r14390 - in /desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian: changelog patches/095_gtk-im-module-setting.patch patches/series
lool at users.alioth.debian.org
lool at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jan 29 20:18:28 UTC 2008
Author: lool
Date: Tue Jan 29 20:18:28 2008
New Revision: 14390
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=14390
* New patch, 095_gtk-im-module-setting, adds XSETTINGS support for immodule;
from GNOME 502446.
Modified: desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gtk%2B2.0/debian/changelog?rev=14390&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/changelog (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/changelog Tue Jan 29 20:18:28 2008
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
- New patch, 094_directfb-deprecation-fixes, fixes directfb build with
GLib 2.15 deprecation of G_GNUC_FUNCTION in favor of G_STRLOC.
* Fix ordering in series.
+ * New patch, 095_gtk-im-module-setting, adds XSETTINGS support for immodule;
+ from GNOME 502446.
-- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org> Mon, 21 Jan 2008 18:42:28 +0100
Added: desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/patches/095_gtk-im-module-setting.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gtk%2B2.0/debian/patches/095_gtk-im-module-setting.patch?rev=14390&op=file
--- desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/patches/095_gtk-im-module-setting.patch (added)
+++ desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/patches/095_gtk-im-module-setting.patch Tue Jan 29 20:18:28 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,353 @@
+GNOME 502446; Adds XSETTINGS support for immodule
+--- a/gdk/x11/gdksettings.c 2008-01-29 04:36:31.000000000 +0100
++++ b/gdk/x11/gdksettings.c 2008-01-29 21:14:07.000000000 +0100
+@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@
+ "Xft/RGBA\0" "gtk-xft-rgba\0"
+ "Xft/DPI\0" "gtk-xft-dpi\0"
+ "Net/FallbackIconTheme\0" "gtk-fallback-icon-theme\0"
+- "Gtk/TouchscreenMode\0" "gtk-touchscreen-mode\0";
++ "Gtk/TouchscreenMode\0" "gtk-touchscreen-mode\0"
++ "Gtk/IMModule\0" "gtk-im-module\0";
+ static const struct
+ {
+@@ -107,5 +108,6 @@
+ { 1197, 1206 },
+ { 1219, 1227 },
+ { 1239, 1261 },
+- { 1285, 1305 }
++ { 1285, 1305 },
++ { 1460, 1473 }
+ };
+--- a/gtk/gtkimmulticontext.c 2008-01-29 04:35:46.000000000 +0100
++++ b/gtk/gtkimmulticontext.c 2008-01-29 21:13:12.000000000 +0100
+@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
+ gint n_chars,
+ GtkIMMulticontext *multicontext);
++static const gchar *user_context_id = NULL;
+ static const gchar *global_context_id = NULL;
+ G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkIMMulticontext, gtk_im_multicontext, GTK_TYPE_IM_CONTEXT)
+@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@
+ GtkIMMulticontext *multicontext = GTK_IM_MULTICONTEXT (object);
+ gtk_im_multicontext_set_slave (multicontext, NULL, TRUE);
++ g_free (multicontext->context_id);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_im_multicontext_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+ }
+@@ -224,35 +226,68 @@
+ {
+ GtkIMContext *slave;
+- if (!global_context_id)
+- {
+- gchar *locale = _gtk_get_lc_ctype ();
+- global_context_id = _gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id (locale);
+- g_free (locale);
+- }
++ if (!global_context_id)
++ {
++ if (user_context_id)
++ global_context_id = user_context_id;
++ else
++ global_context_id = _gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id (multicontext->priv->client_window);
++ }
+ slave = _gtk_im_module_create (global_context_id);
+ gtk_im_multicontext_set_slave (multicontext, slave, FALSE);
+ g_object_unref (slave);
+- multicontext->context_id = global_context_id;
++ multicontext->context_id = g_strdup (global_context_id);
+ }
+ return multicontext->slave;
+ }
+ static void
++im_module_setting_changed (GtkSettings *settings,
++ gpointer data)
++ global_context_id = NULL;
++static void
+ gtk_im_multicontext_set_client_window (GtkIMContext *context,
+ GdkWindow *window)
+ {
+ GtkIMMulticontext *multicontext = GTK_IM_MULTICONTEXT (context);
+- GtkIMContext *slave = gtk_im_multicontext_get_slave (multicontext);
++ GtkIMContext *slave;
++ GdkScreen *screen;
++ GtkSettings *settings;
++ gboolean connected;
+ multicontext->priv->client_window = window;
++ slave = gtk_im_multicontext_get_slave (multicontext);
+ if (slave)
+ gtk_im_context_set_client_window (slave, window);
++ if (window == NULL)
++ return;
++ screen = gdk_drawable_get_screen (GDK_DRAWABLE (window));
++ if (screen)
++ settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen);
++ else
++ settings = gtk_settings_get_default ();
++ connected = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (settings),
++ "gtk-im-module-connected"));
++ if (!connected)
++ {
++ g_signal_connect (settings, "notify::gtk-im-module",
++ G_CALLBACK (im_module_setting_changed), NULL);
++ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (settings), "gtk-im-module-connected",
++ global_context_id = NULL;
++ }
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -298,7 +333,8 @@
+ * using before, get rid of the old slave and create a new one
+ * for the new global context type.
