r29399 - in /desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian: changelog control control.in python-gobject-2.examples python-gobject.examples rules

mpitt at users.alioth.debian.org mpitt at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 17 09:17:30 UTC 2011

Author: mpitt
Date: Wed Aug 17 09:17:29 2011
New Revision: 29399

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=29399
Split package: The 2.28 version is now deprecated and called pygobject-2;
it will only contain the old static bindings without introspection.  The
pygobject 3.0 version only contains the introspection bindings now, and
will depend on python-gobject-2 for backwards compatibility until all
packages get ported to use introspection.
- debian/control.in, debian/rules: Rename packages to *-2 and update
  description to point out that these are deprecated and only provided for
  backwards compatibility.
- debian/control.in, debian/rules: Drop python 3 packages; python3-gobject
  does not yet have any reverse dependencies, and we don't want to
  encourage porting to Python 3 without porting to GI as well.
- debian/control.in: Update Vcs-* for pygobject-2 branch.
- debian/rules: Disable introspection support. Drop gobject-introspection
  and libgirepository1.0-dev build dependencies.
- debian/control.in: Conflicts/Breaks python-gobject{,-dbg} << 2.90.

      - copied unchanged from r29389, desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/python-gobject.examples

Modified: desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/changelog?rev=29399&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/changelog [utf-8] (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/changelog [utf-8] Wed Aug 17 09:17:29 2011
@@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
-pygobject (2.28.6-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+pygobject-2 (2.28.6-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Split package: The 2.28 version is now deprecated and called pygobject-2;
+    it will only contain the old static bindings without introspection.  The
+    pygobject 3.0 version only contains the introspection bindings now, and
+    will depend on python-gobject-2 for backwards compatibility until all
+    packages get ported to use introspection.
+    - debian/control.in, debian/rules: Rename packages to *-2 and update
+      description to point out that these are deprecated and only provided for
+      backwards compatibility.
+    - debian/control.in, debian/rules: Drop python 3 packages; python3-gobject
+      does not yet have any reverse dependencies, and we don't want to
+      encourage porting to Python 3 without porting to GI as well.
+    - debian/control.in: Update Vcs-* for pygobject-2 branch.
+    - debian/rules: Disable introspection support. Drop gobject-introspection
+      and libgirepository1.0-dev build dependencies.
+    - debian/control.in: Conflicts/Breaks python-gobject{,-dbg} << 2.90.
+ -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org>  Tue, 16 Aug 2011 16:19:24 +0200
+pygobject (2.28.6-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: Create shlibs for python3 packages, too.
   * debian/rules: Call dh_strip on python3-gobject, too.

