[pkg-ggz-commits] r53 - ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian ggz-docs/trunk/debian ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian ggz-grubby/trunk/debian ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian ggz-python/trunk/debian ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian ggz-server/trunk/debian ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian ggz-utils/trunk/debian libggz/trunk/debian meta-ggz/trunk/debian

Peter Eisentraut petere at costa.debian.org
Fri Aug 18 18:08:34 UTC 2006

Author: petere
Date: 2006-08-18 18:08:32 +0000 (Fri, 18 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 53

Improved package descriptons

Modified: ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:10 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:43 +0200
 ggz-client-libs (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-client-libs/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -10,34 +10,34 @@
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: core client frontend library
- The ggzcore library is an event/state-based library which allows
- programs to connect to a GGZ server, handle game rooms, chat
- and player properties, and control participation in games.
+ The ggzcore library is an event/state-based library that allows programs
+ to connect to a GGZ server, handle game rooms, chat and player
+ properties, and control participation in games.
- This package provides the runtime library used by most of the
- GGZ core clients.
+ This package provides the run-time library used by most of the GGZ core
+ clients.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzcore-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
 Depends: libggzcore7 (= ${source:Version}), libggz-dev (>= ${source:Upstream-Version}), libexpat1-dev (>= 1.95.6)
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: core client frontend library - development files
- The ggzcore library is an event/state-based library which allows
- programs to connect to a GGZ server, handle game rooms, chat
- and player properties, and control participation in games.
+ The ggzcore library is an event/state-based library that allows programs
+ to connect to a GGZ server, handle game rooms, chat and player
+ properties, and control participation in games.
- This package provides the header files and static libraries
- needed for development with ggzmod in the C programming language.
+ This package provides the header files and static libraries needed for
+ development with ggzmod in the C programming language.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: ggzcore-bin
 Architecture: any
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
  The developer utility ggz-config manages the database of game clients
  and allows developers to query GGZ parameters.
- With ggz-wrapper it is possible to let any program connect to a
- GGZ server, communicating with standard input/output channels.
- This is used by the GGZ plugins for instant messengers.
+ With ggz-wrapper it is possible to let any program connect to a GGZ
+ server, communicating with standard input/output channels.  This is used
+ by the GGZ plugins for instant messengers.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzmod4
 Architecture: any
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
  and thereby establishing a connection to the GGZ server and its
  associated game server.
- This package provides the runtime library used by most of the
- GGZ game clients.
+ This package provides the run-time library used by most of the GGZ game
+ clients.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzmod-dev
 Architecture: any
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
  and thereby establishing a connection to the GGZ server and its
  associated game server.
- This package provides the header files and static libraries
- needed for development with ggzmod in the C programming language.
+ This package provides the header files and static libraries needed for
+ development with ggzmod in the C programming language.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-docs/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-docs/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-docs/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
   * Changed build system to CDBS
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:12 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:44 +0200
 ggz-docs (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-docs/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-docs/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-docs/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
 Package: ggz-docs
 Architecture: all
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: documentation
- Contains documentation for developers, users and administrators
- of GGZ software. Included are the formal protocol specifications
- used by the infrastructure and those of some games, a server
- hosting guide, a game development guide, feature matrices,
- technical overview documentation about the server, its database
- and the metaserver, and finally some presentation slides of
- already given talks about GGZ.
+ This package contains documentation for developers, users, and
+ administrators of GGZ software.  Included are the formal protocol
+ specifications used by the infrastructure and those of some games, a
+ server hosting guide, a game development guide, feature matrices,
+ technical overview documentation about the server, its database, and the
+ metaserver, and finally some presentation slides of already given talks
+ about GGZ.
- The documentation comes in different formats, such as HTML,
- PDF, PostScript and plain text files.
+ The documentation comes in different formats, such as HTML, PDF,
+ PostScript and plain text files.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:12 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:44 +0200
 ggz-gnome-client (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-gnome-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Suggests: ggz-gtk-games, ggz-kde-games, ggz-sdl-games, ggz-python-games
 Provides: ggz-core-client
-Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: core client for the GNOME2 desktop
- GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat,
- meet other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch
- their scores and spectator other people's games.
+Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: core client for the GNOME desktop
+ GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat, meet
+ other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch their scores,
+ and be spectator other people's games.
- The core client for GNOME has been intentionally kept simple to
- use. It does however not provide all GGZ features.
+ The core client for GNOME has intentionally been kept simple to use.  It
+ does however not provide all GGZ features.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-grubby/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-grubby/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-grubby/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:09 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:42 +0200
 ggz-grubby (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-grubby/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-grubby/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-grubby/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -13,17 +13,16 @@
 Suggests: ggz-kde-client
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: chat bot with the ability to play games