+ */
+- if (!multicontext->context_id ||
++ if (multicontext->context_id == NULL ||
++ global_context_id == NULL ||
+ strcmp (global_context_id, multicontext->context_id) != 0)
+ gtk_im_multicontext_set_slave (multicontext, NULL, FALSE);
+@@ -459,7 +495,8 @@
+ gtk_im_context_reset (GTK_IM_CONTEXT (context));
+- global_context_id = id;
++ user_context_id = id;
++ global_context_id = NULL;
+ gtk_im_multicontext_set_slave (context, NULL, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -500,12 +537,22 @@
+ const GtkIMContextInfo **contexts;
+ guint n_contexts, i;
+ GSList *group = NULL;
++ GtkWidget *menuitem;
++ menuitem = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label (group, Q_("input method menu|System"));
++ if (!user_context_id)
++ gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), TRUE);
++ group = gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group (GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM (menuitem));
++ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (menuitem), I_("gtk-context-id"), NULL);
++ g_signal_connect (menuitem, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate_cb), context);
++ gtk_widget_show (menuitem);
++ gtk_menu_shell_append (menushell, menuitem);
+ _gtk_im_module_list (&contexts, &n_contexts);
+- for (i=0; i < n_contexts; i++)
++ for (i = 0; i < n_contexts; i++)
+ {
+- GtkWidget *menuitem;
+ const gchar *translated_name;
+ #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
+ if (contexts[i]->domain && contexts[i]->domain[0])
+@@ -562,11 +609,9 @@
+ menuitem = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label (group,
+ translated_name);
+- if ((global_context_id == NULL && group == NULL) ||
+- (global_context_id &&
+- strcmp (contexts[i]->context_id, global_context_id) == 0))
+- gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (menuitem),
+- TRUE);
++ if ((user_context_id &&
++ strcmp (contexts[i]->context_id, user_context_id) == 0))
++ gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), TRUE);
+ group = gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group (GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM (menuitem));
+--- a/gtk/gtkimmulticontext.h 2008-01-29 04:35:46.000000000 +0100
++++ b/gtk/gtkimmulticontext.h 2008-01-29 21:13:12.000000000 +0100
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+ GtkIMMulticontextPrivate *priv;
+- const gchar *context_id;
++ gchar *context_id;
+ };
+ struct _GtkIMMulticontextClass
+--- a/gtk/gtksettings.c 2008-01-29 21:11:57.000000000 +0100
++++ b/gtk/gtksettings.c 2008-01-29 21:13:12.000000000 +0100
+@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@
+ };
+@@ -805,6 +806,20 @@
+ NULL);
+ g_assert (result == PROP_RECENT_FILES_LIMIT);
++ /**
++ * GtkSettings:gtk-im-module:
++ *
++ * Which IM module should be used by default.
