[Pkg-golang-commits] [golang] 04/10: drop godoc-symlinks.diff (godoc moved), archive/tar (upstream)

Michael Stapelberg michael at stapelberg.de
Tue Dec 3 09:00:19 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

stapelberg pushed a commit to branch debian-sid
in repository golang.

commit 8eff52c036b047f3cb59b0b0a9f14d95a9bb53fc
Author: Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 2 17:31:56 2013 +0100

    drop godoc-symlinks.diff (godoc moved), archive/tar (upstream)
 debian/patches/archive-tar-fix-links-and-pax.patch | 550 ---------------------
 debian/patches/godoc-symlinks.diff                 |  27 -
 debian/patches/series                              |   2 -
 3 files changed, 579 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/archive-tar-fix-links-and-pax.patch b/debian/patches/archive-tar-fix-links-and-pax.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d07e47..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/archive-tar-fix-links-and-pax.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-Description: archive/tar: Fix support for long links and improve PAX support.
- The tar/archive code from golang has a problem with linknames with length >
- 100. A pax header is added but the original header still written with a too
- long field length.
- .
- As it is clear that pax support is incomplete I have added missing
- implementation parts.
- .
- This commit contains code from the golang project in the folder tar/archiv.
- .
- The following pax header records are now automatically written:
- .
- - gname)
- - linkpath
- - path
- - uname
- .
- The following fields can be written with PAX, but the default is to use the
- star binary extension.
- .
- - gid  (value > 2097151)
- - size (value > 8589934591)
- - uid (value > 2097151)
- .
- The string fields are written when the value is longer as the field or if the
- string contains a char that is not encodable as 7-bit ASCII value.
- .
- The change was tested against a current ubuntu-cloud image tarball comparing
- the compressed result.
- .
- + added some automated tests for the new functionality.
- .
- Fixes  issue 6056 .
- .
- R=dsymonds
- CC=golang-dev
- https://codereview.appspot.com/12561043
-Author: Marco Hennings <marco.hennings at freiheit.com>
-Last-Update: 2013-08-19
-Forwarded: https://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=0c7e4c45acf8#
-diff --git a/src/pkg/archive/tar/common.go b/src/pkg/archive/tar/common.go
---- a/src/pkg/archive/tar/common.go
-+++ b/src/pkg/archive/tar/common.go
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- package tar
- import (
-+	"bytes"
- 	"errors"
- 	"fmt"
- 	"os"
-@@ -174,6 +175,23 @@
- 	c_ISSOCK = 0140000 // Socket
- )
-+// Keywords for the PAX Extended Header
-+const (
-+	paxAtime    = "atime"
-+	paxCharset  = "charset"
-+	paxComment  = "comment"
-+	paxCtime    = "ctime" // please note that ctime is not a valid pax header.
-+	paxGid      = "gid"
-+	paxGname    = "gname"
-+	paxLinkpath = "linkpath"
-+	paxMtime    = "mtime"
-+	paxPath     = "path"
-+	paxSize     = "size"
-+	paxUid      = "uid"
-+	paxUname    = "uname"
-+	paxNone     = ""
- // FileInfoHeader creates a partially-populated Header from fi.
- // If fi describes a symlink, FileInfoHeader records link as the link target.
- // If fi describes a directory, a slash is appended to the name.