  Grubby is a nice bot which is intended to run on GGZ servers, but it can
- also access IRC and SILC networks.
- It is highly configurable, extensible with plugins, and gets smarter
- the longer it runs.
- A more serious use is to alert or notify other players, to remember
- messages for them, or to translate some phrases.
- On top of this, grubby can also be invited to some games and will give
- funny comments during the gameplay.
+ also access IRC and SILC networks.  It is highly configurable,
+ extensible with plugins, and gets smarter the longer it runs.  A more
+ serious use is to alert or notify other players, to remember messages
+ for them, or to translate some phrases.  On top of this, grubby can also
+ be invited to some games and will give funny comments during the
+ gameplay.
  For easy configuration, check out the kgrubby tool in ggz-kde-client.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:10 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:42 +0200
 ggz-gtk-client (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-gtk-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -12,55 +12,54 @@
 Suggests: ggz-gtk-games, ggz-kde-games, ggz-sdl-games, ggz-python-games
 Enhances: gaim
 Provides: ggz-core-client
-Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: advanced core client for Gtk+ environments
- GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat,
- meet other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch
- their scores and spectator other people's games.
+Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: advanced core client for GTK+ environments
+ GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat, meet
+ other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch their scores,
+ and be spectator other people's games.
  Using ggz-gtk is one of the two recommended clients, specifically
- written for Gtk+ environments, and supports most features offered
- by GGZ such as display of player lag and statistics, automatic
- reconnect after disconnection, game frontend selection, login
- profiles and more.
+ written for GTK+ environments, and supports most features offered by GGZ
+ such as display of player lag and statistics, automatic reconnect after
+ disconnection, game frontend selection, login profiles, and more.
- This package also contains ggz-gaim, a GGZ plugin which allows people
- to play games online while chatting in the Gaim instant messenger.
+ This package also contains ggz-gaim, a GGZ plugin that allows people to
+ play games online while chatting in the Gaim instant messenger.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggz-gtk0
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: core client embedding library for Gtk+
- GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat,
- meet other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch
- their scores and spectator other people's games.
+ GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat, meet
+ other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch their scores,
+ and be spectator other people's games.
- This package provides an embeddable core client as a runtime library
- which can be used by Gtk+ games to integrate extended GGZ functionality.
+ This package provides an embeddable core client as a run-time library
+ that can be used by GTK+ games to integrate extended GGZ functionality.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggz-gtk-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
 Depends: libggz-gtk0 (= ${source:Version}), libggzcore-dev (>= ${source:Upstream-Version})
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: core client embedding library for Gtk+ - development files
- GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat,
- meet other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch
- their scores and spectator other people's games.
+ GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat, meet
+ other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch their scores,
+ and be spectator other people's games.
- This package provides the header files and static libraries for an embeddable
- core client which can be used by Gtk+ games to integrate extended GGZ
- functionality.
+ This package provides the header files and static libraries for an
+ embeddable core client that can be used by GTK+ games to integrate
+ extended GGZ functionality.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
   * Renamed ggz-gtk-game-data to ggz-gtk-games-data, for consistency
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:11 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:44 +0200
 ggz-gtk-games (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-gtk-games/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ggz-gtk-game-data (= ${source:Version})
 Recommends: ggz-gtk-client | ggz-core-client
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for Gtk+
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides the complete collection of GGZ game frontends
- that make use of the Gtk+ toolkit. It includes:
+ This package provides the complete collection of GGZ game frontends that
+ make use of the GTK+ toolkit.  It includes:
   * Chess
   * Chinese Checkers
   * Combat
@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@
   * Reversi
   * Spades
   * TicTacToe
- and much more!
+ and much more.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: ggz-gtk-games-data
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ggz-gtk-games (= ${source:Version})
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: multimedia data for game clients for Gtk+
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides the data files for the complete collection
- of GGZ game frontends that make use of the Gtk+ toolkit.
+ This package provides the data files for the complete collection of GGZ
+ game frontends that make use of the GTK+ toolkit.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:11 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:43 +0200
 ggz-kde-client (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-kde-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@
  This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
  networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:09 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:42 +0200
 ggz-kde-games (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-kde-games/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ggz-kde-games-data (= ${source:Version})
 Recommends: ggz-kde-client | ggz-core-client
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for KDE
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
  This package provides a complete collection of GGZ game frontends
- that make use of the KDE/Qt3 toolkit. It includes:
+ that make use of the KDE/Qt3 toolkit.  It includes:
   * Connect-the-Dots
   * Koenig (chess game)
   * Krosswater
@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@
   * Fyrdman (Hastings1066)
   * KCC (Chinese Checkers)
   * Keepalive (role-playing game)
- and much more!
+ and much more.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
 Package: ggz-kde-games-data
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ggz-kde-games (= ${source:Version})
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for KDE
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides the data files for the complete collection
- of GGZ game frontends that make use of the KDE/Qt3 toolkit.
+ This package provides the data files for the complete collection of GGZ
+ game frontends that make use of the KDE/Qt3 toolkit.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .

