r14050 - in /desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian: changelog control control.in libglib2.0-0.symbols rules
slomo at users.alioth.debian.org
slomo at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 UTC 2008
Author: slomo
Date: Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 2008
New Revision: 14050
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=14050
* debian/rules,
+ Add a symbol file for GLib, generated from 2.12.4, 2.14.3 and 2.14.4
and call dpkg-gensymbols at build time. Require dpkg-dev (>= 1.14.8)
for this.
* debian/control.in:
+ Update Standards-Version to 3.7.3, no additional changes needed.
Modified: desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/changelog?rev=14050&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/changelog (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/changelog Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 2008
@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
glib2.0 (2.14.4-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Loic Minier ]
* Build-dep on gtk-doc-tools to prevent a spurious warning from
gtk-doc.make: "/bin/sh: line 11: test: !=: unary operator expected".
- -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org> Sun, 02 Dec 2007 18:14:04 +0100
+ [ Sebastian Dröge ]
+ * debian/rules,
+ debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols,
+ debian/control.in:
+ + Add a symbol file for GLib, generated from 2.12.4, 2.14.3 and 2.14.4
+ and call dpkg-gensymbols at build time. Require dpkg-dev (>= 1.14.8)
+ for this.
+ * debian/control.in:
+ + Update Standards-Version to 3.7.3, no additional changes needed.
+ -- Sebastian Dröge <slomo at debian.org> Sat, 05 Jan 2008 13:18:15 +0100
glib2.0 (2.14.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
Modified: desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control?rev=14050&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 2008
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19),
libpcre3-dev (>= 7.2),
- gtk-doc-tools
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+ gtk-doc-tools,
+ dpkg-dev (>= 1.14.8)
+Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Package: libglib2.0-0
Section: libs
Modified: desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control.in
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control.in?rev=14050&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control.in (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/control.in Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 2008
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19),
libpcre3-dev (>= 7.2),
- gtk-doc-tools
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+ gtk-doc-tools,
+ dpkg-dev (>= 1.14.8)
+Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Package: @SHARED_PKG@
Section: libs
Added: desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols?rev=14050&op=file
--- desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols (added)
+++ desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,1428 @@
+libglib-2.0.so.0 libglib2.0-0 #MINVER#
+ g_access at Base 2.12.4
+ g_allocator_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_allocator_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_append_vals at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_insert_vals at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_prepend_vals at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_remove_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_remove_index_fast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_remove_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_set_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_sized_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_array_sort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_digit_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_dtostr at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_formatd at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strcasecmp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strdown at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strncasecmp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strtod at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strtoll at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strtoull at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_strup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_table at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_tolower at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_toupper at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ascii_xdigit_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_assert_warning at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_length at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_length_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_lock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_pop at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_pop_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_push at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_push_sorted at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_push_sorted_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_push_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_ref_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_sort_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_timed_pop at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_timed_pop_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_try_pop at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_try_pop_unlocked at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_unlock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_async_queue_unref_and_unlock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atexit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_int_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_int_get at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_int_set at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_pointer_get at Base 2.12.4
+ g_atomic_pointer_set at Base 2.12.4
+ g_base64_decode at Base 2.12.4
+ g_base64_decode_step at Base 2.12.4
+ g_base64_encode at Base 2.12.4
+ g_base64_encode_close at Base 2.12.4
+ g_base64_encode_step at Base 2.12.4
+ g_basename at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bit_nth_lsf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bit_nth_msf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bit_storage at Base 2.12.4
+ g_blow_chunks at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_add_application at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_add_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_added at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_app_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_applications at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_description at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_groups at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_icon at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_is_private at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_mime_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_modified at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_title at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_uris at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_get_visited at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_has_application at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_has_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_has_item at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_load_from_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_load_from_data_dirs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_load_from_file at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_move_item at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_remove_application at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_remove_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_remove_item at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_added at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_app_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_description at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_groups at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_icon at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_is_private at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_mime_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_modified at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_title at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_set_visited at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_to_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_bookmark_file_to_file at Base 2.12.4
+ g_build_filename at Base 2.12.4
+ g_build_filenamev at Base 2.12.4
+ g_build_path at Base 2.12.4
+ g_build_pathv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_append at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_remove_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_remove_index_fast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_remove_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_set_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_sized_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_byte_array_sort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cache_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cache_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cache_key_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cache_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cache_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cache_value_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_chdir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_child_watch_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_child_watch_add_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_child_watch_funcs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_child_watch_source_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_chmod at Base 2.12.4
+ g_clear_error at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_add_items at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_clear_items at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_complete at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_complete_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_remove_items at Base 2.12.4
+ g_completion_set_compare at Base 2.12.4
+ g_convert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_convert_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_convert_with_fallback at Base 2.12.4
