[Pkg-gmagick-svn-commit] r36 - trunk/debian
kobras at alioth.debian.org
kobras at alioth.debian.org
Sat Feb 2 17:01:48 UTC 2008
Author: kobras
Date: 2008-02-02 17:01:48 +0000 (Sat, 02 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 36
Do not change names of -dev packages to allow binNMUs for transition.
Add checklist of API changes to libmagick-dev.
Synchronise copyright file with current upstream license.
Property changes on: trunk/debian
Name: mergeWithUpstream
+ 1
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -55,16 +55,19 @@
* debian/control: Follow renaming of package gs to ghostscript, promote
from Suggests to Recommends, and also recommend gsfonts.
+ * debian/copyright: Update with recent minor changes of upstream license.
* debian/imagemagick.menu: Add hack to make 'display' work without a
controlling tty.
* debian/rules: Consistently use $(CURDIR) rather than `pwd` to keep all
buildds equally happy.
+ * debian/upgrade-checklist.txt: Do not rename -dev packages, but provide a
+ list of C API changes between successive Debian releases.
* debian/patches/add_dfsg_free_logo.patch: Add dummy logo in place of
original logo that does not meet the DFSG, and therefore gets removed
from upstream tarball. Patch converted to quilt format from previous
- -- Luciano Bello <luciano at debian.org> Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:10:23 +0100
+ -- Luciano Bello <luciano at debian.org> Sat, 02 Feb 2008 17:59:15 +0100
imagemagick (7: unstable; urgency=high
Modified: trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/debian/control 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/control 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
This package contains the C libraries needed to run executables that make
use of libMagick.
-Package: libmagick-dev
+Package: libmagick9-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libmagick10 (= ${binary:Version}), libjpeg62-dev, libbz2-dev, libtiff4-dev, libwmf-dev (>= 0.2.7-1), libz-dev, libpng12-dev, libx11-dev, libxt-dev, libxext-dev, libxml2-dev, libfreetype6-dev, liblcms1-dev, libexif-dev, libjasper-dev, libltdl3-dev
-Conflicts: libmagick6-dev, libmagick9-dev
-Replaces: libmagick6-dev, libmagick9-dev
+Conflicts: libmagick6-dev
+Replaces: libmagick6-dev
Description: image manipulation library - development files
LibMagick supports loading and saving a very large set of image formats.
It allows a lot of image manipulation as well.
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@
This package contains the C++ libraries needed to run executables that make
use of libMagick++.
-Package: libmagick++-dev
+Package: libmagick++9-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
-Depends: libmagick++10 (= ${binary:Version}), libmagick-dev (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: libmagick++10 (= ${binary:Version}), libmagick9-dev (= ${binary:Version})
Conflicts: libmagick++6-dev
-Replaces: libmagick++6-dev, libmagick++9-dev
+Replaces: libmagick++6-dev
Description: C++ API to the ImageMagick library - development files
Magick++ supports an object model which is inspired by PerlMagick. Magick++
executes faster than PerlMagick since it is accessed from a compiled
Modified: trunk/debian/copyright
--- trunk/debian/copyright 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/copyright 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License.
