[Pkg-glusterfs-devel] debian/rules enhancement

Matthias Albert matthias at linux4experts.de
Tue Jan 15 08:51:46 UTC 2008

Jeremy Lainé schrieb:
> Matthias Albert wrote:
>> I tried to add something like that to the debian/rules file.
>> + common-configure::
>> +          ./autogen.sh
> I don't understand why you would need to call autogen.sh, the source
> distribution tarballs already include the "configure" script. Are you
> building from an Arch checkout?
> If so, it's up to you to generate the glusterfs_x.y.z.orig.tar.gz,
> (./autogen.sh; ./configure; make dist). This only needs to be done once,
> so I am not too comfortable with including a call to autogen.sh in the
> packaging rules.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy
Hi Jeremy,

thx for your answer. Yes you're absolut right. Till 1.3.8 is released
I'm using and building packages with the actual TLA Version and
therefore I had to execute ./autogen.sh by hand. Thanks for this hint.

One other question. The actual init Script for glusterfs-server which is
located in the debian folder, seems to be broken. There is a init Script
which is deliverd with glusterfs which works fine (using
start-stop-daemon). I think we should use them instead of the other one.

Best regards,


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