Modified: ggz-python/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-python/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-python/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
   * Added missing build dependency python-pygame
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:11 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:44 +0200
 ggz-python (0.0.12-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-python/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-python/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-python/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -10,43 +10,43 @@
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ggz-python-games-data (= ${source:Version}), python, python-pygame
 Recommends: ggz-core-client, gnugo
-Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL and Python
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides games which have been developed using
- the SDL toolkit for Python (Pygame). It includes:
+ This package provides games which have been developed using the SDL
+ toolkit for Python (Pygame).  It includes:
   * GGZBoard (engine for Chess, Checkers, Hnefatafl, Ludo, ...)
   * Xadrez-Chinês (Chinese Chess game)
   * Escape/SDL
   * Go-Wrapper (external, uses GNU Go)
- and much more!
+ and much more.
- A core client using Pygame, named Víbora, is also included here
- even though it is not a game. Similarly, the Python wrappers to
- the C libraries of GGZ and the Python-based game servers reside
- here also for the time being.
+ A core client using Pygame, named Víbora, is also included here even
+ though it is not a game.  Similarly, the Python wrappers to the C
+ libraries of GGZ and the Python-based game servers reside here also for
+ the time being.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
 Package: ggz-python-games-data
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ggz-python-games (= ${source:Version})
-Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL and Python
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides the data files for the complete collection
- of GGZ game frontends that have been written for the Pygame platform.
+ This package provides the data files for the complete collection of GGZ
+ game frontends that have been written for the Pygame platform.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .

Modified: ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:11 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:43 +0200
 ggz-sdl-games (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-sdl-games/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -8,38 +8,38 @@
 Package: ggz-sdl-games
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ggz-sdl-games-data (= ${source:Version}), ggzcore-bin (>= 0.0.12)
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ggz-sdl-games-data (= ${source:Version})
 Recommends: ggz-core-client
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides games which have been developed using
- the SDL toolkit. It includes:
+ This package provides games which have been developed using the SDL
+ toolkit.  It includes:
   * Geekgame
   * Tic-Tac-Toe 3D (needs OpenGL)
- and much more!
+ and much more.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
 Package: ggz-sdl-games-data
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ggz-sdl-games (= ${source:Version})
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL
- GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people
- while all having some features in common, like table chat, seats
- configuration, bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics
- and others. Some games also work in single-player mode.
+ GGZ games are games that can be played online against other people while
+ all having some features in common, like table chat, seats configuration,
+ bot players, game spectators, savegames, statistics, and others.  Some
+ games also work in single-player mode.
- This package provides the data files for the complete collection
- of GGZ game frontends that make use of the SDL toolkit.
+ This package provides the data files for the complete collection of GGZ
+ game frontends that make use of the SDL toolkit.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .

