r32488 - in /packages/unstable/libepc/debian: changelog libepc-1.0-3.symbols libepc-ui-1.0-3.symbols rules

biebl at users.alioth.debian.org biebl at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jan 31 06:27:47 UTC 2012

Author: biebl
Date: Tue Jan 31 06:27:47 2012
New Revision: 32488

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=32488
Add symbols file for libepc and libepc-ui.


Modified: packages/unstable/libepc/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libepc/debian/changelog?rev=32488&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/libepc/debian/changelog [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/libepc/debian/changelog [utf-8] Tue Jan 31 06:27:47 2012
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 libepc (0.4.4-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
+  * Add symbols file for libepc and libepc-ui.
- -- Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org>  Tue, 31 Jan 2012 07:26:15 +0100
+ -- Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org>  Tue, 31 Jan 2012 07:27:16 +0100
 libepc (0.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

Added: packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-1.0-3.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-1.0-3.symbols?rev=32488&op=file
--- packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-1.0-3.symbols (added)
+++ packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-1.0-3.symbols [utf-8] Tue Jan 31 06:27:47 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,138 @@
+libepc-1.0.so.3 libepc-1.0-3 #MINVER#
+ _epc_marshal_BOOLEAN__STRING at Base 0.4.2
+ _epc_marshal_VOID__ENUM_STRING_UINT at Base 0.4.2
+ _epc_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOXED at Base 0.4.2
+ _epc_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_address_family_get_class at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_address_family_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_address_family_to_string at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_auth_context_check_password at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_auth_context_get_key at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_auth_context_get_password at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_auth_context_get_publisher at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_auth_flags_get_class at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_auth_flags_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_avahi_error_quark at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_collision_handling_get_class at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_collision_handling_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_collision_handling_to_string at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_get_password at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_get_protocol at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_get_username at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_is_publisher_resolved at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_list at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_lookup at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_new_for_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_new_for_name_full at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_resolve_publisher at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_set_password at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_set_protocol at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_consumer_set_username at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_get_data at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_get_mime_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_is_stream at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_new_dup at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_ref at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_stream_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_stream_read at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_contents_unref at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_add_service at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_add_service_subtype at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_get_collision_handling at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_get_cookie at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_get_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_reset at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_run at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_set_collision_handling at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_set_cookie at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_set_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_dispatcher_set_service_details at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_http_error_quark at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_build_uri at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_from_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_get_class at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_get_service_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_get_uri_scheme at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_protocol_to_string at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_add at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_add_bookmark at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_add_file at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_add_handler at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_expand_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_auth_flags at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_certificate_file at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_collision_handling at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_contents_path at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_path at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_private_key_file at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_protocol at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_service_cookie at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_service_domain at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_service_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_get_uri at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_has_key at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_list at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_lookup at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_quit at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_remove at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_run at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_run_async at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_auth_flags at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_auth_handler at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_collision_handling at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_contents_path at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_credentials at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_protocol at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_service_cookie at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_publisher_set_service_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_address at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_address_family at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_detail at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_host at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_interface at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_port at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_service_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_new_full at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_ref at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_info_unref at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_monitor_get_skip_our_own at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_monitor_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_monitor_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_monitor_new_for_types at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_monitor_new_for_types_strv at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_monitor_set_skip_our_own at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_type_get_base at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_type_get_protocol at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_type_list_supported at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_service_type_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_create_avahi_entry_group at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_create_service_browser at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_get_debug_level at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_get_host_name at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_progress_begin at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_progress_end at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_progress_update at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_restart_avahi_client at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_set_progress_hooks at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_watch_avahi_client_state at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_shell_watch_remove at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_certificate_load at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_certificate_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_certificate_save at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_error_quark at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_get_certificate_filename at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_get_private_key_filename at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_get_server_credentials at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_private_key_load at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_private_key_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_tls_private_key_save at Base 0.4.2

Added: packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-ui-1.0-3.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-ui-1.0-3.symbols?rev=32488&op=file
--- packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-ui-1.0-3.symbols (added)
+++ packages/unstable/libepc/debian/libepc-ui-1.0-3.symbols [utf-8] Tue Jan 31 06:27:47 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+libepc-ui-1.0.so.3 libepc-ui-1.0-3 #MINVER#
+ epc_password_dialog_attach at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_get_anonymous_allowed at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_get_password at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_get_realm at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_get_username at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_is_anonymous at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_set_anonymous at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_set_anonymous_allowed at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_set_password at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_set_realm at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_password_dialog_set_username at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_progress_window_get_type at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_progress_window_install at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_progress_window_new at Base 0.4.2
+ epc_progress_window_update at Base 0.4.2

Modified: packages/unstable/libepc/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libepc/debian/rules?rev=32488&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/libepc/debian/rules [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/libepc/debian/rules [utf-8] Tue Jan 31 06:27:47 2012
@@ -9,11 +9,3 @@
 LDFLAGS += -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed
 DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --enable-static
-libepc := $(shell sed -nr 's/^Package:[[:space:]]*(libepc-1\.0-[0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$$/\1/p' debian/control)
-libepc-ui := $(shell sed -nr 's/^Package:[[:space:]]*(libepc-ui-1\.0-[0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$$/\1/p' debian/control)
-SHLIBVER := 0.4.2-1
-DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_$(libepc) = -V '$(libepc) (>= $(SHLIBVER))'
-DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_$(libepc-ui) = -V '$(libepc-ui) (>= $(SHLIBVER))'

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