Modified: desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control?rev=29399&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control [utf-8] (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control [utf-8] Wed Aug 17 09:17:29 2011
@@ -3,23 +3,20 @@
 # Modifications should be made to debian/control.in instead.
 # This file is regenerated automatically in the clean target.
-Source: pygobject
-Section: python
+Source: pygobject-2
+Section: oldlibs
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>
-Uploaders: Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu at debian.org>, Laurent Bigonville <bigon at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>, Laurent Bigonville <bigon at debian.org>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7),
                gnome-pkg-tools (>= 0.10),
                cdbs (>= 0.4.90~),
                python-all-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~),
-               python3-all-dev,
                libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.24.0),
                libffi-dev (>= 3.0.5),
-               gobject-introspection (>= 0.10.2),
-               libgirepository1.0-dev (>= 0.10.2),
                python-cairo-dev (>= 1.2.0),
@@ -28,108 +25,68 @@
-               python3-all-dbg,
-               python-cairo-dbg,
-               gir1.2-glib-2.0,
-               gir1.2-gtk-3.0,
-               gir1.2-freedesktop
+               python-cairo-dbg
 X-Python-Version: >= 2.5
 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2
-Package: python-gobject
+Package: python-gobject-2
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${python:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         gir1.2-glib-2.0
-Provides: ${python:Provides}, python-gi
-Recommends: python-gobject-cairo
-Suggests: python-gobject-dbg
-Conflicts: python-gi
-Replaces: python-gi
-Description: Python bindings for the GObject library
+         ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: ${python:Provides}
+Conflicts: python-gobject (<< 2.90)
+Breaks: python-gobject (<< 2.90)
+Suggests: python-gobject-2-dbg
+Description: deprecated static Python bindings for the GObject library
  GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
  paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
  the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- This package contains the Python bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python objects.
-Package: python3-gobject
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python3:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         gir1.2-glib-2.0
-Suggests: python3-gobject-dbg
-Description: Python 3 bindings for the GObject library
- GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
- paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
- the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- .
- This package contains the Python 3 bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python 3 objects.
-Package: python-gobject-cairo
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         python-cairo
-Description: Python Cairo bindings for the GObject library
- GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
- paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
- the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- .
- This package contains the Python Cairo bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python objects.
+ This package contains the static Python bindings for gobject, glib, and gio.
+ These are deprecated by dynamic gobject-introspection bindings (which are
+ provided with the python-gobject package), and should not be used in newly
+ written code. These static bindings just exist to provide backwards
+ compatibility for GNOME 2 based software.
 Package: python-gobject-dev
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${python:Depends},
-         python-gobject (>= ${source:Version}),
+         python-gobject-2 (>= ${source:Version}),
          libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.24.0),
          libffi-dev (>= 3.0.5)
 Recommends: docbook-xsl
-Description: Development headers for the GObject Python bindings
+Description: development headers for the static GObject Python bindings
  GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
  paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
  the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
  This package contains the development headers needed to build
- other Python bindings relying on pygobject.
+ static Python bindings relying on pygobject. Note that this is obsolete, new
+ libraries and applications should use the dynamic gobject-introspection
+ bindings (which are provided with the python-gobject package).
-Package: python-gobject-dbg
+Package: python-gobject-2-dbg
 Section: debug
 Priority: extra
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-gobject (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: Python bindings for the GObject library (debug extension)
+Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-gobject-2 (= ${binary:Version})
+Conflicts: python-gobject-dbg (<< 2.90)
+Breaks: python-gobject-dbg (<< 2.90)
+Description: deprecated static Python bindings for the GObject library (debug extension)
  GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
  paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
  the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- This package contains the Python bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python objects.
+ This package contains the static Python bindings for gobject, glib, and gio.
+ These are deprecated by dynamic gobject-introspection bindings (which are
+ provided with the python-gobject package), and should not be used in newly
+ written code. These static bindings just exist to provide backwards
+ compatibility for GNOME 2 based software.
  This package contains the extensions built for the Python debug interpreter.
-Package: python3-gobject-dbg
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python3:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python3-gobject (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: Python 3 bindings for the GObject library (debug extension)
- GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
- paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
- the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- .
- This package contains the Python 3 bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python 3 objects.
- .
- This package contains the extensions built for the Python 3 debug interpreter.