Modified: ggz-server/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-server/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-server/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
   [ Josef Spillner ]
   * Header packages go to libdevel, not devel
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:10 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:43 +0200
 ggz-server (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-server/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-server/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-server/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Suggests: ggz-game-servers
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: main server
- The GGZ server (ggzd) is the central part of the server-side infrastructure
- of the GGZ Gaming Zone. It provides player account management,
- game server launches, and administration of the statistics database,
- as well as secure chat rooms.
+ The GGZ server (ggzd) is the central part of the server-side
+ infrastructure of the GGZ Gaming Zone.  It provides player account
+ management, game server launches, and administration of the statistics
+ database, as well as secure chat rooms.
  You do not require this package if you simply want to play online games.
- However, you will need it if you intend to do any game hosting, either to
+ You will need, however, it if you intend to do any game hosting, either
  because you want to run your own server or for development purposes.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: ggz-game-servers
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Recommends: ggzd
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game servers collection
- A number of games can be played online via GGZ. This package provides
+ A number of games can be played online via GGZ.  This package provides
  all the backend game servers currently available from the GGZ project,
  both for GGZ games and for other games.
   * Chess
@@ -50,80 +50,80 @@
   * Tuxman (external game)
   * Widelands (external game)
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzdmod4
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game backend library
- The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main
- GGZ server (ggzd) and the game servers. Games use it to receive
- information about themselves, to report back results and savegames,
- and to control other run-time aspects.
+ The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main GGZ
+ server (ggzd) and the game servers.  Games use it to receive information
+ about themselves, to report back results and savegames, and to control
+ other run-time aspects.
- This package provides the runtime library used by most of the
- GGZ game servers.
+ This package provides the run-time library used by most of the GGZ game
+ servers.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzdmod-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
 Depends: libggzdmod4 (= ${source:Version}), libggz-dev (>= ${source:Upstream-Version})
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game backend library - development files
- The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main
- GGZ server (ggzd) and the game servers. Games use it to receive
- information about themselves, to report back results and savegames,
- and to control other run-time aspects.
+ The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main GGZ
+ server (ggzd) and the game servers.  Games use it to receive information
+ about themselves, to report back results and savegames, and to control
+ other run-time aspects.
- This package provides the header files and static libraries
- needed for development with ggzdmod in the C programming language.
+ This package provides the header files and static libraries needed for
+ development with ggzdmod in the C programming language.
  This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
  networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzdmodpp0
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game backend class library
- The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main
- GGZ server (ggzd) and the game servers. Games use it to receive
- information about themselves, to report back results and savegames,
- and to control other run-time aspects.
+ The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main GGZ
+ server (ggzd) and the game servers.  Games use it to receive information
+ about themselves, to report back results and savegames, and to control
+ other run-time aspects.
- This package provides the C++ version of the runtime library used
- by most of the GGZ game servers. It also includes a network
- transport class.
+ This package provides the C++ version of the run-time library used by
+ most of the GGZ game servers.  It also includes a network transport
+ class.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggzdmodpp-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
 Depends: libggzdmodpp0 (= ${source:Version}), libggzdmod-dev (= ${source:Version}), libggz-dev (>= ${source:Upstream-Version})
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: game backend class library - development files
- The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main
- GGZ server (ggzd) and the game servers. Games use it to receive
- information about themselves, to report back results and savegames,
- and to control other run-time aspects.
+ The ggzdmod library implements the communication between the main GGZ
+ server (ggzd) and the game servers.  Games use it to receive information
+ about themselves, to report back results and savegames, and to control
+ other run-time aspects.
- This package provides the header files and static libraries
- needed for development with ggzdmod++ in the C++ programming language.
+ This package provides the header files and static libraries needed for
+ development with ggzdmod++ in the C++ programming language.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
   * Improved dependency information
   * Changed section to games
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:09 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:42 +0200
 ggz-txt-client (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-txt-client/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,18 +11,17 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Provides: ggz-core-client
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: client for the command line
- GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat,
- meet other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch
- their scores and spectator other people's games.
+ GGZ core clients enable players to access the GGZ server to chat, meet
+ other people in the game lobbies, play with them, watch their scores,
+ and be spectator other people's games.
  This package provides a text-only client useful for communication with
- the GGZ server and other players. It is quite configurable,
- comes with an integrated help screen and even allows playing games
- now. In the text console, only text games can be played, while
- in any graphical environment it will allow launching graphical
- games, too.
+ the GGZ server and other players.  It is quite configurable, comes with
+ an integrated help screen, and allows playing games.  In the text
+ console, only text games can be played, while in any graphical
+ environment, a core client will allow launching graphical games, too.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: ggz-utils/trunk/debian/changelog
--- ggz-utils/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-utils/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:10 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:42 +0200
 ggz-utils (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: ggz-utils/trunk/debian/control
--- ggz-utils/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ ggz-utils/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ruby
 Suggests: ggz-server
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: utilities
- GGZ utilities are nice GGZ applications which don't fit into another package.
- It includes:
-  - Cmd-Client: Utily to broadcast messages across all rooms at a GGZ
- server.
-  - Metaserv: The first prototype of a GGZ meta server. It is
- completely XML-based but understands URI queries as well.
-  - TelGGZ: A Telnet wrapper for GGZ. Using telggz you can chat from
- everywhere in the world, provided you get a telnet terminal.
-  - GGZ CommGen: Generator for network protocol implementations based
- on XML protocol descriptions.
+ GGZ utilities are nice GGZ applications that don't fit into another
+ package.  They include:
+  - Cmd-Client: Utility to broadcast messages across all rooms at a GGZ
+    server.
+  - Metaserv: The first prototype of a GGZ meta server.  It is completely
+    XML-based but understands URI queries as well.
+  - TelGGZ: A Telnet wrapper for GGZ.  Using telggz you can chat from
+    everywhere in the world, provided you have a telnet terminal.
+  - GGZ CommGen: Generator for network protocol implementations based on
+    XML protocol descriptions.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: libggz/trunk/debian/changelog
--- libggz/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ libggz/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
   * Improved dependency information
   * Added watch file
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:07:12 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:45 +0200
 libggz (0.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: libggz/trunk/debian/control
--- libggz/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ libggz/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -10,31 +10,31 @@
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: common utilities library
- The libggz library handles network, configuration file and
- data structure management functions as well as several convenience
- wrappers around glibc functions.
+ The libggz library handles network, configuration file and data
+ structure management functions as well as several convenience wrappers
+ around glibc functions.
- This package provides the runtime library of base functions
- common to several GGZ clients and servers.
+ This package provides the run-time library of base functions common to
+ several GGZ clients and servers.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
 Package: libggz-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
 Depends: libggz2 (= ${source:Version}), libgnutls-dev
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: common utilities library - development files
- The libggz library handles network, configuration file and
- data structure management functions as well as several convenience
- wrappers around glibc functions.
+ The libggz library handles network, configuration file and data
+ structure management functions as well as several convenience wrappers
+ around glibc functions.
- This package provides the header files and static libraries
- needed for development with libggz in the C programming language.
+ This package provides the header files and static libraries needed for
+ development with libggz in the C programming language.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

