[Pkg-gpm-devel] mouse question

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Mon Nov 7 04:58:15 UTC 2005

[Facundo G]
> I want to know if i can connect two mice in a computer, perhaps the
> hardware connections are a problem, but i wanna know.. any way,
> thanks!

You can only have 1 mouse plugged into a PS/2 port, but if you have a
USB or serial mouse, you can have several of those at one time.  It is
even possible to plug an old bus mouse into an old ISA bus mouse card,
if you have one of those.  (That's a round 8-pin connector, similar to
a PS/2 connector but larger.  However, nobody has made these cards or
mice for almost 10 years.)

To configure this, the simple thing to do is to use a 2.6.x Linux
kernel, because the 2.6 kernel does most of the work for you.  Load the
appropriate kernel modules: first the "mousedev" module for high-level
mouse event multiplexing, then one or more of the following: "sermouse"
for mice plugged into serial ports, "usbhid" for mice plugged into USB
ports or hubs, "psmouse" for a PS/2 mouse.

Then tell gpm, and your X server, to use device "/dev/input/mice".  The
appropriate mouse protocol is called "exps2" by gpm and "ExplorerPS/2"
by the X server - this is true no matter what kinds of mice you
actually have, because the 2.6.x kernel translates the real mouse
protocols for you.

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