[Pkg-ganeti-devel] ganeti 2.15: Patches for drbd 8.4 and user detections for xen

Vladimir Ipatov vs at ipatov.net
Thu Mar 15 21:20:57 UTC 2018


I am support debian based distro SkyCover Infrastructure with ganeti and 
xen (http://sci.skycover.co).
As a part of distro we support our own ganeti package build based on 
debian src-package with patches.
Recently I wrote some minor but useful patches for ganeti
1) drbd >= 8.4 support fixes for ganeti 2.10 (wheezy-backports) and 
ganeti 2.15 (stretch)
2) ability to disable user shutdown detection for xen for ganeti 2.15.
Today I posted it as a pull requests on github for upstream version (2.17):

But I also have this patches in my git for current debian ganeti 
versions - 2.10 and 2.15.
I want to add propose it to add in debian version of ganeti package.
Please, give me some instructions, in what form you want to get this 
patches? .patch file or something else? Send it by mail or someway else?

Vladimir Ipatov

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