[pkg-GD-devel] Bug#466642: libgd2: FTBFS: Broken pipes generating debian/copyright
Daniel Schepler
schepler at math.berkeley.edu
Wed Feb 20 04:43:25 UTC 2008
Package: libgd2
Version: 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-1
Severity: serious
From my pbuilder build log:
find * -type f -not -regex 'debian/.*' -not -regex '\(.*/\)?config\.\(guess\|sub\|rpath\)\(\..*\)?' -exec cat '{}' ';' \
| tr '\r' '\n' \
| LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/[^[:print:]]//g' \
| egrep --text -rih '(copyright|\(c\) ).*[0-9]{4}' \
| sed -e 's/^[[:space:]*#]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u \
> debian/copyright_newhints
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
find: cat terminated by signal 13
Error: The following new or changed copyright notices discovered:
COPYR = Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Boutell.Com, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Copyright 1996-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright \(co 1998 Owen Taylor
Copyright © 2002-2007 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Copyright © 2004-2006 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Copyright © 2005-2007 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Copyright © 2007 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Updating copyright file (Closes: #119288).
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright � 1997-2007 Thomas Boutell, Pierre-Alain Joye and contributors, see COPYING\0"
Trying to locate the files containing the new/changed copyright notices...
(Strings part of binary data you need to resolve yourself)
To fix the situation please do the following:
1) Investigate the above changes and update debian/copyright as needed
2) Replace debian/copyright_hints with debian/copyright_newhints
make: *** [debian/stamp-copyright-check] Error 1
dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
According to kill -l, signal 13 is SIGPIPE.
Daniel Schepler
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