r37021 - in /packages/experimental/rhythmbox: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/control.in debian/librhythmbox-core6.symbols debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch debian/patches/series debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install debian/rules

jeansch-guest at users.alioth.debian.org jeansch-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 UTC 2013

Author: jeansch-guest
Date: Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
New Revision: 37021

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=37021
* New upstream version.
* Removed debian/patches/CVE-2012-3355.patch (fixed upstream).
* Removed debian/patches/rb-mb5.patch (2.98 have completely new code here).
* Updated dependencies according to configure.in:
  - libtotem-plparser-dev
  - libgrilo-0.2-dev replaces libgrilo-0.1-dev
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.  
* Updated Vcs-Svn.
* Added symbols file for librhythmbox-core6.
* Temporarly disable webkit support to prevent mixed gst 0.10 / 1.0 linkage  
  - debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch
  - debian/rules: --without-webkit
  - debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install: do not try to install 'context' plugin

      - copied from r37020, packages/unstable/rhythmbox/

Modified: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/changelog?rev=37021&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/changelog [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/changelog [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+rhythmbox (2.98-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version.
+  * Removed debian/patches/CVE-2012-3355.patch (fixed upstream).
+  * Removed debian/patches/rb-mb5.patch (2.98 have completely new code here).
+  * Updated dependencies according to configure.in:
+    - libtotem-plparser-dev
+    - libgrilo-0.2-dev replaces libgrilo-0.1-dev
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.  
+  * Updated Vcs-Svn.
+  * Added symbols file for librhythmbox-core6.
+  * Temporarly disable webkit support to prevent mixed gst 0.10 / 1.0 linkage  
+    - debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch
+    - debian/rules: --without-webkit
+    - debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install: do not try to install 'context' plugin
+ -- Jean Schurger <jean at schurger.org>  Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:04:00 -0400
 rhythmbox (2.97-2.1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload.

Modified: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control?rev=37021&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
                libmusicbrainz5-dev (>= 5.0.0),
                libneon27-dev | libneon27-gnutls-dev,
-               libtotem-plparser-dev (>= 2.32.1),
+               libtotem-plparser-dev (>= 3.2),
                libavahi-client-dev (>= 0.6),
                libavahi-glib-dev (>= 0.6),
                libsoup2.4-dev (>= 2.26.0),
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
                python-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~),
                libdmapsharing-3.0-dev (>= 2.9.11),
-               libgrilo-0.1-dev (>= 0.1.17),
+               libgrilo-0.2-dev (>= 0.2.0),
                libxml2-dev (>= 2.7.8),
                libclutter-1.0-dev (>= 1.2),
                libclutter-gst-dev (>= 1.0),
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 Build-Conflicts: libmusicbrainz3-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.9.3
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/rhythmbox
+Standards-Version: 3.9.4
+Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/rhythmbox/
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/rhythmbox/
 Package: rhythmbox

Modified: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control.in
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control.in?rev=37021&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control.in [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/control.in [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
                libmusicbrainz5-dev (>= 5.0.0),
                libneon27-dev | libneon27-gnutls-dev,
-               libtotem-plparser-dev (>= 2.32.1),
+               libtotem-plparser-dev (>= 3.2),
                libavahi-client-dev (>= 0.6),
                libavahi-glib-dev (>= 0.6),
                libsoup2.4-dev (>= 2.26.0),
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
                python-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~),
                libdmapsharing-3.0-dev (>= 2.9.11),
-               libgrilo-0.1-dev (>= 0.1.17),
+               libgrilo-0.2-dev (>= 0.2.0),
                libxml2-dev (>= 2.7.8),
                libclutter-1.0-dev (>= 1.2),
                libclutter-gst-dev (>= 1.0),
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 Build-Conflicts: libmusicbrainz3-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.9.3
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/rhythmbox
+Standards-Version: 3.9.4
+Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/rhythmbox/
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/rhythmbox/
 Package: rhythmbox

Added: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/librhythmbox-core6.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/librhythmbox-core6.symbols?rev=37021&op=file
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/librhythmbox-core6.symbols (added)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/librhythmbox-core6.symbols [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,1129 @@
+librhythmbox-core.so.6 librhythmbox-core6 #MINVER#
+ GNOME_MEDIA_EJECT at Base 2.98
+ RB_APP_ICON at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_BROWSER at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_NO_STAR at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_PLAYLIST at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_PODCAST at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_SET_STAR at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_TRAY_ICON at Base 2.98
+ RB_STOCK_UNSET_STAR at Base 2.98
+ _rb_action_group_add_display_page_actions at Base 2.98
+ _rb_display_page_add_pending_child at Base 2.98
+ _rb_display_page_get_pending_children at Base 2.98
+ _rb_display_page_register_action_group at Base 2.98
+ _rb_display_page_show_popup at Base 2.98
+ _rb_encoder_emit_completed at Base 2.98
+ _rb_encoder_emit_prepare_sink at Base 2.98
+ _rb_encoder_emit_prepare_source at Base 2.98
+ _rb_encoder_emit_progress at Base 2.98
+ _rb_media_player_source_add_to_map at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_buffering at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_eos at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_error at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_event at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_image at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_info at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_playing_stream at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_redirect at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_tick at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_emit_volume_changed at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_gst_data_tee_emit_data_tee_inserted at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_gst_data_tee_emit_data_tee_pre_remove at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_gst_filter_emit_filter_inserted at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_gst_filter_emit_filter_pre_remove at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_gst_tee_emit_tee_inserted at Base 2.98
+ _rb_player_gst_tee_emit_tee_pre_remove at Base 2.98
+ _rb_profile_log at Base 2.98
+ _rb_source_check_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ _rb_source_search_create_simple_query at Base 2.98
+ _rb_source_set_import_status at Base 2.98
+ _rb_track_transfer_batch_cancel at Base 2.98
+ _rb_track_transfer_batch_continue at Base 2.98
+ _rb_track_transfer_batch_start at Base 2.98
+ column_checks at Base 2.98
+ double_property_type at Base 2.98
+ duration_property_type at Base 2.98
+ eel_create_colorized_pixbuf at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_accepts_documents at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_accepts_multiple at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_accepts_uris at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_can_launch at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_free at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_boolean at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_desktop_file_type at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_icon at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_integer at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_locale_string at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_locale_string_list at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_name at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_numeric at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_source at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_string at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_get_string_list at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_has_key at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_launch at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_new at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_new_from_data_dirs at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_new_from_dirs at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_new_from_key_file at Base 2.98
