r19593 - in /desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian: changelog patches/01_debian_4.0.patch
joss at users.alioth.debian.org
joss at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 14 19:44:27 UTC 2009
Author: joss
Date: Tue Apr 14 19:44:27 2009
New Revision: 19593
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=19593
01_debian_4.0.patch: completely remove all the brain-dead version
logic. The Debian version corresponds to the version the package is
shipped in, that’s all. This will avoid breaking the package every
time someone decides to change /etc/debian_version for whatever
Modified: desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog?rev=19593&op=diff
--- desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog (original)
+++ desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/changelog Tue Apr 14 19:44:27 2009
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+system-tools-backends (2.6.0-2lenny2) stable; urgency=low
+ * 01_debian_4.0.patch: completely remove all the brain-dead version
+ logic. The Debian version corresponds to the version the package is
+ shipped in, thatâs all. This will avoid breaking the package every
+ time someone decides to change /etc/debian_version for whatever
+ reason.
+ -- Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org> Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:41:41 +0200
system-tools-backends (2.6.0-2lenny1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Loic Minier ]
Modified: desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch?rev=19593&op=diff
--- desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch (original)
+++ desktop/lenny/system-tools-backends/debian/patches/01_debian_4.0.patch Tue Apr 14 19:44:27 2009
@@ -1,140 +1,244 @@
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Init/Services.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Init/Services.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Init/Services.pm 2008-07-24 10:53:47.811102928 +0200
-@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Init/Services.pm 2009-04-14 21:20:22.611206337 +0200
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ sub get_runlevels
+ "redhat-8.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"mandrake-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"conectiva-9" => "redhat-6.2",
- "debian-3.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-3.1" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-4.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-5.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-testing" => "redhat-6.2",
+- "debian-3.0" => "redhat-6.2",
++ "debian" => "redhat-6.2",
"ubuntu-7.04" => "redhat-6.2",
"suse-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"pld-1.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-@@ -103,6 +107,11 @@
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ sub get_sysv_paths
+ "mandrake-9.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
"yoper-2.2" => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
"conectiva-9" => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
- "debian-3.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+ "debian-3.1" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+ "debian-4.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+ "debian-5.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
-+ "debian-testing" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
+- "debian-3.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
++ "debian" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
"ubuntu-7.04" => ["$gst_prefix/etc", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../init.d"],
"suse-9.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/init.d", "../"],
"pld-1.0" => ["$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d", "$gst_prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d", "../init.d"],
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Network/Hosts.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Network/Hosts.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Network/Hosts.pm 2008-07-24 10:54:05.303343213 +0200
-@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Network/Hosts.pm 2009-04-14 21:21:03.614707407 +0200
+@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ sub get_fqdn_dist
+ "mandrake-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"yoper-2.2" => "redhat-6.2",
"conectiva-9" => "redhat-6.2",
- "debian-3.0" => "debian-2.2",
-+ "debian-3.1" => "debian-2.2",
-+ "debian-4.0" => "debian-2.2",
-+ "debian-5.0" => "debian-2.2",
-+ "debian-testing" => "debian-2.2",
- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-2.2",
+- "debian-3.0" => "debian-2.2",
+- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-2.2",
"suse-9.0" => "suse-9.0",
"pld-1.0" => "redhat-6.2",
+ "vine-3.0" => "redhat-6.2",
+@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ sub get_fqdn_parse_table
+ ]
+ },
+- "debian-2.2" =>
++ "debian" =>
+ {
+ fn =>
+ {
+@@ -215,7 +213,7 @@ sub get_fqdn_replace_table
+ ]
+ },
+- "debian-2.2" =>
++ "debian" =>
+ {
+ fn =>
+ {
