new  0c7fb7e   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  b3c0fb0   Allow newer cabal deps for latest Debian/Ubuntu
       new  3263bf8   Re-fix local port/ip logging in HttpClientRequest
       new  8af55e7   Reduce load in NV_NODENETTEST and NV_MASTERIP
       new  ed5786c   Make debug http server more verbose
       new  eb3f956   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  c429dd2   Make JQScheduler queues more strict to avoid leaks
       new  8ac8907   Cancel RAPI job if the client drops the connection
       new  79ee34e   Reduce heap when parsing & storing ConfigData 10%
       new  d5d747d   Use socat method string compatible with <1.73 & >=1.73
       new  cf10806   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  38c735d   Implement localized cache for lvs commands
       new  1aa3037   Fix CLI option typo in NEWS file
       new  5529ea5   Fix broken parameters in storage create methods
       new  9082de6   Make EnsureDirs print chmod mode on errors
       new  7507917   Docstring for LUClusterVerifyGroup
       new  234ac6d   Improve test coverage for block device creation
       new  d6fe68c   Don't verify disks when all disk templates are ext
       new  fae17f3   Make the TH fieldsDictsKeys more efficient
       new  ab02af2   Generate concatenated error strings in parser
       new  4e75c9a   Set USE_VERSION_FULL=no if --enable-versionfull=no
       new  9b6d390   Fix LogicalVolume Attach failure on missing path
       new  671d167   mcpu: Raise caught OpPrereqErrors with too few args
       new  8bcf605   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  27769e4   Use zlib compression level 3 in Haskell RPC code
       new  420acc3   Get haskell daemons to only compress files > 4kB
       new  9825767   Tune getNodeInstances DRBD secondary computation
       new  40cd52f   Fix optimisation: Correctly extract secondary node
       new  2429235   Fixup compatibility with GHC 7.4/base 4.5
       new  90281b4   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  f59b520   Fix line-too long errors
       new  d27c6da   Fix small typo in opcode tests
       new  f8c37ed   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  46ac7ee   Special case WaitForJobChange to reduce heap use
       new  bd7239a   KVM: handle gracefully too old/too new psutil versions
       new  55ad60e   Cleanup more pylint/pep8/apidoc errors
       new  9b11139   Only import needed functions from Ganeti.JSON
       new  8f0f4ea   Remove storage unit selection from rpcCallData
       new  24da2b1   Make executeRpcCall only compute rpcCallData once
       new  e1d136e   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  20c2aec   Fix some trivial pep8/pylint errors
       new  3b03308   Make 'make pep8' happy
       new  d87d0cd   Use fork instead of spawnv in the watcher
       new  75dd76f   Clean-up of code and fix of pylint warnings
       new  bca7e0b   Refactor cli exception to its appropriate module
       new  d59f536   Removed unnecessary dependency from rpc in cli
       new  f2748e8   Adding a confirmation before gnt-node --offline no
       new  0e6f753   Shorten verifyMasterVote failure message
       new  e9ff83a   Fix LogicalVolume code to work with older /sbin/lvs
       new  91d5826   Allow master failover to ignore offline nodes
       new  6d4e3ca   Improve documentation for gnt-instance failover
       new  6c1b240   Add gnt-instance rename --force option
       new  a0f7d25   Hide errors for expected inotify failures in unittest
       new  21116d8   Fix typos in gnt-cluster man page
       new  90d9967   Replace map(operator.attrgetter, ...) uses
       new  25c5c51   Replace uses of map/lambda with more Pythonic code
       new  6705dc0   Replace map/partial with list comprehension
       new  c63e6c5   Sprinkle some more list comprehensions
       new  4689fa0   Avoid overuse of operator in watcher *.py
       new  3de4385   Simplify some inscrutable map/map/ifilter/zip code
       new  6a2114c   Improve error reporting in _VerifyClientCertificates
       new  96bb8d4   Fix/quell hlint warnings
       new  dba8686   Add missing cluster modify --modify-etc-hosts to man