+ egg_desktop_file_parse_exec at Base 2.98
+ egg_get_desktop_file at Base 2.98
+ egg_set_desktop_file at Base 2.98
+ egg_set_desktop_file_without_defaults at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_end_session at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_get at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_get_mode at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_get_option_group at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_get_state_file at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_get_type at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_is_resumed at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_quit at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_quit_cancelled at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_quit_requested at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_save_state at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_set_mode at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_set_restart_command at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_will_quit at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_xsmp_get_type at Base 2.98
+ egg_sm_client_xsmp_new at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_allocation_mode_get_type at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_allocation_mode at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_horizontal_spacing at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_horizontal_spreading at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_minimum_line_children at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_natural_line_children at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_type at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_vertical_spacing at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_get_vertical_spreading at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_insert_child at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_new at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_packing_get_type at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_reorder_child at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_allocation_mode at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_horizontal_spacing at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_horizontal_spreading at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_minimum_line_children at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_natural_line_children at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_vertical_spacing at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_set_vertical_spreading at Base 2.98
+ egg_wrap_box_spreading_get_type at Base 2.98
+ escaped_string_property_type at Base 2.98
+ get_box_widget_at_pos at Base 2.98
+ gossip_cell_renderer_expander_get_type at Base 2.98
+ gossip_cell_renderer_expander_new at Base 2.98
+ integer_property_type at Base 2.98
+ library_layout_filenames at Base 2.98
+ library_layout_paths at Base 2.98
+ media_type_filters at Base 2.98
+ mpid_debug at Base 2.98
+ mpid_debug_str at Base 2.98
+ mpid_debug_strv at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_db_lookup at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_debug at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_get_device_path at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_get_mount_point at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_get_type at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_new at Base 2.98
+ mpid_device_read_override_file at Base 2.98
+ mpid_enable_debug at Base 2.98
+ mpid_error_get_type at Base 2.98
+ mpid_find_and_read_device_file at Base 2.98
+ mpid_override_string_from_keyfile at Base 2.98
+ mpid_override_strv_from_keyfile at Base 2.98
+ mpid_read_device_file at Base 2.98
+ mpid_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ num_browser_properties at Base 2.98
+ num_library_layout_filenames at Base 2.98
+ num_library_layout_paths at Base 2.98
+ num_property_options at Base 2.98
+ num_sort_options at Base 2.98
+ numeric_criteria_options at Base 2.98
+ property_options at Base 2.98
+ rating_property_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_alert_dialog_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_alert_dialog_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_alert_dialog_set_details_label at Base 2.98
+ rb_alert_dialog_set_primary_label at Base 2.98
+ rb_alert_dialog_set_secondary_label at Base 2.98
+ rb_assert_locked at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_copy_cancel at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_copy_get_error at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_copy_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_copy_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_copy_set_progress at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_copy_start at Base 2.98
+ rb_async_queue_watch_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_auto_playlist_source_create_actions at Base 2.98
+ rb_auto_playlist_source_get_query at Base 2.98
+ rb_auto_playlist_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_auto_playlist_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_auto_playlist_source_new_from_xml at Base 2.98
+ rb_auto_playlist_source_set_query at Base 2.98
+ rb_browser_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_browser_source_has_drop_support at Base 2.98
+ rb_builder_boldify_label at Base 2.98
+ rb_builder_load at Base 2.98
+ rb_canonicalise_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_cell_renderer_pixbuf_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_cell_renderer_rating_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_cell_renderer_rating_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_check_dir_has_space at Base 2.98
+ rb_check_dir_has_space_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_chunk_loader_cancel at Base 2.98
+ rb_chunk_loader_get_error at Base 2.98
+ rb_chunk_loader_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_chunk_loader_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_chunk_loader_set_callback at Base 2.98
+ rb_chunk_loader_start at Base 2.98
+ rb_collate_hash_table_keys at Base 2.98
+ rb_collate_hash_table_values at Base 2.98
+ rb_combo_box_hyphen_separator_func at Base 2.98
+ rb_compare_gtimeval at Base 2.98
+ rb_copy_function at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_get_args at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_init at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_init_match at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_matches at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_real at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_realf at Base 2.98
+ rb_debug_stop_in_debugger at Base 2.98
+ rb_device_source_can_eject at Base 2.98
+ rb_device_source_eject at Base 2.98
+ rb_device_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_device_source_set_display_details at Base 2.98
+ rb_device_source_uri_is_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_device_source_want_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_activate at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_delete_thyself at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_deselected at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_get_config_widget at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_get_status at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_group_add_core_groups at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_group_category_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_group_get_by_id at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_group_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_group_loaded at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_group_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_add_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_column_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_find_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_remove_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_set_dnd_targets at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_model_set_playing_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_notify_status_changed at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_receive_drag at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_selectable at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_selected at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_show_popup at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_tree_edit_source_name at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_tree_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_tree_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_tree_select at Base 2.98