+ g_convert_with_iconv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_creat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_clear at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_get_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_id_get_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_id_remove_no_notify at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_id_set_data_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_set_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_datalist_unset_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dataset_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dataset_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dataset_id_get_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dataset_id_remove_no_notify at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dataset_id_set_data_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_add_days at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_add_months at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_add_years at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_clamp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_clear at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_compare at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_days_between at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_day at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_day_of_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_days_in_month at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_iso8601_week_of_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_julian at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_monday_week_of_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_monday_weeks_in_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_month at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_sunday_week_of_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_sunday_weeks_in_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_weekday at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_is_first_of_month at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_is_last_of_month at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_is_leap_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_new_dmy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_new_julian at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_order at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_day at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_dmy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_julian at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_month at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_parse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_time at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_time_t at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_time_val at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_set_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_strftime at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_subtract_days at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_subtract_months at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_subtract_years at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_to_struct_tm at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid_day at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid_dmy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid_julian at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid_month at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid_weekday at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_valid_year at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dir_close at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dir_open at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dir_read_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_dir_rewind at Base 2.12.4
+ g_direct_equal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_direct_hash at Base 2.12.4
+ g_error_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_error_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_error_matches at Base 2.12.4
+ g_error_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_error_new_literal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_error_from_errno at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_get_contents at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_open_tmp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_read_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_set_contents at Base 2.12.4
+ g_file_test at Base 2.12.4
+ g_filename_display_basename at Base 2.12.4
+ g_filename_display_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_filename_from_uri at Base 2.12.4
+ g_filename_from_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_filename_to_uri at Base 2.12.4
+ g_filename_to_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_find_program_in_path at Base 2.12.4
+ g_fopen at Base 2.12.4
+ g_fprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_freopen at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_application_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_charset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_codeset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_current_dir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_current_time at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_filename_charsets at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_home_dir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_host_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_language_names at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_prgname at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_real_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_system_config_dirs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_system_data_dirs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_tmp_dir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_user_cache_dir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_user_config_dir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_user_data_dir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_user_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_get_user_special_dir at Base 2.14.3
+ g_getenv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_foreach_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_foreach_steal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_get_keys at Base 2.14.3
+ g_hash_table_get_values at Base 2.14.3
+ g_hash_table_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_lookup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_lookup_extended at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_new_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_remove_all at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_replace at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_steal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_steal_all at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_alloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_compare_ids at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_destroy_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_find_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_find_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_find_func_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_first_valid at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_get at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_insert_before at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_insert_sorted at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_list_clear at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_list_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_list_invoke at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_list_invoke_check at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_list_marshal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_list_marshal_check at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_next_valid at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hook_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_iconv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_iconv_close at Base 2.12.4
+ g_iconv_open at Base 2.12.4
+ g_idle_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_idle_add_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_idle_funcs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_idle_remove_by_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_idle_source_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_int_equal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_int_hash at Base 2.12.4
+ g_intern_static_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_intern_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_add_watch at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_add_watch_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_close at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_error_from_errno at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_flush at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_buffer_condition at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_buffer_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_buffered at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_close_on_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_encoding at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_line_term at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_new_file at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_read at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_read_chars at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_read_line at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_read_line_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_read_to_end at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_read_unichar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_seek at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_seek_position at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_set_buffer_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_set_buffered at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_set_encoding at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_set_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_set_line_term at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_shutdown at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_unix_get_fd at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_unix_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_write at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_write_chars at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_write_unichar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_create_watch at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_watch_funcs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_boolean at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_boolean_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_comment at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_double_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_groups at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_integer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_integer_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_keys at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_locale_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_locale_string_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_start_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_string_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_get_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_has_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_has_key at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_load_from_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_load_from_data_dirs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_load_from_dirs at Base 2.14.3
