r9559 - in /desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian: ./ patches/

lool at users.alioth.debian.org lool at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 7 10:19:07 UTC 2007

Author: lool
Date: Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
New Revision: 9559

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=9559
* Reimport 2.2 packaging by Niv Sardi:
* New upstream release
* Updated 01_debian_4.0.patch
* Updated install files
* Added build dep on libnet-dbus-perl
* Changed from arch: all to any, as we now ship elf here. (thanks to lool)

* Imported patch 02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch
* Imported *.{post,pre}{inst,rm} and dbus init script.


Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-system-tools-backends (1.4.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
+system-tools-backends (2.2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
-  [ Niv Sardi ]
-  * Updated 01_debian_4.0.patch: support lenny/unstable as Debian version.
-    (closes: #417809).
-  [ Loic Minier ]
-  * Add Niv Sardi as Uploader.
- -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>  Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:07:08 +0200
+  * New upstream release
+  * Updated 01_debian_4.0.patch
+  * Updated install files
+  * Added build dep on libnet-dbus-perl
+  * Changed from arch: all to any, as we now ship elf here. (thanks to lool)
+  [ Imported from Ubuntu]
+  * Imported patch 02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch
+  * Imported *.{post,pre}{inst,rm} and dbus init script.
+ -- Niv Sardi <xaiki at debian.org>  Sat,  7 Apr 2007 09:31:13 +0200
 system-tools-backends (1.4.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium

Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
 Section: admin
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo at debian.org>
-Uploaders: Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>, Jordi Mallach <jordi at debian.org>, Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>, Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>, Niv Sardi <xaiki at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>, Jordi Mallach <jordi at debian.org>, Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>, Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, gnome-pkg-tools
-Build-Depends-Indep: libxml-parser-perl, intltool
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, gnome-pkg-tools, libxml-parser-perl, intltool, libnet-dbus-perl, libdbus-1-dev (>= 0.35), libdbus-glib-1-dev, libglib2.0-dev
 Package: system-tools-backends
-Architecture: all
+Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Replaces: gnome-system-tools (<< 1.1)
 Description: System Tools to manage computer configuration -- scripts
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
  These backends are used in GNOME System Tools.
 Package: system-tools-backends-dev
-Architecture: all
+Architecture: any
 Section: devel
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Replaces: gnome-system-tools (<< 1.1)

Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control.in
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control.in?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control.in (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/control.in Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 Section: admin
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo at debian.org>
-Uploaders: @GNOME_TEAM@, Niv Sardi <xaiki at debian.org>
+Uploaders: @GNOME_TEAM@
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, gnome-pkg-tools
-Build-Depends-Indep: libxml-parser-perl, intltool
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, gnome-pkg-tools, libdbus-1-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libglib2.0-dev
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, gnome-pkg-tools, libxml-parser-perl, intltool, libnet-dbus-perl, libdbus-1-dev (>= 0.35), libdbus-glib-1-dev, libglib2.0-dev
 Package: system-tools-backends
-Architecture: all
+Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Replaces: gnome-system-tools (<< 1.1)
 Description: System Tools to manage computer configuration -- scripts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  These backends are used in GNOME System Tools.
 Package: system-tools-backends-dev
-Architecture: all
+Architecture: any
 Section: devel
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Replaces: gnome-system-tools (<< 1.1)

Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,693 +1,125 @@
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/disks-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/disks-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/disks-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/disks-conf.in	2006-09-10 11:17:45.000000000 +0200
-@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
- $name = "disks";
- $version = "@VERSION@";
- @platforms = ("redhat-5.2", "redhat-6.0", "redhat-6.1", "redhat-6.2", "redhat-7.0",
--              "redhat-7.1", "mandrake-7.2", "debian-2.2", "debian-woody", "debian-sarge",
--	      "debian-3.1", "suse-7.0", "suse-9.1", "suse-1.0", "unitedlinux-1.0", 
-+              "redhat-7.1", "mandrake-7.2", "debian-3.0", "debian-3.1", "debian-4.0",
-+	      "debian-testing", "suse-7.0", "suse-9.1", "suse-1.0", "unitedlinux-1.0", 
- 	      "turbolinux-7.0", "rpath");
- $description =<<"end_of_description;";
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/display-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/display-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/display-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/display-conf.in	2006-09-10 11:16:07.000000000 +0200
-@@ -56,8 +56,6 @@
-                 mandrake-7.2 mandrake-8.0
--                debian-2.2 debian-woody
-                 turbolinux-7.0);
- $description =<<"end_of_description;";
-@@ -83,8 +81,6 @@
-   'redhat-7.0'     => $standard_locations,
-   'redhat-7.1'     => $standard_locations,
-   'redhat-7.2'     => $standard_locations,
--  'debian-2.2'     => $standard_locations,
--  'debian-woody'   => $standard_locations,
-   'mandrake-7.2'   => $standard_locations,
-   'mandrake-8.0'   => $standard_locations,
-   'suse-7.0'       => $standard_locations,
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/internetsharing-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/internetsharing-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/internetsharing-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/internetsharing-conf.in	2006-09-10 11:18:01.000000000 +0200
-@@ -48,9 +48,7 @@
- $version = "@VERSION@";
- @platforms = ("redhat-7.0", "redhat-7.1", "redhat-7.2",
--              "mandrake-7.2",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-woody");
-+              "mandrake-7.2");
- $description =<<"end_of_description;";
-        Sets up firewall rules for a basic internet sharing (masq)
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/ishare.pl.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/ishare.pl.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/ishare.pl.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/ishare.pl.in	2006-09-10 11:14:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -262,8 +262,6 @@
-    "redhat-7.1"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "redhat-7.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "mandrake-7.2" => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-2.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-woody" => "mandrake-7.2"
-    );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -295,8 +293,6 @@
-    "redhat-7.1"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "redhat-7.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "mandrake-7.2" => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-2.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-woody" => "mandrake-7.2"
-    );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -336,8 +332,6 @@
-    "redhat-7.1"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "redhat-7.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "mandrake-7.2" => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--   "debian-woody" => "debian-2.2"
-    );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -359,20 +353,6 @@
-                                                               "[ \t]+", "[ \t]+" ],
-               ]
-                 },
--       "debian-2.2" =>
--       {
--         fn =>
--         {
--           DHCPD_CONF    => "/etc/dhcpd.conf",
--           DHCPD_SERVICE => "dhcp",
--         },
--         table =>
--             [
--              [ "installed",   \&gst_service_sysv_installed,  DHCPD_SERVICE ],
--              [ "configured",  \&gst_file_exists,             DHCPD_CONF    ],
--              [ "active",      \&gst_service_sysv_get_status, DHCPD_SERVICE ],
--              ]
--                },
-        );
-   my $dist = $dist_map {$gst_dist};
-@@ -390,8 +370,6 @@
-    "redhat-7.1"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "redhat-7.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "mandrake-7.2" => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-2.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-woody" => "mandrake-7.2"
-    );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -423,8 +401,6 @@
-    "redhat-7.1"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "redhat-7.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "mandrake-7.2" => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--   "debian-woody" => "debian-2.2"
-    );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -446,24 +422,6 @@
-               [ "active",     \&gst_service_sysv_force_status,  [8, IPCHAINS_SERVICE] ],
-               ]
-                 },
--       "debian-2.2" =>
--       {
--         fn =>
--         {
--           IPCHAINS_CONF     => "/etc/network/ipchains",
--           IPCHAINS_SERVICE  => "setup-tools-ipchains",
--           PROC_FORWARD      => "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward",
--           NETWORK_OPTIONS   => "/etc/network/options"
--         },
--         table =>
--             [
--              [ "active",     \&gst_replace_sh_bool,             NETWORK_OPTIONS, "ip_forward" ],          
--              [ "active",     \&gst_replace_line_first,          PROC_FORWARD ],
--              [ "active",     \&gst_service_sysv_install_script, IPCHAINS_SERVICE, "debian_ipchains" ],
--              [ "overwrite",  \&gst_ishare_ipchains_save,        IPCHAINS_CONF, "%interface%", "%landev%" ],
--              [ "active",     \&gst_service_sysv_force_status,   [5, IPCHAINS_SERVICE] ],
--              ]
--                },
-        );
-   my $dist = $dist_map {$gst_dist};
-@@ -481,8 +439,6 @@
-    "redhat-7.1"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "redhat-7.2"   => "mandrake-7.2",
-    "mandrake-7.2" => "mandrake-7.2",
--   "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--   "debian-woody" => "debian-2.2"
-    );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -502,20 +458,6 @@
-               [ "active",      \&gst_service_sysv_set_status, [65, DHCPD_SERVICE] ]
-               ]
-                 },
--       "debian-2.2" =>
--       {
--         fn =>
--         {
--           DHCPD_CONF    => "/etc/dhcpd.conf",
--           DHCPD_SERVICE => "dhcp",
--         },
--         table =>
--             [
--              [ "dev",         \&gst_ishare_dhcp_set_conf,    DHCPD_CONF, "%overwrite%", "%interface%" ],
--              [ "active",      \&gst_replace_sh_bool,         "/etc/init.d/dhcpd", "run_dhcpd", "1", "0" ],
--              [ "active",      \&gst_service_sysv_set_status, [20, DHCPD_SERVICE] ]
--              ]
--              },
-        );
-   my $dist = $dist_map {$gst_dist};
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/memory-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/memory-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/memory-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/memory-conf.in	2006-09-10 11:19:10.000000000 +0200
-@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@
-               "mandrake-7.2",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-woody",
-               "suse-7.0", "turbolinux-7.0");
- $description =<<"end_of_description;";
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/network-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/network-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/network-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/network-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:49:56.000000000 +0200
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-               "mandrake-10.0", "mandrake-10.1","mandrake-10.2", "mandriva-2006.0", "mandriva-2006.1",
-               "yoper-2.2",
-               "blackpanther-4.0",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-3.0", "debian-sarge",
-+              "debian-3.0", "debian-3.1", "debian-4.0", "debian-testing",
-               "ubuntu-5.04", "ubuntu-5.10", "ubuntu-6.04",
-               "suse-7.0", "suse-9.0", "suse-9.1",
-               "turbolinux-7.0", "fedora-1", "fedora-2", "fedora-3", "fedora-4", "rpath",
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/network.pl.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/network.pl.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/network.pl.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/network.pl.in	2006-09-10 11:04:22.000000000 +0200
-@@ -493,9 +493,10 @@
-        "redhat-8.0"   => "redhat-6.2",
-        "redhat-9"     => "redhat-6.2",
-        "openna-1.0"   => "redhat-6.2",
--       "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
-        "debian-3.0"   => "debian-2.2",
--       "debian-sarge" => "debian-2.2",
-+       "debian-3.1"   => "debian-2.2",
-+       "debian-4.0"   => "debian-2.2",       
-+       "debian-testing" => "debian-2.2",
-        "ubuntu-5.04"  => "debian-2.2",
-        "ubuntu-5.10"  => "debian-2.2",
-        "ubuntu-6.04"  => "debian-2.2",
-@@ -1810,9 +1811,10 @@
-           "blackpanther-4.0" => \&gst_network_rh62_get_file,
-           "conectiva-9"  => \&gst_network_rh62_get_file,
-           "conectiva-10" => \&gst_network_rh62_get_file,
--          "debian-2.2"   => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
--          "debian-3.0"   => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
--          "debian-sarge" => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
-+          "debian-3.0"     => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
-+          "debian-3.1"     => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
-+          "debian-4.0"     => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
-+          "debian-testing" => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,
-           "ubuntu-5.04" => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,    
-           "ubuntu-5.10" => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,    
-           "ubuntu-6.04" => \&gst_network_deb22_get_file,    
-@@ -3930,9 +3932,10 @@
-           "blackpanther-4.0" => "lo",
-           "conectiva-9"  => "lo",
-           "conectiva-10" => "lo",
--          "debian-2.2"   => "lo",
--          "debian-3.0"   => "lo",
--          "debian-sarge" => "lo",
-+          "debian-3.0"     => "lo",
-+          "debian-3.1"     => "lo",
-+          "debian-4.0"     => "lo",
-+          "debian-testing" => "lo",
-           "ubuntu-5.04" => "lo",    