       new  84cc5fc   Fix some typos/poor phrasing in gnt-node man page
       new  a1ae7d3   Fix inconsistent spaces vs tabs indent in makefile
       new  0df7c24   Bugfix: migrate needs HypervisorClass, not an instance
       new  7e47c36   Merge branch 'stable-2.13' into stable-2.14
       new  236a237   Merge branch 'stable-2.14' into stable-2.15
       new  6b183e5   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  7c905aa   Improve cluster verify ssh key errors
       new  4cea339   568 Update hv_kvm to handle output from qemu >= 1.6.0
       new  10e65ed   Disable logging CallRPCMethod timings in non-debug configs
       new  c1e18c4   Add ganeti-noded and ganeti-rapi --max-clients options
       new  c85311c   LV check failure should print instance name
       new  e226032   Give atomicWriteFile temp filenames a more distinct pattern
       new  81a68a3   Change a few errors to report names, not UUIDs
       new  a789817   Fix for instance reinstall not updating config
       new  49980c6   Fix for incorrect parsing of DRBD versions
       new  d6ad43c   Code cleanup in hypervisor backend
       new  a2d7a6d   Fix instance state detection in _Shutdowninstance
       new  772f74a   Make FinalizeMigration{Src,Dst} more robust
       new  8024b0d   Make finalize_migration_{src,dst} a single op
       new  64919d1   Make migrate --cleanup more robust
       new  a80958e   Allow migrate --cleanup to adopt an instance
       new  703e23e   StartInstance restores instance state if running
       new  7190e8b   FIX: Set INSTANCE_NICn_NETWORK_NAME only if net is defined
       new  91f22c4   FIX: Refactor DiagnoseOS to use a loop, not an inner fn
       new  7f0ded5   Fix invalid variable error for file-based disks
       new  bad7b2c   Cleanup: Remove some unnecessary if (...) parens
       new  187c5e0   Cleanup: Simplify boolean assignment
       new  8a5af05   Cleanup: Use FOO not in BAR instead of not FOO in BAR
       new  38ceaef   Cleanup: del is a statement not a function
       new  ff1b1f5   Cleanup: Replace map/filters with list comprehensions
       new  901a8d8   Cleanup: Fix for/else with no break in AddAuthorizedKeys
       new  ed12e1f   Cleanup: StartInstance and RebootInstance return None
       new  c772083   Cleanup: Remove unused format key
       new  94398a4   Cleanup: Iterate dict rather than key list
       new  ecf7ae0   Cleanup: Remove some unneeded pylint disables
       new  4ec96d9   Cleanup: Fix unidiomatic-typecheck
       new  7b1fd2e   Cleanup: Remove unused/duplicate module/fn import
       new  20f8657   Fix pylint >1.4 pycurl no-member warnings
       new  31adaf3   Delete old warning disables removed from pylint 1.6
       new  765d97a   Replace deprecated pylint >=0.27 pragma with new form
       new  d3c46f4   Disable some pylint unused-import warnings
       new  19778fb   Disable pylint import-self warning
       new  a42db59   Disable pylint invalid-name warning
       new  a69d37e   Disable pylint eval-used warning
       new  f4db2e7   Disable incorect pylint simplify-if-statement warning
       new  134cb17   Disable pylint misplaced-comparison-constant warning
       new  2ea6493   Disable pylint unpacking-non-sequence warning
       new  b0ccf23   Disable incorrect pylint not-callable warning
       new  b10f219   Disable pylint unused-wildcard-import warning
       new  fdd443e   Disable unwanted pylint wrong-import-position warnings
       new  d80a65a   Disable pylint bare-except warning
       new  52bb8b4   Disable pylint unsubscriptable-object warning
       new  4d96e9e   Quell consider-using-enumerate warning
       new  1439aa4   Quell bad-whitespace warning
       new  d968a51   Quell trailing newline
       new  bd0d971   Remove pylint tests removed in pylint 2.0
       new  d388e30   Quell too-many-boolean-expressions
       new  85aee22   Use default value lambda param to avoid cell-var-from-loop
       new  b0020d0   Quell cell-var-from-loop warning
       new  25bce57   Quell the pylint wrong-import-order warnings
       new  887a19e   Quell pylint socket.timeout warning
       new  e6f4967   Cleanup: Use new-style classes everywhere