+ g_key_file_load_from_file at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_remove_comment at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_remove_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_remove_key at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_boolean at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_boolean_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_comment at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_double_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_integer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_integer_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_list_separator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_locale_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_locale_string_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_string_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_set_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_key_file_to_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_alloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_append at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_concat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_delete_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_find_custom at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_first at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_free_1 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_insert_before at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_insert_sorted at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_insert_sorted_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_last at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_length at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_nth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_nth_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_nth_prev at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_pop_allocator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_position at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_push_allocator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_remove_all at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_remove_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_reverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_list_sort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_listenv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_locale_from_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_locale_to_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log_default_handler at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log_remove_handler at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log_set_always_fatal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log_set_default_handler at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log_set_fatal_mask at Base 2.12.4
+ g_log_set_handler at Base 2.12.4
+ g_logv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_lstat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_acquire at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_add_poll at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_check at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_default at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_dispatch at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_find_source_by_funcs_user_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_find_source_by_id at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_find_source_by_user_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_get_poll_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_is_owner at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_iteration at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_pending at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_prepare at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_query at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_release at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_remove_poll at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_set_poll_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_wait at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_context_wakeup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_current_source at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_depth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_get_context at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_is_running at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_quit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_run at Base 2.12.4
+ g_main_loop_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_malloc0 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_malloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mapped_file_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mapped_file_get_contents at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mapped_file_get_length at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mapped_file_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_escape_text at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_parse_context_end_parse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_parse_context_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_parse_context_get_element at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_parse_context_get_position at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_parse_context_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_parse_context_parse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_printf_escaped at Base 2.12.4
+ g_markup_vprintf_escaped at Base 2.12.4
+ g_match_info_expand_references at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_fetch at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_fetch_all at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_fetch_named at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_fetch_named_pos at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_fetch_pos at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_free at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_get_match_count at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_get_regex at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_get_string at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_is_partial_match at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_matches at Base 2.14.3
+ g_match_info_next at Base 2.14.3
+ g_mem_chunk_alloc0 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_alloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_clean at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_print at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_chunk_reset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_gc_friendly at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_is_system_malloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_profile at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mem_set_vtable at Base 2.12.4
+ g_memdup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mkdir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mkdir_with_parents at Base 2.12.4
+ g_mkstemp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_child_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_child_position at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_children_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_copy_deep at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_depth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_find_child at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_first_sibling at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_get_root at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_insert_after at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_insert_before at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_is_ancestor at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_last_child at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_last_sibling at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_max_height at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_n_children at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_n_nodes at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_nth_child at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_pop_allocator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_push_allocator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_reverse_children at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_traverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_node_unlink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_nullify_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_on_error_query at Base 2.12.4
+ g_on_error_stack_trace at Base 2.12.4
+ g_once_impl at Base 2.12.4
+ g_once_init_enter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_once_init_enter_impl at Base 2.14.3
+ g_once_init_leave at Base 2.14.3
+ g_open at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_add_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_add_main_entries at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_get_description at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_get_help at Base 2.14.3
+ g_option_context_get_help_enabled at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_get_ignore_unknown_options at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_get_main_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_get_summary at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_parse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_description at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_help_enabled at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_main_group at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_summary at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_translate_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_context_set_translation_domain at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_add_entries at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_set_error_hook at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_set_parse_hooks at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_set_translate_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_option_group_set_translation_domain at Base 2.12.4
+ g_parse_debug_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_path_get_basename at Base 2.12.4
+ g_path_get_dirname at Base 2.12.4
+ g_path_is_absolute at Base 2.12.4
+ g_path_skip_root at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pattern_match at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pattern_match_simple at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pattern_match_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pattern_spec_equal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pattern_spec_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pattern_spec_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_print at Base 2.12.4
