r26350 - in /desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian: changelog libdevhelp-3-0.symbols rules
pochu at users.alioth.debian.org
pochu at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jan 18 23:26:20 UTC 2011
Author: pochu
Date: Tue Jan 18 23:26:19 2011
New Revision: 26350
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=26350
+ debian/libdevhelp-3-0.symbols:
- Add a symbols file.
+ debian/rules:
- Make the shlibs file always depend on the latest upstream version.
Modified: desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/changelog?rev=26350&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/changelog [utf-8] (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/changelog [utf-8] Tue Jan 18 23:26:19 2011
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
+ debian/control.in,
- Switch to debhelper compat 8.
+ + debian/libdevhelp-3-0.symbols:
+ - Add a symbols file.
+ + debian/rules:
+ - Make the shlibs file always depend on the latest upstream version.
-- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu at debian.org> Tue, 18 Jan 2011 22:12:52 +0000
Added: desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/libdevhelp-3-0.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/libdevhelp-3-0.symbols?rev=26350&op=file
--- desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/libdevhelp-3-0.symbols (added)
+++ desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/libdevhelp-3-0.symbols [utf-8] Tue Jan 18 23:26:19 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+libdevhelp-3.so.0 libdevhelp-3-0 #MINVER#
+* Build-Depends-Package: libdevhelp-dev
+ dh_assistant_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_search at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_view_get_base at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_view_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_view_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_view_search at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_view_set_base at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_assistant_view_set_link at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_get at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_get_book_manager at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_get_window at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_get_window_on_current_workspace at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_new_assistant at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_new_window at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_base_quit at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_cmp_by_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_cmp_by_name_str at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_cmp_by_path at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_cmp_by_path_str at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_cmp_by_title at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_completions at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_enabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_keywords at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_language at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_path at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_title at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_tree at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_get_books at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_get_group_by_language at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_get_languages at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_populate at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_manager_set_group_by_language at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_set_enabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_tree_get_selected_book_title at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_tree_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_tree_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_book_tree_select_uri at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_error_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_error_quark at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_keyword_model_filter at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_keyword_model_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_keyword_model_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_keyword_model_set_words at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_compare at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_compare_by_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_dec_n_books_enabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_free at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_get_n_books_enabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_get_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_inc_n_books_enabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_language_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_compare at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_flags_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_book_id at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_book_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_file_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_flags at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_link_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_page_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_type_as_string at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_get_uri at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_ref at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_set_flags at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_type_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_link_unref at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_open_link_flags_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_parser_read_file at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_preferences_show_dialog at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_search_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_search_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_search_set_search_string at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_ascii_strtitle at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_build_data_filename at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_builder_connect at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_builder_get_file at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_cmp_book at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_font_add_web_view at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_font_get_fixed at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_font_get_variable at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_get_notebook_page_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_load_books_disabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_load_group_books_by_language at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_manage_notebook at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_manage_paned at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_manage_window at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_set_notebook_page_name at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_store_books_disabled at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_util_state_store_group_books_by_language at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_window_focus_search at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_window_get_type at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_window_new at Base 2.91.5
+ dh_window_search at Base 2.91.5
Modified: desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/rules?rev=26350&op=diff
--- desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/rules [utf-8] (original)
+++ desktop/experimental/devhelp/debian/rules [utf-8] Tue Jan 18 23:26:19 2011
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
include /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk
include /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/gnome-get-source.mk
-libdevhelp-3-N := $(shell sed -rn 's/^Package:[[:space:]]*(libdevhelp-3-[0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$$/\1/p' debian/control)
-DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_ALL += -V '$(libdevhelp-3-N) (>= 2.30)'
X_TOOLS += misc/devhelp.vim \
misc/html2funcs.py \
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