r40121 - in /packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian: changelog patches/02_bring_back_completion.patch patches/series

joss at users.alioth.debian.org joss at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Oct 26 19:26:39 UTC 2013

Author: joss
Date: Sat Oct 26 19:26:38 2013
New Revision: 40121

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=40121
02_bring_back_completion.patch: reverts unwarranted upstream changes 
that remove entirely tab completion.


Modified: packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/changelog?rev=40121&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/changelog	[utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/changelog	[utf-8] Sat Oct 26 19:26:38 2013
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
   * 01_finish_gtk3_port.patch: new patch. Imported from BZ#677043, 
     contains the missing pieces of the GTK3 port.
+  * 02_bring_back_completion.patch: reverts unwarranted upstream changes 
+    that remove entirely tab completion.
  -- Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:01:40 +0200

Added: packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/02_bring_back_completion.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/02_bring_back_completion.patch?rev=40121&op=file
--- packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/02_bring_back_completion.patch	(added)
+++ packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/02_bring_back_completion.patch	[utf-8] Sat Oct 26 19:26:38 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+Index: xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d/src/fe-gnome/text-entry.c
+--- xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d.orig/src/fe-gnome/text-entry.c	2013-10-26 21:17:44.062548522 +0200
++++ xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d/src/fe-gnome/text-entry.c	2013-10-26 21:23:39.914512963 +0200
+@@ -41,9 +41,13 @@ static void       text_entry_activate
+                                                 gpointer        data);
+ static void       text_entry_history_up        (GtkEntry       *entry);
+ static void       text_entry_history_down      (GtkEntry       *entry);
++static gboolean   text_entry_tab_complete      (GtkEntry       *entry);
+ static void       text_entry_populate_popup    (GtkEntry       *entry,
+                                                 GtkMenu        *menu,
+                                                 gpointer        data);
++static gboolean   tab_complete_command         (GtkEntry       *entry);
++static gboolean   tab_complete_nickname        (GtkEntry       *entry,
++                                                int             start);
+ static GtkWidget *get_color_icon               (int             c,
+                                                 GtkStyle       *style);
+ static void       color_code_activate          (GtkMenuItem    *item,
+@@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE (TextEntry, text_entry, GT
+ struct _TextEntryPriv
+ {
++	GCompletion         *command_completion;
+ 	GHashTable          *current_text;
+ 	struct session      *session;
+ };
+@@ -69,15 +74,46 @@ text_entry_class_init (TextEntryClass *k
+ 	gobject_class->finalize = text_entry_finalize;
+ }
++/* copied from eel-glib-extensions.c */
++static GList *
++g_list_from_g_slist (GSList *slist)
++	GList *list;
++	GSList *node;
++	list = NULL;
++	for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
++		list = g_list_prepend (list, node->data);
++	}
++	return g_list_reverse (list);
+ static void
+ text_entry_init (TextEntry *entry)
+ {
++	GList *items = NULL;
++	int i;
++	GList *real_command_list;
+ 	g_signal_connect_after (G_OBJECT (entry), "key_press_event",         G_CALLBACK (text_entry_key_press),         NULL);
+ 	g_signal_connect       (G_OBJECT (entry), "activate",                G_CALLBACK (text_entry_activate),          NULL);
+ 	g_signal_connect       (G_OBJECT (entry), "populate-popup",          G_CALLBACK (text_entry_populate_popup),    NULL);
+ 	entry->priv = g_new0 (TextEntryPriv, 1);
++	/* Initialize & populate a GCompletion for commands */
++	entry->priv->command_completion = g_completion_new (NULL);
++	real_command_list = g_list_from_g_slist (command_list);
++	g_completion_add_items (entry->priv->command_completion, real_command_list);
++	g_list_free (real_command_list);