+ g_printerr at Base 2.12.4
+ g_printf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_printf_string_upper_bound at Base 2.12.4
+ g_propagate_error at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_remove_fast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_remove_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_remove_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_set_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_sized_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ptr_array_sort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_qsort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_quark_from_static_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_quark_from_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_quark_to_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_quark_try_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_clear at Base 2.14.3
+ g_queue_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_delete_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_find_custom at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_get_length at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_init at Base 2.14.3
+ g_queue_insert_after at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_insert_before at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_insert_sorted at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_is_empty at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_link_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_peek_head at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_peek_head_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_peek_nth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_peek_nth_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_peek_tail at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_peek_tail_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_pop_head at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_pop_head_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_pop_nth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_pop_nth_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_pop_tail at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_pop_tail_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_push_head at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_push_head_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_push_nth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_push_nth_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_push_tail at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_push_tail_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_remove_all at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_reverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_queue_unlink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_double_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_int at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_int_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_new_with_seed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_new_with_seed_array at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_set_seed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rand_set_seed_array at Base 2.12.4
+ g_random_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_random_double_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_random_int at Base 2.12.4
+ g_random_int_range at Base 2.12.4
+ g_random_set_seed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_realloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_regex_check_replacement at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_error_quark at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_escape_string at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_get_capture_count at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_get_max_backref at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_get_pattern at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_get_string_number at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_match at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_match_all at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_match_all_full at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_match_full at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_match_simple at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_new at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_ref at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_replace at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_replace_eval at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_replace_literal at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_split at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_split_full at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_split_simple at Base 2.14.3
+ g_regex_unref at Base 2.14.3
+ g_relation_count at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_delete at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_exists at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_print at Base 2.12.4
+ g_relation_select at Base 2.12.4
+ g_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rename at Base 2.12.4
+ g_return_if_fail_warning at Base 2.12.4
+ g_rmdir at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_cur_line at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_cur_position at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_cur_token at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_cur_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_eof at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_error at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_get_next_token at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_input_file at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_input_text at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_lookup_symbol at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_peek_next_token at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_scope_add_symbol at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_scope_foreach_symbol at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_scope_lookup_symbol at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_scope_remove_symbol at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_set_scope at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_sync_file_offset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_unexp_token at Base 2.12.4
+ g_scanner_warn at Base 2.12.4
+ g_sequence_append at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_foreach at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_foreach_range at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_free at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_get at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_get_begin_iter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_get_end_iter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_get_iter_at_pos at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_get_length at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_insert_before at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_insert_sorted at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_insert_sorted_iter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_compare at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_get_position at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_get_sequence at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_is_begin at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_is_end at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_move at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_next at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_iter_prev at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_move at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_move_range at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_new at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_prepend at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_range_get_midpoint at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_remove at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_remove_range at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_search at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_search_iter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_set at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_sort at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_sort_changed at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_sort_changed_iter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_sort_iter at Base 2.14.3
+ g_sequence_swap at Base 2.14.3
+ g_set_application_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_set_error at Base 2.12.4
+ g_set_prgname at Base 2.12.4
+ g_set_print_handler at Base 2.12.4
+ g_set_printerr_handler at Base 2.12.4
+ g_setenv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_shell_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_shell_parse_argv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_shell_quote at Base 2.12.4
+ g_shell_unquote at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_alloc0 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_alloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_copy at Base 2.14.3
+ g_slice_free1 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_free_chain_with_offset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_get_config at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_get_config_state at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slice_set_config at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_alloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_append at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_concat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_delete_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_find_custom at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_free_1 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_insert_before at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_insert_sorted at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_insert_sorted_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_last at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_length at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_nth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_nth_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_pop_allocator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_position at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_push_allocator at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_remove_all at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_remove_link at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_reverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_slist_sort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_snprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_add_poll at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_attach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_get_can_recurse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_get_context at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_get_current_time at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_get_id at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_get_priority at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_is_destroyed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_remove_by_funcs_user_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_remove_by_user_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_remove_poll at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_set_callback at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_set_callback_indirect at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_set_can_recurse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_set_funcs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_set_priority at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spaced_primes_closest at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_async at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_async_with_pipes at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_close_pid at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_command_line_async at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_command_line_sync at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_spawn_sync at Base 2.12.4