-@@ -257,3 +275,25 @@
- 	b, *sp = s[0:n], s[n:]
- 	return
- }
-+func isASCII(s string) bool {
-+	for _, c := range s {
-+		if c >= 0x80 {
-+			return false
-+		}
-+	}
-+	return true
-+func toASCII(s string) string {
-+	if isASCII(s) {
-+		return s
-+	}
-+	var buf bytes.Buffer
-+	for _, c := range s {
-+		if c < 0x80 {
-+			buf.WriteByte(byte(c))
-+		}
-+	}
-+	return buf.String()
-diff --git a/src/pkg/archive/tar/reader.go b/src/pkg/archive/tar/reader.go
---- a/src/pkg/archive/tar/reader.go
-+++ b/src/pkg/archive/tar/reader.go
-@@ -95,45 +95,45 @@
- func mergePAX(hdr *Header, headers map[string]string) error {
- 	for k, v := range headers {
- 		switch k {
--		case "path":
-+		case paxPath:
- 			hdr.Name = v
--		case "linkpath":
-+		case paxLinkpath:
- 			hdr.Linkname = v
--		case "gname":
-+		case paxGname:
- 			hdr.Gname = v
--		case "uname":
-+		case paxUname:
- 			hdr.Uname = v
--		case "uid":
-+		case paxUid:
- 			uid, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 0)
- 			if err != nil {
- 				return err
- 			}
- 			hdr.Uid = int(uid)
--		case "gid":
-+		case paxGid:
- 			gid, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 0)
- 			if err != nil {
- 				return err
- 			}
- 			hdr.Gid = int(gid)
--		case "atime":
-+		case paxAtime:
- 			t, err := parsePAXTime(v)
- 			if err != nil {
- 				return err
- 			}
- 			hdr.AccessTime = t
--		case "mtime":
-+		case paxMtime:
- 			t, err := parsePAXTime(v)
- 			if err != nil {
- 				return err
- 			}
- 			hdr.ModTime = t
--		case "ctime":
-+		case paxCtime:
- 			t, err := parsePAXTime(v)
- 			if err != nil {
- 				return err
- 			}
- 			hdr.ChangeTime = t
--		case "size":
-+		case paxSize:
- 			size, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 0)
- 			if err != nil {
- 				return err
-diff --git a/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer.go b/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer.go
---- a/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer.go
-+++ b/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer.go
-@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
- 	ErrFieldTooLong    = errors.New("archive/tar: header field too long")
- 	ErrWriteAfterClose = errors.New("archive/tar: write after close")
- 	errNameTooLong     = errors.New("archive/tar: name too long")
-+	errInvalidHeader   = errors.New("archive/tar: header field too long or contains invalid values")
- )
- // A Writer provides sequential writing of a tar archive in POSIX.1 format.
-@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
- 	pad        int64 // amount of padding to write after current file entry
- 	closed     bool
- 	usedBinary bool // whether the binary numeric field extension was used
-+	preferPax  bool // use pax header instead of binary numeric header
- }
- // NewWriter creates a new Writer writing to w.
-@@ -65,16 +67,23 @@
- }
- // Write s into b, terminating it with a NUL if there is room.
--func (tw *Writer) cString(b []byte, s string) {
-+// If the value is too long for the field and allowPax is true add a paxheader record instead
-+func (tw *Writer) cString(b []byte, s string, allowPax bool, paxKeyword string, paxHeaders map[string]string) {
-+	needsPaxHeader := allowPax && len(s) > len(b) || !isASCII(s)
-+	if needsPaxHeader {
-+		paxHeaders[paxKeyword] = s
-+		return
-+	}
- 	if len(s) > len(b) {
- 		if tw.err == nil {
- 			tw.err = ErrFieldTooLong
- 		}
- 		return
- 	}
--	copy(b, s)
--	if len(s) < len(b) {
--		b[len(s)] = 0
-+	ascii := toASCII(s)
-+	copy(b, ascii)
-+	if len(ascii) < len(b) {
-+		b[len(ascii)] = 0
- 	}
- }
-@@ -85,17 +94,27 @@
- 	for len(s)+1 < len(b) {
- 		s = "0" + s
- 	}
--	tw.cString(b, s)
-+	tw.cString(b, s, false, paxNone, nil)
- }
- // Write x into b, either as octal or as binary (GNUtar/star extension).
--func (tw *Writer) numeric(b []byte, x int64) {
-+// If the value is too long for the field and writingPax is enabled both for the field and the add a paxheader record instead
-+func (tw *Writer) numeric(b []byte, x int64, allowPax bool, paxKeyword string, paxHeaders map[string]string) {
- 	// Try octal first.
- 	s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 8)
- 	if len(s) < len(b) {
- 		tw.octal(b, x)
- 		return
- 	}
-+	// If it is too long for octal, and pax is preferred, use a pax header
-+	if allowPax && tw.preferPax {
-+		tw.octal(b, 0)
-+		s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 10)
-+		paxHeaders[paxKeyword] = s
-+		return
-+	}
- 	// Too big: use binary (big-endian).
- 	tw.usedBinary = true
- 	for i := len(b) - 1; x > 0 && i >= 0; i-- {
-@@ -115,6 +134,15 @@
- // WriteHeader calls Flush if it is not the first header.
- // Calling after a Close will return ErrWriteAfterClose.
- func (tw *Writer) WriteHeader(hdr *Header) error {
-+	return tw.writeHeader(hdr, true)
-+// WriteHeader writes hdr and prepares to accept the file's contents.
-+// WriteHeader calls Flush if it is not the first header.
-+// Calling after a Close will return ErrWriteAfterClose.