++	for (i = 0; xc_cmds[i].name != NULL; i++) {
++		items = g_list_prepend (items, xc_cmds[i].name);
++	}
++	items = g_list_reverse (items);
++	g_completion_add_items (entry->priv->command_completion, items);
++	g_list_free (items);
+ 	/* Save the current input for each session */
+ 	entry->priv->current_text = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
+@@ -91,6 +127,9 @@ text_entry_finalize (GObject *object)
+ 	entry = TEXT_ENTRY (object);
++	if (entry->priv->command_completion) {
++		g_completion_free (entry->priv->command_completion);
++	}
+ 	if (entry->priv)
+ 	{
+ 		g_free (entry->priv);
+@@ -114,7 +153,7 @@ text_entry_key_press (GtkWidget *widget,
+ 			text_entry_history_up (GTK_ENTRY (widget));
+ 			return TRUE;
+ 		case GDK_KEY_Tab:
+-			return TRUE;
++			return text_entry_tab_complete (GTK_ENTRY (widget));
+ 		default:
+ 			return FALSE;
+ 	}
+@@ -167,6 +206,58 @@ text_entry_history_down (GtkEntry *entry
+ 	}
+ }
++static gboolean
++text_entry_tab_complete (GtkEntry *entry)
++	const char *text;
++	gint cursor_pos;
++	gchar *p;
++	text = gtk_entry_get_text (entry);
++	cursor_pos = gtk_editable_get_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry));
++	if (cursor_pos == 0) {
++		return TRUE;
++	}
++	/* If we're directly after a space, we have nothing to tab complete */
++	p = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, cursor_pos - 1);
++	if (p[0] == ' ') {
++		return TRUE;
++	}
++	/* search from cursor backwards to find /, #, ' ' or start */
++	p = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, cursor_pos);
++	while ((p = g_utf8_find_prev_char (text, p))) {
++		/* check if we can match a channel */
++		/* FIXME: implement
++		if (p[0] == '#') {
++			if (text == p || g_ascii_strcasecmp (g_utf8_prev_char (p), " ") == 0) {
++				tab_complete_channel (entry, g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (text, p));
++				return;
++			}
++		}
++		*/
++		/* check if we can match a command */
++		if (text == p && p[0] == '/') {
++			return tab_complete_command (entry);
++		}
++		/* check if we can match a nickname */
++		if (p[0] == ' ') {
++			return tab_complete_nickname (entry,
++					g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (text, p) + 1);
++		}
++		/* finally try nickname after all preceeding failed */
++		if (text == p) {
++			return tab_complete_nickname (entry, 0);
++		}
++	}
++	return TRUE;
+ static void
+ text_entry_populate_popup (GtkEntry *entry, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer data)
+ {
+@@ -248,6 +339,183 @@ text_entry_populate_popup (GtkEntry *ent
+ 	gtk_widget_show_all (submenu);
+ }
++static gboolean
++tab_complete_command (GtkEntry *entry)
++	TextEntry *text_entry;
++	int cursor, length, pos;
++	char *prefix, *new_prefix = NULL, *printtext, *npt = NULL;
++	const gchar *text;
++	GList *options, *list;
++	text_entry = TEXT_ENTRY (entry);
++	cursor = gtk_editable_get_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry));
++	prefix = g_new0 (char, cursor);
++	text = gtk_entry_get_text (entry);
++	prefix = g_ascii_strup (&text[1], cursor - 1);
++	length = strlen (text);
++	options = g_completion_complete (text_entry->priv->command_completion, prefix, &new_prefix);
++	if (g_list_length (options) == 0) {
++		/* no matches */
++		g_free (prefix);
++		return TRUE;
++	}
++	if (g_list_length (options) == 1) {
++		/* one match */
++		if (length - cursor == 0) {
++			/* at the end of the entry, just insert */
++			npt = g_strdup_printf ("/%s ", (char *) options->data);
++			pos = strlen (npt);
++		} else {
++			npt = g_strdup_printf ("/%s %s", (char *) options->data, &text[cursor]);
++			pos = strlen ((char *) options->data) + 2;
++		}
++		gtk_entry_set_text (entry, npt);
++		gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), pos);
++		g_free (npt);
++		g_free (prefix);
++		g_free (new_prefix);
++		return TRUE;
++	} else {
++		/* more than one match - print a list of options
++		 * to the window and update the prefix
++		 */
++		list = options;
++		printtext = g_strdup ((char *) list->data);
++		for (list = g_list_next (list); list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
++			npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", printtext, (char *) list->data);
++			g_free (printtext);
++			printtext = npt;
++		}
++		conversation_panel_print (CONVERSATION_PANEL (gui.conversation_panel), text_entry->priv->session, printtext, TRUE, time (NULL));
