[RFR] templates://gpm/{gpm.templates}
Justin B Rye
jbr at edlug.org.uk
Mon Jun 11 11:44:39 UTC 2007
[Brackets indicate comments without corresponding edits.]
Christian Perrier wrote:
> Please note that I left unchanged the giant template that describes
> various mouse types. This template is way way way too big and I think
> it's irrealistic to include the description for all mouse protocols in
> the template (which is hard to browse with the debconf dialog interface).
[So there needs to be some sort of README.mousetypes it can point to
for fuller details?]
> Template: gpm/device
> Common mouse devices names:
> - PS/2 mouse: /dev/psaux
> - Serial mouse: /dev/ttySx
> - USB mouse: /dev/input/mice
> - Sun mouse: /dev/sunmouse
> - M68k Mac mouse: /dev/mouse
[My machines with PS/2 mice, as opposed to my serial-mouse antiques,
are running them off /dev/input/mice - /dev/psaux is described in
the linux 2.6 kernel-config as a "legacy" device, so shouldn't we be
deprecating it for new installs?]
> Template: gpm/sample_rate
> The sample rate defines how often GPM polls the mouse device for new
> position data. This is often tweaked to make the mouse appear to move
> more smoothly, but should only be changed in rare occasions.
_On_ occasions. But no, wait, it's tweaked often but changed
rarely? How about:
The sample rate defines how often GPM polls the mouse device for new
position data. Tweaking it can make the mouse appear to move more
smoothly, but this option is for experts only.
> Description: General Purpose Mouse interface
> I don't like the general capitalization, but it explains the GPM
> acronym, so keep it. However 'interface' is not part of the acronym.
[I've never grasped why it claims to be an "interface" here rather
than, say, a "daemon"... is GPM an interface *to* the mouse?]
> By default, the daemon uses a 'selection' mode, to allow
> cut-and-paste with the mouse on the console the same way as it is
> done with X.
How about:
By default, the daemon provides a 'selection' mode, so that cut-and-paste
with the mouse works on the console just as it does under X.
[Meanwhile libgpmg1 and libgpmg1-dev have different short
descriptions, but identical long versions. Is it really true that
libgpmg1-dev "provides a library that handles mouse requests and
delivers them to applications"?]
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)
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--- ../gpm.old/debian/gpm.templates 2007-06-05 15:36:49.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/gpm.templates 2007-06-11 01:43:47.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
Template: gpm/restart
Type: boolean
Default: false
-_Description: Do you want to start or restart GPM while X is running?
+_Description: Do you want to (re)start GPM while X is running?
Usually, GPM should be started or restarted when it is installed or
- upgraded. But when X is running and trying to use the same mouse
+ upgraded. However, when X is running and trying to use the same mouse
device, this can sometimes cause a problem with the X mouse cursor.
Switching to the console and then back to X will usually fix it.
Template: gpm/device
Type: string
-_Description: Which mouse device should gpm use?
- Where is your mouse device? If you have a regular PS/2 mouse, you probably
- want /dev/psaux. If you have a serial mouse, it may be something like
- /dev/ttyS0. If you have a usb mouse (make sure you have the modules
- loaded), it's /dev/input/mice. If you're on a Sun machine, it's probably
- /dev/sunmouse. If you're on an 68k Macintosh, it's probably /dev/mouse.
+_Description: Mouse device for GPM:
+ Please enter the mouse device name.
+ .
+ Common mouse devices names:
+ - PS/2 mouse: /dev/psaux
+ - Serial mouse: /dev/ttySx
+ - USB mouse: /dev/input/mice
+ - Sun mouse: /dev/sunmouse
+ - M68k Mac mouse: /dev/mouse
Template: gpm/type
Type: string
-_Description: What type is your mouse?
+_Description: Mouse type:
Available mouse types are:
Name Description
@@ -77,15 +80,15 @@
Template: gpm/responsiveness
Type: string
-_Description: How responsive should the mouse be?
- Responsiveness defines the how often the cursor responds to mouse movement, and
- is expressed as a number here. If your mouse seems to move too slowly, try
- setting this to 15.
+_Description: Mouse responsiveness:
+ The responsiveness defines how often the cursor responds to mouse
+ movement, and is expressed as a number. If the mouse seems to
+ move too slowly, try setting this to 15.
Template: gpm/repeat_type
Type: string
Default: ms3
-_Description: What protocol should be used to repeat mouse events?
+_Description: Protocol to use for repeating mouse events:
GPM can act as a repeater via /dev/gpmdata, and give both GPM and X access
to the mouse data in configurations where it would otherwise only be available
to only X or GPM.
@@ -94,13 +97,12 @@
Template: gpm/sample_rate
Type: string
-_Description: What should the sample rate for the mouse be?
- The sample rate defines how often GPM polls the mouse device for new position
- data. This is often tweaked to make the mouse appear to move more smoothly, but
- it should not be changed unless you really know what you are doing.
+_Description: Mouse sample rate:
+ The sample rate defines how often GPM polls the mouse device for new
+ position data. Tweaking it can make the mouse appear to move more
+ smoothly, but this option is for experts only.
Template: gpm/append
Type: string
-_Description: Additional arguments to GPM
- If you need any additional arguments to make GPM work for your
- environment, add them here.
+_Description: Additional arguments for the GPM daemon:
+ Please mention any additional arguments to use with the GPM daemon.
--- ../gpm.old/debian/control 2007-06-05 15:36:49.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/control 2007-06-11 01:45:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -12,13 +12,12 @@
Section: misc
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, debianutils (>= 1.7), ucf (>= 0.28), lsb-base
-Description: General Purpose Mouse Interface
+Description: General Purpose Mouse interface
This package provides a daemon that captures mouse events when the system
console is active, and delivers events to applications through a library.