Deleted: trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.dirs
--- trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.dirs 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.dirs 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Deleted: trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.files
--- trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.files 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.files 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Copied: trunk/debian/libmagick++9-dev.dirs (from rev 35, trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.dirs)
--- trunk/debian/libmagick++9-dev.dirs (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick++9-dev.dirs 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Copied: trunk/debian/libmagick++9-dev.files (from rev 35, trunk/debian/libmagick++-dev.files)
--- trunk/debian/libmagick++9-dev.files (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick++9-dev.files 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Deleted: trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.dirs
--- trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.dirs 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.dirs 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Deleted: trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.files
--- trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.files 2008-01-10 20:37:35 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.files 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Copied: trunk/debian/libmagick9-dev.dirs (from rev 35, trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.dirs)
--- trunk/debian/libmagick9-dev.dirs (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick9-dev.dirs 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Copied: trunk/debian/libmagick9-dev.files (from rev 35, trunk/debian/libmagick-dev.files)
--- trunk/debian/libmagick9-dev.files (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/libmagick9-dev.files 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Added: trunk/debian/upgrade-checklist.txt
--- trunk/debian/upgrade-checklist.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/upgrade-checklist.txt 2008-02-02 17:01:48 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+Unofficial and possibly incomplete list of ImageMagick C API changes between
+Debian versions and
+* New API functions:
+ + AcquireCacheViewIndexes()
+ + AcquireCacheViewPixels()
+ + AcquireDrawInfo()
+ + AcquireExceptionInfo()
+ + AcquireFxInfo()
+ + AcquireImageInfo()
+ + AcquireIndexes()
+ + AcquireNexusIndexes()
+ + AcquireOneCacheViewPixel()
+ + AcquireOneMagickPixel()
+ + AcquireOneVirtualPixel()
+ + AcquireQuantizeInfo()
+ + AcquireQuantumInfo()
+ + AcquireResampleFilter()
+ + AcquireStreamInfo()
+ + AcquireTokenInfo()
+ + AcquireUniqueSymbolicLink()
+ + AdaptiveBlurImageChannel()
+ + AdaptiveBlurImage()
+ + AdaptiveResizeImage()
+ + AdaptiveSharpenImageChannel()
+ + AdaptiveSharpenImage()
+ + AddChildToXMLTree()
+ + AddNoiseImageChannel()
+ + AddPathToXMLTree()
+ + AddValueToSplayTree()
+ + AppendValueToLinkedList()
+ + CanonicalXMLContent()
+ + ClearMagickException()
+ + ClipImagePath()
+ + CloneCacheMethods()
+ + CloneCacheView()
+ + CloneImageAttributes()
+ + CloneImageProperties()
+ + CloneImages()
+ + ClutImageChannel()
+ + ClutImage()
+ + CompareImageLayers()
+ + CompositeImageChannel()
+ + CompositeLayers()
+ + ConcatenateColorComponent()
+ + ConfigureFileToStringInfo()
+ + ContrastStretchImageChannel()
+ + ContrastStretchImage()