+ rb_display_page_tree_toggle_expanded at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_cancel at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_encode at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_error_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_factory_get at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_factory_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_get_missing_plugins at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_gst_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_gst_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_encoder_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_append_column at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_append_column_custom at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_column_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_enable_drag_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_column at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_entry_contained at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_entry_visible at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_selected_entries at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_sorting_order at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_sorting_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_time_date_column_sample at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_have_complete_selection at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_have_selection at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_insert_column_custom at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_resort_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_scroll_to_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_select_all at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_select_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_select_none at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_column_editable at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_columns_clickable at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_fixed_column_width at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_sorting_order at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_sorting_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_set_state at Base 2.98
+ rb_entry_view_state_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_error_dialog at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_add_field at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_add_info at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_copy at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_create_lookup at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_create_storage at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_field_matches at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_get_field at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_get_field_names at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_get_field_values at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_get_info at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_get_info_names at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_is_lookup at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_lookups at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_matches at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_key_to_store_key at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_lookup at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_request at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_source_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_store at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_store_raw at Base 2.98
+ rb_ext_db_store_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_fading_image_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_fading_image_set_pixbuf at Base 2.98
+ rb_fading_image_start at Base 2.98
+ rb_false_function at Base 2.98
+ rb_feed_podcast_properties_dialog_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_feed_podcast_properties_dialog_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_file at Base 2.98
+ rb_file_chooser_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_file_find_extant_parent at Base 2.98
+ rb_file_helpers_init at Base 2.98
+ rb_file_helpers_shutdown at Base 2.98
+ rb_find_plugin_data_file at Base 2.98
+ rb_find_user_cache_file at Base 2.98
+ rb_find_user_data_file at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_add_filter at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_add_tee at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_caps_to_media_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_create_filter_bin at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_encoding_profile_get_encoder at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_encoding_profile_get_media_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_encoding_profile_get_presets at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_encoding_profile_get_settings at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_encoding_profile_set_preset at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_error_get_error_code at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_get_default_encoding_target at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_get_encoding_profile at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_get_missing_plugin_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_media_type_is_lossless at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_media_type_matches_profile at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_media_type_to_caps at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_media_type_to_extension at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_media_type_to_mime_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_mime_type_to_media_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_process_embedded_image at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_process_tag_string at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_remove_filter at Base 2.98
+ rb_gst_remove_tee at Base 2.98
+ rb_gtk_action_popup_menu at Base 2.98
+ rb_gvalue_compare at Base 2.98
+ rb_header_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_header_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_append at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_clear at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_contains_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_current at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_dump at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_first at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_get_current_index at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_go_first at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_go_last at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_go_next at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_go_previous at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_insert_at_index at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_last at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_length at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_next at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_previous at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_remove_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_set_destroy_notify at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_set_maximum_size at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_set_playing at Base 2.98
+ rb_history_set_truncate_on_play at Base 2.98
+ rb_image_new_from_stock at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_dialog_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_dialog_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_dialog_ignore_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_dialog_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_dialog_reset at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_errors_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_import_errors_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_is_main_thread at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_construct_query at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_get_property_view at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_get_property_views at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_has_selection at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_reset at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_set_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_browser_set_selection at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_library_source_show_import_dialog at Base 2.98