-+// As this method is called internally by writePax header to allow it to
-+// suppress writing the pax header.
-+func (tw *Writer) writeHeader(hdr *Header, allowPax bool) error {
- 	if tw.closed {
- 		return ErrWriteAfterClose
- 	}
-@@ -124,31 +152,21 @@
- 	if tw.err != nil {
- 		return tw.err
- 	}
--	// Decide whether or not to use PAX extensions
-+	// a map to hold pax header records, if any are needed
-+	paxHeaders := make(map[string]string)
- 	// TODO(shanemhansen): we might want to use PAX headers for
- 	// subsecond time resolution, but for now let's just capture
--	// the long name/long symlink use case.
--	suffix := hdr.Name
--	prefix := ""
--	if len(hdr.Name) > fileNameSize || len(hdr.Linkname) > fileNameSize {
--		var err error
--		prefix, suffix, err = tw.splitUSTARLongName(hdr.Name)
--		// Either we were unable to pack the long name into ustar format
--		// or the link name is too long; use PAX headers.
--		if err == errNameTooLong || len(hdr.Linkname) > fileNameSize {
--			if err := tw.writePAXHeader(hdr); err != nil {
--				return err
--			}
--		} else if err != nil {
--			return err
--		}
--	}
--	tw.nb = int64(hdr.Size)
--	tw.pad = -tw.nb & (blockSize - 1) // blockSize is a power of two
-+	// too long fields or non ascii characters
- 	header := make([]byte, blockSize)
- 	s := slicer(header)
--	tw.cString(s.next(fileNameSize), suffix)
-+	// keep a reference to the filename to allow to overwrite it later if we detect that we can use ustar longnames instead of pax
-+	pathHeaderBytes := s.next(fileNameSize)
-+	tw.cString(pathHeaderBytes, hdr.Name, true, paxPath, paxHeaders)
- 	// Handle out of range ModTime carefully.
- 	var modTime int64
-@@ -156,27 +174,55 @@
- 		modTime = hdr.ModTime.Unix()
- 	}
--	tw.octal(s.next(8), hdr.Mode)          // 100:108
--	tw.numeric(s.next(8), int64(hdr.Uid))  // 108:116
--	tw.numeric(s.next(8), int64(hdr.Gid))  // 116:124
--	tw.numeric(s.next(12), hdr.Size)       // 124:136
--	tw.numeric(s.next(12), modTime)        // 136:148
--	s.next(8)                              // chksum (148:156)
--	s.next(1)[0] = hdr.Typeflag            // 156:157
--	tw.cString(s.next(100), hdr.Linkname)  // linkname (157:257)
--	copy(s.next(8), []byte("ustar\x0000")) // 257:265
--	tw.cString(s.next(32), hdr.Uname)      // 265:297
--	tw.cString(s.next(32), hdr.Gname)      // 297:329
--	tw.numeric(s.next(8), hdr.Devmajor)    // 329:337
--	tw.numeric(s.next(8), hdr.Devminor)    // 337:345
--	tw.cString(s.next(155), prefix)        // 345:500
-+	tw.octal(s.next(8), hdr.Mode)                                   // 100:108
-+	tw.numeric(s.next(8), int64(hdr.Uid), true, paxUid, paxHeaders) // 108:116
-+	tw.numeric(s.next(8), int64(hdr.Gid), true, paxGid, paxHeaders) // 116:124
-+	tw.numeric(s.next(12), hdr.Size, true, paxSize, paxHeaders)     // 124:136
-+	tw.numeric(s.next(12), modTime, false, paxNone, nil)            // 136:148 --- consider using pax for finer granularity
-+	s.next(8)                                                       // chksum (148:156)
-+	s.next(1)[0] = hdr.Typeflag                                     // 156:157
-+	tw.cString(s.next(100), hdr.Linkname, true, paxLinkpath, paxHeaders)
-+	copy(s.next(8), []byte("ustar\x0000"))                        // 257:265
-+	tw.cString(s.next(32), hdr.Uname, true, paxUname, paxHeaders) // 265:297
-+	tw.cString(s.next(32), hdr.Gname, true, paxGname, paxHeaders) // 297:329
-+	tw.numeric(s.next(8), hdr.Devmajor, false, paxNone, nil)      // 329:337
-+	tw.numeric(s.next(8), hdr.Devminor, false, paxNone, nil)      // 337:345
-+	// keep a reference to the prefix to allow to overwrite it later if we detect that we can use ustar longnames instead of pax
-+	prefixHeaderBytes := s.next(155)
-+	tw.cString(prefixHeaderBytes, "", false, paxNone, nil) // 345:500  prefix
- 	// Use the GNU magic instead of POSIX magic if we used any GNU extensions.