++ */
++ result = settings_install_property_parser (class,
++ g_param_spec_string ("gtk-im-module",
++ P_("Default IM module"),
++ P_("Which IM module should be used by default"),
++ NULL,
++ NULL);
++ g_assert (result == PROP_IM_MODULE);
+ }
+ static void
+--- a/gtk/gtkimmodule.c 2008-01-29 21:11:57.000000000 +0100
++++ b/gtk/gtkimmodule.c 2008-01-29 21:13:12.000000000 +0100
+@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
+ #include <pango/pango-utils.h>
+ #include "gtkimmodule.h"
+ #include "gtkimcontextsimple.h"
++#include "gtksettings.h"
++#include "gtkmain.h"
+ #include "gtkrc.h"
+ #include "gtkintl.h"
+ #include "gtkalias.h"
+@@ -471,7 +473,7 @@
+ #endif
+ GtkIMContextInfo simple_context_info = {
+- N_("Default"),
++ N_("Simple"),
+@@ -599,17 +601,15 @@
+ /**
+ * _gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id:
+- * @locale: a locale id in the form 'en_US'
++ * @client_window: a window
+ *
+- * Return the context_id of the best IM context type
+- * for the given locale ID.
++ * Return the context_id of the best IM context type
++ * for the given window.
+ *
+ * Return value: the context ID (will never be %NULL)
+- * the value is newly allocated and must be freed
+- * with g_free().
+ **/
+ const gchar *
+-_gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id (const gchar *locale)
++_gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id (GdkWindow *client_window)
+ {
+ GSList *tmp_list;
+ const gchar *context_id = NULL;
+@@ -617,6 +617,8 @@
+ gint i;
+ gchar *tmp_locale, *tmp;
+ const gchar *envvar;
++ GdkScreen *screen;
++ GtkSettings *settings;
+ if (!contexts_hash)
+ gtk_im_module_initialize ();
+@@ -624,12 +626,41 @@
+ envvar = g_getenv ("GTK_IM_MODULE");
+ if (envvar &&
+ (strcmp (envvar, SIMPLE_ID) == 0 ||
+- g_hash_table_lookup (contexts_hash, envvar)))
+- return g_strdup (envvar);
++ g_hash_table_lookup (contexts_hash, envvar)))
++ return envvar;
++ /* Check if the certain immodule is set in XSETTINGS.
++ */
++ if (client_window != NULL && GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (client_window))
++ {
++ screen = gdk_drawable_get_screen (GDK_DRAWABLE (client_window));
++ if (screen)
++ settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen);
++ else
++ settings = gtk_settings_get_default ();
++ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (settings), "gtk-im-module", &tmp, NULL);
++ if (tmp)
++ {
++ if (strcmp (tmp, SIMPLE_ID) == 0)
++ context_id = SIMPLE_ID;
++ else
++ {
++ GtkIMModule *module;
++ module = g_hash_table_lookup (contexts_hash, tmp);
++ if (module)
++ context_id = module->contexts[0]->context_id;
++ }
++ g_free (tmp);
++ if (context_id)
++ return context_id;
++ }
++ }
+ /* Strip the locale code down to the essentials
+ */
+- tmp_locale = g_strdup (locale);
++ tmp_locale = _gtk_get_lc_ctype ();
+ tmp = strchr (tmp_locale, '.');
+ if (tmp)
+ *tmp = '\0';
+@@ -642,7 +673,7 @@
+ {
+ GtkIMModule *module = tmp_list->data;
+- for (i=0; i<module->n_contexts; i++)
++ for (i = 0; i < module->n_contexts; i++)
+ {
+ const gchar *p = module->contexts[i]->default_locales;
+ while (p)
+@@ -665,5 +696,5 @@
+ g_free (tmp_locale);
+- return g_strdup (context_id ? context_id : SIMPLE_ID);
++ return context_id ? context_id : SIMPLE_ID;
+ }
+--- a/gtk/gtkimmodule.h 2008-01-29 04:35:47.000000000 +0100
++++ b/gtk/gtkimmodule.h 2008-01-29 21:13:12.000000000 +0100
+@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
+ /* Functions for use within GTK+
+ */
+-void _gtk_im_module_list (const GtkIMContextInfo ***contexts,
+- guint *n_contexts);
+-GtkIMContext *_gtk_im_module_create (const gchar *context_id);
+-const gchar * _gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id (const gchar *lang);
++void _gtk_im_module_list (const GtkIMContextInfo ***contexts,
++ guint *n_contexts);
++GtkIMContext * _gtk_im_module_create (const gchar *context_id);
++const gchar * _gtk_im_module_get_default_context_id (GdkWindow *client_window);
+ /* The following entry points are exported by each input method module
+ */
Modified: desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gtk%2B2.0/debian/patches/series?rev=14390&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/patches/series (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/gtk+2.0/debian/patches/series Tue Jan 29 20:18:28 2008
@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@
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