+ rb_linear_play_order_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_linear_play_order_loop_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_linear_play_order_loop_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_linear_play_order_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_list_deep_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_list_destroy_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_locale_dir at Base 2.98
+ rb_make_duration_string at Base 2.98
+ rb_make_elapsed_time_string at Base 2.98
+ rb_make_time_string at Base 2.98
+ rb_make_valid_utf8 at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOOLEAN_BOOLEAN at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOOLEAN_BOOLEAN_BOOLEAN at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__POINTER_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__STRING_BOOLEAN at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOOLEAN__STRING_STRING_OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOXED__BOXED at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOXED__OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_BOXED__STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_INT__VOID at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_OBJECT__VOID at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_POINTER__BOXED at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_STRING__BOXED_STRING_STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_STRING__STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN_BOOLEAN at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_BOXED at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_INT_POINTER_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_STRING_BOXED at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_STRING_INT_INT_DOUBLE at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_STRING_UINT64_STRING_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__BOXED_ULONG at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE_LONG at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__INT64 at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__INT_INT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__INT_INT_DOUBLE_INT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_BOOLEAN at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_INT_INT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_INT_INT_BOXED_UINT_UINT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_INT_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_BOOLEAN at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_INT64_INT64 at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_INT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_INT_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_LONG_LONG at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_ULONG at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_DOUBLE at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_INT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_OBJECT at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_UINT_STRING at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__UINT64 at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__UINT64_STRING_POINTER at Base 2.98
+ rb_marshal_VOID__ULONG_FLOAT at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_delete_entries at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_get_capacity at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_get_entries at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_get_free_space at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_init_actions at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_load at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_show_properties at Base 2.98
+ rb_media_player_source_sync at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_can_save at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_dbus_get_variant_builder at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_error_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_field_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get_field_name at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get_field_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get_media_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get_missing_plugins at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get_saveable_types at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_has_audio at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_has_missing_plugins at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_has_other_data at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_has_video at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_iface_xml at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_load at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_reset at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_save at Base 2.98
+ rb_metadata_set at Base 2.98
+ rb_missing_files_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_missing_files_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_missing_plugins_init at Base 2.98
+ rb_missing_plugins_install at Base 2.98
+ rb_music_dir at Base 2.98
+ rb_null_function at Base 2.98
+ rb_object_property_editor_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_object_property_editor_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_db at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_next at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_player at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_playing_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_previous at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_query_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_go_next at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_go_previous at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_has_next at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_has_previous at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_model_not_empty at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_player_is_playing at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_playing_source_changed at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_query_model_changed at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_order_set_playing_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_queue_source_clear_queue at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_queue_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_queue_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_queue_source_sidebar_delete at Base 2.98
+ rb_play_queue_source_sidebar_song_info at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_close at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_error_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_get_time at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_get_volume at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_data_tee_add_data_tee at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_data_tee_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_data_tee_remove_data_tee at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_filter_add_filter at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_filter_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_filter_remove_filter at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_find_element_with_property at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_tee_add_tee at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_tee_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_tee_remove_tee at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_try_audio_sink at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_xfade_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_gst_xfade_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_multiple_open at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_open at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_opened at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_pause at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_play at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_play_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_playing at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_seekable at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_set_time at Base 2.98