- 	if tw.usedBinary {
- 		copy(header[257:265], []byte("ustar  \x00"))
- 	}
--	// Use the ustar magic if we used ustar long names.
--	if len(prefix) > 0 {
--		copy(header[257:265], []byte("ustar\000"))
-+	_, paxPathUsed := paxHeaders[paxPath]
-+	// try to use a ustar header when only the name is too long
-+	if !tw.preferPax && len(paxHeaders) == 1 && paxPathUsed {
-+		suffix := hdr.Name
-+		prefix := ""
-+		if len(hdr.Name) > fileNameSize && isASCII(hdr.Name) {
-+			var err error
-+			prefix, suffix, err = tw.splitUSTARLongName(hdr.Name)
-+			if err == nil {
-+				// ok we can use a ustar long name instead of pax, now correct the fields
-+				// remove the path field from the pax header. this will suppress the pax header
-+				delete(paxHeaders, paxPath)
-+				// update the path fields
-+				tw.cString(pathHeaderBytes, suffix, false, paxNone, nil)
-+				tw.cString(prefixHeaderBytes, prefix, false, paxNone, nil)
-+				// Use the ustar magic if we used ustar long names.
-+				if len(prefix) > 0 {
-+					copy(header[257:265], []byte("ustar\000"))
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
- 	}
- 	// The chksum field is terminated by a NUL and a space.
-@@ -190,8 +236,18 @@
- 		return tw.err
- 	}
-+	if len(paxHeaders) > 0 {
-+		if !allowPax {
-+			return errInvalidHeader
-+		}
-+		if err := tw.writePAXHeader(hdr, paxHeaders); err != nil {
-+			return err
-+		}
-+	}
-+	tw.nb = int64(hdr.Size)
-+	tw.pad = (blockSize - (tw.nb % blockSize)) % blockSize
- 	_, tw.err = tw.w.Write(header)
- 	return tw.err
- }
-@@ -218,7 +274,7 @@
- // writePaxHeader writes an extended pax header to the
- // archive.
--func (tw *Writer) writePAXHeader(hdr *Header) error {
-+func (tw *Writer) writePAXHeader(hdr *Header, paxHeaders map[string]string) error {
- 	// Prepare extended header
- 	ext := new(Header)
- 	ext.Typeflag = TypeXHeader
-@@ -229,18 +285,23 @@
- 	// with the current pid.
- 	pid := os.Getpid()
- 	dir, file := path.Split(hdr.Name)
--	ext.Name = path.Join(dir,
--		fmt.Sprintf("PaxHeaders.%d", pid), file)[0:100]
-+	fullName := path.Join(dir,
-+		fmt.Sprintf("PaxHeaders.%d", pid), file)
-+	ascii := toASCII(fullName)
-+	if len(ascii) > 100 {
-+		ascii = ascii[:100]
-+	}
-+	ext.Name = ascii
- 	// Construct the body
- 	var buf bytes.Buffer
--	if len(hdr.Name) > fileNameSize {
--		fmt.Fprint(&buf, paxHeader("path="+hdr.Name))
-+	for k, v := range paxHeaders {
-+		fmt.Fprint(&buf, paxHeader(k+"="+v))
- 	}
--	if len(hdr.Linkname) > fileNameSize {
--		fmt.Fprint(&buf, paxHeader("linkpath="+hdr.Linkname))
--	}
- 	ext.Size = int64(len(buf.Bytes()))
--	if err := tw.WriteHeader(ext); err != nil {
-+	if err := tw.writeHeader(ext, false); err != nil {
- 		return err
- 	}
- 	if _, err := tw.Write(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
-diff --git a/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer_test.go b/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer_test.go
---- a/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer_test.go
-+++ b/src/pkg/archive/tar/writer_test.go
-@@ -243,15 +243,110 @@
- 	}
- }
-+func TestPaxSymlink(t *testing.T) {
-+	// Create an archive with a large linkname
-+	fileinfo, err := os.Stat("testdata/small.txt")
-+	if err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	hdr, err := FileInfoHeader(fileinfo, "")
-+	hdr.Typeflag = TypeSymlink
-+	if err != nil {
-+		t.Fatalf("os.Stat:1 %v", err)
-+	}
-+	// Force a PAX long linkname to be written
-+	longLinkname := strings.Repeat("1234567890/1234567890", 10)
-+	hdr.Linkname = longLinkname
-+	hdr.Size = 0
-+	var buf bytes.Buffer
-+	writer := NewWriter(&buf)
-+	if err := writer.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	if err := writer.Close(); err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	// Simple test to make sure PAX extensions are in effect
-+	if !bytes.Contains(buf.Bytes(), []byte("PaxHeaders.")) {
-+		t.Fatal("Expected at least one PAX header to be written.")
