[Pkg-gnu-smalltalk-devel] Bug#477312: Log for failed build of gnu-smalltalk_3.1~rc3-3 (dist=experimental)

Philipp Kern pkern at debian.org
Sun Sep 21 14:38:42 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 11:37:07AM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Reduced testcase (reproducing on testdrive):
> Object extend [
>     breakIt: anInteger [
>         <category: 'instance creation'>
>         1 to: anInteger do: [ :each | String new: each ].
>     ]
> ]
> #(4450 2) do: [:each | self breakIt: each].
> Can you confirm? (Just do "./gst foo.st" where foo.st is the above).

root at alkman:/tmp/gnu-smalltalk-3.1~rc3# ./gst foo.st
"Global garbage collection... done, heap grown"
"Global garbage collection... done"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

(gdb) bt full
#0  _gst_mem_free (h=0x6000000000023540, mem=0x2000000010eb0030) at alloc.c:392
        finfo = <value optimized out>
        info = (heap_block *) 0x2000000010eb0000
        lnr = 23
        msz = <value optimized out>
#1  0x20000000000baf00 in _gst_sweep_oop (oop=0x2000000000ddb520) at oop.c:1409
No locals.
#2  0x20000000000be120 in _gst_alloc_old_obj (size=4376,
    p_oop=0x60000fffff002d70) at oop.inl:211
        p_instance = (gst_object) 0x2000000010e90030
#3  0x200000000016a480 in VMpr_Behavior_basicNewColon (id=71,
    numArgs=283705344) at dict.inl:703
        result = <value optimized out>
        arg2 = 4360
        oop1 = (OOP) 0x2000000000dd6640
        oop2 = <value optimized out>
#4  0x2000000000123150 in execute_primitive_operation (
    primitive=<value optimized out>, numArgs=1) at interp.c:2633
        pte = <value optimized out>
#5  0x2000000000143d10 in _gst_send_message_internal (
    sendSelector=<value optimized out>, sendArgs=1,
    receiver=0x2000000000dd6640, method_class=0x2000000000ddcb50)
    at interp-bc.inl:272
        methodOOP = (OOP) 0x2000000000de0620
        methodData = (method_cache_entry *) 0x20000000001ef048
        newContext = <value optimized out>
        header = {intMark = 1, numArgs = 1, stack_depth = 2, numTemps = 0,
  primitiveIndex = 104, isOldSyntax = 0, headerFlag = 4}
#6  0x200000000014b410 in _gst_interpret (processOOP=0x2000000000de2820)
    at vm.def:713
        _receiver = (OOP) 0x2000000000dd6640
        bs = (const struct builtin_selector *) 0x60000000000235f8
        jb = {jmpBuf = {{__jmpbuf = {6917546619810360736, 2305843009220149816,
        0, 2674341018862399, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2369119644424778689, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        -4611686018427376548, 0, 1729153, 6917537823734097224, 0,
        6917546619810360768, 0 <repeats 41 times>, -4611686018427387385, 0,
        2305843009214637072, 2305843009215650864, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
      __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {0 <repeats 16 times>}}}},
  next = 0x0, suspended = 0, interpreter = 1 '\001', interrupted = 0 '\0',
  processOOP = 0x2000000000de2820}
        LOCAL_COUNTER = 8144
        self_cache = (OOP) 0x2000000000dd5000
        temp_cache = (OOP *) 0x2000000010e26838
        lit_cache = (OOP *) 0x2000000011201020
        my_nil_oop = (OOP) 0x2000000000dd5000
        my_true_oop = (OOP) 0x2000000000dd5010
        my_false_oop = (OOP) 0x2000000000dd5020
        ip = (ip_type) 0x2000000010df0668 "b �\001$\001(\0160"
        sp = (OOP *) 0x2000000010e26858
        arg = 32
        b2 = 170 '�'
        arg2 = 32 ' '
        b4 = 36 '$'
        t2 = (void *) 0x2000000000154320
        monitored_byte_codes = {0x2000000000147130 <repeats 256 times>}
        true_byte_codes = {0x200000000015e910 <repeats 42 times>,
  0x2000000000152aa0, 0x2000000000152360, 0x200000000015e910,
  0x200000000015e910, 0x200000000015e910, 0x200000000015e910,
  0x200000000015e910, 0x200000000015e910, 0x200000000015e910,
  0x200000000015e910, 0x200000000015e9a0,
  0x200000000015e910 <repeats 203 times>}
        false_byte_codes = {0x200000000015ea70 <repeats 42 times>,
  0x2000000000152360, 0x2000000000152aa0, 0x200000000015ea70,
  0x200000000015ea70, 0x200000000015ea70, 0x200000000015ea70,
  0x200000000015ea70, 0x200000000015ea70, 0x200000000015ea70,
  0x200000000015ea70, 0x200000000015eb00,
  0x200000000015ea70 <repeats 203 times>}
        normal_byte_codes = {0x20000000001478d0, 0x2000000000147b30,
  0x2000000000147c70, 0x2000000000147dd0, 0x2000000000147f20,

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
 .''`.  Philipp Kern                        Debian Developer
: :' :  http://philkern.de                         Release Assistant
`. `'   xmpp:phil at 0x539.de                         Stable Release Manager
  `-    finger pkern/key at db.debian.org
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