+ rb_player_set_volume at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_add_to_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_create_static_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_delete_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_export_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_get_playlist_names at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_get_playlists at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_load_playlists at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_new_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_new_playlist_from_selection_data at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_parse_file at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_remove_from_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_save_playlists at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_manager_shutdown at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_add_to_map at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_get_db at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_get_query_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_location_in_map at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_mark_dirty at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_new_from_xml at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_save_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_save_to_xml at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_set_query_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_playlist_source_setup_entry_view at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_add_dialog_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_add_dialog_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_add_dialog_reset at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_feed_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_get_feed_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_get_post_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_get_search_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_main_source_add_subsources at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_main_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_main_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_add_parsed_feed at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_add_post at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_add_search at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_cancel_download at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_delete_download at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_download_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_entry_downloaded at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_entry_in_download_queue at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_get_podcast_dir at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_get_searches at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_insert_feed_url at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_remove_feed at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_shutdown at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_subscribe_feed at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_unsubscribe_feed at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_manager_update_feeds at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_parse_channel_copy at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_parse_channel_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_parse_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_parse_item_copy at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_parse_item_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_parse_load_feed at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_post_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_properties_dialog_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_properties_dialog_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_register_entry_types at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_cancel at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_finished at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_itunes_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_miroguide_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_result at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_search_start at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_source_add_feed at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_podcast_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_profiler_dump at Base 2.98
+ rb_profiler_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_profiler_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_profiler_reset at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_append_column_custom at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_get_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_get_num_properties at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_get_selection at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_reset at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_set_model at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_set_search_func at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_set_selection at Base 2.98
+ rb_property_view_set_selection_mode at Base 2.98
+ rb_query_creator_get_limit at Base 2.98
+ rb_query_creator_get_query at Base 2.98
+ rb_query_creator_get_sort_order at Base 2.98
+ rb_query_creator_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_query_creator_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_query_creator_new_from_query at Base 2.98
+ rb_queue_play_order_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_queue_play_order_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_by_age_and_rating_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_by_age_and_rating_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_by_age_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_by_age_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_by_rating_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_by_rating_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_equal_weights_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_equal_weights_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_random_play_order_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_get_rating_from_widget at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_install_rating_property at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_pixbufs_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_pixbufs_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_render_stars at Base 2.98
+ rb_rating_set_accessible_name at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_equal at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_find at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_get at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_get_folded at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_get_sort_key at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_hash at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_ref at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_system_init at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_system_shutdown at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstring_unref at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstrings at Base 2.98
+ rb_refstrings_mutex at Base 2.98
+ rb_removable_media_manager_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_removable_media_manager_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_removable_media_manager_scan at Base 2.98
+ rb_safe_strcmp at Base 2.98
+ rb_sanitize_path_for_msdos_filesystem at Base 2.98
+ rb_sanitize_uri_for_filesystem at Base 2.98
+ rb_scale_pixbuf_to_size at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_clear at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_grab_focus at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_searching at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_set_mnemonic at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_set_placeholder at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_entry_set_text at Base 2.98
+ rb_search_fold at Base 2.98
+ rb_segmented_bar_add_segment at Base 2.98
+ rb_segmented_bar_add_segment_default_color at Base 2.98
+ rb_segmented_bar_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_segmented_bar_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_segmented_bar_set_value_formatter at Base 2.98
+ rb_segmented_bar_update_segment at Base 2.98
+ rb_set_tree_view_column_fixed_width at Base 2.98
