r19792 - /www/src/20.svn.en.page
sre-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
sre-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 19:47:50 UTC 2009
Author: sre-guest
Date: Mon Apr 27 19:47:49 2009
New Revision: 19792
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=19792
* SVN browser view as link
Modified: www/src/20.svn.en.page
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/www/src/20.svn.en.page?rev=19792&op=diff
--- www/src/20.svn.en.page (original)
+++ www/src/20.svn.en.page Mon Apr 27 19:47:49 2009
@@ -18,11 +18,7 @@
Read-Write: (You must be a member of the pkg-gnome team on alioth)
-The repository can be browsed with a web browser at
-http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/ (using WebSVN) or
-http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/ (using ViewSVN, better for browsing
-the structure of the repository, but not as good for querying the history and
-retreiving complete changesets).
+The repository can be browsed with a web browser via "WebSVN":http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/ or "ViewSVN":http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/ (better for browsing the structure of the repository, but not as good for querying the history and retreiving complete changesets).
h4. Structure of the repository
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