Modified: desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control.in
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control.in?rev=29399&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control.in [utf-8] (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/control.in [utf-8] Wed Aug 17 09:17:29 2011
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Source: pygobject
-Section: python
+Source: pygobject-2
+Section: oldlibs
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>
 Uploaders: @GNOME_TEAM@
@@ -9,12 +9,9 @@
                cdbs (>= 0.4.90~),
                python-all-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~),
-               python3-all-dev,
                libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.24.0),
                libffi-dev (>= 3.0.5),
-               gobject-introspection (>= 0.10.2),
-               libgirepository1.0-dev (>= 0.10.2),
                python-cairo-dev (>= 1.2.0),
@@ -23,108 +20,68 @@
-               python3-all-dbg,
-               python-cairo-dbg,
-               gir1.2-glib-2.0,
-               gir1.2-gtk-3.0,
-               gir1.2-freedesktop
+               python-cairo-dbg
 X-Python-Version: >= 2.5
 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2
-Package: python-gobject
+Package: python-gobject-2
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${python:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         gir1.2-glib-2.0
-Provides: ${python:Provides}, python-gi
-Recommends: python-gobject-cairo
-Suggests: python-gobject-dbg
-Conflicts: python-gi
-Replaces: python-gi
-Description: Python bindings for the GObject library
+         ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: ${python:Provides}
+Conflicts: python-gobject (<< 2.90)
+Breaks: python-gobject (<< 2.90)
+Suggests: python-gobject-2-dbg
+Description: deprecated static Python bindings for the GObject library
  GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
  paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
  the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- This package contains the Python bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python objects.
-Package: python3-gobject
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python3:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         gir1.2-glib-2.0
-Suggests: python3-gobject-dbg
-Description: Python 3 bindings for the GObject library
- GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
- paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
- the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- .
- This package contains the Python 3 bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python 3 objects.
-Package: python-gobject-cairo
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         python-cairo
-Description: Python Cairo bindings for the GObject library
- GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
- paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
- the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- .
- This package contains the Python Cairo bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python objects.
+ This package contains the static Python bindings for gobject, glib, and gio.
+ These are deprecated by dynamic gobject-introspection bindings (which are
+ provided with the python-gobject package), and should not be used in newly
+ written code. These static bindings just exist to provide backwards
+ compatibility for GNOME 2 based software.
 Package: python-gobject-dev
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${python:Depends},
-         python-gobject (>= ${source:Version}),
+         python-gobject-2 (>= ${source:Version}),
          libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.24.0),
          libffi-dev (>= 3.0.5)
 Recommends: docbook-xsl
-Description: Development headers for the GObject Python bindings
+Description: development headers for the static GObject Python bindings
  GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
  paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
  the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
  This package contains the development headers needed to build
- other Python bindings relying on pygobject.
+ static Python bindings relying on pygobject. Note that this is obsolete, new
+ libraries and applications should use the dynamic gobject-introspection
+ bindings (which are provided with the python-gobject package).
-Package: python-gobject-dbg
+Package: python-gobject-2-dbg
 Section: debug
 Priority: extra
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-gobject (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: Python bindings for the GObject library (debug extension)
+Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-gobject-2 (= ${binary:Version})
+Conflicts: python-gobject-dbg (<< 2.90)
+Breaks: python-gobject-dbg (<< 2.90)
+Description: deprecated static Python bindings for the GObject library (debug extension)
  GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
  paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
  the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- This package contains the Python bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python objects.
+ This package contains the static Python bindings for gobject, glib, and gio.
+ These are deprecated by dynamic gobject-introspection bindings (which are
+ provided with the python-gobject package), and should not be used in newly
+ written code. These static bindings just exist to provide backwards
+ compatibility for GNOME 2 based software.
  This package contains the extensions built for the Python debug interpreter.
-Package: python3-gobject-dbg
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python3:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python3-gobject (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: Python 3 bindings for the GObject library (debug extension)
- GObject is an abstraction layer that allows programming with an object
- paradigm that is compatible with many languages. It is a part of Glib,
- the core library used to build GTK+ and GNOME.
- .
- This package contains the Python 3 bindings for GObject. It is mostly
- used by other bindings to map their GObjects to Python 3 objects.
- .
- This package contains the extensions built for the Python 3 debug interpreter.