-           "ubuntu-5.10" => "lo",    
-           "ubuntu-6.04" => "lo",    
-@@ -4095,9 +4098,10 @@
-           "blackpanther-4.0" => "redhat-7.0",
-           "conectiva-9"  => "redhat-7.0", 
-           "conectiva-10" => "redhat-7.0", 
--          "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--          "debian-3.0"   => "debian-2.2",
--          "debian-sarge" => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-3.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-3.1"     => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-4.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-testing" => "debian-2.2",
-           "ubuntu-5.04" => "debian-2.2",
-           "ubuntu-5.10" => "debian-2.2",
-           "ubuntu-6.04" => "debian-2.2",
-@@ -4516,9 +4520,10 @@
-           "blackpanther-4.0" => "mandrake-9.0",
-           "conectiva-9"  => "conectiva-9",
-           "conectiva-10" => "conectiva-9",
--          "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--          "debian-3.0"   => "debian-3.0",
--          "debian-sarge" => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-3.0"     => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-3.1"     => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-4.0"     => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-testing" => "debian-3.0",
-           "ubuntu-5.04" => "debian-3.0",
-           "ubuntu-5.10" => "debian-3.0",
-           "ubuntu-6.04" => "debian-3.0",
-@@ -4942,63 +4947,6 @@
-       ]
-     },
--	  "debian-2.2" =>
--	  {
--	    ifaces_get => \&gst_network_debian_ifaces_get_existing,
--	    fn =>
--	    {
--        INTERFACES  => "/etc/network/interfaces",
--        IFACE       => "#iface#",
--        CHAT        => "/etc/chatscripts/%section%",
--        PPP_OPTIONS => "/etc/ppp/peers/%section%",
--        PAP         => "/etc/ppp/pap-secrets",
--        CHAP        => "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets",
--        PUMP        => "/etc/pump.conf",
--        WVDIAL      => "/etc/wvdial.conf"
--      },
--	    table =>
--          [
--#           [ "user",               \&gst_parse_trivial,                  0 ], # not supported.
--           [ "dev",                \&gst_parse_trivial,                  IFACE ],
--           [ "bootproto",          \&gst_network_deb22_parse_bootproto,  [INTERFACES, IFACE]],
--           [ "auto",               \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_kw_not, [INTERFACES, IFACE], "noauto" ],
--#           [ "name",               \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "name" ],
--           [ "address",            \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "address" ],
--           [ "netmask",            \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "netmask" ],
--           [ "broadcast",          \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "broadcast" ],
--           [ "network",            \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "network" ],
--           [ "gateway",            \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "gateway" ],
--           [ "essid",              \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "wireless[_-]essid" ],
--           [ "key_type",           \&gst_network_get_wep_key_type,       [ \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str, INTERFACES, IFACE, "wireless[_-]key1?" ]],
--           [ "key",                \&gst_network_get_wep_key,            [ \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str, INTERFACES, IFACE, "wireless[_-]key1?" ]],
--           [ "remote_address",     \&gst_network_debian_parse_remote_address, [INTERFACES, IFACE]],
--           [ "section",            \&gst_parse_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "provider" ],
--           [ "update_dns",         \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_kw, PPP_OPTIONS, "usepeerdns" ]],
--           [ "noauth",             \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_kw, PPP_OPTIONS, "noauth" ]],
--           [ "mtu",                \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_split_first_str, PPP_OPTIONS, "mtu", "[ \t]+" ]],
--           [ "mru",                \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_split_first_str, PPP_OPTIONS, "mru", "[ \t]+" ]],
--           [ "serial_port",        \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_ppp_options_re, PPP_OPTIONS, "^(/dev/[^ \t]+)" ]],
--           [ "serial_speed",       \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_ppp_options_re, PPP_OPTIONS, "^([0-9]+)" ]],
--           [ "login",              \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_ppp_options_re, PPP_OPTIONS, "^login \"?([^\"]*)\"?" ]],
--           [ "password",           \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_pap_passwd, PAP, "%login%" ]],
--           [ "password",           \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_pap_passwd, CHAP, "%login%" ]],
--           [ "ppp_options",        \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_ppp_options_unsup, PPP_OPTIONS ]],
--           [ "set_default_gw",     \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_kw, PPP_OPTIONS, "defaultroute" ]],
--           [ "debug",              \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_kw, PPP_OPTIONS, "debug" ]],
--           [ "persist",            \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_kw, PPP_OPTIONS, "persist" ]],
--           [ "serial_escapechars", \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_split_first_str, PPP_OPTIONS, "escape", "[ \t]+" ]],
--           [ "serial_hwctl",       \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_kw, PPP_OPTIONS, "crtscts" ]],
--           [ "external_line",      \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_chat, CHAT, "atd[^0-9]([0-9*#]*)[wW]" ]],
--           [ "phone_number",       \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_chat, CHAT, "atd.*[ptwW]([0-9, -]+)" ]],
--           [ "dial_command",       \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_parse_chat, CHAT, "(atd[tp])[0-9, -w]+" ]],
--           [ "volume",             \&gst_network_check_type,            [IFACE, "modem", \&gst_network_get_modem_volume, CHAT ]],
--#           [ "enabled",            \&gst_network_interface_active,       IFACE,
--#                                                                       \&gst_network_active_interfaces_get ],
--#           [ "enabled",            \&gst_parse_trivial,                  0 ]
--           ]
--    },
--    # Basicly the same as debian-2.2, but the "auto" option changes.
- 	  "debian-3.0" =>
- 	  {
- 	    ifaces_get => \&gst_network_debian_ifaces_get_existing,
-@@ -5354,9 +5302,10 @@
-           "blackpanther-4.0" => "redhat-7.0",
-  	  "conectiva-9"  => "redhat-7.0",
-  	  "conectiva-10" => "redhat-7.0",
--          "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--          "debian-3.0" => "debian-2.2",
--          "debian-sarge" => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-3.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-3.1"     => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-4.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+          "debian-testing" => "debian-2.2",
-           "ubuntu-5.04" => "debian-2.2",
-           "ubuntu-5.10" => "debian-2.2",
-           "ubuntu-6.04" => "debian-2.2",
-@@ -5760,9 +5709,10 @@
-           "blackpanther-4.0" => "mandrake-9.0",
-           "conectiva-9"  => "conectiva-9",
-           "conectiva-10" => "conectiva-9",
--          "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--          "debian-3.0"   => "debian-3.0",
--          "debian-sarge" => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-3.0"     => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-3.1"     => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-4.0"     => "debian-3.0",
-+          "debian-testing" => "debian-3.0",
-           "ubuntu-5.04" => "debian-3.0",
-           "ubuntu-5.10" => "debian-3.0",
-           "ubuntu-6.04" => "debian-3.0",
-@@ -6154,57 +6104,6 @@
-      ]
-    },
--   "debian-2.2" =>
--	  {
--      iface_set    => \&gst_network_rh62_interface_activate, # They use the same ifup/ifdown cmds.
--      iface_delete => \&gst_network_deb22_interface_delete,
--      ifaces_get   => \&gst_network_debian_ifaces_get_existing,
--	    fn =>
--	    {
--        INTERFACES  => "/etc/network/interfaces",
--        IFACE       => "#iface#",
--        CHAT        => "/etc/chatscripts/%section%",
--        PPP_OPTIONS => "/etc/ppp/peers/%section%",
--        PAP         => "/etc/ppp/pap-secrets",
--        CHAP        => "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets",
--        PUMP        => "/etc/pump.conf"
--      },
--	    table =>
--          [
--# not sup  [ "user",               \&gst_parse_sh_bool, IFCFG, USERCTL ],
--           [ "_always_",           \&gst_network_deb22_replace_bootproto,  [INTERFACES, IFACE]],
--           [ "bootproto",          \&gst_network_deb22_replace_bootproto,  [INTERFACES, IFACE]],
--           [ "auto",               \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_kw_not, [INTERFACES, IFACE], "noauto" ],
--           [ "name",               \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "name" ],
--           [ "address",            \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "address" ],
--           [ "netmask",            \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "netmask" ],
--           [ "broadcast",          \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "broadcast" ],
--           [ "network",            \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "network" ],
--           [ "gateway",            \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "gateway" ],
--           [ "section",            \&gst_replace_interfaces_option_str,    [INTERFACES, IFACE], "provider" ],
--           [ "update_dns",         \&gst_network_pump_set_nodns,           PUMP, "%dev%", "%bootproto%" ],
--           [ "update_dns",         \&gst_replace_kw,                       PPP_OPTIONS, "usepeerdns" ],
--# not sup  [ "dns1",               \&gst_replace_sh,                       IFCFG,       DNS1 ],
--# not sup  [ "dns2",               \&gst_replace_sh,                       IFCFG, DNS2 ],
--           [ "noauth",             \&gst_replace_kw,                       PPP_OPTIONS, "noauth" ],
--           [ "mtu",                \&gst_replace_join_first_str,           PPP_OPTIONS, "mtu", "[ \t]+" ],
--           [ "mru",                \&gst_replace_join_first_str,           PPP_OPTIONS, "mru", "[ \t]+" ],
--           [ "remote_address",     \&gst_network_debian_replace_remote_address, [INTERFACES, IFACE]],
--           [ "login",              \&gst_replace_join_first_str,           PPP_OPTIONS, "user", "[ \t]+" ],
--           [ "serial_port",        \&gst_network_set_ppp_options_re,       PPP_OPTIONS, "^(/dev/[^ \t]+)" ],