+ + ConvertHSBToRGB()
+ + ConvertHSLToRGB()
+ + ConvertHWBToRGB()
+ + ConvertRGBToHSB()
+ + ConvertRGBToHSL()
+ + ConvertRGBToHWB()
+ + DefineImageProperty()
+ + DefineImageRegistry()
+ + DeleteImageAttribute()
+ + DeleteImageProfile()
+ + DeleteImageProperty()
+ + DeleteImageRegistry()
+ + DeleteImages()
+ + DeleteNodeByValueFromSplayTree()
+ + DeleteNodeFromSplayTree()
+ + DestroyCacheResources()
+ + DestroyFxInfo()
+ + DestroyImageProperties()
+ + DestroyImageRegistry()
+ + DestroyMimeList()
+ + DestroyQuantumInfo()
+ + DestroyResampleFilter()
+ + DestroyStreamInfo()
+ + DestroyThresholdMap()
+ + DestroyTokenInfo()
+ + DestroyXMLTree()
+ + DisassociateImageStream()
+ + DisposeImages()
+ + DistortImage()
+ + DrawGradientImage()
+ + ExcerptImage()
+ + ExtentImage()
+ + FileToImage()
+ + FormatImageAttributeList()
+ + FormatImageAttribute()
+ + FormatImagePropertyList()
+ + FormatImageProperty()
+ + FormatMagickCaption()
+ + FormatMagickSize()
+ + FormatMagickStringList()
+ + FormatMagickTime()
+ + FormatStringList()
+ + FxEvaluateChannelExpression()
+ + FxEvaluateExpression()
+ + GaussJordanElimination()
+ + GetCacheMethods()
+ + GetCacheViewColorspace()
+ + GetCacheViewException()
+ + GetCacheViewStorageClass()
+ + GetCacheVirtualPixelMethod()
+ + GetDelegateThreadSupport()
+ + GetEnvironmentValue()
+ + GetExceptionMessage()
+ + GetImageChannelRange()
+ + GetImageChannelStatistics()
+ + GetImageMask()
+ + GetImageProperty()
+ + GetImageRange()
+ + GetImageRegistry()
+ + GetImageTotalInkDensity()
+ + GetLastValueInLinkedList()
+ + GetLogName()
+ + GetImageDecoder()
+ + GetImageEncoder()
+ + GetMagickQuantumRange()
+ + GetMagickResourceLimit()
+ + GetMagickToken()
+ + GetMimeDescription()
+ + GetMimeInfoList()
+ + GetMimeInfo()
+ + GetMimeList()
+ + GetMimeType()
+ + GetNextImageAttribute()
+ + GetNextImageProperty()
+ + GetNextImageRegistry()
+ + GetNextKeyInHashmap()
+ + GetNextKeyInSplayTree()
+ + GetNextValueInHashmap()
+ + GetNextValueInLinkedList()
+ + GetNextXMLTreeTag()
+ + GetOneCacheViewPixel()
+ + GetPathComponents()
+ + GetQuantumInfo()
+ + GetStreamInfoClientData()
+ + GetStringInfoDatum()
+ + GetStringInfoLength()
+ + GetStringInfoPath()
+ + GetThresholdMap()
+ + GetValueFromHashmap()
+ + GetValueFromLinkedList()
+ + GetValueFromSplayTree()
+ + GetXMLTreeAttribute()
+ + GetXMLTreeAttributes()
+ + GetXMLTreeChild()
+ + GetXMLTreeContent()
+ + GetXMLTreeOrdered()
+ + GetXMLTreePath()
+ + GetXMLTreeProcessingInstructions()
+ + GetXMLTreeSibling()
+ + GetXMLTreeTag()
+ + GravityAdjustGeometry()
+ + InjectImageBlob()
+ + InsertImageInList()
+ + InsertTagIntoXMLTree()
+ + InterpolatePixelColor()
+ + InterpretImageAttributes()
+ + InterpretImageFilename()
+ + InterpretImageProperties()
+ + InvokeDynamicImageFilter()
+ + IsColorSimilar()
+ + IsHighDynamicRangeImage()
+ + IsHistogramImage()
+ + IsImageObject()
+ + IsImageSimilar()
+ + IsMagickOption()
+ + IsMagickTrue()
+ + IsOpacitySimilar()
+ + LinearStretchImage()
+ + ListMagickOptions()
+ + ListMimeInfo()
+ + ListModuleInfo()
+ + ListThresholdMaps()
+ + LoadMimeLists()
+ + LogMagickEventList()
+ + MagickCoreGenesis()
+ + MagickCoreTerminus()
+ + MagickOpenStream()
+ + MontageImageList()
+ + NewXMLTree()
+ + NewXMLTreeTag()
+ + OpenStream()
+ + OptimizeImageLayers()
+ + OptimizeImageTransparency()
+ + OptimizePlusImageLayers()
+ + OrderedDitherImageChannel()
+ + OrderedPosterizeImageChannel()
+ + OrderedPosterizeImage()
+ + PaintFloodfillImage()
+ + PaintOpaqueImageChannel()
+ + ParseAffineGeometry()
+ + PolaroidImage()
+ + PruneTagFromXMLTree()
+ + QueryMagickColorname()