++		g_free (printtext);
++		if (new_prefix && strcasecmp (prefix, new_prefix) != 0) {
++			/* insert the new prefix into the entry */
++			npt = g_strdup_printf ("/%s%s", new_prefix, &text[cursor]);
++			gtk_entry_set_text (entry, npt);
++			g_free (npt);
++			gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), strlen (new_prefix) + 1);
++		}
++		g_free (prefix);
++		g_free (new_prefix);
++		return TRUE;
++	}
++	return TRUE;
++static gboolean
++tab_complete_nickname (GtkEntry *entry, gint start)
++ {
++	GCompletion *completion;
++	int cursor, length;
++	char *text, *at_cursor, *at_start;
++	GList *list;
++	char *printtext, *npt;
++	GList *options;
++	gchar *new_prefix;
++	gchar *prefix;
++	TextEntry *text_entry;
++	completion = userlist_get_completion (u, TEXT_ENTRY (entry)->priv->session);
++	g_completion_set_compare (completion, (GCompletionStrncmpFunc) strncasecmp);
++	text = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (entry));
++	length = g_utf8_strlen (text, -1);
++	cursor = gtk_editable_get_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry));
++	at_start = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, start);
++	at_cursor = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, cursor);
++	text_entry = TEXT_ENTRY (entry);
++	/* pointer arithmetic for byte size allocation */
++	prefix = g_new0 (char, at_cursor - at_start + 1);
++	g_utf8_strncpy (prefix, at_start, cursor - start);
++	options = g_completion_complete_utf8 (completion, prefix, &new_prefix);
++	if (g_list_length (options) == 0) {
++		/* no matches */
++		g_free (text);
++		g_free (prefix);
++		return TRUE;
++	}
++	if (g_list_length (options) == 1) {
++		int pos;
++		/* one match */
++		if (length - cursor == 0) {
++			/* at the end of the entry, just insert */
++			if (start != 0) {
++				gchar *p;
++				p = g_new0 (char, at_start - text + 1);
++				g_utf8_strncpy (p, text, start);
++				npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", p, (char *) options->data);
++				g_free (p);
++				pos = g_utf8_strlen ((char *) options->data, -1) + start;
++			} else {
++				npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s ", (char *) options->data, prefs.nick_suffix);
++				pos = g_utf8_strlen ((char *) options->data, -1) + 2;
++			}
++		} else {
++			/* somewhere in the middle of the entry */
++			if (start != 0) {
++				gchar *p;
++				p = g_new0 (char, at_start - text + 1);
++				g_utf8_strncpy (p, text, start);
++				npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s", p, (char *) options->data, at_cursor);
++				g_free (p);
++				pos = g_utf8_strlen ((char *) options->data, -1) + start;
++			} else {
++				npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s %s", (char *) options->data, prefs.nick_suffix, at_cursor);
++				pos = g_utf8_strlen ((char *) options->data, -1) + 2;
++			}
++		}
++		gtk_entry_set_text (entry, npt);
++		gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), pos);
++		g_free (npt);
++		g_free (text);
++		g_free (prefix);
++		return TRUE;
++	} else {
++		/* more than one match - print a list of options
++		 * to the window and update the prefix
++		 */
++		list = options;
++		printtext = g_strdup ((char *) list->data);
++		for (list = g_list_next (list); list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
++			npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", printtext, (char *) list->data);
++			g_free (printtext);
++			printtext = npt;
++		}
++		conversation_panel_print (CONVERSATION_PANEL (gui.conversation_panel), text_entry->priv->session, printtext, TRUE, time (NULL));
++		g_free (printtext);
++		if (strcasecmp (prefix, new_prefix) != 0) {
++			/* insert the new prefix into the entry */
++			gchar *p;
++			p = g_new0 (char, at_start - text + 1);
++		       	g_utf8_strncpy (p, text, start);
++			npt = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s", p, new_prefix, at_cursor);
++			g_free (p);
++			gtk_entry_set_text (entry, npt);
++			g_free (npt);
++			gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), start + g_utf8_strlen (new_prefix, -1));
++		}
++		g_free (text);
++		g_free (prefix);
++		return TRUE;
++	}
++	return TRUE;
+ static GtkWidget *
+ get_color_icon (int c, GtkStyle *style)
+ {
+Index: xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d/src/fe-gnome/userlist.c