       new  3ee50f3   Quell pylint unbalanced-tuple-unpacking warning
       new  3382ddf   Disable incorrect pylint assigning-non-slot warning
       new  5c328dc   Disable pylint broad-except warnings
       new  d2ed81c   Disable pylint too-many-branches warnings
       new  0e54674   Disable pylint redefined-variable-type warning
       new  4cdc9ab   Disable pylint superfluous-parens warning
       new  6bc06d3   Disable pylint bad-continuation warning
       new  5de5871   Reduce nesting in StartDaemon
       new  48cd4f0   Reduce nesting in _CheckVLANArguments
       new  728c0a5   Reduce nesting in gnt-cluster VerifyDisks missing disk loop
       new  bc04474   Reduce nesting in RemoveNodeSshKeyBulk ssh logic
       new  1571bcb   Reduce nesting in RemoveNodeSshKeyBulk key calculation
       new  62e56ef   Reduce nesting in LUInstanceCreate.RunOsScripts
       new  f260b41   Reduce nesting in LUOobCommand.Exec
       new  18c388c   Reduce nesting in import-export ProcessChildIO
       new  3214cd0   Disable pylint too-many-nested-blocks in _RunCmdPipe
       new  da3f300   Fix gnt-instance console instance unpausing for xl toolstack
       new  8315239   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  8048e56   Revert "Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16"
       new  d287130   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  6e96817   Fix miscellaneous typos found when reading design docs
       new  081dc60   Fix backup export in case of ext disk template
       new  8fcb5ec   Fix coexistence of location tags and non-DRBD instances
       new  24ca562   Fix typo in cli_opts.py IGNORE_HVVERSIONS_OPT flag
       new  1f13649   Add status and "version implemented" fields to design docs
       new  c25da08   kvm: use_guest_agent: QEMU Guest Agent support
       new  f5f5ae2   Re-add 2 imports incorrectly removed during cleanup
       new  970ea7d   Make man pages more consistent in parameter format
       new  48d1154   Fix idx in RemoveDisks warning
       new  9a62b43   Fix tuple-unpacking from QueryInstances result
       new  87acea8   Prohibit disk removal w/o hotplug on live instance
       new  e097c95   Add test for removing disk on a live instance
       new  1e28788   Add discard KVM option to bdev
       new  b26627e   Fix missing import in RAPI server
       new  a89380e   Adding .gitignore entry for the maintd binary
       new  27a9996   Ceph/RBD rbd showmapped -p is no longer supported
       new  0b80950   Adding travis-ci support
       new  2f7c725   Force "sudo: false" on Travis-CI config file
       new  44fe16b   Htools should use state-of-record instance size
       new  fd093f7   Add optStaticKvmNodeMemory to HTools and IAllocator (#34)
       new  d648887   Consider state-of-the-record free memory in htools memory model (#35)
       new  e10bf4e   Merge commit '8048e563' into stable-2.16
       new  9b94e30   Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
       new  00ea496   Fix: changed params in setInstanceLocationScore
       new  f1b150d   Merge stable-2.15 into stable-2.16
       new  35d98cd   Merge branch 'upmerge-2.16' into stable-2.16
       new  e4c765d   Add cleanup of stale OS hvp data on cluster modify
       new  358a29b   Add Ganeti CONTRIBUTE.md
       new  e9ab949   Add Ganeti CONTRIBUTE.md
       new  a21d8fb   kvm: Add missing 'driver' in 'hvinfo' dict (#46)
       new  2bf4f7e   Cleanup blockdevs from target on migration failure (#50)
       new  a4425a3   Force CleanupInstance always on InstanceShutdown (#53)
       new  c815ca6   hv_xen: generate correct type for paravirtualized nic (#57)
       new  1eba950   Merge branch 'master' into experimental
       new  8c0e820   Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.2; no changes needed
       new  c41eb45   Merge tag 'v2.16.0_rc1+1gitc815ca60c' into experimental
       new  e37c06a   Drop obsolete patches
       new  d13360f   Import patches
       new  b89c111   d/control.in: sync with d/control
       new  40c8630   Release 2.16.0~rc1+1gitc815ca60c-1

The 531 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ganeti/ganeti.git

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