Modified: desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/rules?rev=29399&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/rules [utf-8] (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/pygobject-2/debian/rules [utf-8] Wed Aug 17 09:17:29 2011
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 		--prefix=/usr \
 		--enable-thread \
 		--build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \
+		--disable-introspection \
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
 PYDEFAULTVER := $(shell pyversions --default --version)
 PYVERS := $(shell pyversions --requested --version debian/control)
-PYVERS := $(filter-out $(PYDEFAULTVER), $(PYVERS)) $(PYDEFAULTVER) $(shell py3versions --supported --version)
@@ -41,30 +42,12 @@
 			$(CURDIR)/configure $(configure_flags)
 	touch $@
-# FIXME: temporary rule until py3cairo gets packaged
-build-3.2/configure-stamp: patch-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	mkdir -p build-3.2
-	cd build-3.2 && \
-		PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.2 CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" \
-			$(CURDIR)/configure $(configure_flags) --disable-cairo CFLAGS="-g -O2 -I/usr/include/cairo"
-	touch $@
 dbg-build-%/configure-stamp: patch-stamp
 	mkdir -p dbg-build-$*
 	cd dbg-build-$* && \
 		PYTHON=/usr/bin/python$*-dbg CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -O0" \
 			$(CURDIR)/configure $(configure_flags)
-	touch $@
-# FIXME: temporary rule until py3cairo gets packaged
-dbg-build-3.2/configure-stamp: patch-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	mkdir -p dbg-build-3.2
-	cd dbg-build-3.2 && \
-		PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.2-dbg CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -O0" \
-			$(CURDIR)/configure $(configure_flags) --disable-cairo CFLAGS="-g -O2 -I/usr/include/cairo"
 	touch $@
 build-%/build-stamp: build-%/configure-stamp
@@ -95,57 +78,24 @@
 check: $(PYVERS:%=build-%/check-stamp) $(PYVERS:%=dbg-build-%/check-stamp)
-build-2.%/install-stamp: build-2.%/build-stamp
+build-%/install-stamp: build-%/build-stamp
-	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.$* $(MAKE) -C build-2.$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-gobject-dev pyexecdir=$(call py_libdir_sh, 2.$*)
+	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python$* $(MAKE) -C build-$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-gobject-dev pyexecdir=$(call py_libdir_sh, $*)
 	# dh_python2 trips over this empty dir in the sanity check for >= 2.6, so remove it
-	-rmdir debian/python-gobject-dev/usr/lib/python2.$*/site-packages
+	-rmdir debian/python-gobject-dev/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages
 	# until all reverse dependencies of pygobject have been converted to
 	# dh_python2, install a library search path which is backwards
 	# compatible to pysupport (see Debian#614764)
-	echo "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.$*/gtk-2.0/" > $(CURDIR)/debian/python-gobject-dev/$(call py_libdir_sh, 2.$*)/gtk-2.0-pysupport-compat.pth
+	echo "/usr/lib/pymodules/python$*/gtk-2.0/" > $(CURDIR)/debian/python-gobject-dev/$(call py_libdir_sh, $*)/gtk-2.0-pysupport-compat.pth
 	touch $@
-build-3.%/install-stamp: build-3.%/build-stamp
+dbg-build-%/install-stamp: dbg-build-%/build-stamp
-	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.$* $(MAKE) -C build-3.$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python3-gobject pyexecdir=$(call py_libdir_sh, 3.$*)
-	-find debian/python3-gobject/ ! -path '*/usr/lib/*' -delete
-	find debian/python3-gobject/ \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name '*.la' \) -delete
-	rm -r debian/python3-gobject/usr/lib/pkgconfig
-	# tag the Python extensions like distutils, as upstream build system
-	# uses autotools and does not know about http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3149/
-	ABITAG=`python3.$* -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI'))"`; \
-	for f in `find debian/python3-gobject/usr/lib/python* -name '*.so'`; do \
-	    mv $$f $${f%.so}.$$ABITAG.so; \
-	done
-	touch $@