+--- xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d.orig/src/fe-gnome/userlist.c	2013-10-26 21:17:44.062548522 +0200
++++ xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d/src/fe-gnome/userlist.c	2013-10-26 21:17:44.046549053 +0200
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ 	GtkListStore *liststore;
++	GCompletion *completion;
+ 	GList *completion_items;
+ } Store;
+@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ static gboolean
+ destroy_store (session *session, Store *store, gpointer data)
+ {
+ 	g_object_unref (store->liststore);
++	g_completion_free (store->completion);
+ 	g_free (store);
+ 	return TRUE;
+ }
+@@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ create_userlist (Userlist *userlist, ses
+ 	Store *store = g_new (Store, 1);
+ 	store->liststore = gtk_list_store_new (4, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER, GDK_TYPE_COLOR);
++	store->completion = g_completion_new (NULL);
+ 	store->completion_items = NULL;
+ 	g_hash_table_insert (userlist->stores, sess, store);
+@@ -156,6 +159,7 @@ userlist_insert (Userlist *userlist, ses
+ 	gtk_list_store_set (store->liststore, &iter, 0, icon, 1, newuser->nick, 2, newuser, 3, newuser->away ? &colors[40] : NULL, -1);
+ 	item = g_list_append (NULL, newuser->nick);
++	g_completion_add_items (store->completion, item);
+ 	store->completion_items = g_list_concat (store->completion_items, item);
+ 	userlist_set_user_button (userlist, sess);
+@@ -197,6 +201,7 @@ userlist_remove_user (Userlist *userlist
+ 	item = g_list_find_custom (store->completion_items, user->nick, (GCompareFunc) strcmp);
+ 	store->completion_items = g_list_remove_link (store->completion_items, item);
++	g_completion_remove_items (store->completion, item);
+ 	g_list_free (item);
+ 	userlist_set_user_button (userlist, sess);
+@@ -219,11 +224,13 @@ userlist_update (Userlist *userlist, ses
+ 	item = g_list_find_custom (store->completion_items, nick, (GCompareFunc) strcmp);
+ 	store->completion_items = g_list_remove_link (store->completion_items, item);
++	g_completion_remove_items (store->completion, item);
+ 	g_list_free (item);
+ 	gtk_list_store_set (store->liststore, iter, 1, user->nick, 3, user->away ? &colors[40] : NULL, -1);
+ 	item = g_list_append (NULL, user->nick);
++	g_completion_add_items (store->completion, item);
+ 	store->completion_items = g_list_concat (store->completion_items, item);
+ 	g_free (nick);
+@@ -255,6 +262,7 @@ userlist_clear_all (Userlist *userlist,
+ 		store = create_userlist (userlist, sess);
+ 	}
++	g_completion_clear_items (store->completion);
+ 	gtk_list_store_clear (store->liststore);
+ }
+@@ -267,6 +275,7 @@ userlist_erase (Userlist *userlist, sess
+ 	}
+ 	g_object_unref (store->liststore);
++	g_completion_free (store->completion);
+ 	g_free (store);
+ 	g_hash_table_remove (userlist->stores, sess);
+ }
+@@ -281,12 +290,12 @@ userlist_get_store (Userlist *userlist,
+ 	return store->liststore;
+ }
+ userlist_get_completion (Userlist *userlist, session *sess)
+ {
+ 	Store *store = g_hash_table_lookup (userlist->stores, sess);
+ 	g_assert (store != NULL);
+-	return store->completion_items;
++	return store->completion;
+ }
+ void
+Index: xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d/src/fe-gnome/userlist.h
+--- xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d.orig/src/fe-gnome/userlist.h	2013-10-26 21:17:44.062548522 +0200
++++ xchat-gnome-0.30.0~git20131003.d20b8d/src/fe-gnome/userlist.h	2013-10-26 21:17:44.050548923 +0200
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void          userlist_move            (
+ void          userlist_clear_all       (Userlist *userlist, session *sess);
+ void          userlist_erase           (Userlist *userlist, session *sess);
+ GtkListStore* userlist_get_store       (Userlist *userlist, session *sess);
+-GList*        userlist_get_completion  (Userlist *userlist, session *sess);
++GCompletion*  userlist_get_completion  (Userlist *userlist, session *sess);
+ void	      userlist_set_user_button (Userlist *userlist, session *sess);

Modified: packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/series?rev=40121&op=diff
--- packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/series	[utf-8] (original)
+++ packages/unstable/xchat-gnome/debian/patches/series	[utf-8] Sat Oct 26 19:26:38 2013
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

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