--           [ "serial_speed",       \&gst_network_set_ppp_options_re,       PPP_OPTIONS, "^([0-9]+)" ],
--           [ "section",            \&gst_network_set_ppp_options_connect,  PPP_OPTIONS ],
--           [ "ppp_options",        \&gst_network_set_ppp_options_unsup,    PPP_OPTIONS ],
--           [ "set_default_gw",     \&gst_replace_kw,                       PPP_OPTIONS, "defaultroute" ],
--           [ "debug",              \&gst_replace_kw,                       PPP_OPTIONS, "debug" ],
--           [ "persist",            \&gst_replace_kw,                       PPP_OPTIONS, "persist" ],
--           [ "serial_escapechars", \&gst_replace_join_first_str,           PPP_OPTIONS, "escape", "[ \t]+" ],
--           [ "serial_hwctl",       \&gst_replace_kw,                       PPP_OPTIONS, "crtscts" ],
--           [ "phone_number",       \&gst_replace_chat,                     CHAT, "^atd[^0-9]*([0-9, -]+)" ],
--           ]
--             },
--    # Basicly the same as debian-2.2, but the "auto" option changes.
-     "debian-3.0" =>
- 	  {
-       iface_set    => \&gst_network_rh62_interface_activate, # They use the same ifup/ifdown cmds.
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/platform.pl.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/platform.pl.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/platform.pl.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/platform.pl.in	2006-09-10 10:48:17.000000000 +0200
-@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
--  "debian-2.2"      => "Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato",
-   "debian-3.0"      => "Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Woody",
--  "debian-sarge"    => "Debian GNU/Linux Sarge",
-+  "debian-3.1"      => "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Sarge",
-+  "debian-4.0"      => "Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 Etch",
-+  "debian-testing"  => "Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable",
-   "ubuntu-5.04"     => "Ubuntu GNU/Linux Hoary",
-   "ubuntu-5.10"     => "Ubuntu GNU/Linux Breezy",
-   "ubuntu-6.04"     => "Ubuntu GNU/Linux Dapper",
-@@ -127,8 +128,8 @@
- {
-   my ($ver, $i);
-   my %vermap =
--      ("testing/unstable" => "sarge",
--       "3.1"              => "sarge");
-+      ("testing/unstable" => "testing",
-+       "lenny/unstable	   => "4.0");
-   open DEBIAN, "$gst_prefix/etc/debian_version" or return -1;
-   chomp ($ver = <DEBIAN>);
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/print-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/print-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/print-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/print-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:53:13.000000000 +0200
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
- $name = "print";
- $version = "@VERSION@";
-- at platforms = ("redhat-7.0", "redhat-7.1", "debian-woody", "turbolinux-7.0");
-+ at platforms = ("redhat-7.0", "redhat-7.1", "debian-3.0", "turbolinux-7.0");
- $description =<<"end_of_description;";
-        Configures the lpr subsystem.
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/print.pl.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/print.pl.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/print.pl.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/print.pl.in	2006-09-10 11:15:14.000000000 +0200
-@@ -145,8 +145,6 @@
- 	  "redhat-7.0" => "redhat-7.0",
- 	  "redhat-7.1" => "redhat-7.1",
- 	  "openna-1.0" => "redhat-7.0",
--    "debian-2.2" => "redhat-7.0",
--		"debian-woody" => "redhat-7.0"
-   );
-   my %dist_tables =
-@@ -246,8 +244,6 @@
- 	  "redhat-7.0" => "redhat-7.0",
- 	  "redhat-7.1" => "redhat-7.1",
- 	  "openna-1.0" => "redhat-7.0",
--    "debian-2.2" => "redhat-7.0",
--		"debian-woody" => "redhat-7.0"
-   );
-   my %dist_tables =
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/service.pl.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/service.pl.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/service.pl.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/service.pl.in	2006-09-10 11:06:35.000000000 +0200
-@@ -78,9 +78,10 @@
-        "conectiva-9"  => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
-        "conectiva-10" => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
--       "debian-2.2"   => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-        "debian-3.0"   => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
--       "debian-sarge" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+       "debian-3.1"   => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+       "debian-4.0"   => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+       "debian-testing" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-        "ubuntu-5.04"  => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-        "ubuntu-5.10"  => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-        "ubuntu-6.04"  => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-@@ -148,9 +149,10 @@
-        "conectiva-9"    => [3, 5],
-        "conectiva-10"   => [3, 5],
--       "debian-2.2"     => [2, 3],
-        "debian-3.0"     => [2, 3],
--       "debian-sarge"   => [2, 3],
-+       "debian-3.1"     => [2, 3],
-+       "debian-4.0"     => [2, 3],
-+       "debian-testing" => [2, 3],
-        "ubuntu-5.04"    => [2, 3],
-        "ubuntu-5.10"    => [2, 3],
-        "ubuntu-6.04"    => [2, 3],
-@@ -217,9 +219,10 @@
-      "conectiva-9"    => "redhat-5.2",
-      "conectiva-10"   => "redhat-5.2",
--     "debian-2.2"     => "debian-2.2",
-      "debian-3.0"     => "debian-2.2",
--     "debian-sarge"   => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-3.1"     => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-4.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-testing" => "debian-2.2",
-      "ubuntu-5.04"    => "debian-2.2",
-      "ubuntu-5.10"    => "debian-2.2",
-      "ubuntu-6.04"    => "debian-2.2",
-@@ -1691,9 +1694,10 @@
-   my ($service) = @_;
-   my %dist_map =
-       (
--       "debian-2.2"   => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-        "debian-3.0"   => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
--       "debian-sarge" => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-+       "debian-3.1"   => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-+       "debian-4.0"   => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-+       "debian-testing" => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-        "ubuntu-5.04"  => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-        "ubuntu-5.10"  => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-        "ubuntu-6.04"  => \&gst_service_debian_get_status,
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/services-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/services-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/services-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/services-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:53:47.000000000 +0200
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-               "mandrake-7.1", "mandrake-7.2", "mandrake-9.0", "mandrake-9.1", "mandrake-9.2",
-               "mandrake-10.0", "mandrake-10.1",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-3.0", "debian-sarge",
-+              "debian-3.0", "debian-3.1", "debian-4.0", "debian-testing",
-               "suse-7.0", "turbolinux-7.0", "fedora-1", "fedora-2", "fedora-3", "rpath",
-               "pld-1.0", "pld-1.1", "pld-1.99",
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/shares-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/shares-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/shares-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/shares-conf.in	2006-09-10 11:12:03.000000000 +0200
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
-               "mandrake-7.1", "mandrake-7.2", "mandrake-9.0", "mandrake-9.1", "mandrake-9.2",
-               "mandrake-10.0", "mandrake-10.1",
-               "blackpanther-4.0",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-3.0", "debian-sarge",
-+              "debian-3.0", "debian-3.1", "debian-4.0", "debian-testing",
-               "suse-7.0", "suse-9.0",
-               "turbolinux-7.0", "fedora-1", "fedora-2", "fedora-3",
-               "pld-1.0", "pld-1.1", "pld-1.99",
-@@ -534,9 +534,10 @@
-      "blackpanther-4.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-      "conectiva-9"  => "redhat-6.2", 
-      "conectiva-10" => "redhat-6.2", 
--     "debian-2.2"   => "debian-2.2",
--     "debian-3.0"   => "debian-2.2",
--     "debian-sarge" => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-3.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-3.1"     => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-4.0"     => "debian-2.2",
-+     "debian-testing" => "debian-2.2",
-      "suse-7.0"     => "redhat-6.2",
-      "suse-9.0"     => "suse-9.0",
-      "suse-9.1"     => "suse-9.0",
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/time-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/time-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/time-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/time-conf.in	2006-09-10 11:10:02.000000000 +0200
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-               "openna-1.0",
-               "mandrake-7.1", "mandrake-7.2", "mandrake-9.0", "mandrake-9.1", "mandrake-9.2",
-               "mandrake-10.0", "mandrake-10.1",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-3.0", "debian-sarge",
-+              "debian-3.0", "debian-3.1", "debian-4.0", "debian-testing",
-               "suse-7.0", "suse-9.0", "suse-9.1", "turbolinux-7.0",
-               "slackware-8.0.0", "slackware-8.1", "slackware-9.0.0", "slackware-9.1.0", "slackware-10.0.0", "slackware-10.1.0", "slackware-10.2.0",
-               "gentoo", "vlos-1.2", "pld-1.0", "pld-1.1", "pld-1.99", "fedora-1", "fedora-2", "fedora-3", "rpath",
-@@ -556,9 +556,10 @@
-    "mandrake-10.0"   => "redhat-7.0",
-    "mandrake-10.1"   => "redhat-7.0",
--   "debian-2.2"      => "debian-2.2",
+diff --git a/system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Init/Services.pm b/system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Init/Services.pm
+index a8649b2..a9f723e 100644
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Init/Services.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Init/Services.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Init/Services.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Init/Services.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
+      "mandrake-9.0"     => "redhat-6.2",
+      "conectiva-9"      => "redhat-6.2",
+      "debian-3.0"       => "redhat-6.2",
++     "debian-3.1"       => "redhat-6.2",
++     "debian-4.0"       => "redhat-6.2",
++     "debian-testing"   => "redhat-6.2",
+      "ubuntu-7.04"      => "redhat-6.2",
+      "suse-9.0"         => "redhat-6.2",
+      "pld-1.0"          => "redhat-6.2",