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Network/Ifaces.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Network/Ifaces.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Network/Ifaces.pm 2008-07-24 10:54:37.903320235 +0200
-@@ -1993,6 +1993,10 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Network/Ifaces.pm 2009-04-14 21:21:57.895197455 +0200
+@@ -1992,8 +1992,6 @@ sub get_interface_dist
+ "mandrake-9.0" => "mandrake-9.0",
"yoper-2.2" => "redhat-6.2",
"conectiva-9" => "conectiva-9",
- "debian-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-3.1" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-4.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-5.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-testing" => "debian-3.0",
- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-3.0",
+- "debian-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-3.0",
"suse-9.0" => "suse-9.0",
"pld-1.0" => "pld-1.0",
+ "vine-3.0" => "vine-3.0",
+@@ -2394,7 +2392,7 @@ sub get_interface_parse_table
+ ]
+ },
+- "debian-3.0" =>
++ "debian" =>
+ {
+ fn =>
+ {
+@@ -3118,7 +3116,7 @@ sub get_interface_replace_table
+ ]
+ },
+- "debian-3.0" =>
++ "debian" =>
+ {
+ iface_set => \&activate_interface,
+ iface_delete => \&delete_debian_interface,
+@@ -3675,8 +3673,7 @@ sub get_available_encryptions
+ my $dist = $Utils::Backend::tool{"platform"};
+ my $default = [ "wep-hex", "wep-ascii" ];
+ my %dist_map = (
+- "debian-3.0" => [ "wpa-psk", "wpa2-psk" ],
+- "ubuntu-7.04" => [ "wpa-psk", "wpa2-psk" ],
++ "debian" => [ "wpa-psk", "wpa2-psk" ],
+ );
+ push @$default, @{$dist_map{$dist}};
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Shares/SMB.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Shares/SMB.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Shares/SMB.pm 2008-07-24 10:55:10.727108663 +0200
-@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@
- "redhat-8.0" => "debian-3.0",
- "mandrake-9.0" => "debian-3.0",
- "debian-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-3.1" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-4.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-5.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-testing" => "debian-3.0",
- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-3.0",
- "suse-9.0" => "debian-3.0",
- "slackware-9.1.0" => "debian-3.0",
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Shares/SMB.pm 2009-04-14 21:22:42.343198882 +0200
+@@ -130,27 +130,26 @@ sub get_distro_smb_file
+ my %dist_map =
+ (
+ "redhat-6.2" => "redhat-6.2",
+- "redhat-7.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "redhat-7.1" => "debian-3.0",
+- "redhat-7.2" => "debian-3.0",
+- "redhat-7.3" => "debian-3.0",
+- "redhat-8.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "mandrake-9.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "debian-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-3.0",
+- "suse-9.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "slackware-9.1.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "gentoo" => "debian-3.0",
+- "archlinux" => "debian-3.0",
++ "redhat-7.0" => "debian",
++ "redhat-7.1" => "debian",
++ "redhat-7.2" => "debian",
++ "redhat-7.3" => "debian",
++ "redhat-8.0" => "debian",
++ "mandrake-9.0" => "debian",
++ "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian",
++ "suse-9.0" => "debian",
++ "slackware-9.1.0" => "debian",
++ "gentoo" => "debian",
++ "archlinux" => "debian",
+ "pld-1.0" => "pld-1.0",
+- "vine-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
++ "vine-3.0" => "debian",
+ "freebsd-5" => "freebsd-5",
+ );
+ my %dist_tables =
+ (
+ "redhat-6.2" => "/etc/smb.conf",
+- "debian-3.0" => "/etc/samba/smb.conf",
++ "debian" => "/etc/samba/smb.conf",
+ "pld-1.0" => "/etc/smb/smb.conf",
+ "freebsd-5" => "/usr/local/etc/smb.conf",
+ );
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Time/NTP.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Time/NTP.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Time/NTP.pm 2008-07-24 10:55:39.011105094 +0200
-@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Time/NTP.pm 2009-04-14 21:22:59.190707150 +0200
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ sub get_config_file ()
+ "redhat-7.3" => "redhat-6.2",
"redhat-8.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"mandrake-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
- "debian-3.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-3.1" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-4.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-5.0" => "redhat-6.2",
-+ "debian-testing" => "redhat-6.2",
+- "debian-3.0" => "redhat-6.2",
++ "debian" => "redhat-6.2",
"ubuntu-7.04" => "redhat-6.2",
"suse-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"slackware-9.1.0" => "redhat-6.2",
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Time/TimeDate.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Time/TimeDate.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Time/TimeDate.pm 2008-07-24 10:56:01.159797036 +0200
-@@ -166,6 +166,10 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Time/TimeDate.pm 2009-04-14 21:23:25.367205634 +0200
+@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ sub get_dist
+ "redhat-7.3" => "redhat-6.2",
