[Pkg-gauche-devel] Git repository for gauche packaging

Jens Thiele karme at karme.de
Tue Feb 2 20:17:04 UTC 2010

YAEGASHI Takeshi <yaegashi at debian.org> writes:

> Hello pkg-gauche developers,


> I began to use git-buildpackage for gauche packaging as seen at
> http://git.debian.org/?p=users/yaegashi/gauche.git.  It's still quite
> incomplete but you can now check out source and binary packages from
> it.


> How to set up project/personal git repositories on alioth:
>  http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git

gitweb has not picked it up yet:

> Quick howto:
>  sudo apt-get install git-buildpackages pristine-tar (and other build-deps)
>  git clone git://git.debian.org/users/yaegashi/gauche.git
>  cd gauche
>  git branch pristine-tar origin/pristine-tar
>  git branch upstream origin/upstream
>  (... or you can use gbp-clone to set up a cloned repository with
> those branches)
>  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck git-buildpackage --git-pristine-tar
> Todos/Issues:
>  * Fill in all debian files and fields needed.
>  * Merge maintenace scripts and docs from http://karme.de/debian/
>  * How to maintain changes against upstream source tree?
>    * Holding modified sources in the master branch? (I prefer this way)
>    * Putting patch files for quilt/dpatch in debian directoroy?

I would prefer the first one, too. But for me both would be fine.

>  * Fix parallel build failure.
> Could you test it and tell me your thoughts and any other todos/issues
> to bring up?

I am really in testing phase right now. Still have to get used to
git-buildpackage and a really distributed workflow (my typical git usage
was more cvs/svn-like so far).

The git repository is testing ground at the moment (added some small
changes to build on lenny and using ccache).

Only one commit might be interesting so far:

commit 68fd8e6c5aab22d394ad5097837476e5ae79222f
Author: Jens Thiele <karme at berlios.de>
Date: Tue Feb 2 19:07:06 2010 +0100

    slibcat fixes
    build slibcat in place and include it in the package.

Maybe I should have used a branch for the lenny stuff - or do you want
the package to build on lenny, too?

Thanks, for the nice quick-start guide.

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