Bug#475454: marked as done (gpm: missing LSB dependency in initscript)

Peter Eisentraut petere at debian.org
Tue May 27 12:34:32 UTC 2008

Guillem Jover wrote:
> Hmmm, not wanting to sound rude but, there was no anouncement for this
> NMU,

That is the idea behind the 0-day NMU policy.

> the change was trivial and we could have uploaded this ourselves, 

But you didn't.  And the bug is not trivial in its effects, as it prevents the 
dependency-based init script ordering to work properly, and gpm is a fairly 
common package.

> but I don't really see the point in that or this NMU, given that the
> packages has an RC bug which will prevent it to migrate to testing
> anyway.

That is not correct as far as I can tell.  The package will migrate just fine 
if nothing else happens.

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