"redhat-8.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"mandrake-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
- "debian-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-3.1" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-4.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-5.0" => "debian-3.0",
-+ "debian-testing" => "debian-3.0",
- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-3.0",
+- "debian-3.0" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-7.04" => "debian-3.0",
"suse-9.0" => "redhat-6.2",
"slackware-9.1.0" => "redhat-6.2",
+ "gentoo" => "redhat-6.2",
+@@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ sub conf_get_parse_table
+ ]
+ },
+- "debian-3.0" =>
++ "debian" =>
+ {
+ fn =>
+ {
+@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ sub conf_get_replace_table
+ ]
+ },
+- "debian-3.0" =>
++ "debian" =>
+ {
+ fn =>
+ {
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Users/Users.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Users/Users.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Users/Users.pm 2008-07-24 10:56:20.967146992 +0200
-@@ -237,6 +237,10 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Users/Users.pm 2009-04-14 21:23:40.491202895 +0200
+@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ my $logindefs_dist_map = {
+ 'mandrake-9.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
'pld-1.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
'fedora-1' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
- 'debian-3.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-+ 'debian-3.1' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-+ 'debian-4.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-+ 'debian-5.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
-+ 'debian-testing' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
+- 'debian-3.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
++ 'debian' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
'vine-3.0' => $rh_logindefs_defaults,
'gentoo' => $gentoo_logindefs_defaults,
'archlinux' => $gentoo_logindefs_defaults,
Index: system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Utils/Platform.pm
--- system-tools-backends-2.6.0.orig/Utils/Platform.pm 2008-03-09 14:21:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Utils/Platform.pm 2008-07-24 10:52:19.311513035 +0200
-@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
++++ system-tools-backends-2.6.0/Utils/Platform.pm 2009-04-14 21:24:34.738703678 +0200
+@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ use Utils::Replace;
+ # --- System guessing --- #
- "debian-3.0" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "3.0", "Woody" ],
- "debian-3.1" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "3.1", "Sarge" ],
-+ "debian-4.0" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "4.0", "Etch" ],
-+ "debian-5.0" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "5.0", "Lenny" ],
-+ "debian-testing" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "testing/unstable", "Lenny/Sid" ],
+- "debian-3.0" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "3.0", "Woody" ],
+- "debian-3.1" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux", "3.1", "Sarge" ],
++ "debian" => [ "Debian GNU/Linux" ],
"ubuntu-5.04" => [ "Ubuntu Linux", "5.04", "Hoary" ],
"ubuntu-5.10" => [ "Ubuntu Linux", "5.10", "Breezy" ],
"ubuntu-6.06" => [ "Ubuntu Linux", "6.06", "Dapper" ],
-@@ -366,7 +369,7 @@
+@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ sub ensure_distro_map
+ (
+ "blackpanther-4.0" => "mandrake-9.0",
+ "conectiva-10" => "conectiva-9",
+- "debian-3.1" => "debian-3.0",
+ "mandrake-7.1" => "redhat-6.2",
+ "mandrake-7.2" => "redhat-6.2",
+ "mandrake-9.1" => "mandrake-9.0",
+@@ -147,16 +145,9 @@ sub ensure_distro_map
+ "slackware-12.0.0" => "slackware-9.1.0",
+ "bluewhite64-12.0.0" => "slackware-9.1.0",
+ "suse-9.1" => "suse-9.0",
+- "ubuntu-5.04" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-5.10" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-6.06" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-6.10" => "debian-3.0",
+- "ubuntu-7.10" => "ubuntu-7.04",
+- "ubuntu-8.04" => "ubuntu-7.04",
+ "vine-3.1" => "vine-3.0",
+ "vlos-1.2" => "gentoo",
+ "nexenta-1.0" => "solaris-2.11",
+- "guadalinex-v4" => "debian-3.0",
+ );
+ return $metamap{$distro} if ($metamap{$distro});
+@@ -366,7 +357,7 @@ sub guess
my %platform_checks = (
"Linux" => [[ \&check_lsb ],
- [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/debian_version", "debian", "(.*)", { "testing/unstable" => "sarge" } ],
-+ [ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/debian_version", "debian", "(.*)", { "testing/unstable" => "sarge", "lenny/sid" => "testing" } ],
++ [ \&check_file_exists, "/etc/debian_version", "debian" ],
[ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/SuSE-release", "suse", "VERSION\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)" ],
[ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/blackPanther-release", "blackpanther", "^Linux Black Panther release (\\S+)" ],
[ \&check_distro_file, "/etc/blackPanther-release", "blackpanther", "^Black Panther ( L|l)inux release ([\\d\\.]+)" ],
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