+ rb_settings_delayed_sync at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_activate_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_activate_source_by_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_activation_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_add_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_add_widget at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_append_display_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_clipboard_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_clipboard_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_clipboard_set_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_do_notify at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_error_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_get_party_mode at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_get_song_properties at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_get_source_by_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_guess_source_for_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_load_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_notify_custom at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_add_play_order at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_do_next at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_do_previous at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_error_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_active_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_mute at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playback_state at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing_path at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing_song_duration at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing_time at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_playing_time_string at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_get_volume at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_jump_to_current at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_pause at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_play at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_play_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_playpause at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_remove_play_order at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_seek at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_mute at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_playback_state at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_playing_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_playing_time at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_selected_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_volume at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_set_volume_relative at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_player_stop at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_preferences_add_widget at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_preferences_append_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_preferences_browser_views_activated_cb at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_preferences_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_preferences_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_preferences_remove_widget at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_prefs_ui_location_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_present at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_quit at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_register_entry_type_for_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_remove_widget at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_set_song_property at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_toggle_visibility at Base 2.98
+ rb_shell_ui_location_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shuffle_play_order_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_shuffle_play_order_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_signal_accumulator_boolean_or at Base 2.98
+ rb_signal_accumulator_object_handled at Base 2.98
+ rb_signal_accumulator_value_array at Base 2.98
+ rb_signal_accumulator_value_handled at Base 2.98
+ rb_slist_deep_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_song_info_append_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_song_info_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_song_info_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_add_to_queue at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_add_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_bind_settings at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_add_to_queue at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_copy at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_cut at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_delete at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_move_to_trash at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_paste at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_pause at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_rename at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_can_show_properties at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_copy at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_cut at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_delete at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_eof_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_gather_selected_properties at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_get_delete_action at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_get_entry_view at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_get_property_views at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_handle_eos at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_load_status_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_move_to_trash at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_notify_filter_changed at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_paste at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_reset_filters at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_action_attach at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_basic_create_for_actions at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_basic_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_basic_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_create_query at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_get_from_action at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_search_is_subset at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_set_hidden_when_empty at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_song_properties at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_toolbar_add_search_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_toolbar_clear_search_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_toolbar_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_toolbar_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_try_playlist at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_update_play_statistics at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_uri_is_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_source_want_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_add_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_add_location at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_add_locations at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_create_actions at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_load_from_xml at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_move_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_new_from_xml at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_remove_entry at Base 2.98
+ rb_static_playlist_source_remove_location at Base 2.98
+ rb_statusbar_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_statusbar_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_statusbar_set_page at Base 2.98
+ rb_stock_icons_init at Base 2.98
+ rb_stock_icons_shutdown at Base 2.98
+ rb_str_in_strv at Base 2.98
+ rb_streaming_source_get_progress at Base 2.98
+ rb_streaming_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_streaming_source_set_streaming_album at Base 2.98
+ rb_streaming_source_set_streaming_artist at Base 2.98
+ rb_streaming_source_set_streaming_title at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_list_contains at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_list_copy at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_list_equal at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_split_words at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_get at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_peek at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_remove at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_set at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_size at Base 2.98