+ g_sprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_stat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_mutex_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_mutex_get_mutex_impl at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_mutex_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_private_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_private_get at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_private_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_private_set at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_lock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_lock_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_trylock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_unlock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rec_mutex_unlock_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_reader_lock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_reader_trylock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_reader_unlock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_writer_lock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_writer_trylock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_static_rw_lock_writer_unlock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_stpcpy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_str_equal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_str_has_prefix at Base 2.12.4
+ g_str_has_suffix at Base 2.12.4
+ g_str_hash at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strcanon at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strcasecmp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strchomp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strchug at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strcompress at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strconcat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdelimit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdown at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdup_printf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdup_vprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdupv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strerror at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strescape at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strfreev at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_append at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_append_c at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_append_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_append_printf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_append_unichar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_append_vprintf at Base 2.14.3
+ g_string_ascii_down at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_ascii_up at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_assign at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_chunk_clear at Base 2.14.3
+ g_string_chunk_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_chunk_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_chunk_insert_const at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_chunk_insert_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_chunk_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_down at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_equal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_erase at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_hash at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_insert_c at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_insert_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_insert_unichar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_new_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_overwrite at Base 2.14.3
+ g_string_overwrite_len at Base 2.14.3
+ g_string_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_prepend_c at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_prepend_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_prepend_unichar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_printf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_set_size at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_sized_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_truncate at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_up at Base 2.12.4
+ g_string_vprintf at Base 2.14.3
+ g_strip_context at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strjoin at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strjoinv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strlcat at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strlcpy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strncasecmp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strndup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strnfill at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strreverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strrstr at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strrstr_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strsignal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strsplit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strsplit_set at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strstr_len at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strtod at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strv_length at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_create_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_error_quark at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_exit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_functions_for_glib_use at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_gettime at Base 2.14.3
+ g_thread_init_glib at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_join at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_get_max_idle_time at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_get_max_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_get_max_unused_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_get_num_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_get_num_unused_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_push at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_set_max_idle_time at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_set_max_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_set_max_unused_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_set_sort_function at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_stop_unused_threads at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_pool_unprocessed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_self at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_set_priority at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_use_default_impl at Base 2.12.4
+ g_threads_got_initialized at Base 2.12.4
+ g_time_val_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_time_val_from_iso8601 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_time_val_to_iso8601 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timeout_add at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timeout_add_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timeout_add_seconds at Base 2.14.3
+ g_timeout_add_seconds_full at Base 2.14.3
+ g_timeout_funcs at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timeout_source_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timeout_source_new_seconds at Base 2.14.3
+ g_timer_continue at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timer_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timer_elapsed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timer_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timer_reset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timer_start at Base 2.12.4
+ g_timer_stop at Base 2.12.4
+ g_trash_stack_height at Base 2.12.4
+ g_trash_stack_peek at Base 2.12.4
+ g_trash_stack_pop at Base 2.12.4
+ g_trash_stack_push at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_foreach at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_height at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_lookup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_lookup_extended at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_new_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_new_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_nnodes at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_replace at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_search at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_steal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tree_traverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_try_malloc0 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_try_malloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_try_realloc at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tuples_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_tuples_index at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ucs4_to_utf16 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_ucs4_to_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_break_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_combining_class at Base 2.14.3
+ g_unichar_digit_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_get_mirror_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_get_script at Base 2.14.3
+ g_unichar_isalnum at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isalpha at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_iscntrl at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isdefined at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isdigit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isgraph at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_islower at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_ismark at Base 2.14.3