+@@ -101,6 +104,10 @@
+      "yoper-2.2"      => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
+      "conectiva-9"    => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
+      "debian-3.0"     => ["$gst_prefix/etc",      "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d",      "../init.d"],
++     "debian-3.1"     => ["$gst_prefix/etc",      "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d",      "../init.d"],
++     "debian-4.0"     => ["$gst_prefix/etc",      "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d",      "../init.d"],
++     "debian-testing"     => ["$gst_prefix/etc",      "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d",      "../init.d"],
+      "ubuntu-7.04"    => ["$gst_prefix/etc",      "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d",      "../init.d"],
+      "suse-9.0"       => ["$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d",    "../"],
+      "pld-1.0"        => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Network/Hosts.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Network/Hosts.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Network/Hosts.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Network/Hosts.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
+     "yoper-2.2"       => "redhat-6.2",
+     "conectiva-9"     => "redhat-6.2", 
+     "debian-3.0"      => "debian-2.2",
++    "debian-3.1"      => "debian-2.2",
++    "debian-4.0"      => "debian-2.2",
++    "debian-testing"  => "debian-2.2",
+     "ubuntu-7.04"     => "debian-2.2",
+     "suse-9.0"        => "suse-9.0",
+     "pld-1.0"         => "redhat-6.2",
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Network/Ifaces.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Network/Ifaces.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Network/Ifaces.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Network/Ifaces.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1992,6 +1992,9 @@
+     "yoper-2.2"       => "redhat-6.2",
+     "conectiva-9"     => "conectiva-9",
+     "debian-3.0"      => "debian-3.0",
++    "debian-3.1"      => "debian-3.0",
++    "debian-4.0"      => "debian-3.0",
++    "debian-testing"  => "debian-3.0",
+     "ubuntu-7.04"     => "debian-3.0",
+     "suse-9.0"        => "suse-9.0",
+     "pld-1.0"         => "pld-1.0",
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Shares/SMB.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Shares/SMB.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Shares/SMB.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Shares/SMB.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -137,6 +137,9 @@
+    "redhat-8.0"      => "debian-3.0",
+    "mandrake-9.0"    => "debian-3.0",
     "debian-3.0"      => "debian-3.0",
--   "debian-sarge"    => "debian-3.0",
 +   "debian-3.1"      => "debian-3.0",
 +   "debian-4.0"      => "debian-3.0",
 +   "debian-testing"  => "debian-3.0",
-    "suse-7.0"        => "suse-7.0",
-    "suse-9.0"        => "suse-9.0",
-@@ -566,13 +567,13 @@
-    "turbolinux-7.0"  => "redhat-7.0",
--   "slackware-8.0.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-8.1"   => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-9.0.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-9.1.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-10.0.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-10.1.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-10.2.0" => "debian-2.2",
-+   "slackware-8.0.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-8.1"   => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-9.0.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-9.1.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-10.0.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-10.1.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-10.2.0" => "slackware",
-    "gentoo"          => "gentoo",
-    "vlos-1.2"        => "gentoo",
-@@ -632,7 +633,7 @@
-               ]
-                 },
--       "debian-2.2" =>
-+       "slackware" =>
-        {
-          fn =>
-          {
-@@ -809,9 +810,10 @@
-    "mandrake-10.0"   => "redhat-7.0",
-    "mandrake-10.1"   => "redhat-7.0",
--   "debian-2.2"      => "debian-2.2",
+    "ubuntu-7.04"     => "debian-3.0",
+    "suse-9.0"        => "debian-3.0",
+    "slackware-9.1.0" => "debian-3.0",
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Time/NTP.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Time/NTP.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Time/NTP.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Time/NTP.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
+     "redhat-8.0"      => "redhat-6.2",
+     "mandrake-9.0"    => "redhat-6.2",
+     "debian-3.0"      => "redhat-6.2",
++    "debian-3.1"      => "redhat-6.2",
++    "debian-4.0"      => "redhat-6.2",
++    "debian-testing"  => "redhat-6.2",
+     "ubuntu-7.04"     => "redhat-6.2",
+     "suse-9.0"        => "redhat-6.2",
+     "slackware-9.1.0" => "redhat-6.2",
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Time/TimeDate.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Time/TimeDate.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Time/TimeDate.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Time/TimeDate.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -166,6 +166,9 @@
+    "redhat-8.0"      => "redhat-6.2",
+    "mandrake-9.0"    => "redhat-6.2",
     "debian-3.0"      => "debian-3.0",
--   "debian-sarge"    => "debian-3.0",
 +   "debian-3.1"      => "debian-3.0",
 +   "debian-4.0"      => "debian-3.0",
 +   "debian-testing"  => "debian-3.0",
-    "suse-7.0"        => "suse-7.0",
-    "suse-9.0"        => "suse-9.0",
-@@ -819,12 +821,12 @@
-    "turbolinux-7.0"  => "redhat-7.0",
--   "slackware-8.0.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-9.0.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-9.1.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-10.0.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-10.1.0" => "debian-2.2",
--   "slackware-10.2.0" => "debian-2.2",
-+   "slackware-8.0.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-9.0.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-9.1.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-10.0.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-10.1.0" => "slackware",
-+   "slackware-10.2.0" => "slackware",
-    "gentoo"          => "gentoo",
-    "vlos-1.2"        => "gentoo",
-@@ -881,7 +883,7 @@
-               ]
-                 },
--       "debian-2.2" =>
-+       "slackware" =>
-        {
-          fn =>
-          {
-diff -PruN system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/users-conf.in system-tools-backends-1.4.2/users-conf.in
---- system-tools-backends-1.4.2.orig/users-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:10:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ system-tools-backends-1.4.2/users-conf.in	2006-09-10 10:52:36.000000000 +0200
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-               "openna-1.0",
-               "mandrake-7.1", "mandrake-7.2", "mandrake-9.0", "mandrake-9.1", "mandrake-9.2",
-               "mandrake-10.0", "mandrake-10.1",
--              "debian-2.2", "debian-3.0", "debian-sarge",
-+              "debian-3.0", "debian-3.1", "debian-4.0", "debian-testing",
-               "suse-7.0", "suse-9.0", "suse-9.1", "turbolinux-7.0",
-               "slackware-8.0.0", "slackware-8.1", "slackware-9.0.0", "slackware-9.1.0", "slackware-10.0.0", "slackware-10.1.0", "slackware-10.2.0",
-               "freebsd-4", "freebsd-5", "freebsd-6",
-@@ -359,9 +359,10 @@
-   'fedora-2'        => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-   'fedora-3'        => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-   'rpath'           => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
--  'debian-2.2'      => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
+    "ubuntu-7.04"     => "debian-3.0",
+    "suse-9.0"        => "redhat-6.2",
+    "slackware-9.1.0" => "redhat-6.2",
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Users/Users.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Users/Users.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Users/Users.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Users/Users.pm	2007-04-07 09:29:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -237,6 +237,9 @@
+   'pld-1.0'         => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
+   'fedora-1'        => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
    'debian-3.0'      => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
--  'debian-sarge'    => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
 +  'debian-3.1'      => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
 +  'debian-4.0'      => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
 +  'debian-testing'  => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
    'vine-3.0'        => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-   'vine-3.1'        => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
    'gentoo'	        => $gentoo_logindefs_defaults,
+   'archlinux'       => $gentoo_logindefs_defaults,
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Utils/Platform.pm system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Utils/Platform.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-2.2.0/Utils/Platform.pm	2007-03-27 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-2.2.0.new/Utils/Platform.pm	2007-04-07 09:30:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
+   "debian-3.0"      => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "3.0", "Woody" ],
+   "debian-3.1"      => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "3.1", "Sarge" ],
++  "debian-4.0"      => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "4.0", "Etch" ],
++  "debian-testing"  => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "testing/unstable", "Lenny/Sid" ],
+   "ubuntu-5.04"     => [ "Ubuntu Linux", "5.04", "Hoary" ],
+   "ubuntu-5.10"     => [ "Ubuntu Linux", "5.10", "Breezy" ],
+   "ubuntu-6.06"     => [ "Ubuntu Linux", "6.06", "Dapper" ],
+@@ -356,7 +358,7 @@
+   my %platform_checks = (
+     "Linux"   => [[ \&check_lsb ],
+-                  [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/debian_version", "debian", "(.*)", { "testing/unstable" => "sarge" } ],
++                  [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/debian_version", "debian", "(.*)", { "testing/unstable" => "sarge", "lenny/sid" => "testing" } ],
+                   [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/SuSE-release", "suse", "VERSION\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)" ],
+                   [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/blackPanther-release", "blackpanther", "^Linux Black Panther release (\\S+)" ],
+                   [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/blackPanther-release", "blackpanther", "^Black Panther ( L|l)inux release ([\\d\\.]+)" ],