+ rb_string_value_map_steal_hashtable at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_clear_groups at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_get_enabled_categories at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_get_enabled_groups at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_group_enabled at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_has_enabled_groups at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_save at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_set_category at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_set_group at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_sync_category at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_sync_group at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_ui_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_settings_ui_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_make_track_uuid at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_ui_create_bar at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_ui_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_ui_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_ui_update_volume_usage at Base 2.98
+ rb_sync_state_update at Base 2.98
+ rb_text_cat at Base 2.98
+ rb_text_common_direction at Base 2.98
+ rb_text_direction_conflict at Base 2.98
+ rb_threads_init at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_batch_add at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_batch_cancel at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_batch_check_profiles at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_batch_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_batch_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_queue_cancel_batch at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_queue_find_batch_by_source at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_queue_get_status at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_queue_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_queue_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_track_transfer_queue_start_batch at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_build_dest_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_check_category at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_check_duplicate at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_get_format_descriptions at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_should_transfer at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_track_add_error at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_track_added at Base 2.98
+ rb_transfer_target_transfer at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_dnd_add_drag_dest_support at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_dnd_add_drag_source_support at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_dest_drag_data_received at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_dest_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_dest_row_drop_position at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_dest_row_drop_possible at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_source_drag_data_delete at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_source_drag_data_get at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_source_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_tree_drag_source_row_draggable at Base 2.98
+ rb_true_function at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_append_path at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_append_uri at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_could_be_podcast at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_create_parent_dirs at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_dialog_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_dialog_new at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_exists at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_get_dir_name at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_get_filesystem_type at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_get_mount_point at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_get_short_path_name at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_handle_recursively at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_handle_recursively_async at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_is_directory at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_is_hidden at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_is_local at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_is_readable at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_is_writable at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_list_parse at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_make_hidden at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_mkstemp at Base 2.98
+ rb_uri_resolve_symlink at Base 2.98
+ rb_user_cache_dir at Base 2.98
+ rb_user_data_dir at Base 2.98
+ rb_utf_friendly_time at Base 2.98
+ rb_value_array_append_data at Base 2.98
+ rb_value_free at Base 2.98
+ rb_xfade_stream_get_type at Base 2.98
+ relative_time_criteria_options at Base 2.98
+ relative_time_property_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_add_uri at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_add_uri_with_types at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_commit at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_compute_status_normal at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_dbus_register at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_dbus_unregister at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_dispose_monitoring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_do_full_query at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_do_full_query_async at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_do_full_query_async_parsed at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_do_full_query_parsed at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_emit_entry_deleted at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_emit_entry_extra_metadata_notify at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_allocate at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_availability_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_can_sync_metadata at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_category_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_change_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_count at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_count_by_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_create_ext_db_key at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_created at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_delete at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_delete_by_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_dup_string at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_example_new at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_foreach at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_foreach_by_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_gather_metadata at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_boolean at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_double at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_object at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_playback_uri at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_refstring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_string at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_type_data at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_uint64 at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_get_ulong at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_insert at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_is_lossless at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_keyword_add at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_keyword_has at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_keyword_remove at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_keywords_get at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_lookup_by_id at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_lookup_by_location at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_lookup_by_location_refstring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_lookup_from_string at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_matches_ext_db_key at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_move_to_trash at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_new at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_pre_destroy at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_ref at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_request_extra_metadata at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_set at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_set_internal at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_set_visibility at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_sync_metadata at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_type_foreach