+ g_unichar_isprint at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_ispunct at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isspace at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_istitle at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isupper at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_iswide at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_iswide_cjk at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_isxdigit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_iszerowidth at Base 2.14.3
+ g_unichar_to_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_tolower at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_totitle at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_toupper at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_validate at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unichar_xdigit_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unicode_canonical_decomposition at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unicode_canonical_ordering at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unlink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_unsetenv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_uri_list_extract_uris at Base 2.12.4
+ g_usleep at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf16_to_ucs4 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf16_to_utf8 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_casefold at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_collate at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_collate_key at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_find_next_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_find_prev_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_get_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_get_char_validated at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_normalize at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_offset_to_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_pointer_to_offset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_prev_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_skip at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strchr at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strdown at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strlen at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strncpy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strrchr at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strreverse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_strup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_to_ucs4 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_to_utf16 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_utf8_validate at Base 2.12.4
+ g_vasprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_vfprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_vprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_vsnprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ g_vsprintf at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_binary_age at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_check_version at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_interface_age at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_major_version at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_mem_profiler_table at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_micro_version at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_minor_version at Base 2.12.4
+ glib_on_error_halt at Base 2.12.4
+libgmodule-2.0.so.0 libglib2.0-0 #MINVER#
+ g_module_build_path at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_close at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_error at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_make_resident at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_open at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_supported at Base 2.12.4
+ g_module_symbol at Base 2.12.4
+libgobject-2.0.so.0 libglib2.0-0 #MINVER#
+ g_boxed_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_boxed_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_boxed_type_register_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_new_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_new_object_swap at Base 2.12.4
+ g_cclosure_new_swap at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_add_finalize_notifier at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_add_marshal_guards at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_invalidate at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_invoke at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_new_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_new_simple at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_set_marshal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_set_meta_marshal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_sink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_closure_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_date_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_enum_complete_type_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_enum_get_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_enum_get_value_by_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_enum_get_value_by_nick at Base 2.12.4
+ g_enum_register_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_flags_complete_type_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_flags_get_first_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_flags_get_value_by_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_flags_get_value_by_nick at Base 2.12.4
+ g_flags_register_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_gstring_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_gtype_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_hash_table_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_initially_unowned_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_channel_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_io_condition_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_add_toggle_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_add_weak_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_class_find_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_class_install_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_class_list_properties at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_class_override_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_compat_control at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_connect at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_disconnect at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_force_floating at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_freeze_notify at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_get at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_get_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_get_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_get_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_get_valist at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_interface_find_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_interface_install_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_interface_list_properties at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_is_floating at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_new_valist at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_newv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_notify at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_ref_sink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_remove_toggle_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_remove_weak_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_run_dispose at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set_data_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set_property at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set_qdata_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_set_valist at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_steal_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_steal_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_thaw_notify at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_watch_closure at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_weak_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_object_weak_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_boolean at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_boxed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_enum at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_float at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_get_blurb at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_get_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_get_nick at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_get_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_get_redirect_target at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_gtype at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_int64 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_int at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_internal at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_long at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_override at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_param at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pool_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pool_list at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pool_list_owned at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pool_lookup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pool_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_pool_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_ref_sink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_set_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_set_qdata_full at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_sink at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_steal_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_types at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_uchar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_uint64 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_uint at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_ulong at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_unichar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_spec_value_array at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_type_register_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_value_convert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_value_defaults at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_value_set_default at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_value_validate at Base 2.12.4
+ g_param_values_cmp at Base 2.12.4
+ g_pointer_type_register_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_regex_get_type at Base 2.14.3
