[Pkg-gpm-devel] Bug#326644: gpm: modifies conffile?

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Tue Sep 6 16:15:36 UTC 2005

[Justin Pryzby]
> Based on my understanding of the situation, an old version of GPM had
> a conffile, which is now a UCF-handled configuration file, no?  If
> this is correct, I propose that GPM should parse any existing
> conffile, and determine all the values it sets, and store those
> values via debconf.  This should happen in preinst, I think.  Then,
> in the configure stage, it should prompt the user for any unset
> values.  In postinst, it should use UCF to create a _new_
> configuration.

In fact, this is *exactly* what gpm does.
Have you got any other bright ideas?
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