at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_type_get_by_name at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_type_get_name at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_unref at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_update_availability at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_entry_write_metadata_changes at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_error_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_evaluate_query at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_finalize_monitoring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_active_mounts at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_error_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_ignore_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_progress_info at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_property_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_song_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_ignore_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_add_uri at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_cancel at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_complete at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_get_imported at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_get_processed at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_get_total at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_new at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_scan_complete at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_import_job_start at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_init_monitoring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_is_busy at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_load at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_monitor_uri_path at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_nice_elt_name_from_propid at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_prop_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_property_model_column_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_property_model_enable_drag at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_property_model_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_property_model_iter_from_string at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_property_model_new at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_propid_from_nice_elt_name at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_append at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_append_params at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_append_prop_multiple at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_concatenate at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_copy at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_deserialize at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_free at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_is_time_relative at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_add_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_album_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_artist_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_bitrate_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_chain at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_compute_status_normal at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_copy_contents at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_date_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_double_ceiling_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_entry_to_iter at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_genre_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_get_duration at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_get_next_from_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_get_previous_from_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_get_size at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_has_pending_changes at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_iter_to_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_limit_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_location_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_move_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_new at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_new_empty at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_reapply_query at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_remove_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_set_sort_order at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_shuffle_entries at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_string_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_title_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_track_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_tree_path_to_entry at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_model_ulong_sort_func at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_parse at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_parse_valist at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_preprocess at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_result_list_get_results at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_result_list_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_result_list_new at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_results_add_results at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_results_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_results_query_complete at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_results_set_query at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_serialize at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_to_string at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_query_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_read_encoded_property at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_register_entry_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_register_song_entry_types at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_save at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_save_async at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_shutdown at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_song_entry_type_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_start_action_thread at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_start_monitoring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_stop_monitoring at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_tree_error_quark at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_tree_get_type at Base 2.98
+ rhythmdb_tree_new at Base 2.98
+ sort_options at Base 2.98
+ string_criteria_options at Base 2.98
+ string_property_type at Base 2.98
+ time_unit_options at Base 2.98
+ time_unit_options_default at Base 2.98
+ year_criteria_options at Base 2.98
+ year_property_type at Base 2.98

Added: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch?rev=37021&op=file
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch (added)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/00_no_webkit_no_context_pane.patch [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+diff -uNr rhythmbox-2.98.orig/plugins/Makefile.am rhythmbox-2.98/plugins/Makefile.am
+--- rhythmbox-2.98.orig/plugins/Makefile.am	2012-09-29 22:03:28.000000000 -0400
++++ rhythmbox-2.98/plugins/Makefile.am	2013-03-18 13:30:28.367701044 -0400
+@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
+ SUBDIRS +=						\
+ 	artsearch					\
+-	context						\
+ 	im-status					\
+ 	lyrics						\
+ 	magnatune					\
+@@ -24,6 +23,10 @@
+ 	sendto						\
+ 	rb
++SUBDIRS += context
+ endif

Modified: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/series?rev=37021&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/series [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/patches/series [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

Modified: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install?rev=37021&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@

Modified: packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rules?rev=37021&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rules [utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/experimental/rhythmbox/debian/rules [utf-8] Mon Mar 18 19:15:32 2013
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk
@@ -11,7 +12,8 @@
 DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --enable-lirc \
                              --disable-scrollkeeper \
-                             --enable-gtk-doc
+                             --enable-gtk-doc \
+                             --without-webkit
 ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux)
 DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --without-hal --with-gudev

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