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_add_emission_hook at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_chain_from_overridden at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_connect_closure at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_connect_closure_by_id at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_connect_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_connect_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_emit at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_emit_by_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_emit_valist at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_emitv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_get_invocation_hint at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handler_block at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handler_find at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handler_is_connected at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handler_unblock at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handlers_block_matched at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handlers_destroy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_has_handler_pending at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_list_ids at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_lookup at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_new_valist at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_newv at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_override_class_closure at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_parse_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_query at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_remove_emission_hook at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_stop_emission at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_stop_emission_by_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_signal_type_cclosure_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_source_set_closure at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strdup_value_contents at Base 2.12.4
+ g_strv_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_add_class_cache_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_add_interface_check at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_add_interface_dynamic at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_add_interface_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_class_cast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_class_is_a at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_instance at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_instance_cast at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_instance_is_a at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_is_value_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_value at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_check_value_holds at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_children at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_add_private at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_peek at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_peek_parent at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_peek_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_class_unref_uncached at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_create_instance at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_default_interface_peek at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_default_interface_ref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_default_interface_unref at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_depth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_free_instance at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_from_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_fundamental at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_fundamental_next at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_get_plugin at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_get_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_init_with_debug_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_instance_get_private at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_interface_add_prerequisite at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_interface_get_plugin at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_interface_peek at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_interface_peek_parent at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_interface_prerequisites at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_interfaces at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_is_a at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_add_interface at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_register_enum at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_register_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_register_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_set_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_unuse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_module_use at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_name at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_name_from_class at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_name_from_instance at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_next_base at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_parent at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_plugin_complete_interface_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_plugin_complete_type_info at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_plugin_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_plugin_unuse at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_plugin_use at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_qname at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_query at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_register_dynamic at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_register_fundamental at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_register_static at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_register_static_simple at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_remove_class_cache_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_remove_interface_check at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_set_qdata at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_test_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_type_value_table_peek at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_append at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_free at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_get_nth at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_insert at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_new at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_prepend at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_remove at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_sort at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_array_sort_with_data at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_copy at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_dup_boxed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_dup_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_dup_param at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_dup_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_fits_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_boolean at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_boxed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_enum at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_float at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_gtype at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_int64 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_int at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_long at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_param at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_type at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_uchar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_uint64 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_uint at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_get_ulong at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_peek_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_register_transform_func at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_reset at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_boolean at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_boxed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_char at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_double at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_enum at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_flags at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_float at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_gtype at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_instance at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_int64 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_int at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_long at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_object_take_ownership at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_param at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_param_take_ownership at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_pointer at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_static_boxed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_static_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_string_take_ownership at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_uchar at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_uint64 at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_uint at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_set_ulong at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_take_boxed at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_take_object at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_take_param at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_take_string at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_transform at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_type_compatible at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_type_transformable at Base 2.12.4
+ g_value_unset at Base 2.12.4
+libgthread-2.0.so.0 libglib2.0-0 #MINVER#
+ g_thread_init at Base 2.12.4
+ g_thread_init_with_errorcheck_mutexes at Base 2.12.4
Modified: desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/rules?rev=14050&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/rules (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/glib2.0/debian/rules Sat Jan 5 16:02:27 2008
@@ -217,6 +217,8 @@
dh_makeshlibs -p$(SHARED_PKG) \
-V "$(SHARED_PKG) (>= $(SHVER))" \
+ dpkg-gensymbols -p$(SHARED_PKG) -P$(CURDIR)/debian/$(SHARED_PKG) \
+ -e$(CURDIR)/debian/$(SHARED_PKG)/usr/lib/libg*.so*
dh_installdeb -s
# override shlibs for libraries from this source before computing
# dependencies of packages generated from this source; we already have
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