- The default when no application is running is to emulate "selection", that
- is, to allow cut-and-paste with the mouse on the console the same way as
- it is done under X.
+ By default, the daemon provides a 'selection' mode, so that cut-and-paste
+ with the mouse works on the console just as it does under X.
Package: libgpmg1
Priority: standard
-------------- next part --------------
Template: gpm/restart
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to (re)start GPM while X is running?
Usually, GPM should be started or restarted when it is installed or
upgraded. However, when X is running and trying to use the same mouse
device, this can sometimes cause a problem with the X mouse cursor.
Switching to the console and then back to X will usually fix it.
Template: gpm/device
Type: string
_Description: Mouse device for GPM:
Please enter the mouse device name.
Common mouse devices names:
- PS/2 mouse: /dev/psaux
- Serial mouse: /dev/ttySx
- USB mouse: /dev/input/mice
- Sun mouse: /dev/sunmouse
- M68k Mac mouse: /dev/mouse
Template: gpm/type
Type: string
_Description: Mouse type:
Available mouse types are:
Name Description
PS/2 mice: round 6-pin connector
autops2 Most PS/2 mice; specific protocol will be auto-detected.
Also use this for USB and ADB mice.
ps2 Standard PS/2 mice, 2 or 3 buttons
imps2 Microsoft IntelliMouse and compatibles; PS/2 mice with
3 buttons and a scroll wheel
exps2 Newer Microsoft IntelliMouse and compatible, may have
more than 3 buttons. Most newer PS/2 mice are this type.
synps2 Synaptics PS/2 TouchPad, found on many laptops
netmouse Genius NetMouse, 2 normal buttons plus an "Up/Down" button
fups2 Same as "ps2" but may be needed for certain broken
mice or KVM switches
fuimps2 Same as "imps2" but may be needed for certain broken
mice or KVM switches
Serial mice: 9-pin or 25-pin serial connector
msc The MouseSystems protocol. Most 3-button serial mice.
mman The MouseMan protocol used by newer Logitech serial mice
ms3 Microsoft IntelliMouse, 3 buttons plus scroll wheel
ms Microsoft serial mice, 2 or 3 buttons, no wheel
ms+ Like 'ms', but allows dragging with the middle button
ms+lr 'ms+', but you can reset m by pressing lr (see man page)
pnp Microsoft's "plug and play" serial mouse standard
bare 2-button Microsoft serial mice. Use this one if the 'ms'
protocol seems to produce spurious middle-button events.
mm MM series. Probably an old protocol.
logi Old serial Logitech mice
logim Old Logitech serial mice in MouseSystems mode (3 buttons)
syn Synaptics TouchPad, serial version
brw Fellowes Browser - 4 buttons and a wheel
Other mice
bm Some Microsoft and Logitech bus mice: 8-pin round connector
vsxxxaa The DEC VSXXX-AA/GA serial mouse on DEC workstations
sun Sparc mice
js Mouse emulation with a joystick
cal Calcomp UltraSlate in absolute mode
calr Calcomp UltraSlate in relative mode
twid Handykey Twiddler keyboard
ncr Ncr3125pen, found on some laptops
wacom Wacom Protocol IV Tablets: Pen+Mouse,
relative+absolute mode
genitizer Genitizer tablet, in relative mode
summa Summa/Genius tablet in absolute mode
mtouch MicroTouch touch-screens (only button-1 events reported)
gunze Gunze touch-screens (only button-1 events reported)
acecad Acecad tablet in absolute mode (Sumagrapics MM-Series mode)
wp Genius WizardPad tablet
Template: gpm/responsiveness
Type: string
_Description: Mouse responsiveness:
The responsiveness defines how often the cursor responds to mouse
movement, and is expressed as a number. If the mouse seems to
move too slowly, try setting this to 15.
Template: gpm/repeat_type
Type: string
Default: ms3
_Description: Protocol to use for repeating mouse events:
GPM can act as a repeater via /dev/gpmdata, and give both GPM and X access
to the mouse data in configurations where it would otherwise only be available
to only X or GPM.
Enter 'none' to turn repeating off.
Template: gpm/sample_rate
Type: string
_Description: Mouse sample rate:
The sample rate defines how often GPM polls the mouse device for new
position data. Tweaking it can make the mouse appear to move more
smoothly, but this option is for experts only.
Template: gpm/append
Type: string
_Description: Additional arguments for the GPM daemon:
Please mention any additional arguments to use with the GPM daemon.
-------------- next part --------------
Source: gpm
Maintainer: Debian GPM Team <pkg-gpm-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Guillem Jover <guillem at debian.org>, Peter Samuelson <peter at p12n.org>
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Build-Depends: autoconf, debhelper (>= 5), dbs, bzip2, mawk | awk, bison,
tetex-bin, texinfo
Package: gpm
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, debianutils (>= 1.7), ucf (>= 0.28), lsb-base
Description: General Purpose Mouse interface
This package provides a daemon that captures mouse events when the system
console is active, and delivers events to applications through a library.
By default, the daemon provides a 'selection' mode, so that cut-and-paste
with the mouse works on the console just as it does under X.
Package: libgpmg1
Priority: standard
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Suggests: gpm
Conflicts: libgpm1 (<< 1.12-3)
Description: General Purpose Mouse - shared library
This package provides a library that handles mouse requests
and delivers them to applications. See the description for the 'gpm'
package for more information.
Package: libgpmg1-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Depends: libgpmg1 (= ${Source-Version}), libc6-dev | libc-dev
Replaces: libgpm1 (<< 1.12-3)
Description: General Purpose Mouse - development files
This package provides a library that handles mouse requests
and delivers them to applications. See the description for the 'gpm'
package for more information.
More information about the pkg-gpm-devel
mailing list