Added: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch?rev=9559&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/02ubuntu_chmod_network_interfaces_when_using_key.patch Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+diff -Nur system-tools-backends-1.9.7/Network/Ifaces.pm system-tools-backends-1.9.7.new/Network/Ifaces.pm
+--- system-tools-backends-1.9.7/Network/Ifaces.pm	2006-10-06 00:16:51.000000000 +0200
++++ system-tools-backends-1.9.7.new/Network/Ifaces.pm	2006-10-11 23:29:38.000000000 +0200
+@@ -693,6 +693,17 @@
+   return (&get_debian_auto_by_stanza ($file, $iface) ne undef)? 1 : 0;
+ }
++sub set_network_config_permission
++    my ($key) = @_;
++    if ($key) 
++    {
++        chmod 0640, "/etc/network/interfaces";
++        &Utils::File::run ("chgrp admin /etc/network/interfaces");
++    }
+ sub set_debian_auto
+ {
+   my ($file, $iface, $value) = @_;
+@@ -3098,6 +3109,7 @@
+       [ "netmask",            \&Utils::Replace::set_interfaces_option_str, [INTERFACES, IFACE], "netmask" ],
+       [ "gateway",            \&Utils::Replace::set_interfaces_option_str, [INTERFACES, IFACE], "gateway" ],
+       [ "essid",              \&Utils::Replace::set_interfaces_option_str, [INTERFACES, IFACE], "wireless-essid" ],
++      [ "key",                \&set_network_config_permission, "%key%"],
+       [ "key",                \&Utils::Replace::set_interfaces_option_str, [INTERFACES, IFACE], "wireless-key"   ],
+       [ "key_type",           \&set_wep_key_full, [ \&Utils::Replace::set_interfaces_option_str, INTERFACES, IFACE, "wireless-key", "%key%" ]],
+       # ugly hack for deleting undesired options (due to syntax duality)

Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/rules?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/rules (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/rules Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -20,15 +20,21 @@
 DEB_BUILDDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/build
+DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --datadir=/usr/share/ --with-net-dbus=/usr/lib/perl
+5 --with-stb-group=root
 	# generate POT file for translators
 	cd po ; intltool-update --verbose -p
+	mkdir -p debian/system-tools-backends/etc/dbus-1/event.d
+	install -m 755 debian/system-tools-backends.init.dbus   \
+		debian/system-tools-backends/etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends
 	# GNOME Team 'uploaders.mk' should not override this behavior, here is a workaround :
 	sed -i "s/@cdbs@/$(CDBS_BUILD_DEPENDS)/g" debian/control
 	rm -f po/setup-tools-backends.pot
 	rm -rf $(DEB_BUILDDIR)

Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends-dev.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends-dev.install?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends-dev.install (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends-dev.install Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
 debian/tmp/usr/lib usr/
-debian/tmp/usr/share/aclocal usr/share/

Added: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.init.dbus
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.init.dbus?rev=9559&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.init.dbus (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.init.dbus Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,77 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# system-tools-backends
+#		dbus init script
+#		(Stolen from the hal package)
+#			Written by Martin Waitz based on skeleton code
+#			written by Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels at cistron.nl>.
+#			Modified for Debian 
+#			by Ian Murdock <imurdock at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
+DESC="System Tools Backends"
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
+set -e
+do_start() {
+  if [ ! -d $PIDDIR ]; then
+    mkdir -p $PIDDIR
+  fi
+	log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
+	start-stop-daemon --start --startas $DAEMON --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE
+	log_end_msg $?
+do_stop() {
+	log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
+	start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON
+	log_end_msg $?
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+    do_start
+	;;
+  stop)
+    do_stop
+	;;
+  #reload)
+	#
+	#	If the daemon can reload its config files on the fly
+	#	for example by sending it SIGHUP, do it here.
+	#
+	#	If the daemon responds to changes in its config file
+	#	directly anyway, make this a do-nothing entry.
+	#
+	# echo "Reloading $DESC configuration files."
+	# start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet --pidfile \
+	#	/var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $DAEMON
+  #;;
+  restart|force-reload)
+	#
+	#	If the "reload" option is implemented, move the "force-reload"
+	#	option to the "reload" entry above. If not, "force-reload" is
+	#	just the same as "restart".
+	#
+  do_stop
+	sleep 5
+  do_start
+	;;
+  *)
+	N=/etc/init.d/$NAME
+	# echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
+	log_success_msg "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0