-dbg-build-2.%/install-stamp: dbg-build-2.%/build-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.$*-dbg $(MAKE) -C dbg-build-2.$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-gobject-dbg pyexecdir=$(call py_libdir_sh, 2.$*)
-	find debian/python-gobject-dbg ! -type d ! \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.so.*' \) -delete
-	find debian/python-gobject-dbg -type d -empty -delete
-	touch $@
-dbg-build-3.%/install-stamp: dbg-build-3.%/build-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.$*-dbg $(MAKE) -C dbg-build-3.$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python3-gobject-dbg pyexecdir=$(call py_libdir_sh, 3.$*)
-	find debian/python3-gobject-dbg ! -type d ! \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.so.*' \) -delete
-	find debian/python3-gobject-dbg -type d -empty -delete
-	# tag the Python extensions like distutils, as upstream build system
-	# uses autotools and does not know about http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3149/
-	ABITAG=`python3.$*-dbg -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI'))"`; \
-	for f in `find debian/python3-gobject-dbg/usr/lib/python* -name '*.so'`; do \
-	    mv $$f $${f%.so}.$$ABITAG.so; \
-	done
+	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python$*-dbg $(MAKE) -C dbg-build-$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-gobject-2-dbg pyexecdir=$(call py_libdir_sh, $*)
+	find debian/python-gobject-2-dbg ! -type d ! \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.so.*' \) -delete
+	find debian/python-gobject-2-dbg -type d -empty -delete
 	touch $@
 install-stamp: $(PYVERS:%=build-%/build-stamp) $(PYVERS:%=dbg-build-%/build-stamp)
@@ -157,21 +107,16 @@
 	rm -f $(PYVERS:%=build-%/install-stamp) $(PYVERS:%=dbg-build-%/install-stamp)
 	$(MAKE) -f debian/rules $(PYVERS:%=build-%/install-stamp) $(PYVERS:%=dbg-build-%/install-stamp)
 	find debian/python-gobject-dev -name \*.la -delete
-	for i in $(PYVERS); do \
-		[ "$${i#3.}" = "$$i" ] || continue; \
-		mkdir -p debian/python-gobject-cairo/$(call py_libdir_sh, $$i)/gi; \
-		mv debian/python-gobject-dev/$(call py_libdir_sh, $$i)/gi/_gi_cairo.so debian/python-gobject-cairo/$(call py_libdir_sh, $$i)/gi; \
-	done
-	mkdir -p debian/python-gobject/usr/lib
-	mv debian/python-gobject-dev/usr/lib/python* debian/python-gobject/usr/lib/
+	mkdir -p debian/python-gobject-2/usr/lib
+	mv debian/python-gobject-dev/usr/lib/python* debian/python-gobject-2/usr/lib/
 	mv debian/python-gobject-dev/usr/lib/libpyglib-*so.* \
-	   debian/python-gobject/usr/lib
+	   debian/python-gobject-2/usr/lib
 	rm -rf debian/python-gobject-dev/usr/lib/python*
-	for i in $$(find debian/python-gobject-dbg -name '*.so' -path 'debian/python-gobject-dbg/usr/lib/python*/*-packages/*'); do \
+	for i in $$(find debian/python-gobject-2-dbg -name '*.so' -path 'debian/python-gobject-2-dbg/usr/lib/python*/*-packages/*'); do \
 		b=$$(basename $$i .so); \
 		mv $$i $$(dirname $$i)/$${b}_d.so; \
 	touch $@
 install: install-stamp
@@ -210,20 +155,15 @@
 	dh_installdocs -s
 	dh_installexamples -s
 	dh_installchangelogs -s ChangeLog
-	dh_strip -ppython-gobject --dbg-package=python-gobject-dbg
-	dh_strip -ppython-gobject-cairo --dbg-package=python-gobject-dbg
-	dh_strip -ppython3-gobject --dbg-package=python3-gobject-dbg
-	rm -rf debian/python-gobject-dbg/usr/share/doc/python-gobject-dbg
-	ln -sf python-gobject debian/python-gobject-dbg/usr/share/doc/python-gobject-dbg
+	dh_strip -ppython-gobject-2 --dbg-package=python-gobject-2-dbg
+	rm -rf debian/python-gobject-2-dbg/usr/share/doc/python-gobject-2-dbg
+	ln -sf python-gobject-2 debian/python-gobject-2-dbg/usr/share/doc/python-gobject-2-dbg
 	dh_link -s
 	dh_compress -s -X.py
 	dh_fixperms -s
 	dh_python2 -a
-	dh_python3 -a
-	dh_makeshlibs -ppython-gobject      -V'python-gobject (>= 2.28.1)'
-	dh_makeshlibs -ppython-gobject-dbg  -V'python-gobject-dbg (>= 2.28.1)'
-	dh_makeshlibs -ppython3-gobject     -V'python3-gobject (>= 2.28.1)'
-	dh_makeshlibs -ppython3-gobject-dbg -V'python3-gobject-dbg (>= 2.28.1)'
+	dh_makeshlibs -ppython-gobject-2   -V'python-gobject-2 (>= 2.28.1)'
+	dh_makeshlibs -ppython-gobject-2-dbg -V'python-gobject-2-dbg (>= 2.28.1)'
 	dh_installdeb -s
 	dh_shlibdeps -s
 	dh_gencontrol -s

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