+ + RadialBlurImageChannel()
+ + ReadBlobDouble()
+ + ReadBlobFloat()
+ + ReadBlobLongLong()
+ + ReadBlobLong()
+ + ReadBlobShort()
+ + RecolorImage()
+ + RegisterDNGImage()
+ + RegisterEXRImage()
+ + RegisterINFOImage()
+ + RegisterIPLImage()
+ + RegisterJP2Image()
+ + RegisterTHUMBNAILImage()
+ + RemoveDuplicateLayers()
+ + RemoveImageProperty()
+ + RemoveImageRegistry()
+ + RemoveZeroDelayLayers()
+ + ResampleImage()
+ + ResamplePixelColor()
+ + ResetImageAttributeIterator()
+ + ResetImagePage()
+ + ResetImagePropertyIterator()
+ + ResetImageRegistryIterator()
+ + ScaleResampleFilter()
+ + SeedRandomReservoir()
+ + SeparateImages()
+ + SepiaToneImage()
+ + SetCacheMethods()
+ + SetCacheViewStorageClass()
+ + SetCacheViewVirtualPixelMethod()
+ + SetCacheVirtualPixelMethod()
+ + SetImageInfoBlob()
+ + SetImageInfoFile()
+ + SetImageMask()
+ + SetImage()
+ + SetImageProperty()
+ + SetImageRegistry()
+ + SetImageStorageClass()
+ + SetLogName()
+ + SetResampleFilterVirtualPixelMethod()
+ + SetStreamInfoClientData()
+ + SetStreamInfoMap()
+ + SetStreamInfoStorageType()
+ + SetStringInfoPath()
+ + SetXMLTreeAttribute()
+ + SetXMLTreeContent()
+ + SigmoidalContrastImageChannel()
+ + SigmoidalContrastImage()
+ + SketchImage()
+ + StreamImage()
+ + StringToken()
+ + SyncImageOptions()
+ + SyncImageProfiles()
+ + ThrowMagickExceptionList()
+ + TransposeImage()
+ + TransverseImage()
+ + UniqueImageColors()
+ + UnregisterDNGImage()
+ + UnregisterEXRImage()
+ + UnregisterINFOImage()
+ + UnregisterIPLImage()
+ + UnregisterJP2Image()
+ + UnregisterTHUMBNAILImage()
+ + VignetteImage()
+ + WriteBlobFloat()
+ + WriteBlobLong()
+ + WriteBlobShort()
+ + XAnimateBackgroundImage()
+ + XAnimateImages()
+ + XDisplayBackgroundImage()
+ + XDisplayImage()
+ + XMLTreeInfoToXML()
+* Removed API functions:
+ + AcquireCacheView()
+ + AcquireTemporarySymlink()
+ + AddValueToSplayTree()
+ + AnalyzeImage()
+ + AnimateImageCommand()
+ + AppendValueToLinkedList()
+ + ClipPathImage()
+ + ClonePixelCacheMethods()
+ + CompareImageCommand()
+ + CompositeImageCommand()
+ + ConjureImageCommand()
+ + Contrast()
+ + ConvertImageCommand()
+ + DeleteImageList()
+ + DisplayImageCommand()
+ + ExecuteModuleProcess()
+ + FormatSize()
+ + GetValueFromLinkedList()
+ + GetValueFromHashmap()
+ + GetImageInfoAttribute()
+ + GetLastValueInLinkedList()
+ + GetLocaleMonitorMessage()
+ + GetLocaleValue()
+ + GetMagickDecoder()
+ + GetMagickEncoder()
+ + GetNextValueInLinkedList()
+ + GetNextKeyInHashmap()
+ + GetValueFromSplayTree()
+ + GetMagickToken()
+ + HSBTransform()
+ + HSLTransform()
+ + Hull()
+ + HWBTransform()
+ + IdentifyImageCommand()
+ + ImportImageCommand()
+ + InsertImageInList()
+ + InterpolateColor()
+ + InvokePostscriptDelegate()
+ + IsTrue()
+ + JPEGEncodeImage()
+ + LoadWPG2Flags()
+ + MagickIncarnate()
+ + ModulateHSB()
+ + ModulateHSL()
+ + ModulateHWB()
+ + MogrifyImageCommand()
+ + MogrifyImageInfo()
+ + MogrifyImageList()
+ + MogrifyImage()
+ + MogrifyImages()
+ + MontageImageCommand()
+ + RegisterDOTImage()
+ + SetPixelCacheMethods()
+ + SyncBlob()
+ + SyncCache()
+ + TransformHSB()
+ + TransformHSL()
+ + TransformHWB()
+ + UnregisterDOTImage()
+ + Upsample()
+* Changed API functions:
+ + AcquireCacheNexus(), new function argument
+ + GetCacheViewPixels(), new function arguments
+ + ZLIBEncodeImage(), function argument removed
+ + SigmoidalContrastImage(), function arguments removed and changed
+ + GlobExpression(), new function argument
+ + GetExecutionPath(), new function argument
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