Modified: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.install?rev=9559&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.install (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.install Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@
-debian/tmp/usr/share/locale debian/tmp/usr/share/setup-tool-backends usr/share/

Added: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postinst
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postinst?rev=9559&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postinst (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postinst Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# postinst script for system-tools-backends
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+#        * <postinst> `configure' <most-recently-configured-version>
+#        * <old-postinst> `abort-upgrade' <new version>
+#        * <conflictor's-postinst> `abort-remove' `in-favour' <package>
+#          <new-version>
+#        * <deconfigured's-postinst> `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
+#          <failed-install-package> <version> `removing'
+#          <conflicting-package> <version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+# quoting from the policy:
+#     Any necessary prompting should almost always be confined to the
+#     post-installation script, and should be protected with a conditional
+#     so that unnecessary prompting doesn't happen if a package's
+#     installation fails and the `postinst' is called with `abort-upgrade',
+#     `abort-remove' or `abort-deconfigure'.
+case "$1" in
+  configure)
+    # only start system-tools-backends if it is not already running
+    if [ ! -e /var/run/system-tools-backends.pid ] || ! ps --no-headers -p $(cat /var/run/system-tools-backends.pid) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        if [ -x /etc/init.d/dbus ]; then
+            invoke-rc.d dbus force-reload || true
+            if [ ! -e /var/run/system-tools-backends.pid ] || ! ps --no-headers -p $(< /var/run/system-tools-backends.pid) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+                /etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends start || true
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+  ;;
+  abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
+  ;;
+  *)
+    echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+    exit 1
+  ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0

Added: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postrm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postrm?rev=9559&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postrm (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.postrm Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+set -e
+# Do not restart dbus on upgrades, only if we remove the package.
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ] ; then 
+    if [ -x /etc/init.d/dbus ]; then
+        invoke-rc.d dbus force-reload || true
+    fi
+exit 0

Added: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.preinst
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.preinst?rev=9559&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.preinst (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.preinst Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# stop backend here when upgrading from a version that didn't handle
+# it correctly yet in the prerm
+if [ "$1" = "upgrade" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 2.1.0-0ubuntu2; then
+    /etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends stop || true

Added: desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.prerm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.prerm?rev=9559&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.prerm (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/system-tools-backends/debian/system-tools-backends.prerm Sat Apr  7 10:19:07 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ] || [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then
+    /etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends stop || true

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