r29343 - in /packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian: changelog control libdmapsharing-3.0-2.install libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols libdmapsharing-3.0-dev.install

biebl at users.alioth.debian.org biebl at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 3 00:16:02 UTC 2011

Author: biebl
Date: Wed Aug  3 00:16:01 2011
New Revision: 29343

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=29343
* debian/control.in: Update Vcs-* fields.
* debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols: Add symbols file for improved shlibs
  dependency tracking.


Modified: packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/changelog?rev=29343&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/changelog [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/changelog [utf-8] Wed Aug  3 00:16:01 2011
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
   * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8.
     - Update Build-Depends on debhelper.
     - Strip debian/tmp/ from .install files.
-  * Update Vcs-* fields.
+  * debian/control.in: Update Vcs-* fields.
+  * debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols: Add symbols file for improved shlibs
+    dependency tracking.
  -- Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org>  Wed, 03 Aug 2011 02:04:28 +0200

Modified: packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/control?rev=29343&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/control [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/control [utf-8] Wed Aug  3 00:16:01 2011
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
 Homepage: http://www.flyn.org/projects/libdmapsharing/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/
 Package: libdmapsharing-3.0-2
 Section: libs

Modified: packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.install?rev=29343&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.install [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.install [utf-8] Wed Aug  3 00:16:01 2011
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

Added: packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols?rev=29343&op=file
--- packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols (added)
+++ packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-2.symbols [utf-8] Wed Aug  3 00:16:01 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,167 @@
+libdmapsharing-3.0.so.2 libdmapsharing-3.0-2 #MINVER#
+ _dmap_db_strsplit_using_quotes at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_add_playlist_to_mlcl at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_build_filter at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_client_requested at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_content_codes at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_ctrl_int at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_databases at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_get_auth_method at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_get_revision_number at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_get_revision_number_from_query at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_login at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_logout at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_message_set_from_dmap_structure at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_name_collision at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_parse_meta at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_parse_meta_str at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_publish_start at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_published at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_server_start at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_session_id_create at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_session_id_remove at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_session_id_validate at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_soup_auth_filter at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_update at Base 2.9.12
+ _dmap_share_uri_is_local at Base 2.9.12
+ connection_handler_cb at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_connection_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_connection_new at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_record_cmp_by_album at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_record_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_record_itunes_compat at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_record_read at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_share_get_desired_port at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_share_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_share_get_type_of_service at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_share_message_add_standard_headers at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_share_new at Base 2.9.12
+ daap_share_server_info at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_connection_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_connection_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_play_state_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_cue_clear at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_cue_play at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_next_item at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_now_playing_artwork at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_now_playing_record at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_pause at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_play_pause at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_player_prev_item at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_repeat_state_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_ctrl_int at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_get_type_of_service at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_login at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_pair at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_player_updated at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_start_lookup at Base 2.9.12
+ dacp_share_stop_lookup at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_chunked_message_finished at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_authenticate_message at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_build_message at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_connect at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_disconnect at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_get at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_get_headers at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_get_playlists at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_is_connected at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_setup at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_connection_state_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_db_add at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_db_count at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_db_foreach at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_db_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_db_lookup_by_id at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_record_add_entry at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_record_get_entries at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_record_get_entry_count at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_record_get_id at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_container_record_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_content_code_dmap_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_content_code_name at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_content_code_read_from_buffer at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_content_code_string at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_content_code_string_as_int32 at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_content_codes at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_add at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_add_path at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_add_with_id at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_apply_filter at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_count at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_foreach at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_lookup_by_id at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_db_lookup_id_by_location at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_input_stream_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_input_stream_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_input_stream_new_buffer_cb at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_mp3_input_stream_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_mp3_input_stream_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_wav_input_stream_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_gst_wav_input_stream_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_hash_generate at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_BOOLEAN__STRING at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_STRING__STRING at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_STRING__ULONG_ULONG at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_ULONG__VOID at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOOLEAN at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_marshal_VOID__ULONG_FLOAT at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_avahi_get_client at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_avahi_set_entry_group at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_error_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_error_quark at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_get_service_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_get_services at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_service_type_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_start at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_stop at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_browser_transport_protocol_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_error_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_error_quark at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_publish at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_rename_at_port at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_mdns_publisher_withdraw at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_media_kind_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_record_factory_create at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_record_factory_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_record_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_record_set_from_blob at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_record_to_blob at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_share_free_filter at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_share_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_add at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_destroy at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_find_item at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_find_node at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_get_size at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_increase_by_predicted_size at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_parse at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_print at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_structure_serialize at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_type_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dmap_write_next_chunk at Base 2.9.12
+ dmapd_input_stream_strdup_format_extension at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_connection_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_connection_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_record_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_record_read at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_share_get_desired_port at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_share_get_type at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_share_get_type_of_service at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_share_message_add_standard_headers at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_share_new at Base 2.9.12
+ dpap_share_server_info at Base 2.9.12
+ g_hash_table_lookup_adapter at Base 2.9.12
+ mdns_remote_added at Base 2.9.12
+ mdns_remote_removed at Base 2.9.12
+ pads_compatible at Base 2.9.12

Modified: packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-dev.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-dev.install?rev=29343&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-dev.install [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/libdmapsharing/debian/libdmapsharing-3.0-dev.install [utf-8] Wed Aug  3 00:16:01 2011
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

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