Modified: meta-ggz/trunk/debian/changelog
--- meta-ggz/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ meta-ggz/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
   * Updated standards version
   * Changed build system to CDBS
   * Updated to Debhelper level 5
+  * Improved package description
- -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:52:39 +0200
+ -- Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:07:44 +0200
 meta-ggz (0.0.12) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: meta-ggz/trunk/debian/control
--- meta-ggz/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-17 23:08:00 UTC (rev 52)
+++ meta-ggz/trunk/debian/control	2006-08-18 18:08:32 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
 Depends: ggz-kde-client (= 0.0.12) | ggz-gtk-client (= 0.0.12) | ggz-core-client, ggz-kde-games (= 0.0.12), ggz-gtk-games (= 0.0.12), ggz-sdl-games (= 0.0.12), ggz-python (= 0.0.12)
 Recommends: ggz-docs
 Description: GGZ Gaming Zone: the complete GGZ environment for gamers
- People addicted to games might wish to install this package which
- will ensure a complete GGZ installation for the user.
- A core client will be installed (although more can be added
+ This package conveniently ensures a complete GGZ installation for the
+ user.  One core client will be installed (but others can be added
  manually), and all GGZ-enabled games will then follow.
- This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser
- networked gaming environment.
- More information can be found at the GGZ web site
- http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/
+ This package is part of the GGZ Gaming Zone, a multiuser networked
+ gaming environment.
+ .
+ Web site: http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/

More information about the pkg-ggz-commits mailing list