-+	}
-+	// Test that we can get a long name back out of the archive.
-+	reader := NewReader(&buf)
-+	hdr, err = reader.Next()
-+	if err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	if hdr.Linkname != longLinkname {
-+		t.Fatal("Couldn't recover long link name")
-+	}
-+func TestPaxNonAscii(t *testing.T) {
-+	// Create an archive with non ascii. These should trigger a pax header
-+	// because pax headers have a defined utf-8 encoding.
-+	fileinfo, err := os.Stat("testdata/small.txt")
-+	if err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	hdr, err := FileInfoHeader(fileinfo, "")
-+	if err != nil {
-+		t.Fatalf("os.Stat:1 %v", err)
-+	}
-+	// some sample data
-+	chineseFilename := "文件名"
-+	chineseGroupname := "組"
-+	chineseUsername := "用戶名"
-+	hdr.Name = chineseFilename
-+	hdr.Gname = chineseGroupname
-+	hdr.Uname = chineseUsername
-+	contents := strings.Repeat(" ", int(hdr.Size))
-+	var buf bytes.Buffer
-+	writer := NewWriter(&buf)
-+	if err := writer.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	if _, err = writer.Write([]byte(contents)); err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	if err := writer.Close(); err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	// Simple test to make sure PAX extensions are in effect
-+	if !bytes.Contains(buf.Bytes(), []byte("PaxHeaders.")) {
-+		t.Fatal("Expected at least one PAX header to be written.")
-+	}
-+	// Test that we can get a long name back out of the archive.
-+	reader := NewReader(&buf)
-+	hdr, err = reader.Next()
-+	if err != nil {
-+		t.Fatal(err)
-+	}
-+	if hdr.Name != chineseFilename {
-+		t.Fatal("Couldn't recover unicode name")
-+	}
-+	if hdr.Gname != chineseGroupname {
-+		t.Fatal("Couldn't recover unicode group")
-+	}
-+	if hdr.Uname != chineseUsername {
-+		t.Fatal("Couldn't recover unicode user")
-+	}
- func TestPAXHeader(t *testing.T) {
- 	medName := strings.Repeat("CD", 50)
- 	longName := strings.Repeat("AB", 100)
- 	paxTests := [][2]string{
--		{"name=/etc/hosts", "19 name=/etc/hosts\n"},
-+		{paxPath + "=/etc/hosts", "19 path=/etc/hosts\n"},
- 		{"a=b", "6 a=b\n"},          // Single digit length
- 		{"a=names", "11 a=names\n"}, // Test case involving carries
--		{"name=" + longName, fmt.Sprintf("210 name=%s\n", longName)},
--		{"name=" + medName, fmt.Sprintf("110 name=%s\n", medName)}}
-+		{paxPath + "=" + longName, fmt.Sprintf("210 path=%s\n", longName)},
-+		{paxPath + "=" + medName, fmt.Sprintf("110 path=%s\n", medName)}}
- 	for _, test := range paxTests {
- 		key, expected := test[0], test[1]
diff --git a/debian/patches/godoc-symlinks.diff b/debian/patches/godoc-symlinks.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 2653953..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/godoc-symlinks.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/cmd/godoc/filesystem.go
-+++ b/src/cmd/godoc/filesystem.go
-@@ -121,7 +121,22 @@
- }
- func (root osFS) ReadDir(path string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
--	return ioutil.ReadDir(root.resolve(path)) // is sorted
-+	dirName := root.resolve(path)
-+	fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirName) // is sorted
-+	if err != nil {
-+		return nil, err
-+	}
-+	// Replace symlinks with what they are pointing to
-+	for i, fi := range fis {
-+		if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
-+			fi, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(dirName, fi.Name()))
-+			if err != nil {
-+				return nil, err
-+			}
-+		}
-+		fis[i] = fi
-+	}
-+	return fis, nil
- }
- // hasPathPrefix returns true if x == y or x == y + "/" + more
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index c580eaf..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-golang/golang.git

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